#robotics Logs

Oct 26 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:28 adam789654123 anybody?
01:33 rue_house mmm
01:34 adam789654123 hey rue_house
01:34 adam789654123 i had a general question
01:35 rue_house ok
01:35 adam789654123 can you filter a signal based on voltage level?
01:35 rue_house explain how that works
01:36 adam789654123 so lets say i want only to filter out the signal that doest fall within a given voltage range
01:36 rue_house I dont get it
01:36 adam789654123 say from 2.5 to 3 volts can go through
01:36 rue_house tell it to me in terms of volts in and out
01:37 adam789654123 im trying to think of how to say it
01:37 rue_house yup
01:37 adam789654123 so lets say that the current goes out of the line through the device
01:37 adam789654123 uhhh
01:37 adam789654123 one sec
01:38 adam789654123 so lets say that the current travels into the device, and to ground
01:38 adam789654123 when you hook the device up to a charged conductor
01:39 adam789654123 can you distribute the signal in different ways, within the device, according to the volatage?
01:39 adam789654123 sort of like using logic on voltage levels
01:39 rue_house hmm
01:39 rue_house if you want 2.5 to 3V to go thru, what do you want to happen if the input is outside that range
01:40 adam789654123 i dont know
01:40 adam789654123 its completely hypothetical
01:40 rue_house that would be a good thing to work out
01:40 adam789654123 i guess ideally, nothing maybe?
01:40 rue_house so 0V
01:40 rue_house ?
01:40 adam789654123 yes
01:40 rue_house its possable with 2 op-amps and a bilateral switch
01:41 adam789654123 the idea that was being played with was, a light goes on if the voltage falls within a given range
01:41 rue_house say a 6002 and a 4016
01:41 adam789654123 but even so, anything you have to say about this "voltage logic" would be interesting to me
01:41 rue_house if you want a light to come on between 2.5 and 3V, its called a window comparitor, 2 op-amps
01:41 adam789654123 window comparitor, huh
01:42 adam789654123 i can always look it up, but if you have anything to say on that, id be fascinated
01:42 adam789654123 im curious what its made of
01:43 adam789654123 but im also not sure what you're doing, and i dont want to bother you if you're not up for the chat
01:43 rue_house I'm waiting to get sleepy so I can go to bed
01:43 rue_house cause bedtime was ... 2 horus ago
01:43 adam789654123 then talk to me.... i bore the hell out of everyone!
01:43 adam789654123 :P
01:44 adam789654123 talking to me is better than counting sheep
01:44 adam789654123 ;)
01:44 adam789654123 seriously though, have a good night sleep
01:44 adam789654123 thanks
01:44 adam789654123 :D
01:44 rue_house mm,
01:48 rue_house yea, I'm off to bed
01:48 rue_house gnight
01:49 adam789654123 gnight
01:49 adam789654123 thanks again
01:49 adam789654123 :D
04:00 deshipu morning
05:18 [cube] mornin deshipu
05:18 deshipu what's cooking doc?
05:39 veverak bunny stew
05:39 veverak :)
05:44 deshipu wabbit?
06:52 veverak :D
07:16 [cube] mmm veverak stew
07:18 [cube] extra onions plz
08:47 deshipu squirrels are not tasty
08:48 deshipu and you might be allergic to nuts
08:48 veverak nuts are tasty!
08:48 veverak :)
08:49 deshipu for squirrels
08:51 [cube] how do you catch a monkey
08:51 [cube] you place a sweet nut in a box
08:51 [cube] make a hole in the box smaller than the nut, but just large enough for the monkey's hand ;)
08:51 [cube] oh, and bolt the box to something
08:53 deshipu reminds me of a story about a blonde fox
08:53 deshipu it has bitten off three of its legs, and still was trapped
08:54 [cube] hah
08:54 [cube] veverak: you bit off the wrong legs
08:58 veverak :)))
09:47 rue_house my MCS85 library is working, the RTC is doing something stupid
09:47 deshipu I always thought that time is a stupid idea
09:47 rue_house it really messes up pattern recognition
09:48 deshipu it only complicates everything
09:48 rue_house my RTC is folding its arms and saying "no"
09:48 deshipu making anything interactive = ten times harder
09:48 deshipu off with its head!
09:48 rue_house it says the seconds are 100, and they dont ever change
09:49 rue_house but I can read and write to the memeory locations, so I know its alive
19:46 rue_house nobody said anything since this morning?
19:47 Tom_itx just you
19:50 orlock Its still morning!
19:50 orlock ALso, about 8 weeks to go till i need to take another picture
19:51 Tom_itx no new star shots?
19:51 Tom_itx baby pics?
19:51 orlock Not unless you count this
19:51 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/TStar/
19:51 orlock Soldered all the wires up
19:51 orlock not happy with the way the wiring turned out
19:51 orlock too many big thick wires
19:52 orlock i should have just soldered all the legs point to point
20:45 rue_shop3 orlock, oh sweeet
20:45 rue_shop3 I think I stashed the last ones
20:46 rue_shop3 hmm
21:19 psYbR hey there. can anyone recommmend me some tips on creating some technical drawings on paper? I've never done tech drawing before and I can't draw to save my own life... Can't really find any tutorials that cover what I'm after
21:19 psYbR *give me some tips, rather
21:20 Tom_itx don't know what you're after
21:21 joga graph paper and ruler? :)
21:21 Tom_itx get some graph paper that will help
21:39 Hyratel psYbR, yeah, draw to the grid
21:39 Hyratel take a picture from the indicated angle and draw what you see
21:40 psYbR i'm trying that now :d
21:40 psYbR cheers
21:40 psYbR don't have any dimensions in mind until I have an idea what I want to build so I guess I'll wing it and see what works
22:03 jellyman Hello
22:05 ace4016 a lot of it will just be making generic sketches
22:06 ace4016 if you need accuracy and such, use protractors, rulers, grid paper, compasses, stencils, etc.
22:06 ace4016 the old tricks of the trade :P
22:06 ace4016 (though...why not just use a CAD program at that time?)
22:08 Tom_itx i did
22:08 Tom_itx but eh wanted to draw on paper
22:08 Tom_itx jr
22:08 Tom_itx he
22:08 Tom_itx damn fingers
22:09 Tom_itx lost feeling in one and it deals me fits on the keyboard now
22:11 ace4016 hehe
22:11 ace4016 ahoy jellyman
22:11 jellyman Hello, i just joined
22:12 jellyman Do you guys make robots?
22:13 Tom_itx used to
22:14 jellyman What do you do now?
22:14 ace4016 at some point in time i'll get back to making a robot...
22:14 Tom_itx sit on my arse
22:14 psYbR hi jellyman
22:14 jellyman Lol
22:14 YbR is building a battle
22:14 jellyman I am building a robot for IGVC (intelligent ground vehicle competition)
22:15 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/sumo_files/sumo_new_index.php
22:15 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/lightseeker/lightseeker_index.php
22:15 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/maxbot/maxbot_index.php
22:15 Tom_itx for a couple
22:15 jellyman Ooh neat
22:16 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/psu_index.php
22:16 Tom_itx last venture was making that control for my cnc
22:17 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/new_pulleys/timing_pulley_index.php
22:17 Tom_itx and changing the stock belt drive on the spindle and adding an encoder to it
22:17 jellyman Very neat
22:18 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g99lUtjLfMU&feature=youtu.be
22:18 Tom_itx so it can tap
22:20 Tom_itx jellyman, is that like darpa?
22:20 jellyman I've thought about building a CNC mill, but it is kinda expensive
22:20 Tom_itx you'd better not get into robotics then
22:21 jellyman Not really, it's for a yearly competition at Oakland university
22:21 Tom_itx oh
22:21 Tom_itx you're funded
22:21 ace4016 lol
22:21 jellyman Lol yeah
22:21 ace4016 yea, a CNC can be built for a fairly basic robot that can impress a crowd
22:21 ace4016 for the same amount that is
22:22 jellyman I am working on the robot at my university
23:58 rue_house make sure th robot has lots of motion, lights and sounds