#robotics Logs

Sep 15 2015

#robotics Calendar

11:17 deshipu a cloth-climbing robot
11:53 Snert_ climb up the enemy's pants leg.
11:53 Snert_ who knows what it would do then :)
11:53 Snert_ maybe self-destruct at ball level ?
11:57 password2 yikes!
11:58 Snert_ quite the deterrent, I'd say.
12:05 deshipu there are jumping mines that already do that
12:06 deshipu much cheaper, too
12:49 Snert_ ahhhh, yes. But a spidermine could go to the enemy, or wait quietly in his bedding.
12:50 Snert_ hoo knows, maybe they already have that too.
12:58 deshipu more likely something like Sphero
13:01 Snert_ sphero is kool. Maybe not so much on an uphill / slight incline scenario. But good!
13:01 Snert_ I want a sphero to play with.
23:45 rue_mohr I REALLY need to work out how to get functions into my command line calculator