#robotics Logs

Sep 24 2015

#robotics Calendar

02:18 theBear Don’t use the tester where the humidity is high. Once the tester is damp, power off immediately and move away other cables connected.
02:19 theBear The tester should not be use in the environment with the flammable gas.
02:19 theBear Do not disassembly the instrument since no component inside can be repaired by the user. If the disassembly is necessary indeed, please contact with the technician of our company.
02:19 theBear Don’t touch the tester with wet hands or waterish things.
02:19 theBear Don’t use the detergent to clean and the dry cloth is suggested to use. If the dirt is not easy to remove, the soft cloth with water or neutral detergent can be used., but the cloth should be tweaked sufficiently.
02:19 theBear classic chinglish gold i think
02:22 theBear hehe, it gets better as it gets into the more technical parts (it's a testing/diag tool, it's written for people like us) .... i can't concentrate, it keeps making me laugh every 2nd line
08:29 rue_mohr hmm woke up 7 times last night...
08:32 Snert it gets worse as you get older.
08:33 rue_mohr theBear, hehe
08:40 rue_mohr right around 2am I start waking up almost every half hour
08:49 Snert no 3am gotta pee? lol
08:49 Snert it's like clockwork.
10:16 veverak deshipu: have you thought about enclosing tote in shell?
10:16 veverak like for example ball where each 1/4 of the ball is attached to one leg :)
16:32 deshipu veverak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkb_5XGf_K0
16:32 deshipu veverak: like this?
16:37 Snert_ wow send that thing to Mars or pluto
16:38 deshipu too many moving parts, too easy to break
16:39 Snert_ it doesn't make coffee so it's off my project list :)
16:41 deshipu bleargh coffee
16:56 veverak deshipu: exactly!
19:22 Anniepoo wonder what the control interface is like
20:13 rue_mohr what control interface?
20:26 orlock made more progress with my esp8266
20:26 orlock Neopixel works
20:26 orlock Wireless works
20:27 orlock i2c temp/humid sensor works
20:27 orlock all at the same time
20:27 orlock so i can access different URL's to change the colour of the LED's
20:30 rue_mohr cool
20:30 rue_mohr just havin fun or is there a purpose?
20:30 orlock nightlight for daughter
20:30 orlock well, for kids in general now
20:31 orlock i've made a while frame/mount thing in openscad
20:31 rue_mohr ah right
20:32 rue_mohr why can you control the colour of your daughters nightlight from a wireless accessed webpage?
20:33 orlock the remote access is to see the temprature
20:33 orlock and more to dim it rather than change colour
20:34 rue_mohr mmhmhmmm
20:34 orlock switching between reg green and blue via and was just an easy way to verify
20:34 rue_mohr colour?255.255.255
20:36 orlock 19 LED's in the light
20:37 orlock 3 circles of 6 in a pair of stars
20:37 orlock and one in the middle
20:38 rue_mohr way way overkill
20:38 orlock yeah
20:38 orlock but its for the patterns
20:39 orlock rather than the light
20:39 orlock her birthday on the 12th
20:39 orlock so i have, say, 2 weeks to finish it
20:46 rue_mohr oh
20:47 orlock the cad's done, was my main concern
20:47 orlock i'll start printing tomorrow
20:48 orlock well, 80% of car is done
20:48 orlock just need to design the stand and case - which is trivial compared to the hand plotted star pyramid
20:49 orlock 80% of cad, even
20:49 orlock electronics should be easy - its all breadboarded
20:49 orlock just with one LED instead of 19
20:50 orlock also, i'm hoping that in 5 or so years, she'll be programming it herself
20:53 rue_mohr :)
20:58 rue_mohr http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/EVtruck/batteries/main.html
21:05 rue_mohr yea, I'm going ot go insane
21:07 rue_mohr I dont think programming will do it
21:07 rue_mohr I need something physical to do that involves thinking