#robotics Logs

Dec 22 2015

#robotics Calendar

06:48 SpeedEvil :)
06:49 Snert took several tries like anything else but Elon must be very happy today.
06:49 Snert I bet they're tearing that thing down and inspecting every single rivet.
09:04 knob Snert, it was good news. Making progress.
09:04 knob Good thing for those private companies... government was dormant
09:06 Snert those ppl @ spacex really know how to party!
09:06 Snert I wanna work there.
09:07 knob It would be very nice to work there...
09:07 knob Or another one of the companies creating the future
09:09 anonnumberanon "Your career is a landed Falcon 9 not certified for re-flight!"
09:10 anonnumberanon BUUUUURN
09:31 Snert Design Goal: Produce a non-flyable rocket, complete with burn marks.
09:32 Snert and they did an excellent job of it
09:32 veverak hi folks
09:32 veverak deshipu: is there a way to make new branch in your project?
09:32 verak tried to upgrade the "i2c-slave" code a
09:33 veverak it compiles, not tested in practice though
09:33 deshipu veverak: sure, just make a new branch
09:33 veverak deshipu: I made new branch localy
09:33 veverak tried to push it with "push --new-branch"
09:33 veverak but authorization fails :/
09:33 veverak so, it's 100% bad password? :)
09:48 veverak omfg
09:48 verak failed with using mer
09:48 veverak nah
09:49 veverak deshipu: https://bitbucket.org/veverak/tote/src/e547274be21b3e2b0a157c5ee6102c9329a2ccc0/slave/?at=universal-slave tried to play a bith with "slave" code
10:21 anonnumberanon How can I contact the guy behind this: https://github.com/maniacbug ?
10:22 jhylands normally, you create an issue against a specific repo
10:22 jhylands https://github.com/maniacbug/RF24/issues
10:23 jhylands (for example)
10:23 anonnumberanon Just to ask him a question?
10:23 anonnumberanon Do I need a github account?
10:23 jhylands hmm
10:23 jhylands according to him, that library is no longer maintained
10:23 jhylands is that the one you're trying to use?
10:23 jhylands RF24?
10:24 anonnumberanon Apparently the new maintained library version is this: https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24
10:24 jhylands yeah
10:24 jhylands so I would use that, because if you get in touch with him he'll probably just refer you
10:24 anonnumberanon Yes I'm using it but it's not set up for synchronous use, or at least I don't know how to use it that way.
10:25 anonnumberanon I need to be using the module within 2 milliseconds. Start and stop, not "constantly running in the background".
10:25 anonnumberanon Do I need an account on Github to submit an issue?
10:26 jhylands yes
10:26 onnumberanon finally gets a Github accoun
10:29 robotustra https://media.giphy.com/media/xTk9ZEWdy22PsEeEkU/giphy-downsized-large.gif
10:44 anonnumberanon damn i need a good github name
10:47 robotustra controlfreak?
10:48 robotustra my_repo_storage ?
10:51 deshipu too late, there was an official announcement, all good names are already taken
10:52 deshipu you have to use your aunt's maiden name
10:52 robotustra there are only 2 works available
10:52 robotustra words*
10:53 anonnumberanon okay it will be MobileSuitTech
10:53 robotustra too short
10:53 anonnumberanon too late
10:53 robotustra ha ha ha
10:53 anonnumberanon lol
11:11 veverak deshipu: 'tried to play' = one code for i2c/serial slave and I can trim now :)
11:12 veverak but it means that I had to mod the communication a bit
11:12 veverak (first bite is command)
11:55 deshipu veverak: I think you should just send 12 integers with the pulse width
11:55 deshipu veverak: and do trimming on the other side
11:56 deshipu veverak: also, send all positions as one write
12:19 veverak hmm
12:20 veverak yeah, was thinking about that
12:20 veverak (just sending pulse width, without reverse/assignment to pin/trim)
12:20 veverak deshipu: but actually not sure if it's better to send all posiitons as one write or pin/write
12:29 veverak deshipu: one noticable change into your code: use map() to put something from one range to another
12:29 veverak like from -pi/2,pi/2 range to MIN_PULSE_WIDTH,MAX_PULSE_WIDTH
12:29 veverak range
12:29 veverak ;)
12:32 deshipu meh
13:03 jhylands deshipu, I just created an ObjectExplorer in python3
13:03 jhylands got tired of not being able to see what objects look like
13:03 jhylands https://github.com/JonHylands/roz/blob/master/ObjectExplorer.py
13:04 jhylands its very simple, and no guarantee it works on everything
13:28 deshipu you know about help(), right?
13:29 deshipu btw, you probably want to use ABCs
13:29 deshipu also, isinstance instead of type()
13:32 deshipu I'm currently struggling with a piece of AVR C
13:32 Hyratel https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWzUJbpUkAEBOtD.jpg:orig X marks The Spot
13:33 deshipu for the keyboard
13:33 deshipu Hyratel: https://xkcd.com/685/ ?
13:35 jhylands deshipu, the problem with help is it shows info about the class, and not really about the instance
13:36 jhylands Here's what mine looks like: http://puu.sh/m536T/8e2b623010.png
13:36 anonnumberanon hey what is this project explorer jhylands?
13:37 jhylands its a simple thing I just wrote to inspect python objects
13:37 anonnumberanon ahh
13:37 anonnumberanon so like data type things?
13:38 anonnumberanon i basically parses the library?
13:38 jhylands well, you can dive into the object's structure, look at sub-parts
13:38 jhylands no, not code
13:38 jhylands data
13:38 jhylands objects
13:38 anonnumberanon deshipu post ur struggle
13:38 deshipu anonnumberanon: it's kinda specific
13:39 anonnumberanon okay
13:39 jhylands deshipu, not sure how ABC's would help this
13:39 anonnumberanon thats usually more interesting than blanket software :)
13:40 robotustra hmm... ordered lifepo4 batteries
13:41 robotustra hope they will work good
13:41 deshipu so I'm making a keyboard using atmega32u4 board, and I'm using the tmk_keyboard firmware for it, with this code: https://github.com/deshipu/tmk_keyboard/blob/master/keyboard/alpenc/matrix.c
13:41 deshipu but for some reason the keys from row > 10 don't register
13:42 deshipu I know that electrically keyboard is good, because if I swap the row numbering, it works
13:42 deshipu it's as if the row loop never reaches there
13:44 robotustra deshipu: is it a problem for you?
13:44 robotustra deshipu: do you want to talk about this?
13:45 deshipu it's probably some missing comma somewhere or something
13:45 shipu stares at the
13:48 robotustra MATRIX_ROWS - where is it defined?
13:48 robotustra it's 17
13:48 deshipu that's correct
13:48 deshipu it's in config.h
13:49 deshipu 6 columns, 17 rows (I have the layout rotated 90°)
13:52 robotustra try to remove _delay_us(30)
13:52 robotustra line 75
13:53 robotustra or make it smaller
13:54 deshipu no joy
13:55 adam789654123 joy to the world
13:57 deshipu glad tiding of comfort and joy
13:58 adam789654123 i do the humpty humpty
13:58 adam789654123 oh.... wrong song
13:58 adam789654123 sorry
13:59 adam789654123 correction: i do the humpty hump
13:59 adam789654123 im a stickler sometimes
14:02 deshipu this is stupid, why 10?
14:02 shipu tries to write the case labels in hex just in
14:04 robotustra rewrite it as if-else condition
14:04 robotustra or do reverse from 16 to 0 in the loops
14:05 robotustra for (i=MATIRIX_ROW-1; i>=0; i--)
14:06 deshipu hmm, with reversed loop nothing works
14:07 robotustra if you find out why - most probably you'll find your initial bug
14:08 deshipu obviously
14:08 robotustra I would replase switch condition to if-else
14:08 deshipu thanks
14:09 robotustra if (){} else if (){} else if ....
14:10 deshipu yeah, doesn't help either
14:10 adam789654123 what are you trying to debug?
14:10 adam789654123 deshipu?
14:10 robotustra deshipu: it means that the problem is not her
14:10 robotustra e
14:11 robotustra did you remove 30 ms delay?
14:11 robotustra why do you need this delay in the polling loop?
14:13 deshipu robotustra: it was there in the original software, I think it's for the pin value to stabilize
14:13 deshipu robotustra: after switching the pin from high Z to low
14:14 deshipu lots of cables, may have some capacitance
14:14 robotustra try it
14:14 deshipu I did
14:14 deshipu no change
14:14 robotustra hm
14:14 deshipu I suspect it's actually something completely different
14:14 deshipu like some buffer overrun somewhere overwriting it
14:15 deshipu hmm, I will add blinking a le
14:15 deshipu a led
14:15 robotustra probably, where is the main file?
14:18 deshipu robotustra: tmk_core/protocol/pjrc/main.c
14:19 deshipu however, it works for other keyboard, as well with my previous keyboard
14:19 deshipu so I doubt the bug is in the actual firmware
14:19 robotustra so, check the hardware
14:21 deshipu if I swap rows with working ones, they work
14:23 robotustra may be you partially burned ports?
14:23 robotustra just do raw output of pins to usart
14:24 robotustra press key and see if you register keypresses
14:32 deshipu the keypresses register
14:32 deshipu I added code to light up a led when a keypress is registered
14:32 robotustra ok
14:33 deshipu so for some reason it just doesn't send them...
14:33 shipu looks at his keymap defini
14:33 robotustra print the content of all your registers on keypress
14:46 anonnumberanon yeah...
14:47 anonnumberanon maybe debounce is not called for that range?
14:58 akem hey
15:05 adam789654123 hello
15:06 adam789654123 deshipu: if you are dealing with keyboard firmware, keyboards have all kinds of quirks
15:08 adam789654123 ive looked into this is the past, and its not even close to as straight forward as i would have thought
15:08 adam789654123 each company seemed to have devoloped quirks in the way their keyboard interfaced, and we still have all these competing legacies
15:11 deshipu I changed the build options to include some debug -- didn't help me much, so I changed them back and now suddenly it's all working O.o
15:12 adam789654123 so chances are, if you even start having funny dreams, it will all come crashing down
15:12 adam789654123 :p
15:12 adam789654123 gl
15:12 deshipu thisisnotfunnyXx
15:13 adam789654123 ive played with this in the past, and my solution was to find hardware that happened to work with the firmware
15:13 adam789654123 unless you are a driver developer, this is probably what you are restricted to
15:19 deshipu adam789654123: I made the hardware, and I'm using software made for it
15:20 deshipu it all works now
15:20 veverak /buffer GabiMagdaKristova
15:20 veverak fuuuuu
15:20 veverak :D
15:20 deshipu seems that some file didn't get recompiled
15:20 deshipu and it had the old value of that macro
15:21 adam789654123 oh.... well thats never a good thing
15:21 adam789654123 glad you got it working
15:21 Snert_ Iwow, that reverse takeoff of the falcon 9 was kool!
16:52 anonnumberanon Thank you Snert we are working hard to achieve these quality results for you, our cherished customer, and make extra-terreatrial colonization easier for your business!
16:55 deshipu and kill all humans
17:05 Snert_ I think we have quite a ways to go before our robots take over our homes in said fashion.
17:06 Snert_ even a robot needs a place to charge.
17:06 jhylands Speak for yourself - I'm installing a death ray blaster on Roz as we speak...
17:06 jhylands well, okay, its a laser, but it could be a death ray blaster under the right circumstances
17:07 Snert_ I bet it could fry flies.
17:07 Snert_ little 5mW laser
17:42 deshipu Snert_: I think sound would be better for flies
17:43 Snert_ yea wouldn't burn holes in the wall when it misses
17:44 Snert_ smart fly swatter
17:44 Snert_ takes off when it detects a fly and zaps it
17:44 Snert_ smear some honey on something.
17:45 Snert_ that way the laser is pre-aimed.
17:45 Snert_ it just has to detect the fly wing beats.
17:46 deshipu there is a project like that
17:46 deshipu uses three microphones to locate the insect, iirc
17:50 Snert_ I'll keep that in mind
18:01 Snert_ I hope the next beaglebone has onboard wifi
18:02 Snert_ if it would, it could become my everything
18:04 deshipu starting with dinner
19:13 anonnumberanon A rolling robot on tank treads carrying a repeating rifle barrel is the creepiest thing I can think of.
19:13 adam789654123 hmmm.... i was thinking of a clown head on a spring
19:20 Snert_ sounds like a mobile gatling gun
19:20 Snert_ I got problems arming robots with anything more than spray
19:21 adam789654123 how about arming them with arms?
19:22 adam789654123 that would be pretty cool
19:23 Snert_ long as the arm isnt made by Smith & Wesson I guess I'm okay with it.
19:24 adam789654123 like an arm that has an elbow
19:25 adam789654123 that kind
19:28 Snert_ yea. The day Smith & Wesson gets into robotic prosthetics is the day I've seen it all :)
19:29 adam789654123 prosthetics is where its at
19:29 adam789654123 thats the future
19:29 adam789654123 thats the cool sh*t
19:29 adam789654123 not projectiles
19:29 Snert_ my wife is part borg.
19:29 adam789654123 thats so....... two centuries ago
19:29 adam789654123 that could be interesting
19:30 adam789654123 i got an idea for a reality tv sitcom
19:30 adam789654123 "my wife is part borg"
19:30 Snert_ they did the cataract thing...stuffed little permanent lenses into her eyes.
19:30 adam789654123 ahhh
19:30 adam789654123 how did it hold up
19:30 adam789654123 hope it has a good ending
19:30 adam789654123 :)
19:31 Snert_ 6 months no problems amazing sight.
19:31 Snert_ everyone we've talked to that had it done is all happy.
19:31 Snert_ they slice your eyeball and pull out the old cormea.
19:31 Snert_ cornea
19:31 adam789654123 cornmeal
19:32 adam789654123 cool
19:32 adam789654123 that sounds like an interesting procedure
19:32 adam789654123 what is it called?
19:32 adam789654123 "everyone we've talked to that had it done is all happy."
19:32 adam789654123 that sounds like an amazing track record
19:32 Snert_ it's the standard now - instead of scrape the cornea they just trash it and put in a new one.
19:32 adam789654123 ahhhh
19:33 adam789654123 interesting
19:33 adam789654123 well.... im happy for you and your wife
19:33 adam789654123 :D
19:33 Snert_ keep it in mind for when you're 60 :)
19:33 adam789654123 i will
19:34 adam789654123 hopefully i lose my eyesite before my mind i guess
19:35 Snert_ oh yea.
19:35 Snert_ she has a metal knee replacement too.
19:35 adam789654123 im seriously happy for you though
19:35 adam789654123 even though i joke around alot
19:35 adam789654123 :)
19:35 Snert_ so she is 2 parts borg
19:35 adam789654123 cool
19:36 adam789654123 no tank treads, eh?
19:36 adam789654123 you will give anonnumberanon nightmares
19:36 Snert_ no tank treads yet.
19:37 Snert_ knees are quite abit more involved
19:37 adam789654123 personally, i think id prefer a buggy chassy
19:37 Snert_ gotta butcher the fuck outta your leg and such
19:37 adam789654123 but thats just me
19:37 adam789654123 buggy chassy over tank treads that is
19:38 adam789654123 how is the knee holding up Snert_?
19:38 Snert_ fine so far.
19:38 Snert_ takes months to get over it though
19:38 adam789654123 how long?
19:38 adam789654123 oh
19:39 adam789654123 so its a new implant?
19:39 Snert_ 2 months now. Yep....all metal joint on hoth halves.
19:39 adam789654123 wow!
19:39 Snert_ with a teflon sandwich in between
19:39 adam789654123 that must be some procedure
19:39 adam789654123 really?
19:39 adam789654123 hmmm...
19:40 Snert_ doc game me one to check out.
19:40 adam789654123 i guess teflon is inert to the immune system
19:40 Snert_ it weighs about 5 pounds. Prolly more like 3.
19:40 adam789654123 wow!
19:41 adam789654123 i bet its pretty beautiful..... enineering wise
19:41 Snert_ it was fun to check out.
19:41 Snert_ they have to carve your leg bone square on the end then stick it on.
19:42 adam789654123 like a peg?
19:42 Snert_ yeah but not quite totally square but pretty close
19:43 adam789654123 wow
19:43 adam789654123 they really do a job on ya
19:44 Snert_ http://www.persianhealthint.com/total-knee-replacement/
19:44 Snert_ halfway down the page
19:48 adam789654123 i cant view images in my terminal
19:48 adam789654123 which is what im using
19:48 adam789654123 im rolling eighties style
19:48 Snert_ they have this thing......
19:49 Snert_ called gui.
19:49 Snert_ give it a try!
19:49 adam789654123 im out of excuses at this point
19:49 adam789654123 i guess i really am just too lazy
19:50 adam789654123 either im too lazy or i have to tell you about a bunch of stuff that you dont want to hear about
19:50 adam789654123 so for simplicity sake..... im too damn lazy
19:50 Snert_ got it.
19:51 Snert_ and they have this thing called interwebs
19:51 adam789654123 this nerd has to look that up, even though he should prolly know it
19:52 Snert_ you're using it now
19:52 adam789654123 oh
19:52 Snert_ precious packets of interwebs
19:52 adam789654123 which part of me?
19:53 Snert_ your toes, if you're typing with your feet.
19:53 Snert_ unless you have psionic input
19:54 adam789654123 psionic input...... i like it
19:54 adam789654123 put on the electrode helmet and use the computer
19:55 adam789654123 hmmm......