#robotics Logs

Dec 23 2015

#robotics Calendar

06:04 veverak there is this chance
06:04 veverak that I now killed my uploader into arduinos
06:04 veverak daaaaaamn
06:08 veverak fuuu
06:08 veverak bad port in arduino ide ;)
07:17 deshipu you mean the usb2ttl?
07:19 veverak or bad borad selected
07:19 veverak *board
07:19 veverak deshipu: yeah, thought it was gone
07:19 veverak but just picket "mini" instead "mini pro"
07:19 deshipu I have like a dozen of different usb2ttls
07:20 deshipu some came with some boards
07:20 verak got 1
07:20 veverak :)
07:20 deshipu you can always use an arduino
07:20 deshipu I mean uno
07:20 deshipu remove the chip and connect the tx and rx pins
07:20 deshipu or use rpi
07:25 veverak I see
09:44 robotustra morning
09:46 Casper o/
15:09 deshipu if anybody uses the hobbyking sub-micro servos
15:09 deshipu those 3.7V ones
15:10 deshipu do yourself a favor and put a drop of glue where the wires come out before you start using them
15:10 deshipu because the insulation tends to come off and short them
15:10 deshipu and release the blue smoke from whatever you were building
15:13 veverak ouch
15:14 deshipu you could actually do that with all your servos
15:14 deshipu just in case
15:32 Snert_ does anyone think that a triangle shape would make for a better vacuum bot instead of round?
15:32 Snert_ I do.
15:33 robotustra neato is not round
15:33 robotustra half square half round
15:33 deshipu Snert_: then it can catch on obstacles
15:34 deshipu Snert_: while turning
15:34 deshipu Snert_: in particular, it can enter a narrow space and be unable to turn to leave it
15:34 Snert_ ahh good point.
15:34 Snert_ looks like neato is a good compromise
15:36 Snert_ but the app...looks well nigh onto useless.
15:37 deshipu all apps are useless
15:37 deshipu that's their function
15:37 Snert_ oh look! we have one too! ... yep.
15:40 robotustra your talks remines me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d4RtvMQp10
15:41 robotustra remindes*
15:43 deshipu reminds
15:51 robotustra correct
15:58 theBear there's way more than one tool here :-) OOH, that's a exclamation, not a l <cheeky grin>
15:58 deshipu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDZu04v7_hc
15:59 deshipu if you haven't seen it yet
16:00 jhylands that's pretty funny
16:01 robotustra a year later they install machine guns on them
16:01 deshipu death rays
16:01 robotustra that will be fun
16:02 robotustra and send to some country
16:04 deshipu throw em out of airplanes
16:04 deshipu for freedom!
16:04 deshipu so I got the body for this https://hackaday.io/project/8521-katka
16:05 deshipu now "only" programming
16:05 deshipu I kinda wonder whether I should adapt my gait code from arduino, or just make simple code that takes servo positions over wifi and program it in python on the computer :/
16:06 robotustra deshipu: you robot is too small, how are you going to put machine gun on it?
16:07 deshipu robotustra: they are going to swarm over you and cut you to pieces with tiny lasers
16:08 veverak just use knifes
16:08 robotustra or jump over and bite me to death
16:08 verak hates guns and s
16:08 deshipu knives
16:08 veverak why we can't just use proper weapons, like swords?
16:08 veverak :/
16:09 deshipu veverak: swords are not proper, they are made out of metal, which is silly
16:10 deshipu it gets blunt and all that
16:10 deshipu proper weapons are made out of flint
16:11 jhylands you guys should read "Kill Decision" by Daniel Suarez
16:11 jhylands http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0073XV2W2?redirect=true&ref_=kinw_myk_ro_title
16:11 deshipu jhylands: is it distopian?
16:11 jhylands no
16:11 jhylands its about killer drones
16:11 jhylands UAVs
16:11 deshipu :(
16:11 veverak :D
16:12 robotustra kill decision is only for muricans
16:12 robotustra robots has no ethics
16:13 deshipu actually it might be useful to implement ethics in swarm robots
16:13 deshipu not human ethics, of course
16:13 jhylands the ones in Kill Decision were programmed like Weaver Ants
16:13 deshipu I've recently read a fascinating paper about one possible way ethics might have evolved in humans
16:14 deshipu as a method for bystanders to decide which side to take in a conflict
16:14 deshipu jhylands: I didn't know you could program weaver ants ;)
16:14 jhylands haha
16:14 jhylands programmed to act like...
16:14 robotustra humans do not know about "not human" ethics anything
16:15 deshipu that paper explains so mucj
16:15 deshipu so much
16:15 deshipu like why it's the behavior that counts, not the outcome, for instance
16:15 robotustra why do you think that author is right?
16:15 robotustra it's just his humble opinion
16:15 deshipu I don't think that author is right, I'm fascinated with a new point of view on the problem
16:16 robotustra explain
16:16 deshipu I think in models, not in words
16:16 deshipu as many people on this side of the autistic spectrum do
16:16 deshipu and many engineers, etc.
16:17 deshipu so understanding something usually involves building a mental model of it
16:18 deshipu the approach this paper presents provides a framework for which I can build a mental model of human ethics that is more accurate in many cases than the models I've built so far
16:18 deshipu so I'm happy to have a new tool
16:19 deshipu of course I am well aware that all the models I build are inaccurate
16:21 veverak deshipu: you miss one point
16:21 veverak link to the paper
16:21 veverak :)
16:21 deshipu veverak: ah, let me dig that up
16:32 deshipu veverak: http://marschak.ucla.edu/sites/default/files/general/Kurzban_sample.pdf
16:34 veverak thanks
17:14 akem hello
17:27 anonnumberanon https://i.imgur.com/Z12nggs.jpg
17:27 akem deshipu are you just a hobbyist or are you working in the robotics/electronics?
17:27 anonnumberanon man this guy's robot is pretty cool....
17:29 deshipu akem: hobbyist, started ~2 years ago
17:29 anonnumberanon akem, he is a programmer by day
17:29 anonnumberanon which REALLY helps
17:29 akem ok
17:29 deshipu but that's high-level programming
17:30 deshipu which is very different
17:30 anonnumberanon You still make things happen that's what counts ;)
17:32 akem anonnumberanon looks like he has only 1 side axis top level of the legs
17:33 akem or maybe 1 behind not visible
17:34 akem 3d printing biped fighting robot would be fun, like a kit
17:36 akem pokemon robot pikachu, if he is biped enough :)
17:36 deshipu https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/1081611450906084702.jpg <-- current status
17:37 deshipu got all 8 servos to move
17:38 anonnumberanon akem, yeah that's enough to make it walk just as good as the Dr Guero robot
17:38 akem white is white so very much
17:38 Garak what size servos are those?
17:38 deshipu Garak: sub-micro
17:38 deshipu Garak: 3g
17:38 Garak very tiny
17:39 deshipu the smallest I could find
17:39 deshipu they use them in park flyers
17:39 Garak I think I have some 2g linear servos
17:39 Garak but they are very weak
17:39 deshipu yeah, but linear would be too hard to use mechanically
17:39 akem deshipu what board? you added the female slots?
17:39 deshipu akem: esp8266 with my custom breakout board for the servos
17:40 deshipu https://hackaday.io/project/8521-katka <-- here is the project page
17:40 Garak that is a pretty neat combo
17:42 Garak I could do something similar with the parts I have on hand, I'd go with 9g servos and use one of my atmega32u4 flight control boards and use a esp8266 for wireless
17:42 deshipu sounds good
17:42 deshipu with atmega you could even do 3dof per leg
17:43 Garak I don't know if the over all weight might become an issue with 3 servos per leg
17:43 deshipu and still have some pins left for sensors
17:43 Garak then again the smallest battery I have is around 100g
17:43 deshipu Garak: the 9g servos are pretty strong
17:44 deshipu Garak: I have a bunch of robots like that
17:45 Garak I remember years ago wanting to build robots like this but servos and micros were so expensive at the time, now I have drawers full of them
17:45 deshipu Garak: https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/5236311441371158507.jpg
17:45 deshipu that's with sg92r for the middle joints, though
17:45 akem deshipu you ever played with micro/nano step motors?
17:46 deshipu akem: no, I have a box of tiny stepmotors to try, but never had the time
17:46 Garak that is pretty cool
17:46 deshipu akem: they need 4 wires each, which is a bit problematic
17:48 shipu -->
17:48 deshipu good night good people
17:51 akem bye
18:00 robotustra_ good night
18:00 robotustra_ is there any kinder surprise?
18:00 robotustra_ in america?
18:00 robotustra_ I think no?
18:02 akem maybe in japan
18:02 akem pokeballs of the dragon
18:18 robotustra_ got chinise DC-DC converter with chinise instructoin, try to find out what is the yellow wire mean
18:32 SpeedEvil how many wires?
18:33 robotustra_ 3
18:33 robotustra_ 3 input, 3 output
18:33 robotustra_ red yellow black
18:33 SpeedEvil Odd
18:33 robotustra_ red and black is evident
18:33 SpeedEvil you mean 6 wires total?
18:34 robotustra_ yeah
18:34 SpeedEvil where from
18:34 robotustra_ 2 wires input, 2 output
18:34 robotustra_ and yellow is look like controlling
18:34 robotustra_ switch on off
18:34 SpeedEvil It would not generally be on both sides
18:34 robotustra_ but no idea how to use it
18:35 robotustra_ it is, I disassembled it and it goes to relays
18:35 robotustra_ there are 2 relays inside
18:35 robotustra_ most probably it could be turned on/off from both sides
18:36 Jak_o_Shadows What IS it?
18:36 robotustra_ but I'm not sure what levels are to turn on
18:36 robotustra_ http://www.fwaeh.com/pro/?l=s_0_30_2_0
18:37 robotustra_ http://www.ebay.com/itm/380763090526?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
18:38 robotustra_ as soon as I trianslated one chinise symbol meaning "enable"
18:40 robotustra_ If I understand correctly it means REM - Remote turn-on
18:40 robotustra_ and 2 yellow are soldered to 2 different places
18:41 Jak_o_Shadows But why do you want to go from 23-30 -> 12? Especially in a car. I thought cars would be more 12V
18:42 robotustra_ because my robot will be powered from 24V lifepo
18:43 robotustra_ and actualy it could be from 23 to 28 V
18:43 robotustra_ I need stable 12-15 Volts to feed all stuff
18:45 Jak_o_Shadows ah, yes.
20:31 robotustra_ ok, got what is the meaning of these yellow wires
21:06 Casper atleast they ain't red
21:07 Jak_o_Shadows argh.
21:07 Jak_o_Shadows Slicer isn't sane, and now i've lost the config settings
21:09 robotustra_ Jak_o_Shadows: do not save backup config?
21:09 Jak_o_Shadows I backed up the slicer folder, and C:\Users\myuser
21:10 Jak_o_Shadows would've thought that would be enough
21:24 Jak_o_Shadows This guy is going to have balance issures, but I like the feet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR09mLrv2mo
21:29 robotustra_ yeah, too much aluminum
21:33 Jak_o_Shadows do quite like the feet though
21:38 Jak_o_Shadows I also like having the knee and waist servos on the same leg
21:38 robotustra_ two knees
21:39 Jak_o_Shadows oh, indeed.
21:39 robotustra_ have to make discharger of battery tomorrow
21:39 robotustra_ to measure the capacity
22:55 rue_house I made a nice digital one
23:10 Casper robotustra: need to make one too...