#robotics Logs

Dec 12 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:37 rue_shop3 how do I turn the parts from 87 laser printers into a brain scanner!
00:49 anonnumberano Think of the parts that you could remove from them and that would be used properly to assemble a brain scanning device. Are there any?
00:54 rue_house are you kidding, its so easy a 10 year old could do it,
00:54 rue_house with really really detailed instructions
00:54 e_house lacks instruct
00:55 rue_house why can we use an mri machine to measure the signal from water resonating and not read the pulses directly from the neurons
00:55 rue_house resolution I usppose
00:57 anonnumberano First watch Chappie to see how the device should look like, than build it.
00:57 anonnumberano ez
00:57 anonnumberano DAMN
00:57 anonnumberano gotta tell you EVERYTHING
01:09 rue_shop3 hmm
01:51 rue_house I think its time to transition into the next stage of my existance
01:53 robopal what are you going to do?
01:54 rue_house asemble
10:56 akem hey, feels like android and intel z37 is slower to build programs on arduino
10:57 akem and i know you do care.
11:29 rue_house ?
11:30 rue_house than what?
11:39 akem slower than my cheap tablet ARMv7 r5
11:40 Tom_itx rue_house, what are we doing in robotics class today?
11:47 yaki Hello people i want to ask
11:47 yaki if its possible to build a robot with arduino or rabsberi that i will atatch a camera in it and it will do facerecognition
11:48 yaki is that possible?
11:49 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxFW7X_d9IM
11:49 yaki thank you so much
11:49 Tom_itx http://www.instructables.com/id/Face-detection-and-tracking-with-Arduino-and-OpenC/
11:50 deshipu yaki: yes to rpi, no to arduino
11:50 Tom_itx http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=63113.0
11:50 Tom_itx that one's just dumb
11:51 yaki tom_itx you are awesome
11:51 yaki thank you
11:51 yaki deshipu thank you
11:52 rue_house openC?
11:53 yaki tom_itx you think i should get arduino or rabsberry
11:53 yaki openCV he mean
11:53 rue_house ah
11:53 yaki propably
11:54 yaki so for the project that i am doing is better rabsberry or arduino cause deshipu said something about no arduino
11:55 rue_house arduino libraries are written REALLY badly
11:55 rue_house I dont know how anyone gets them to do anything
11:56 deshipu rue_house: how they are written doesn't matter here
11:57 deshipu rue_house: arduino simply doesn't have the computing power to analyze images in real time
11:57 rue_house what I mean is that they only borderline work
11:57 akem they wrote them in arabic iirc, not every one can deal with that
11:57 deshipu rue_house: even if you hand-crafted super-optimized assembly
11:58 deshipu akem: who?
11:58 rue_house most of the libraries I'v tried to use on arduino didn't work right at all, but the result was somewhat close to what they were supposed to do
11:59 akem deshipu just a joke for servo relaxation, raspberry more adapted cause you got more memory, cpu etc
11:59 akem @yaki
11:59 deshipu akem: raspberry doesn't have hardware pwm, on the other hand
12:00 deshipu akem: and no real-time kernel, iirc
12:00 deshipu rue_house: that's great, but how is that related to the topic of finding faces?
12:00 deshipu rue_house: or do you start this whenever someone mentions the word "arduino"?
12:01 akem deshipu not sure, i think its linux os so it should be realtime
12:01 deshipu akem: linux is not realtime, normlayy
12:01 deshipu normally
12:02 akem point is arduino alone is not a good idea for facial recogn, don t know about raspberry, im more interested into arduino mega
12:03 akem just use a tablet and install/code face recogn app :)
12:08 deshipu akem: raspberry can do it, more or less
12:08 deshipu akem: beaglebone would be better
12:08 rue_house if, your looking for faces, ask Carl, he's a hat wearing lama thats an expert on the subject
12:09 akem deshipu i dont know that, but the guy interested in this yaki
12:09 akem deshipu im actually doing 7 segments display stuff
12:10 akem doing good except that it is slow building on the intel chip
12:12 deshipu akem: um, this should be super-fast
12:13 akem deshipu yea but its slower than my cheap ARM tablet for some reason, though i did not chronometer them
12:14 akem maybe it would be faster on windows its dual os...but i prefer android, also windows is in chinese.
12:35 deshipu I can control 7-segment displays in 10 lines of code on Arduino, and it's super-fast :)
12:46 akem deshipu you mean 10 lines of x86 asm? but mine is holographic 3D, with smoke also
12:47 akem in fact its not much longer than that, i found an instructable
12:47 akem got a single digit and one 4 digits
12:47 akem pretty cool to play with
12:51 deshipu akem: https://hackaday.io/project/7564-banana-bomb
12:51 deshipu akem: the show7seg function is what does all the work
12:55 akem awesome deshipu, i dig the blue version, also the bip
13:12 akem deshipu you use raspberry also? whats the problem with pwm?
13:12 deshipu akem: there is no problem with pwm, there is simply no pwm :)
13:12 deshipu akem: for controlling servos you need pwm signal, and if you want to do it with rapsberry pi directly, you have to generate that in software
13:17 akem deshipu i see / 1 good thing you can have real full python without problems with Pi
13:17 akem if you want to use libs and so on
13:18 akem but regarding driving servos, then a little bit more of code to generate the signal then
13:19 akem also one good point is the possibility to use SDcard no need for USB/flash, this would be nice on arduino boards too
13:20 deshipu akem: the problem is, it's not real-time, so you can't bit-bang the signal with microsecond precission
13:20 deshipu akem: there are arduino shields that have sd cards on them
13:21 deshipu akem: not for code, though
13:21 akem though it may be a waste of space since memory/cpu is very limited anyway, smallest SDs like 1G nowday
13:22 akem deshipu shield? will look, could be nice for scripts or dynamic loading not sure how fesable
13:24 akem deshipu, so you can t drive your servos nicely with raspberry cause of realtime/microsecond precision?
13:24 deshipu akem: there is one hack that is used by Servo Blaster, that I plan to use
13:24 deshipu akem: it basically uses the DMA circuitry to bit-bang PWM
13:38 akem http://www.dx.com/p/sd-card-reading-writing-module-for-arduino-148784#.VmxxkIw1hVs this one + arduino mega should be fine
13:39 akem deshipu looking at some shields you were talking about
13:46 akem should get my servos soon
13:47 akem enough to do interesting things
16:23 yaki hello guys do you know if i am able to write in rapsberry c# ?
16:24 deshipu yaki: not easily
16:24 robotust1a linux + mono
16:24 robotust1a but why?
16:25 yaki because i am in university
16:25 yaki and our programming is in c#
16:25 yaki deshipu do you know any way?
16:25 yaki robotust1a it cant be done?
16:26 robotust1a why do you need c# on linux?
16:26 yaki not in linux look i have to do a robot that will do facerecognition
16:26 robotust1a OpenCV is in C
16:27 yaki but in my university we are doing c# aand i want to doit with c# to get extra marks
16:27 robotust1a not in C#
16:27 yaki aha
16:27 yaki look
16:27 yaki http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
16:27 yaki robotust1a look the link that i sent
16:27 robotust1a you can invoke C finctions from c# - but it's very awkward way
16:28 robotust1a I would not use .net on RPi
16:28 robotust1a and on linux
16:28 yaki alright so 1 more question how long you thing would it take me to create a robot that will do a face recognition
16:28 robotust1a even for extra marks
16:29 deshipu not long, about 2-3 years, I think, if you really work on it
16:29 robotust1a it depend on robot size
16:29 robotust1a true
16:29 robotust1a I didn't made yet face recognition on mine
16:29 yaki arduino small size just arduino with wheals and a camera
16:29 yaki rapsberi i mean
16:30 robotust1a make it on PC first
16:30 robotust1a with camera
16:30 yaki ofc
16:30 robotust1a and only after put it on the wheels
16:30 yaki you think is possible to make it in 3 weeks
16:31 robotust1a I can do it in 3 weeks - you - I don't know your skills
16:31 yaki i am a programmer good programer
16:31 robotust1a but is you ask such questions - probably NOT
16:31 yaki but i havent work with rapsberry
16:32 robotust1a take edison
16:32 deshipu raspberry pi is a normal computer
16:32 robotust1a it can run windows
16:32 yaki 1 silly question
16:32 yaki rapsberry or arduinoo for my project?
16:32 robotust1a does Rpi run windows?
16:32 robotust1a I would take BBB
16:33 yaki i think it runs linux
16:33 yaki debian
16:33 deshipu robotust1a: pi 2 does run some special version of windows ce
16:33 yaki bbb?
16:33 deshipu robotust1a: very limited
16:33 robotust1a beagle bone black
16:33 yaki deshipu can i run l windows in rapsberry?
16:33 robotust1a so, no .net on it?
16:33 deshipu yaki: I just said
16:33 yaki cool
16:33 deshipu robotust1a: I think you can run .net apps on it, but you have to write them in vs on your pc
16:34 robotust1a as I told above ^ linux + mono + C#
16:34 yaki deshpipu so its possible to program in c#
16:34 yaki deshipu
16:34 yaki mono?
16:34 yaki robotust1a what is mono?
16:34 deshipu yaki: only on pi2 and only after jumping through a lot of hoops
16:34 robotust1a .net for linux
16:34 yaki ok i will do my reasearch
16:34 yaki thanks for your help
16:34 deshipu yaki: mono is an implementation of .net virtual machine and libraries for linux
16:35 yaki cool i didnt know
16:35 yaki i will try build my robot then
16:35 deshipu yaki: it's nowhere as complete as the original c# for windows
16:35 robotust1a but it's quite ugly decigion
16:35 yaki hmmm
16:35 deshipu yaki: and not sure if rpi has enough memory to run it
16:35 deshipu yaki: I would recommend using python or C
16:35 yaki i think i can add
16:36 robotust1a and it will ned RPi camera
16:36 deshipu robotust1a: any webcam will do, really
16:36 robotust1a need
16:36 robotust1a 2 FPS?
16:36 deshipu robotust1a: the sony ps2 camera is pretty good for it, apparently
16:37 robotust1a does it send streaming video?
16:37 robotust1a may be
16:37 deshipu it's a normal v4l device
16:37 deshipu but has higher frame rate than average webcam
16:37 deshipu plus an array of microphones
16:38 yaki alright so
16:38 yaki deshipu and robotust1a rapsberry is better than arduino for my project i should program it in C and buy a rapsberry pi cammera is that right
16:39 deshipu I guess so. Beagle Bone would be even better, I think. More cpu power.
16:39 deshipu or, say, Banana Pi
16:40 deshipu not sure how camera support looks like on those, though
16:40 deshipu yaki: the truth is that there are many options and we are not going to tell you a single best solution
16:40 yaki yea sure i get it
16:41 yaki thanks anyway
16:41 deshipu yaki: btw, it's face recognition or just locating faces on the video?
16:41 yaki both
16:41 deshipu yaki: as in, do you also need to tell which face is whose?
16:41 deshipu yaki: because that's insanely hard, I think
16:42 yaki i have to do just face recognition first
16:42 yaki and then trace
16:42 deshipu so face tracking?
16:44 yaki and face recognition
16:44 yaki it should track and recognitse
16:44 deshipu well, good luck
16:44 deshipu that's going to take you some time
16:44 yaki i know .. :)
16:44 yaki thank you guys
16:45 yaki tank you deshipu
16:45 deshipu I think you should really start with just a webcam and a pc
16:45 yaki yeah i will
16:45 deshipu by the time you have something working, there will be better things than raspberry pi available
16:45 deshipu do the research for the robot then
16:46 yaki i thought
16:46 yaki rapsberry and arduino are the best
16:46 deshipu not really
16:46 deshipu they are popular
16:46 deshipu and cheap
16:46 yaki oh i get it i will do my research
16:46 yaki i have to go now thank you
16:46 yaki <3
16:46 deshipu have fun
16:52 Loshki rapsberry and arduino are the best doorstops
16:52 deshipu I don't know, I think I would prefer a good, solid chunk of steel
17:05 robotust1a lazy today
17:05 robotust1a started to solder controller
17:05 robotust1a and stopped
17:13 deshipu I didn't even solder anything today
17:13 deshipu waiting for the pcb
17:13 deshipu which will require redoing anyways
17:17 robotust1a I'm assembling on prototype pcb
17:18 robotust1a like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/10PCS-Double-Side-Prototype-PCB-Tinned-Universal-Breadboard-5x7-cm-50mmx70mm-FR4-/400505975633?hash=item5d40043351:g:g3AAAOxybetSCgEG
17:24 deshipu yeah, I had that already, now I'm trying to make it a little bit more polished
17:28 robotust1a did you make your own pcb?
17:34 akem i wonder why arduino sdk does not include a serial console
17:35 akem since they put an icon for this but its separated app to install, a bit strange
17:36 akem like ruby ruboto you got to install core and console separated...what s the point.
17:46 robotust1a serial console is already written multiple times
17:46 robotust1a putty, teraterm, hyperterminal, etc
17:46 robotust1a why do they need create their own terminal
18:08 akem good point
20:54 anonnumberanon deshipu> akem: it basically uses the DMA circuitry to bit-bang PWM
20:54 anonnumberanon what's DMA?
20:54 anonnumberanon ah, direct memory access
20:55 anonnumberanon why would that allow you to pallliate the non real time linux problem?
21:10 akem anonnumberanon you use raspberry also?
21:15 anonnumberanon akem, I don't use 32-bit microcontrollers yet
21:16 robotust1a stupid japanise jokes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arAWtZ1eUsY
21:18 anonnumberanon the japs are so cool
21:19 robotust1a they a strange
21:19 robotust1a and they live in real slavery
21:20 robotust1a they obey ierarchy
21:21 robotust1a honda was building asimo for more than 25 years
21:21 anonnumberanon sushi, small and giant humanoid robots (all badass), universal health care, low violence rates, anime, 10/10 style for everything around life, space program
21:21 anonnumberanon one of the longest life spans
21:21 anonnumberanon etc,..
21:22 robotust1a high suisidal rate for kids at 5 y.o
21:22 anonnumberanon bullshit
21:22 akem miniskirt skullgirls with pokemons
21:22 robotust1a 50% of population still shit in a hole in the floor
21:22 anonnumberanon what akem said, but i was ashamed to bring it up :)
21:23 robotust1a true
21:23 robotust1a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYgHdxmCcAI
21:23 akem video games 2 majors ones from japan, we have none in EU
21:23 robotust1a canadian schoolgirls also wear short skirts
21:23 anonnumberanon do you have a link for the shitting on floor?
21:24 anonnumberanon cause the Japanese have like, robotic toilets
21:24 robotust1a not on a floor, but wooden toilets
21:24 anonnumberanon yeah links man
21:24 anonnumberanon wtf
21:24 robotust1a you wanted japan - you'd got it
21:24 anonnumberanon http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-6-most-terrifying-features-japanese-toilets/
21:24 anonnumberanon the japs have the best toilets what are you talking about?
21:24 anonnumberanon have you been brain-washed?
21:25 anonnumberanon Is that Poutine speaking through your mouth lol?
21:25 robotust1a I'm in canada dude
21:26 anonnumberanon you're russian lol
21:26 robotust1a no, I'm Byelorusian
21:26 robotust1a don't mix
21:26 robotust1a my president is Lukashenko, not Putin
21:27 akem lightspeed powered street fighter
21:28 anonnumberanon the power of Trans-Am ?
21:28 robotust1a I know about Japan a lot from my schoolmate who is working in abassade of Belarus in Japan
21:28 robotust1a they work for 12 hours
21:28 robotust1a because of fear of being fired
21:29 robotust1a sleep in boxes
21:29 anonnumberanon nah man first that's not a first hand account, second he is a politician/diplomat so the worse kind of people
21:29 robotust1a I mean that I get info from the source
21:29 anonnumberanon can you please show proof instead of spouting info from your idiot diplomat friend?
21:32 robotust1a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_Japan
21:32 robotust1a https://www.google.ca/search?q=japanese+sleep+in+boxes&biw=1680&bih=965&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjk-KLo7dfJAhUupoMKHSXSAC4Q_AUIBigB
21:33 robotust1a https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edo_period_Japanese_toilet_replica.jpg
21:33 anonnumberanon In 2001, the government reported there were approximately 25,000 homeless people in Japan.
21:33 anonnumberanon Is that IT?
21:33 anonnumberanon 25000?
21:34 anonnumberanon out of a population of 127 millions
21:34 robotust1a in tokio working ppl could not rent an appartment
21:34 robotust1a they are homeless
21:34 robotust1a nonesence
21:34 anonnumberanon 610,042 homeless in the US my friend, if you adjust for population, that is 203000
21:35 anonnumberanon TEN TIMES more than Japan
21:35 robotust1a in japan if you have no work - you are dead
21:35 robotust1a that's why there is not so much homeless
21:36 robotust1a be sure all of them HAVE work
21:36 robotust1a have job I mean
21:36 anonnumberanon Now that we have absolutely shot down your first link.
21:37 anonnumberanon Let's address the second, okay you're showing pictures of a hotel.
21:37 anonnumberanon People PAY to sleep in these boxes.
21:37 anonnumberanon Cause it is cool!, cheap!, I would do it!
21:37 robotust1a like 1 by 2 meter?
21:37 robotust1a :)
21:37 anonnumberanon Dude, people PAY to sleep in there!
21:38 anonnumberanon These are not homes lol.
21:38 anonnumberanon lol okay link 3, and this one is particularly good
21:38 anonnumberanon shit hole from the Edo period..
21:38 anonnumberanon let's look that up...
21:38 anonnumberanon Edo period, (1603–1867)
21:39 anonnumberanon Okay now I'm just crying of laughter.
21:40 anonnumberanon You should stop frequenting that friend of yours he is a total tool :)
21:43 anonnumberanon If you have been trolling us this whole time, you are indeed very good at it :)
21:44 robotust1a :)
21:44 robotust1a I am
21:44 robotust1a http://en.rocketnews24.com/2013/03/21/japanese-style-toilets-a-surprising-way-to-stay-happy-and-healthy/
21:44 robotust1a I have two kids, I need to be good troll
21:45 robotust1a and yes, I was trolling students for 10 years :)
21:45 Snert I need something to sit on when I pinch a loaf
21:45 Snert I dont get how they like those toilets.
21:45 robotust1a but it's not healsy
21:46 anonnumberanon Snert, you THINK you need to sit.
21:46 robotust1a because you can pick up eggs of worms on your ass
21:46 anonnumberanon It was however, vicarious conditioning.
21:46 robotust1a http://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/t1.jpg?w=580&h=366
21:47 Snert got your leg in a cast?
21:47 Snert got a hurt foot?
21:47 Snert can you balance on 1 foot and shit at the same time?
21:47 anonnumberanon I'll try it next time when I have to.
21:47 robotust1a easy, have you ever shit in the forest?
21:48 Snert my favorite place :)
21:48 anonnumberanon It happens very rarely that I have to, because I have a genetic disposition that makes my digestive system a lot more efficient.
21:48 Snert but I use 2 feet.
21:48 anonnumberanon I'll cut the sushis probably about 3-4 times per month at most.
21:49 robotust1a DIY sushi?
21:50 anonnumberanon diy sushit rather
21:50 Snert wow, that's not very often.
21:50 anonnumberanon Yes I have a superior ass.
21:50 Snert I guess so.
21:51 anonnumberanon I'll give you the code for it don't worry.
21:51 Snert Crapula v1.0 ?
21:51 anonnumberanon When that gene therapy thing finally comes you can do it to yourself. I heard on the news they were able to remove leukemia from a little girl using it.
21:53 akem needs for an ass shinynometer
21:53 anonnumberanon robotust1a, how do you make a robot that can entertain a child for many years?
22:08 robotust1a intertain?
22:08 robotust1a e*
22:08 robotust1a my robot is not for entertainment
22:09 anonnumberanon yeah but we need to make the next generation ofchildren robot toys
22:09 Snert I'm more into work robots.
22:09 robotust1a I would make a disassembible robot toy
22:09 robotust1a kind of transformer robots
22:10 robotust1a something like Mechano conrtuctor but with all sensors-brain snappable to the body
22:11 robotust1a it would be the best toy, all other plastic robots are just waste of plastic and earth resources
22:11 robotust1a like robodog zummer
22:11 anonnumberanon yeah and programming exercises that can actually be done by children
22:12 robotust1a I had this robo dog
22:12 robotust1a it's quite stupid and run time is about 20 min
22:13 robotust1a now the battery is dead, I removed it, planning to redo the brain of it
22:13 robotust1a and make changeable batteries
22:14 robotust1a the platform for hack is very good
22:23 robotust1a anonnumberanon: and the constructor shoudl be metal, not plastic
22:24 anonnumberanon i did meccano a lot as a child, was the best toy
22:24 robotust1a it is, now the time to add actuators and sensors
22:30 robotust1a hm, is it right tool? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Engineer-PAD-11-Crimp-Tool-For-Micro-JST-Molex-Tyco-Wire-Terminal-New-/231569786539?hash=item35eaa286ab:g:CJQAAOSweW5VMxvn
22:31 Snert Yes, but wrong price!
22:31 robotust1a there is one chipper http://www.ebay.com/itm/Engineer-PAD-11-Crimp-Tool-For-Micro-JST-Molex-Tyco-Wire-Terminal-From-Japan-F-S/111830355602?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3D9b5d4af682e44c53a4eea0708a94c46c%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D231569786539
22:32 Jak_o_Shadows1 Bloody hell. I swear I saw one cheaper the other day
22:33 robotust1a exactly like this one?
22:33 Jak_o_Shadows1 well, no.
22:33 robotust1a there are chipper but this one has a lot of sizes
22:34 robotust1a most propaply I will need only 1 size
22:34 Jak_o_Shadows1 That's true
22:34 robotust1a like 1.5mm
22:35 Jak_o_Shadows1 Yeah. That was my thoughts as well
22:36 robotust1a if I stick with standard 0.1" connectors
22:36 Jak_o_Shadows1 Yeah.
22:37 Jak_o_Shadows1 I have a crimper for the type of cables you use in cars
22:37 Jak_o_Shadows1 which isn't overly helpful to me really
22:38 robotust1a you mean the crimper like this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Insulated-Terminals-Crimping-Tool-Plier-Crimper-0-25-2-5mm2-AWG-24-14-/181776750990?hash=item2a52bd198e:g:1x0AAMXQDK1Rx99W
22:39 Jak_o_Shadows1 Sort of - the chaper version http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-FS-051-Multi-Functional-Crimping-Pliers-terminals-crimping-hands-plier-tools-/131664235377?hash=item1ea7cccb71:g:e0EAAOSwPe1T5G~F
22:40 robotust1a good enough
22:42 Jak_o_Shadows1 Doesn't really work for those JST/servo connectors
22:46 robotust1a http://www.ebay.com/itm/SN-28B-Pin-Crimping-Crimper-Tool-2-54mm-3-96mm-28-18AWG-0-1-1-0mm-for-Dupont-WC-/321699003334?hash=item4ae6c13bc6:g:zQwAAOSw7aBVCUIK
22:48 Jak_o_Shadows1 Yeah, that would probably work
22:51 robotust1a added to watch list
22:52 robotust1a have to figure out what connector I'm going to use everywhere
23:02 anonnumberanon with my prototyping I've realized that the best thing to use is female headers and breadboard wires
23:02 anonnumberanon >female headers
23:03 anonnumberanon there is a reason why Arduino Uno has that, it is the most versatile prototyping thing there is.
23:04 anonnumberanon pdip microcontroller female base is also great for when you burn your micro, pull the old one out and replace it quickly
23:07 anonnumberanon this thing
23:07 anonnumberanon http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/technologies/development-tools/development-tool-hardware/Pages/6743827-AC162055.aspx?IM=0
23:10 anonnumberanon o
23:10 anonnumberanon http://www.ebay.ca/itm/3PCS-Strip-Tin-PCB-Female-IC-Breakable-40pin-Single-Row-Round-Header-Socket-/200924888625?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec80e7e31
23:11 anonnumberanon Matter of fact I'll order this.
23:46 anonnumberanon What is the difference between eeprom and flash memory?
23:50 ace4016 EEPROM is byte-wise eraseable where as flash memory is block-wise eraseable
23:50 ace4016 there's also performance differences and such
23:52 anonnumberanon I'm trying to understand why the atmega32a is so expensive at $6. I never bothered to look up eeprom and i see it has 1K bytes of eeprom. That's why I asked.
23:53 anonnumberanon the data sheet says it is for data storage.. :S
23:54 ace4016 yea, that's where your program and such you write for it is stored
23:54 ace4016 iirc
23:55 anonnumberanon flash memory
23:56 ace4016 ah right; 32k flash memory
23:57 anonnumberanon itws all page 30 i just gotta read it