#robotics Logs

Oct 27 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:31 rue_house ?
00:31 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/mecha1/p1070521.jpg
00:32 rue_house that was in the free ctagory, its 5' tall
00:33 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/mecha1/p1070523.jpg
00:33 rue_house that image favors its scale more
00:33 [cube] hah
00:34 [cube] nice rue_house
00:34 [cube] your own personal mech
00:34 [cube] looks awesome
00:34 [cube] got any video?
00:34 rue_house thanks, I want to work on it more but it was supposed to be a QUICK fun project
00:34 [cube] lol
00:34 [cube] no such thing :P
00:34 rue_house its price comes at a cost, it dosn't move
00:34 [cube] ah
00:35 rue_house I put about 16 hours into it
00:35 [cube] well you could always add movement
00:35 [cube] if you really wanted to
00:35 rue_house I think, its hard to tell when its that fragmented
00:35 rue_house what impressed me is that making it move would be VERRY plausable
00:35 [cube] lol yes
00:35 rue_house few changes, but yea
00:35 rue_house that woulnd't have problems getting full motion
00:35 [cube] i just recently saw something really neat
00:36 [cube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzaXMzYFtSM
00:36 rue_house ugh, that stupid thing again
00:37 [cube] lol
00:37 rue_house DO YOU KNOW HOW OLD THAT IS!?
00:37 [cube] id never seen it
00:37 [cube] haha
00:37 [cube] its cool, simple movement
00:37 rue_house I have a book from the 70's that talks about it for a page and a half
00:37 [cube] i wonder why its not more common?
00:37 rue_house there is cool, and practical
00:38 [cube] yes
00:38 rue_house they dont meet up that often
00:38 [cube] yes
00:38 [cube] need to start making your mech practical :P
00:38 [cube] maybe it woul dbe a good bbq? :P
00:38 rue_house oooh, I think I know why the rtc dsn't work
00:39 rue_house I swapped the address and data to init it.
10:52 LiohAu can anybody tell me the difference between a threaded rod and a leadscrew?
10:55 deshipu I think one describes the appearance, and the other the use case
10:57 LiohAu deshipu: http://www.protoparadigm.com/news-updates/accuracy-vs-precision-and-threaded-rod-vs-leadscrews-in-3d-printers/
10:57 LiohAu I think that I do not understand something in the article because it's not my native language...
10:58 SpeedEvil Threaded rod is $1/m and comparatively crappy usually.
10:58 SpeedEvil Leadscrew is $50/m and actually manufactured to tollerances better than 5%, typically properly hardened and ground
10:59 SpeedEvil As well as polished and usually from better metal
11:00 SpeedEvil In some cases, you can substitute, but it's like in some cases you can make structures out of cardboard not steel and it will work fine.
11:00 SpeedEvil It takes lots of thought and testing to see if it will be adequate
11:16 LiohAu SpeedEvil: so I can consider it as the same object, the leadscrew having a better quality
11:19 deshipu LiohAu: from that article:
11:19 deshipu Threaded rod is designed for use in constructing things. It is meant to hold things together, to suspend things, or to run through things for internal strength. They are designed to have washers and nuts put on them and for those things to hold their place.
11:20 deshipu Leadscrews are designed for linear motion. They can certainly be costly, and as such may not be appropriate for every build, but they are a benefit to any printer you put them in.
12:17 veverak LiohAu: also, people which sell the stuff usually behaves accordly to it
12:17 veverak if it's leadscrew
12:18 veverak they take care of it properly so it doesn't bend
12:18 veverak if i'ts screw rod
12:18 veverak nobody really cares, so it's usually bended a lot :)
12:18 veverak LiohAu: but main question concerning this, is what do you need it for?
12:19 LiohAu just curiosity because I was looking at these SCARA arms on kickstarter
12:24 Hyratel basically, Lead Screws are handled carefully and will probably arrive in good shape. Threaded rod/allthread you'll get all bent and probably won't ever be good for compression loads
12:32 deshipu ah, that scara arms on kickstarter
12:32 deshipu there are two "universal maker robot" arms there now
12:32 deshipu if you are lucky, they will be strong enough to do cnc in toothpaste
12:42 veverak lol
12:42 veverak :)
12:42 veverak deshipu: exactly!
12:44 deshipu as long as it's not too dired
12:44 deshipu dried
12:54 Hyratel deshipu, so what does it take to make a strong scara arm?
12:55 deshipu Hyratel: expensive servos
12:55 deshipu http://paste.sheep.art.pl/f0ebb473-2fb2-4662-bc64-d7bad2e8fab6/%2Binline <-- second prototype
12:55 Hyratel IT'S CUTE
12:56 deshipu thanks
12:57 deshipu it's going to be my platform for quicly testing new boards
12:57 veverak deshipu: super cute!
13:00 Hyratel so whats ity consist of
13:17 deshipu two servos with wheels, powerbank, ultrasonic sensor, pro mini
13:17 deshipu but you can fit any module on the board, so it's going to be my testbed
13:25 veverak nah
13:25 veverak where mine pro mini at?
13:25 veverak have to find ttl/usb
13:26 deshipu I made it so that I can put wipy or stm32 in there too
13:27 veverak but I suppose I should be able to make one arduino mega into one
13:27 veverak deshipu: have you ever tried to flash one arduino with second one?
13:27 deshipu veverak: only works if you can remove the chip
13:28 veverak nah
13:28 veverak maybe in hackerspace there could be spart usb->ttl
13:28 veverak wait, I've got one free for cubieboard!
13:28 veverak nice
13:28 veverak :)
13:34 deshipu I have dozens of them
13:35 deshipu so what are you programming?
13:36 veverak pro mini
13:36 veverak when they will arrive
13:36 veverak anyway
13:36 veverak deshipu: I should be able to start programming with ROS soon
13:41 deshipu soon
13:43 veverak naaaaah
13:43 veverak one thing!
13:43 veverak I have to find switch for tote
13:44 veverak didn't found anything at home
13:54 deshipu I can bring one to pycon.cz ;)
13:54 deshipu in three weeks
14:10 Keukpa evening peeps :)
14:34 veverak it's in three weeks?
14:34 veverak daaaaaamn
14:34 veverak :)
16:05 deshipu veverak: why?
16:05 deshipu hi Keukpa
16:14 veverak almost forgot it
16:24 Keukpa So what goes on in here then?! :)
16:31 deshipu debouchery
16:33 Keukpa ah, I'm in the right place then!
16:35 deshipu we watch robots without their chassis on
16:36 Keukpa is that legal?
16:38 ace4016 only in about 3 states
16:39 deshipu only in state of complete drunkenness
16:44 veverak depends on qaulity of drugs
16:57 Keukpa you drug your robots? Is that even ethical?
17:43 veverak best AI ever
17:50 Snert__ Let No Bot Be Bot Without Bottle Of Rum
18:36 Devilholk Evening, anyone know a specific linux release that works with openrave?
19:35 anonnumberanon rue_bed, moving a servo from a joystick is exhilarating...
20:47 rue_shop3 :)
20:47 rue_shop3 yup
20:48 rue_shop3 now want to do force feedback?
20:48 rue_shop3 do you have a second servo?
20:53 Hyratel Devilholk, what's openrave
21:49 Devilholk Guess question is moot
21:51 Tom_itx http://openrave.org/docs/0.6.6/install/
21:51 Tom_itx apparently ubuntu
22:22 anonnumberanon I'll start by using servo+joystick to see how much current I'm drawing while doing expensive moves (like raising a leg in the air).
23:53 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/TStar/20151027_223808.jpg
23:56 zhanx Orlock what is that
23:56 orlock nightlight for the daughter
23:56 orlock 3 LED's out
23:56 orlock they are all RGB
23:56 orlock thats just with power applied, no data
23:57 zhanx Nice
23:57 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/TStar/
23:57 orlock based on https://www.google.com.au/search?q=twilight+sparkles+cutie+mark&espv=2&biw=1148&bih=503&tbm=isch&imgil=_fErfNzV517sBM%253A%253B6aFTQAxsswUEiM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.iconshut.com%25252Ftwilight-sparkles-cutie-mark-t-shirt-icons%25252FdT1hSFIwY0RvdkwybHRZV2RsTlM1emNISmxZV1J6YUdseWRDNWpiMjB2YVcxaFoyVXRjMlZ5ZG1WeUwzWXhMM0J5YjJSMVkzUnpMekV3TlRFeU1UazFOUzkyYVdWM2N5OHhkMmxrZEdnOU16YzRhR1ZwWjJoMFBUTTNPR0Z3Y0dWaGNtRnVZMlZKWkQweU56Y3ZWSGRwYkdsbmF
23:58 zhanx Gonna show the wife
23:58 orlock designed pretty much from scratch in OpenSCAD
23:58 orlock printed out
23:58 orlock etc etc
23:59 zhanx My wife said, your making an interactive coffee table
23:59 orlock needs a esp8266 wired up