#robotics Logs

Dec 08 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:54 anonnumberano "The performance criteria of an actuator are power
00:54 anonnumberano over weight ratio, temporary high torque generation, band-
00:54 anonnumberano width, and response time."
00:55 anonnumberano rue_bed,
00:55 anonnumberano "Off-the-shelf motors for legged robots do not exist."
00:55 anonnumberano What the hell are you waiting for? Make them.
00:55 anonnumberano :)
00:55 anonnumberano Let's make them.
00:57 Casper Hi there, what do you guys think is better: oxy-acetylene or mig?
01:03 rue_bed my projects are $20 ea, your suggesting parts that exceed that budget
01:04 rue_bed oxy better
01:04 rue_bed tig is better
01:04 Casper I'll check for tig, but I beleive I require 240V for that, which can be an issue
01:08 rue_bed yo ucan tig at O/C 36V, 30A
01:10 anonnumberano why 20 dollars, that seems very arbitrary
01:11 Casper he's cheap, that's why
05:17 faika Hello?
05:17 deshipu hi faika
05:17 faika What's the current err by topicm
05:17 deshipu um what?
05:18 faika What's the current topic? Phone IRC.
05:18 deshipu type /topic
05:19 faika I mean what's being discussed ATM.
05:19 Jak_o_Shadows we're lurking :P
08:41 rue_bed $20 is more than enough, and it allows me to make a LOT of projects, because the more projects you do the more you learn
08:44 deshipu unless it's the same project all over
08:44 deshipu repeated many times
09:18 robotustra utro
10:14 rue_house always different
10:16 robotustra who?
11:41 akem hey
11:42 akem anyone got some nema17?
11:44 akem wanna get some, just to know if someone over there using them too, i ve read high rpms on the datasheet
11:44 akem used in 3d printers also, but they wont care about the speed with such application
11:44 akem cannot play some youtube videos for some reason
11:48 robopal use another browser
11:48 robopal I get that problem myself sometimes in chrome
11:49 robotustra I use NMEA17 on my cnc mill
12:10 akem robotustra you happy about it? arduino cnc?
12:14 akem my connection is too slow...dont have the error msg with integrated browser, using ffox
12:15 anonnumberano akem, so what was wrong with your led counting seconds?
12:16 akem took nema17 and 23, not sure about the driver board power
12:16 akem anonnumberanon, fixed hopefully, forgot/mixed start time and delay...
12:17 akem anonnumberanon also waiting some mg955
12:18 akem same you using for your bot legs right?
12:18 anonnumberanon 995
12:18 anonnumberanon cool
12:18 anonnumberanon how many?
12:18 anonnumberanon so now you got your seconds working perfectly?
12:23 akem 3 of them 995, and yes my timer is just fine now because i was a bit upset
12:25 anonnumberano that's enough servos to make an RC snow plow
12:26 robotustra it's not arduino cnc
12:26 akem should have a little bit more hardware to experiment with, soon, now then after that 3D printer is much more handy to print down parts clips them together etc whatever project, but its more expenssive, later possibly
12:26 robotustra I use another controller
12:27 robotustra like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-3-Axis-CNC-3-5A-Router-TB6560-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-Controller-/251307135179?hash=item3a831290cb:g:CSkAAMXQMMNR6QJb
12:27 akem anonnumberanon but not enough for a robot scorpion or tarantula :)
12:28 anonnumberano You can make a robot arm at least ;)
12:31 akem ok, lovely 90s PC plugs on your board :) i was looking at connectors also, seen micro USB but its just too small, to get some easy males/females plugs dis/connecting relays whatever
12:32 akem yea robot arm i m interested into
12:32 akem reactive sentry, because i could only do slow motion atm :)
12:33 robotustra where is your arm?
12:34 anonnumberano if you find a camera that hooks up to atmega328 with minimal extra hardware and is cheap and good, I'll put that on my robot's head too
12:34 robotustra akem: show me your robot?
12:35 anonnumberanon akem is waiting for the servos they are in the mail
12:36 akem anonnumberanon without more CPU/memory, picture input is very limitated, better have serial connection to a tablet or cellphone, you got camera on the device, even bluetooth or wifi esp?
12:37 anonnumberanon quick search gave this: http://www.elecfreaks.com/store/ov7670-camera-module-p-705.html
12:37 anonnumberanon and you'll need an sd card module as well
12:37 akem yea, robotustra maybe when i ll have a 3D printer :)
12:38 anonnumberanon You could do without the sd card if instead, you are shipping the picture somewhere else via radio.
12:41 robotustra akem: is it not ready yet?
12:42 akem anonnumberanon interesting just like a webcam, omnivision
12:43 akem robotustra no, i just have little hardware around floating
12:44 anonnumberano yeah with esp8266 or whatever else that is wifi, you can send the pictures/video out to anything
12:44 anonnumberano i did it to a laptop before, was a raspberry pi camera
12:46 akem i would like to design in 3D a sentry, then print it, then you stick up the motors inside and clips or screw it, connect it to the controlling device and you would be done, just 4 motor, Xaxis,Yaxis,trigger,reload something like that
12:46 robotustra anonnumberano: with what frame rate?
12:49 akem raspberry is more adapted for video input, standalone
12:49 anonnumberano robotustra, 20 iirc
12:50 robotustra I did a video capture on beagle bone
12:50 anonnumberano got 200 ms of lag
12:50 robotustra it can do like 9 FPS at 640x480
12:50 robotustra too slow for me
12:51 robotustra yes, 0.1 second to obtain the frame and 0.1 s to process
12:59 robotustra and my camera had sent not a stream but separate frames
13:00 robotustra I think if you want streaming video it could be faster
13:00 robotustra and if you vant to make good video on RPi most probably it's better to use RPi cameras
13:02 anonnumberano robotustra, how much of a priority is it for you to get a live video feed from the robot?
13:03 robotustra priority is very high
13:03 robotustra I need about 20 FPS from each eye
13:03 robotustra I have 2 cameras
13:04 robotustra I don't transmit it to anywhere I'm going ro process video on board
13:07 anonnumberano Do you have the board/main brain yet?
13:07 robotustra not yet, I'm testing eyes on my PC
13:09 robotustra I need a single board computer with Atom chip
13:09 robotustra or even 2 boards if they will not be fast enough
13:10 robotustra this single board shoud have USB2.0 and be able to make 20 FPS
13:10 robotustra when I tried it on BBB - it failed
13:10 robotustra give only 9 FPS
13:10 robotustra the best case
13:11 robotustra probably Edison can handle it, I didn't try yet
13:12 robotustra but Edison do not have bilt in ethernet, so it' not so useful for my task
13:13 robotustra one of candidats is http://www.nvidia.ca/object/jetson-tk1-embedded-dev-kit.html
13:15 robotustra but I plan to do all my development on PC, by the time I'll be ready to install the brain to the robot I think ppl will produce more powerful and cheap songle board computer
13:15 anonnumberano with CUDA?
13:16 anonnumberano gotta go study a bit
13:25 akem robotustra what robot you working on already?
13:37 robotustra http://robotustra.ca/my-robot
13:37 robotustra http://robotustra.ca/my-robot-done
13:46 akem ok i remember now
13:56 akem keukpa just noticed you used blender which is even cooler. i might have known goddymnit
15:52 maiden so what have i missed today?
15:52 maiden got my load cells today! so i can finally start with the feets of my robot now :D
15:59 Hyratel rue_shop2, you there?
16:02 Keukpa akem: blender is good!
16:03 Keukpa robotustra: You want to use an Odroid, I've just bought myself three of them! They are AMAZING!
16:04 Keukpa robotustra: 8 cores, 4 cores @ 2Ghz, 4 cores @ 1.8Ghz, dedicated GPU, 2GB Ram, and the same size as a raspberry pi.
16:04 Keukpa They run ROS, and can do point clouds from Kinect with libfreenect @ only 30% CPU! :D
16:10 robotustra Keukpa: I don't beleive in ARMs
16:10 robotustra Intel only
16:10 robotustra intel at 500MHz do more than ARM at 2GHz
16:11 robotustra and yes, no ROS on my robot
16:11 robotustra I use linux only
16:11 robotustra write drivers myself or use standard ones
16:12 robotustra and no wifi
16:12 robotustra in final robot, may be only for debugging
16:19 robotustra odroid ux4 has cooling fan - I need passive cooling
16:20 Keukpa I've benchmarked this against MANY boards and it out performs anything in its class :) For a long time I used my RoBoard RB-100 but this is just galaxies ahead now :D
16:21 Keukpa Yeah I don't use ROS either, but I used it for quick testing of point clouds and it worked well :)
16:21 robotustra how much power does it take?
16:22 robotustra in 2 year they already did 4 or 5 boards
16:22 robotustra do you think they will stop on this one?
16:23 robotustra I think in 3-4 months from here they will do ux5
16:23 robotustra etc
16:23 robotustra no reason to spend money on temporary solutions
16:25 Keukpa man! the nagativity, sorry I mentioned anything or suggested anything to you in a general discussion
16:25 Keukpa Of course a UX5 will come out, and a UX50! But for 'now' in the moment these are great! :D
16:26 maiden Keukpa, i am jealous have been drooling over odroid boards for years..
16:26 robotustra you are like Bender from Futurama
16:26 maiden ROS is awesome btw.
16:26 robotustra does it support binocular vision?
16:26 Keukpa maiden: yeah I've been using RPi's for a while and loving them, the flexability is great! But these Odroids are a whole new level of awesomeness! :D
16:27 maiden they are indeed.
16:27 robotustra with moving eyes?
16:28 maiden i remember going from arduino to the first beagleboard (not bone). it was crazy. i mean it was a complete desktop!
16:29 maiden have been playing around with the rpi2 all day today at work. thay are decent compilers compared to other board, just as long as you remember to add -j4 :p
16:30 robotustra as soon as my development could take up to 5 years, there is no reason for me to buy new board every year
16:30 robotustra I'll do all development on desctop
16:30 robotustra by the end I'l buy the final single board computer
16:30 Keukpa haha yes, the rpi2 is great! I still use arduino for loads of stuff, but it's all moving so fast, it's amazing to see what's out there now!
16:30 maiden stall it as long as possible or simply use wireless communication to a cloud service for the heavy lifting
16:31 Keukpa maiden: yeah, that's more than likely the best solution. We can just build robots as Borg and have a hive cloud collective! :)
16:32 maiden like this: http://robobrain.me/#/
16:34 Keukpa heh that's pretty cool!
16:34 maiden check this page http://robobrain.me/#/about
16:36 Keukpa ah! Some IIT Kanpur students! I gave an invited talk there last year! :)
16:38 maiden watching this now: https://youtu.be/D_EvBEtVodY
16:38 maiden its about the robobrain
16:38 robotustra maiden: what is this?
16:39 maiden watch the video, you will have use for it ;)
16:40 Keukpa cool video!
16:40 robotustra I saw 3 video of PR2
16:40 robotustra robobrain is doing it?
16:42 robotustra that's why I will not allow my robot get into internet
16:43 maiden the link i sent last
16:43 maiden https://youtu.be/D_EvBEtVodY
16:43 ukpa needs more 3D print
16:43 maiden its a 26 min long lecture
16:43 maiden on the background to robobrain
16:50 robotustra watching
17:22 robotustra the hidden purpose of this robobrain is just to WATCH ppl automatically
17:23 robotustra that's it
17:24 anonnumberanon good or bad?
17:24 anonnumberanon sounds like what humans do
17:24 robotustra it's bad imho
17:24 robotustra it's an automatic intelligent big data classifier
17:25 robotustra robots do not need to be learned that way
17:25 robotustra otherwise - we are dead
17:26 robotustra it's not clear from the presentation how graph is built
17:27 robotustra ok, go home
17:28 anonnumberanon true AI plus this would be a big threat yeah
17:29 anonnumberanon but I need to upload my consciousness to hardware asap so I won't stop the effort, right now i am still in biological form and something could happen to me any minute
17:30 anonnumberanon too soon?
17:30 robotustra ?
17:30 robotustra I go home I mean
17:30 robotustra bbl