#robotics Logs

Sep 10 2015

#robotics Calendar

14:58 mbrumlow rue_house: <- rue_school ?
16:25 ace4016 same guy, different location
16:29 anbag- smacks rue*.* ar
16:29 beanbag- BMCC
16:55 rue_school mbrumlow, yea, I tried to type, didn't work
16:55 rue_school apparently I left the shop going too
16:55 beanbag- hey rue_school how you been?
16:58 beanbag- whatever, stay bitter the rest of your life then
16:58 ace4016 o.0
16:58 ely-se hi
16:58 adam789654123 hello
16:59 ace4016 maybe he just walked away from the keyboard? sheesh
16:59 adam789654123 who is building 3D printers, or has one?
16:59 rue_school hu?
16:59 rue_school I'm writting a letter to the man
16:59 adam789654123 i know rue has one
16:59 rue_school I have one
16:59 adam789654123 :)
16:59 adam789654123 beat you to it
16:59 rue_school and I'm building one
16:59 adam789654123 haha
16:59 rue_school and I know someone with one
16:59 rue_school well, a few
16:59 adam789654123 i had to double tack the name there
17:00 ely-se I want to make robots.
17:00 adam789654123 you interested in classical mechanics at all then?
17:00 adam789654123 ely-se: ?
17:01 ely-se yes!
17:01 adam789654123 me too
17:01 adam789654123 you study any simple machines that are really cool?
17:01 ely-se no :[
17:01 adam789654123 you should
17:02 ely-se I lack knowledge and resources.
17:02 adam789654123 ill give you a great reference
17:02 adam789654123 one sec
17:02 adam789654123 i have to find it
17:02 ely-se Very good at programming, though I've never done any hard real-time stuff.
17:03 adam789654123 https://mikeandlace.wordpress.com/
17:03 adam789654123 study the "mechanical bank", and the "steam engine"
17:04 ely-se nice thank you
17:04 adam789654123 you dont even need to print it out
17:04 adam789654123 you can figure it out based on the instructions for how to build them
17:04 adam789654123 ely-se: you're welcome
17:12 ely-se yay
17:42 rue_school "its the lever! we will be studdying it for the next month!, then we will move on to advanced topics like the wheel, and screw!"
17:46 Snert_ And to think, I'm stuck studying shovel, and stick. Occiasonally I get to do rocks.
17:57 adam789654123 reminds me of the Monty Python skit, "attack me with the bannana"
19:15 rue_school YOUTUBE!
19:19 adam789654123 that was a great skit
19:19 mbrumlow rue_school: http://pluto.brumtopia.com:8080/indexl.html <- has chat
19:19 adam789654123 and "the life of brian" is as relevent today as ever
19:19 mbrumlow rue_school: I think it had chat when you saw it last time, not sure.
19:20 adam789654123 im beginning to see nuance in that movie, concerning political issues, that i never noticed before
19:20 mbrumlow So is this channel dedicated for just Adruino ?
19:20 mbrumlow Or robotics in general?
19:21 adam789654123 robotics in general
19:22 adam789654123 "Arduino controlled, 3d printed psycho robots!"
19:22 adam789654123 rue has a good sense of humor i guess
19:23 am789654123 thinks, or maybe hes just really
19:23 rue_school :)
19:23 am789654123 h
19:23 rue_school mbrumlow, the entry box dosn't work
19:23 mbrumlow at the bottom?
19:24 adam789654123 the only thing missing from that smile is the sharp teeth
19:24 adam789654123 ;-)
19:24 mbrumlow rue_school: what browser?
19:24 mbrumlow I have only really tried in chrome on linux.
19:24 rue_school ixeweasel
19:24 rue_school ice..
19:25 mbrumlow Hmm.
19:26 mbrumlow I will have to look into that.
19:26 rue_school the enter just linefeeds into the text box
19:26 mbrumlow do you have javascript turned off?
19:27 rue_school nope
19:27 mbrumlow I think I do something funny where on input a javascript function is ran, it checks to see if you pressed enter, if you pressed enter it then should post the message.
19:27 rue_school or the buttons wouldn't work
19:27 Tom_itx rue_school, the formula looked close but not enough variables but i've decided to do it differently
19:27 mbrumlow Ture, and I guess the video feed would not work either.
19:27 rue_school linefeed/carrige return?
19:27 rue_school Tom_itx, I didn't work out the real formula for you
19:27 Tom_itx i know
19:27 rue_school I just asked if you could use that format
19:28 Tom_itx i figured out some things that won't allow me to do that anyway
19:28 rue_school cant do what?
19:28 mbrumlow I check for key 13
19:28 rue_school what about 10
19:28 mbrumlow Nope ;(
19:28 Tom_itx the machine state won't allow me to do what i wanted to
19:29 Tom_itx it generates an error
19:29 rue_school I told you its not statefull
19:29 Tom_itx you did?
19:29 rue_school you asked for a state machine and then defined a logic formula
19:29 Tom_itx well i know that
19:29 rue_school no, a lut is not a state machine
19:29 Tom_itx i was planning to convert the logic to a state machine if possible
19:29 mbrumlow rue_school: I have it matching on 10 now too.
19:30 rue_school you cant
19:30 mbrumlow might have to refresh.
19:30 rue_school ITS NOT STATEFULL
19:30 rue_school if the output of a logic operator does not depend on what happned before it to the same inputs, its not statefull
19:31 Tom_itx i believe it could be done with ladder logic but i'm not gonna try that
19:31 rue_school you can, and I asked if you could use that formula to generate a gate sequence
19:31 Tom_itx my soft logic circuit works
19:32 Tom_itx there is a fault in their stuff somewhere that prevents it to do it's job
19:32 rue_school ok, so you got it or would like a hand
19:32 Tom_itx i think i got it
19:32 rue_school you mean the lut?
19:32 Tom_itx at least as far as i can get it
19:32 Tom_itx no
19:32 rue_school it looked like their lut is broken
19:32 Tom_itx i'm not using lut
19:32 rue_school good, they dont work
19:32 Tom_itx lut is not explained that well
19:33 rue_school thats an understatement
19:33 rue_school there are NO examples anywhere
19:33 Tom_itx the thing about alot of the functions they have is somebody down the line needed it and wrote it and it got committed into their software
19:33 Tom_itx because it was useful to someone
19:33 rue_school well he didn't know what he was doing
19:33 Tom_itx possibly
19:33 rue_school fresh out of school I'm sure
19:34 Tom_itx also the toggle2nist function has a quirk in it as well
19:34 rue_school nist?
19:34 Tom_itx http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man9/toggle2nist.9.html
19:34 rue_school what is nist
19:35 Tom_itx the 'is-on' input was giving me trouble
19:35 Tom_itx i don't know
19:35 Tom_itx no idea why it's called that
19:35 rue_school wow
19:35 rue_school so, you can code up logic equations like I gave you
19:36 Tom_itx ?
19:36 rue_school like the one I gave you yesterday
19:36 rue_school twice...
19:36 Tom_itx probably so
19:36 Tom_itx all you need to do is write a comp
19:37 rue_school if I give you the formula a&((/b&c) | (b&/c)) can you make it into logic for linuxcnc?
19:37 Tom_itx possibly
19:37 Tom_itx yeah i probably could
19:37 rue_school it'd take me about half an hour to work out
19:37 rue_school if you dont use it, its not worth the time
19:37 Tom_itx don't bother
19:37 rue_school but you have it solved now anyhow, right?
19:37 Tom_itx unless you're bored again
19:37 Tom_itx yes
19:37 rue_school its 5:14
19:38 rue_school I'm going to bed at like 10
19:38 rue_school so, like 5 hours
19:39 Tom_itx http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/man/man9/carousel.9.html
19:39 Tom_itx that's one of the newest comps
19:39 rue_school I should go to the library and look up nerve paths more
19:39 Tom_itx i helped the doc move his shop and he wrote my bill off
19:39 rue_school perfect
19:39 Tom_itx worked for me
19:39 rue_school as long as you didn't throw out your back in the process
19:40 Tom_itx nope
19:40 Tom_itx actually feel better now
19:40 rue_school what was wrong?
19:41 Tom_itx i told you
19:41 Tom_itx nerve bet c6 c7
19:41 Tom_itx just takes a long time to heal
19:41 rue_school ah, didn't catch it
19:41 Tom_itx and straighten my neck back out
19:41 Tom_itx repetetive motions thru a life cause problems like that
19:42 Tom_itx along with accidents along the way
19:47 rue_school the trick isn't in the equation as much as optimizing it
19:47 rue_school and someone neeeds to get that lookup table thing worked out
19:48 rue_school do you know if there is an example module that takes in 2 paramiters and outputs a number?
19:55 Tom_itx i'm not sure
20:04 rue_school nap!
22:34 rue_school 8-| the house fell over
22:34 rue_school (internet wise)
22:36 Tom_itx who'z watchin your house?
22:37 rue_school ma and some people I know
22:38 Tom_itx can't reboot?
22:38 rue_school not from ere
22:38 rue_school they prolly dont know
22:38 rue_school I'll be back tommorow afternoon anyhow
22:38 rue_school you wont miss much of rue_*
22:40 Tom_itx well at least one clone of you is still alive
22:40 Tom_itx you still have a chance
22:43 rue_school in 6 years I will know how this learning dynamic state machine works