#robotics Logs

Oct 06 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:51 deshipu you guyys should try it sometime over the pond
04:25 veverak paycheck arrived
04:25 veverak let's order some servos
04:44 deshipu I wrote an article: https://hackaday.io/page/1252-small-robots
07:19 veverak nahnah
07:19 veverak deshipu: you said you use ssh to control your robot?
07:20 verak got "brain software" that is able to listen to json-rpc c
07:20 veverak well, actually it's prepared to make this happend
07:20 veverak point is that I struggle with "control software" :/
07:23 deshipu veverak: I use ssh for the vocore one
07:23 deshipu veverak: I use bluetooth for another one
07:23 deshipu veverak: and just IR in most of them
07:24 veverak hmm
07:24 veverak I am really thinking about making termina python script
07:25 veverak that would catch keyboard for control
07:25 veverak and just print() info for you
07:28 deshipu sure, why not
07:29 deshipu the bluetooth one is controlled with a pygame program
07:29 deshipu with joystick and some graphics
07:31 veverak just need some gui that can coexist with networking
07:31 veverak :)
07:32 veverak and maybe some way do display webcam would be nice
07:34 veverak pygame sounds cool
07:37 deshipu yeah, programming robots is surprisingly similar to programming games
07:37 deshipu interactive system, you know
07:38 veverak this looks cool
07:39 veverak looks like pygame launches it's gui in background and doesn't want to take control of main thread
07:39 veverak cool
07:40 deshipu of course streaming the camera would be easiest through a web browser
07:40 deshipu add some js for controls...
07:47 veverak yeah
07:47 veverak flask
07:47 veverak ;D
07:49 veverak deshipu: just still not sure i want to invest time into JS
07:49 veverak if it would grow bigger, it would start tobe hidrance
07:49 veverak JS in browser is not most effective ever
07:50 deshipu well, you would only send the keypresses or joystick events over to python on the robot
07:50 deshipu no need for that part to grow
07:53 verak can be sensor f
07:53 veverak :)
07:53 veverak nah
07:54 veverak fu this
07:54 veverak flask it is, most easies way for me to make something fast
07:54 veverak and if it would want to be much bigger, I will find something else after that
07:58 deshipu I still need to write that i2c servo controller
07:58 verak needs to split his control software in a way, he can use it for two different ro
07:58 veverak write Tote mechanics as module into it
08:00 veverak http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-I2C-Python/?ALLSTEPS#step1
08:00 veverak looks cool
08:00 deshipu it's simple
08:00 deshipu that part I have working
08:00 veverak so what's missing?
08:00 veverak arduino?
08:00 makepi veverak: I remember my first PIC. Oh wait....
08:01 deshipu well, the code that I know how to write but have no motivation to...
08:01 veverak details?
08:02 verak can do Arduino+Py
08:02 veverak :d
08:02 deshipu right
08:02 deshipu it's just a question of sitting down and doing it
08:02 deshipu no rocket science
08:03 verak would do it, but
08:03 deshipu I have a an arduino sketch and a python program that lets me send bytes from pi to arduino
08:03 deshipu I have an arduino sketch that controls the robot's servos
08:04 deshipu I have a python program that controls the robot's servos
08:04 veverak good
08:04 deshipu all I have to do is to merge the two sketches and the two programs
08:04 veverak thought about firmata?
08:05 deshipu no
08:05 veverak http://www.firmata.org/wiki/Main_Page
08:05 veverak got python library
08:05 veverak but uses serial though :/
08:05 deshipu for serial I even have a ready arduino sketch
08:06 deshipu that controls the servos
08:06 deshipu it just works
08:06 veverak yeah
08:06 veverak but firmata is SW that you upload into arduino, connect usb
08:06 veverak and just make like: ar = Arduino("/dev/ttyUSB0")
08:06 veverak and you got ar.pins[] ...
08:06 veverak etc etc etc
08:06 veverak :)
08:07 shipu sh
08:07 veverak just allows you to control freely arduino from the PC without a need to write a thing for arduino
08:07 deshipu you can easily use that
08:07 deshipu as long as it has support for servos
08:07 veverak yeah, it has
08:07 veverak and even got that nice "test gui" that allows you to test the setup without using any special software
08:07 deshipu then that's fine
08:08 deshipu just remember to disable the serial console on the rpi
08:08 veverak ?
08:08 veverak http://rpishop.cz/274-thickbox_default/krabicka-pibow-coupe-royale-pro-model-a.jpg
08:08 veverak hmm
08:08 veverak do I need this? :/
08:08 deshipu it has a login on ttyS0 by default
08:09 veverak I see
08:13 veverak ok
08:13 veverak raspb A, raspb cam, sd card, wifi adapter
08:13 veverak arduino I've got
08:13 veverak servos ordered, li-po I've got too
08:13 veverak good
08:41 deshipu make sure the arduino is 3.3V
08:41 deshipu you will probably need a boost converter to power pi
10:05 Snert How prevalent is profibus vs. canbus vs.? in the automation world?
10:05 Snert am I better off with SSI or is profibus the way to go for gray code encoders and such.
10:06 Snert which is the dinosaur protocol to stay away from.
10:19 deshipu it's the first time I've heard about profibus, I knew about canbus because some motorcycles use it, no idea about ?
10:56 Snert saw it listed on absolute gray code encoders.
10:56 Snert i think canbus is car/motorcycle thing.
10:58 Tom_itx mmm cannabis
10:58 Tom_itx canbus is a noise immune transfer protocol used in the auto etc industry
10:59 Tom_itx rs422 is more likely used in automation
11:00 Tom_itx just a wag though
14:32 veverak deshipu: I've got spare UBEC 5V around
14:33 veverak might be good in "beta" state
18:13 n00b4tudy .join #beaglebone
18:14 n00b4tudy oops sorry
18:15 n00b4tudy arduino sucks?
18:17 n00b4tudy if(uname -r > 2.1.0) { uname -r | version.MD} \;
19:49 anonnumberanon got my robot frame in the maol :)
19:49 anonnumberanon mail
19:50 orlock You should have gotten a printer in the mail
19:50 orlock then printed lots of frames
19:57 anonnumberanon yeah i have access to that
19:57 anonnumberanon I'll print the robot's armor though.
19:59 anonnumberanon I printed a bracket but it didn't turn out too good.
19:59 anonnumberanon https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/p960x960/12080132_10102725919961716_4663413349320865513_o.jpg
20:03 orlock Z not low enough, or maybe underextrusion
20:04 orlock and beds not level
20:04 orlock Suprised it printed at all with that first layer
20:13 anonnumberanon yes I'm going to print more things (also with more filling), this was my first 3d print
20:13 orlock calibrate first
20:13 orlock level bed
20:13 orlock your extrusion doesnt look too bad - the print seems ok apart from first layer
20:13 orlock what printer?
20:17 orlock And its not so much the infill
20:17 orlock Its the fact that the bottom layer looks like a pile of spaghetti
20:18 anonnumberanon Ultimaker 1, at the local hacker space
20:19 anonnumberanon extrusion is the deposition of plastic?
20:19 anonnumberanon I'm gonna have access to new Makerbot