#robotics Logs

Nov 21 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:11 rue_more its indirect world domination
00:11 rue_more dont be fooled tho, were colaborating compeditors
00:15 anonnumberanon make a Youtube video, last one is old :) I need to be entertained in between writing lines of code
00:17 rue_more I have a mecha, but, unlike me, his minister of propaganda hasn't been awol for 8 years
00:17 adam789654123 rue_more: i like the kind of competetion that makes for better colaberation
00:18 anonnumberanon rue_mohr, about that, have you already started sourcing a cheap or free construction equipment for it's pneumatics to actuate the legs are you just playing legos in the corner ;)
00:19 onnumberanon jumps in his mech for sa
00:19 am789654123 hides under the bla
00:22 anonnumberanon man these things aren't cheap https://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/hvd/5306400223.html
00:22 anonnumberanon wonder who would give money to buy it
00:22 rue_mohr I'm accumulating valves and writing the control alg
00:22 anonnumberanon especially when you say "sir I will start by cutting up this machine into modules"
00:22 adam789654123 haha.... i just get phone numbers and such
00:23 rue_mohr I have about 10 valves, the goal is ... 188
00:23 adam789654123 someone was saying i can use framebuffers for images
00:23 anonnumberanon I don't know about valves.
00:23 adam789654123 which sounds like an interesting approach
00:23 anonnumberanon I don't know what they are.
00:24 rue_mohr you seen the youtube videos of the muscles?
00:24 rue_mohr (mine)
00:24 anonnumberanon muscle wire?
00:24 anonnumberanon if not, then not
00:25 adam789654123 "The information in the memory buffer typically consists of color values for every pixel (point that can be displayed) on the screen."
00:25 adam789654123 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framebuffer
00:25 adam789654123 hehehe..... next program..... "look out world!" :P
00:26 anonnumberanon yeah adam789654123 better start using SDL2 for this sort of stuff
00:26 anonnumberanon #SDL
00:26 adam789654123 ill check it out
00:26 anonnumberanon >air muscle servo, ah okay
00:26 adam789654123 framebuffers seem like a way to get around using X
00:26 anonnumberanon adam789654123, don't do that
00:27 anonnumberanon use X
00:27 adam789654123 yeah... but i like the option not to
00:27 adam789654123 i have stuff i want to do with X
00:27 anonnumberanon nobody will use it
00:27 adam789654123 but i dont want to have to use it for alot of my basic computer tasks
00:27 adam789654123 nobody will use what?
00:27 anonnumberanon the thing you make
00:27 adam789654123 haha
00:28 adam789654123 because of X
00:28 anonnumberanon that doesn't use X, yes
00:28 adam789654123 it has nothing to do with X
00:28 anonnumberanon you'll interest literally 0.005% of all users
00:28 adam789654123 :P
00:28 adam789654123 its a multithreaded framework
00:28 anonnumberanon if you do it then do it for yourself, which is a noble cause too heh
00:29 adam789654123 i actually want to host this thing on githup
00:29 adam789654123 *github
00:30 adam789654123 maybe help teach other people about multithreading?
00:30 adam789654123 idk
00:30 adam789654123 i also have plans to turn it into a server
00:30 anonnumberanon sounds great yeah, do ti
00:30 adam789654123 it sort of needs to be, because its multithreaded
00:30 adam789654123 yeah
00:31 adam789654123 then i have another project to get started on
00:31 adam789654123 my timeframe got push forward significantly
00:31 adam789654123 i was at the 2 months before starting project 2
00:31 adam789654123 now im at 2 weeks, because of the huge boost i got the last few days
00:32 anonnumberanon I kinda feel the same.
00:32 adam789654123 then some time within the next few months i want to compile data concerning local metalshops in the area
00:32 adam789654123 great
00:33 adam789654123 basically going to start doing some groundwork concerning possibly working tobecome a machinist, or mechatronic technician
00:33 adam789654123 i bet you would love the latter
00:35 anonnumberanon yeah im all into that stuff, less so the fabrication, moreso control
00:35 adam789654123 then maybe you would like to go to school for that even?
00:35 adam789654123 i dont know
00:35 adam789654123 i *am* interested in the fabrication myself
00:36 anonnumberanon already did heh i just graduated
00:36 adam789654123 but i like to build stuff... so....
00:36 adam789654123 haha
00:36 adam789654123 ok
00:36 adam789654123 dont i know how to pick em out?
00:36 adam789654123 :P
00:37 anonnumberanon yeah you should really get on that fast, you haven't a minute to lose, we need that stuff for space and robotics, it's happening now, Gundam fights will start happening soon
00:37 adam789654123 Gundam?
00:38 anonnumberanon I am personally fullfilling my childhood dreams right now.
00:38 adam789654123 is that a cartoon?
00:38 adam789654123 haha
00:38 adam789654123 thats great to hear
00:38 adam789654123 :D
00:38 anonnumberanon 30 year old robot anime yeah
00:38 adam789654123 i see
00:38 anonnumberanon the ultimate robot
00:38 adam789654123 sounded familiar
00:38 anonnumberanon and if that's not possible to do it is a heck of a lot of fun to see how close you can get
00:39 anonnumberanon so far two contenders who said they would fight next year, an american bot and a Japnase bot
00:39 adam789654123 whats the point of doing anything else?
00:39 adam789654123 :P
00:39 adam789654123 i mean... to persue something important to you
00:39 adam789654123 ;)
00:41 anonnumberanon rue_mohr, k just finished watching all, that seems like a viable approach to the thing
00:47 anonnumberanon oh wow and this was 4 years ago so you are taking it up
00:52 rue_shop3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7rxZD09rcc
00:53 rue_shop3 ah you found them, ok
00:53 rue_shop3 4 years?
00:53 rue_shop3 arg
00:56 rue_shop3 the clock took me 19 years
00:56 rue_shop3 the power supply has been 2 years
00:56 rue_shop3 arg
00:57 anonnumberanon where have you been all your life?
00:57 rue_shop3 not sure
00:57 rue_shop3 at this rate I wont live to find out
00:57 anonnumberanon lol
01:04 mrdata rue_shop3, so project completion rates are increasing?
01:04 mrdata that's good
01:04 rue_shop3 yea
01:05 rue_shop3 I'm specifically trying to bang things off
01:05 adam789654123 haha
01:05 rue_shop3 next is the power supply
01:05 rue_shop3 I'm getting closer
01:05 rue_shop3 no real progress this week tho
01:05 adam789654123 i *might* be catching a humorous reasoning
01:05 adam789654123 :P
01:06 rue_shop3 ok I used the lathe, I'm gonna call it a night
01:06 anonnumberanon no rue_shop3
01:06 anonnumberanon don't allow yourself weakness
01:06 adam789654123 rue_shop3: how old were you when you build the clock?
01:07 rue_shop3 I was about 85 when I started
01:07 rue_shop3 cant be , I'm somewhere around 160 now
01:08 adam789654123 160 what?
01:08 adam789654123 :P
01:08 anonnumberanon dog years
01:08 adam789654123 lol
01:09 am789654123 never built a c
01:10 adam789654123 i want to make a mechanical one though
01:10 adam789654123 i just dont know how i would do it
01:11 rue_mohr it must be the traveling, I need to stop traveling so much
01:11 adam789654123 commute?
01:12 adam789654123 long time commuters can be some crazy people
01:12 adam789654123 especially into and out of the city
01:12 adam789654123 it does something to you
01:12 adam789654123 :P
01:13 rue_mohr sure, yea, not interplanetary or anything, that would be crazy
01:14 anonnumberanon "Not yet."
01:14 anonnumberanon -Sagan
01:14 rue_mohr not to mention the temporal effects it could cause
01:15 adam789654123 pffttt.... then it would be cool..... whatever
01:15 adam789654123 ;-D
01:15 anonnumberanon ill have a Youtube release on Monday, just throwing that out there
01:15 adam789654123 is long as there is no taffic
01:16 anonnumberanon first steps...
01:16 adam789654123 if there is interplanatary traffic, then im not interested
01:16 rue_mohr what I do know if that I'm going to die soon, and I'm really cutting it to the wire on transporting my conciousness into a machine
01:17 adam789654123 how are you going to manage that?
01:17 rue_mohr not 100% sure
01:17 rue_mohr its a hufty problem
01:17 adam789654123 how long do you have?
01:17 anonnumberanon rue_mohr, how soon? that tech is about 15 years away, best bet is if they cure cancer first
01:17 rue_mohr see, if it was any other proprietory machine, I'd just say it wasn't worth it and throw it out
01:17 am789654123 tends to think we are all going to die soon.
01:18 anonnumberanon adam789654123, stop thinking that way it is anti-evolutionary
01:18 rue_mohr I might have 30 or 40 years, but its all going into degredation
01:18 rue_mohr the sooner I get it done the better
01:18 adam789654123 anonnumberanon: not at once of course
01:19 anonnumberanon I think about this a lot too rue_mohr .
01:19 rue_mohr I dont know how much the self correction can fix
01:19 adam789654123 i see
01:19 adam789654123 i think that is a good applicition for robotics
01:19 anonnumberanon adam789654123, dying, it is obsolete
01:19 e_mohr spits out a steel sha
01:19 rue_mohr have to stop getting my face so close
01:19 adam789654123 haha
01:20 adam789654123 i hadnt made the connection though
01:20 adam789654123 but its sort of an obvious one
01:21 anonnumberanon i think it's a neuroscience and genetics deal, to get to the point when we will stop aging
01:21 adam789654123 the problem seems to be integration is difficult
01:21 anonnumberanon it exists but it hasn't been discovered how yet
01:21 anonnumberanon that's what frustrates me
01:21 rue_mohr so, the problem
01:22 rue_mohr is, like
01:22 anonnumberanon i know your question
01:22 rue_mohr lets say you have a device, a computerized machine
01:22 rue_mohr it runs a completely proprietory computer
01:22 anonnumberanon we just need to work a heck of a lot harder on neurons to computer interface, once you've got a proper API you control life.
01:22 anonnumberanon OR SOMETHING
01:22 rue_mohr one that mixes data storage and processing
01:22 anonnumberanon !!
01:23 rue_mohr and its slowly failing, but it still works
01:23 rue_mohr cause its got a lot of redundancy and self-correction
01:23 adam789654123 ic
01:23 rue_mohr like a failing hard drive, that still works but the crc correction rate is going up slowly
01:23 rue_mohr anyhow
01:23 rue_mohr you need to port the machines operation to a PC
01:24 adam789654123 ok
01:24 rue_mohr so, do you try to emulate the hardware on a transistor level
01:24 rue_mohr which would also require pulling and duplicating all the data
01:25 rue_mohr which you cant really do, cause the data and logic are tangled into the same thing
01:25 adam789654123 you familiar with Ray Kurzweil?
01:25 rue_mohr or, do you recreate the end effect of the whole things operation
01:25 rue_mohr no
01:25 anonnumberanon the effect
01:25 anonnumberanon the end effect
01:25 adam789654123 ok
01:25 anonnumberanon define that
01:26 rue_mohr everything it does, but not done the way it does it
01:26 adam789654123 the idea is to try to emulate your processes on more stable hardware
01:26 rue_mohr so, differences in operation could come up
01:26 rue_mohr mmhm
01:26 rue_mohr tho, at what level does it need to be done to really work
01:26 anonnumberanon yeah you just need to access the lower level, then the higher level can run on that with no problem
01:26 adam789654123 here's an interesting question. if you are emulated, is that yout?
01:27 rue_mohr exactly
01:27 anonnumberanon yeah but then they will be two of you who don't do the same things, eventually it will become 2 different people
01:27 adam789654123 i thnink they are different at once
01:27 rue_mohr part of the elegance of the origional machine is its ability to reconstruct from erronious data
01:28 adam789654123 example, i step on a nail, its not them
01:28 rue_mohr possibly, but thats obvious and expected
01:28 adam789654123 and vice versa
01:28 adam789654123 another consideration is, what are we trying to preserve, exactly?
01:28 adam789654123 just an interesting thing to think about
01:29 anonnumberanon what you want is to trick yourself into thinking you are still the same you
01:29 adam789654123 that this being can experience reality and perpetuate itself
01:29 rue_mohr as the experience(t) approaches t = infinity, the deviations will also
01:29 adam789654123 that i value my exisntance
01:29 rue_mohr but you see, at that point there are two of you trying to figure out if your you
01:29 rue_mohr there is another aspect
01:29 rue_mohr lets jump other the technical part,
01:30 rue_mohr lets say your have brain cancer and you get a prothetic brain that does work exactly like your origional did, and your origional brain is alive in a jar
01:30 rue_mohr what do you do with your brain
01:30 anonnumberanon nah man that's not interesting, let's just make it happen, the Universe needs exploring, everything else is just fear of the unknown talking
01:30 rue_mohr your on both sides of the glass
01:31 anonnumberanon you'd be two different people
01:31 anonnumberanon after instant t, that is
01:31 rue_mohr because one would be bodyless in a jar and the other would be holding the jar
01:31 anonnumberanon and that instant is the interesting varibale
01:31 adam789654123 part of the issue, is how you *can* come to one conclusion or the other, depending on how you reason about it
01:31 rue_mohr mostly mentally identicle
01:32 adam789654123 and that conclusion becomes a motivating factor
01:32 anonnumberanon the one in the jar is what the engineer must avoid
01:32 adam789654123 comprehension is a motivating factor
01:32 rue_mohr so, what do you do with your brain?
01:33 adam789654123 it depends?
01:33 anonnumberanon there needs to be a transfer, like first an osmosis, and then a conscious choice of the double brain, to kill a part of itself, which will then be only tissue, like getting breast removal
01:33 rue_mohr I recon its in the jar, afraid of being destroyed
01:33 adam789654123 i mean, in some sense, we are already practically clones of one another
01:33 rue_mohr yea, but I'm saying all thats been done
01:34 rue_mohr less the cancer, the artificial brain is in your body doing the same things your brain would be if it didn't have the cancer
01:34 anonnumberanon you "shed" the sick part
01:34 adam789654123 and people treat one another differently, i guess depending on circumstance
01:34 rue_mohr but this is yourself
01:34 rue_mohr your holding your brain in a jar
01:34 rue_mohr its alive
01:34 adam789654123 but in another sense, we are all the brain in the jar looking at itself
01:34 rue_mohr your body is holding you in a jar
01:34 anonnumberanon no look, you have an old and a new harddrive
01:35 rue_mohr do you trust it?
01:35 adam789654123 i have to
01:35 rue_mohr its a processing hard drive
01:35 rue_mohr its like OOP but in hardware
01:35 anonnumberanon you transfer what's on the old one to the new one, in real time, then you trash the old hard drive which contains absolutely no data on it
01:35 rue_mohr the logic is partly defined by the data
01:35 adam789654123 if it has its own motivations, than thats what will guide it
01:36 adam789654123 it seems like the same issue as if a person held your brain in a jar
01:36 rue_mohr data and operationally, its identicle to your origional brain
01:36 rue_mohr but this is you
01:36 rue_mohr and, at that instant, you exist in both places
01:37 adam789654123 you *could* conclude either or
01:37 anonnumberanon what's the issue then?
01:37 rue_mohr its just a thinker, what do you do with your brain
01:37 adam789654123 perhaps you could imagine, it is both you and not you
01:37 anonnumberanon how about: you exist in neither bodies anymore, because the engineers effectively killed you while they are transfering the data to the new brain
01:38 anonnumberanon i am satisfied by this method
01:38 rue_mohr on the details end, the problem of reverse engineering it exists
01:38 rue_mohr I'v worked out some things
01:38 rue_mohr but reverse engineering yourself from the inside out isn't easy
01:39 rue_mohr I'v realized some really shocking things about human behaviour
01:39 adam789654123 haha
01:40 adam789654123 me too
01:40 adam789654123 :P
01:40 rue_mohr twice its come to "damn, is that all we are?"
01:41 adam789654123 it can amaze me what we have figured out
01:41 adam789654123 but i also see this underlying mystery
01:41 adam789654123 inpenetrable mystery
01:41 rue_mohr I partly suspect that if I makea platform that operates the same, and load MOST of the data, it will self-regenerate the rest
01:42 adam789654123 something that is simply not reasonable
01:42 adam789654123 so you cant figure it out
01:42 rue_mohr you know about holograms?
01:42 adam789654123 i tiny bit
01:42 adam789654123 maybe i should learn more?
01:42 adam789654123 :)
01:42 rue_mohr how the image is distributed over the whole surface, in a way where by and part of that surface can regenerate the whole image?
01:43 rue_mohr just at a poorer quality?
01:43 adam789654123 im not familiar
01:43 adam789654123 no
01:43 rue_mohr ah
01:43 rue_mohr evry used the program 'units'?
01:44 rue_mohr zippo:/tmp# units
01:44 rue_mohr Currency exchange rates from 2013-07-11
01:44 rue_mohr 2430 units, 68 prefixes, 64 nonlinear units
01:44 rue_mohr You have: 1 lightyear3
01:44 rue_mohr You want: teaspoons
01:44 rue_mohr * 1.7179958e+53
01:44 rue_mohr / 5.820736e-54
01:44 rue_mohr it finds the chain of conversions neccisary to get from A to B
01:45 adam789654123 i understand the concept
01:45 rue_mohr damn I have to get about 300lbs of copiers out of the back of my truck tommorow
01:46 adam789654123 i see it in the repos
01:46 adam789654123 :)
01:46 adam789654123 electronic copy machines eh?
01:47 rue_mohr yea, resources for making a mechanical body
01:47 rue_mohr it should reduce down to about 10lbs of usable parts... :/
01:47 rue_mohr and lots and lots of recycling
01:48 adam789654123 hmmm..... i can only imagine what you will come up with
01:48 adam789654123 suffice it to say, im interested
01:50 adam789654123 i should correct "i can only" to "I cant even"
01:50 adam789654123 :P
01:51 adam789654123 ever see blinking lights in the sky?
01:51 adam789654123 im wondering if perhaps some satalites are highly visible
01:51 adam789654123 maybe someone has an interest in such phenomena here
01:52 adam789654123 cant imagine what else these things would be
01:52 anonnumberanon #space
01:52 adam789654123 yeah
01:52 adam789654123 good thinking
01:52 adam789654123 ill save it for another day though
01:52 adam789654123 :)
01:52 adam789654123 too high for helicopers
01:53 adam789654123 too slow for jets and such
01:53 adam789654123 ive seen a YT video of an amature space launch
01:54 adam789654123 they shot a rocket into space with a camera and too photage of it going around the world, and transmitted the signal
01:54 adam789654123 note that its movement around the world is a result of its being... i guess.... in the earths orbit
01:54 adam789654123 was very interesing
01:55 adam789654123 maybe ive just been living in the country too long?
01:55 adam789654123 :P
01:58 adam789654123 well... if off.... have a good night robotics
01:58 adam789654123 :D
03:41 deshipu yawn
03:44 Jak_o_Shadows hey, we're up to C
08:30 akem hey
08:32 deshipu so I've bitten the bullet and rebuilt one of my quuadrupeds to put rpi on it
08:33 deshipu still needs programming
08:36 SpeedEvil genetic algorithms.
08:36 deshipu nah
08:36 SpeedEvil dd if=/dev/urandom >/dev/sda1
08:37 SpeedEvil until it works
08:38 deshipu genetic algorithms and neural nets are possibly the worst ways of doing things
08:38 deshipu the only redeeming factors are that they can do things that we don't know how to do in any other way
08:39 deshipu but if you are not doing one of those, just do it the normal way, it will be easier, faster and better
08:49 akem deshipu you got some quadruped bots of your own?
08:50 akem deshipu visible on the web?
08:53 akem the muscles wires looks very experimental
08:55 Snert they've been around for a decade I think the material has gotten better.
08:55 Snert but yes I agree
08:55 Snert I'm going to get a yard of it and see if something might be done.
08:56 deshipu akem: yes
08:57 deshipu akem: hackaday.io/deshipu
08:57 deshipu Snert: it's so annoying that you have to heat it
08:57 deshipu Snert: shame it doesn't just work with current directly, without heat :P
08:59 Snert it does.
08:59 Snert it just depends how much current is needed to generate the heat required.
08:59 Snert which I do not think is an onerous amount.
09:00 Snert it's a large current, yes.
09:00 Snert but large is relative.
09:00 Snert I just figger....what the heck. 6bucks to really find out.
09:02 deshipu one could make a really small robot with it
09:03 Snert I'll see if 4 strands in parallel can generate enough movement at a reasonable current.
09:03 Snert I have my doubts.
09:05 Snert after all, if it were really good it would be taking the world by storm.
09:11 deshipu maybe just nobody noticed yet
09:14 Snert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT1iDtDvx58
09:15 Snert granted not a whole lot of movement.
09:16 Snert but seems possible without huge to-220 driver transistors.
09:17 Snert my application might not be a hand though.
09:17 Snert just a gripper 2 fingers.
09:18 Snert maybe a small mechanical/leverage advantage.
09:19 Snert it doesn't wear out. repeatability into the millions of times.
09:21 akem looks like you have cool things but my internet is too slow right now
09:24 akem deshipu tiny controller boards
09:31 akem i don t like python forced indentation you can not hook up few lines at the left margin, and test quikly, especially since its not compiled
09:31 akem in loop blocks says
09:33 akem you tend to test or re-execute the code more often, rapid test or experiments than compiled languages of course, anyway the language itself is fine
09:34 Snert python will let you make mistakes and give absolutely no error message.
09:34 Snert and I'm not a good coder.
09:36 akem deshipu nice robots
09:37 akem i though you were japanese cause of your nick
09:38 akem i used python a lot with blender mostly, i prefer ruby
09:48 akem deshipu transparent plastic everywhere
10:07 deshipu akem: sorry, got into coding
10:07 deshipu akem: yeah, I need to work on that logicoma too
10:08 deshipu too many projects
10:08 deshipu akem: I like to use transparent acrylic, because then I see what is happening
10:11 SpeedEvil http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151151689206 use ruby instead
10:17 akem i digg the cyclop style of ukubik
10:17 deshipu it was the first of the series
11:44 LiohAu SpeedEvil: here?
11:45 AGPX hi all
11:46 AGPX anybody can help me with 3d reconstruction / camera calibration topics?
11:57 deshipu [crickets]
12:00 robopal AGPX, like what exactly
12:01 robopal I only know of a project (I need to google for the site)
12:04 AGPX multiple camera calibration. I have to calibrate six cameras.
12:05 AGPX I have to estimate the intrinsics and extrinsics parameters.
12:07 robopal dont know about that
12:07 robopal http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/ptm/MakingPtmNew.htm
12:07 robopal I had this in mind
12:08 robopal but I now realize you need something else
12:10 AGPX thanks anyway
12:42 robopal AGPX, care to tell us more about your work? is it for a thesis/phd?
12:49 AGPX I'm developing a motion capture system
12:50 AGPX not for thesis nor phd
13:06 SpeedEvil LiohAu: wut
13:06 LiohAu Well I had a question but I found the answer :P
13:07 SpeedEvil yay - I helped.
13:09 LiohAu :P
14:06 anonnumberanon hi
19:45 rue_mohr low low hi
19:57 Jak_o_Shadows hi
20:12 rue_mohr low hi low
20:14 anonnumberanon 3-bit greeting, nice
20:15 rue_mohr we done use no 2 bit greetings!
20:15 rue_mohr we dont use no 2 bit greetings!
20:16 anonnumberanon hi low low
20:17 anonnumberanon and bam, there was a pulse going by
20:17 rue_mohr you inverted the correct answer
20:22 Jak_o_Shadows I just replaced my z-couplings on the 3d printer
20:22 Jak_o_Shadows will not suck so much now
20:28 Keukpa rue_mohr: isn't that a double negative? So you DO use 2 bit greetings? ;)
20:32 Snert don't not never do no double negervits.
20:34 rue_mohr Jak_o_Shadows, welcome to the eternal upgrades
20:35 rue_mohr not what i meant
20:36 rue_mohr I only use 2 bit greeting if there is a transport error
20:37 Jak_o_Shadows aha
20:37 Jak_o_Shadows First time i've touched it in 3 months
20:38 anonnumberanon i i see, the last bit was for odd parity... :)
20:38 Jak_o_Shadows I am loving the floating z-axis thing I have
20:38 Jak_o_Shadows Makes it so much easier to do things when you can just lift the whole x-axis up
22:41 rue_shop3 need a warmup project
22:41 rue_shop3 LATHE!!!
22:44 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, does that new one fit better?
22:49 armyofevilrobots haven’t tested it yet.
22:49 armyofevilrobots Maybe tomorrow. Slacking off for the evening.
22:52 Jak_o_Shadows I hate *.wikia.com
23:35 rue_shop3 well the next two are same design :)
23:36 rue_shop3 hmm, finished that, what to do next....
23:36 rue_shop3 hmmmm
23:41 rue_shop3 o I cleared the chair, now I can sit and think about what to do
23:43 rue_shop3 have to knock down the house temp, the furnace cant get it up to 17, its just continiously running
23:49 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, have any speakerbox designs?
23:50 rue_shop3 I really need to make that foldable cnc router
23:50 rue_shop3 with the dc servos and the laser compensation
23:51 rue_shop3 ooh I could use an optical mouse
23:51 rue_shop3 I wonder if the latency is too high...
23:53 rue_shop3 I'm supposed to be working on the power supply
23:53 rue_shop3 hmm