#robotics Logs

Dec 03 2015

#robotics Calendar

17:21 deshipu got servo blaster to work on it
17:21 maiden deshipu, talked with a store today regarding the pi zero, according to them the pi foundation did not want stores to sell the boards as is. only in bundles..
17:21 deshipu I guess I will drop the arduino
17:21 theBear pew pew !
17:22 deshipu maiden: figures
17:22 maiden i kind of understand it, but some users actually knows what they are doing and only needs/wants the board.
17:22 maiden bought two pi 2 B today
17:23 maiden so the result is here: https://plus.google.com/115118068134567436838/posts/XcHaypef79d
17:23 maiden i do not think anyone can guess what i am building
17:23 deshipu maiden: just give it some time
17:24 deshipu maiden: they will sell individual boards eventually
17:24 deshipu hmm, using the pis as routers?
17:25 theBear no ! as cannon fodder ! pew pew !
17:25 theBear hehe, forgive me
17:25 theBear servo blaster just sounds so damned cool and shootey
17:25 maiden so the question is what do you build with 2x RPI2, 2x BladeRF, 1 BeagleBoneBlack with a custom home built shield and a servo?
17:26 theBear maybe a little house, you know, like you can do with playing cards
17:26 theBear a medium to large sized doll or action figure could live in there
17:26 deshipu maiden: whatever it is, it's not a robot
17:26 maiden ^_^
17:26 deshipu except in a very broad sense
17:26 maiden no, its actually work..
17:42 anonnumberanon rue_mohr was this a practical joke? from ssls2: "
17:42 anonnumberanon // start thread
17:42 anonnumberanon if( (pthread_create( &(this->monitorThread), NULL, (void * (*)(void *))&SerNotifierThread, this)) ){
17:42 anonnumberanon printf("Failed to start serial monitor thread \n");
17:42 anonnumberanon "
18:09 akem finally i could test some of my arduino things, android sdk is fine on my new tablet, the 28byj48 steppers are very slow...
19:47 rue_mohr looks like real code, why?
19:49 rue_mohr anonnumberanon, what dont you like about it?
19:50 robotust1a hey
19:50 robotust1a to realcoders
20:11 rue_bed anonnumberanon, I'm still interested in your comment
20:16 rue_bed are you reffering to the (void * (*)(void *))?
22:10 rue_mohr anonnumberanon, anyhow, tell me if something dosn't work and I'll see what I can do, the serial code has been really trickey to make work consistantly across any range of hardware
22:22 Jak_o_Shadows Bloody papers
22:22 Jak_o_Shadows I get it, right up until it talks about actually solvin git. They should have defined their constraints better
22:22 Jak_o_Shadows http://www.iri.upc.edu/files/scidoc/1371-A-Linear-Relaxation-Method-for-Computing-Workspace-Slices-of-the-Stewart-Platform-.pdf