#robotics Logs

Sep 03 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:09 password2 ...
00:10 rue_school Tom_itx, shall we try to reboot the channel again?
00:12 rue_school password2, who have you never heard say anything?
00:12 password2 akaWolf,
00:13 -!- slidercrank was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [slidercrank]
00:13 -!- simcop2387 was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [simcop2387]
00:13 -!- Red_Onyx was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Red_Onyx]
00:13 -!- pinkmuffinere was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [pinkmuffinere]
00:13 -!- ralouf was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [ralouf]
00:14 -!- norro was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [norro]
00:14 -!- nopf was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [nopf]
00:14 -!- noodle was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [noodle]
00:14 -!- Mushrooshi was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Mushrooshi]
00:14 -!- msantana was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [msantana]
00:14 -!- markelite was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [markelite]
00:14 -!- makepi was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [makepi]
00:14 -!- LeelooMinai was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [LeelooMinai]
00:15 -!- kriskropd was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [kriskropd]
00:15 -!- Kostenko was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Kostenko]
00:15 -!- KimK was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [KimK]
00:15 -!- Kamondelious was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Kamondelious]
00:15 -!- jzk was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [jzk]
00:15 -!- jthornton was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [jthornton]
00:15 -!- joga was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [joga]
00:15 -!- joink was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [joink]
00:15 -!- jason__ was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [jason__]
00:16 -!- jadew was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [jadew]
00:16 -!- Hyratel was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Hyratel]
00:16 -!- hive-mind was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [hive-mind]
00:16 -!- fleshtheworld was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [fleshtheworld]
00:16 -!- fisix was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [fisix]
00:16 -!- ferdna was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [ferdna]
00:16 -!- eryc was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [eryc]
00:16 -!- emlow was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [emlow]
00:16 -!- ginah was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [ginah]
00:16 -!- dunder_mane was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [dunder_mane]
00:17 -!- cameronfr was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [cameronfr]
00:17 -!- arty_knots was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [arty_knots]
00:17 -!- Anniepoo was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [Anniepoo]
00:17 -!- ralouf was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [ralouf]
00:17 -!- simcop2387 was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [simcop2387]
00:17 -!- pinkmuffinere was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [pinkmuffinere]
00:17 password2 and yet noone responds
00:18 rue_school on a tree its called dead wood
00:18 rue_school this channel is in stage 4 or so
00:18 orlock I'm awake!
00:18 orlock just very very very tired
00:18 rue_school yea know your alive
00:19 orlock did i say i have a son now?
00:19 rue_school and its not like I'm gonna bunt LoRez, even tho I cant remmeber the last time he contributed to a conversation
00:20 -!- dustinm` was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [dustinm`]
00:20 -!- ec\_ was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [ec\_]
00:20 LoRez fur srs? some kid was trying to figure out what he should get for steppers yesterday
00:20 -!- jookyz was kicked from #robotics by rue_school!~Rue@ip-192-68-68-10.ptr.bcit.ca [jookyz]
00:20 rue_school meh, ok
00:21 rue_school LoRez, how many channels have you seen go thru the whole life cycle to death?
00:21 rue_school like #linuxhelp
00:22 rue_school LoRez, were you in #linuxhelp back in 2000?
00:22 password2 theres a #linuxhelp?
00:22 rue_school its dead
00:22 rue_school in 2000 is was hopping with life
00:22 rue_school channels go thru life stages
00:23 rue_school the last one is when there are a whole bunch of people in it, and there is not a whisper, ever
00:24 rue_school and over the course of a few years, the last of the people slowly driain away
00:25 rue_school I was there when #avr prettymuch started
00:25 rue_school I was here before it existed
00:28 LoRez No, I wasn't in #linuxhelp
00:29 rue_school where were you in 2000?
00:29 rue_school or were you
00:49 data reads
01:00 ssword2 has kicked password2 from #robotics (work ti
03:55 veverak lol
03:55 veverak :)
05:12 password2 pew
05:36 michaltn Hey guys, I have question regarding force sensors - is it possible to connect them in series on one hub ? (such as these http://www.robotshop.com/en/interlink-05-circular-fsr.html )
05:37 password2 ofc it is
05:39 michaltn on one cable ?
05:40 michaltn i meant bus
05:49 password2 Sorry , i got dc'ed
05:50 password2 someone asked something
05:50 password2 about force sensors and busses
05:53 password2 oh well
06:06 deshipu how's the work?
06:09 password2 eh
06:12 password2 do you work?
06:12 deshipu not really, for some reason they pay me for something I would do anyways
06:13 deshipu so I get to do it 8h a day, and then some more later on
06:17 deshipu why?
06:18 password2 hehe , thats nice
06:18 password2 because you asked me how's work
06:24 deshipu because you pretended to kick yourself off because of work
06:24 password2 oh , heh
06:25 password2 i have forgotten about that
06:25 password2 -_-
06:25 password2 did anyone even respond then?
06:26 deshipu yes, veverak loled
06:54 password2 cool
06:54 password2 I'd use to chat in this chatroom , where the nicknames was accidentally parsed as html instead of text
09:29 password2 ROBOTS!
15:49 mr_snowf1ake hey guys, i'm trying to use libfreenect2 (kinect2). i hope this is a decent place to ask. i'm just running the basic demonstration for libfreenect2 (Protonect), and the result ends up looking something like this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/4G0iK.jpg
15:49 mr_snowf1ake i figure that it's supposed to be showing something more?
15:55 deshipu I have never played with kinect myself
15:57 mr_snowf1ake yeah... this is my first time trying it as well. it seems a lot of the computation is offloaded to the computer and is computed using opencl. i think basically my opencl drivers are broken, but i haven't been able to confirm that.
16:25 arty_knots why was i kicked lol
16:26 arty_knots someone kicked everyone?
16:45 Anniepoo giblets 8cD
17:02 veverak arty_knots: anual cleanup
17:36 Hyratel does anybody have a suggestion for what I would be able to do with a stack of Pentium 3 business-grade Dell low-profile machines?
17:38 Tom_itx load linuxcnc on them and make cnc's
17:41 Snert_ muratic acid will aid in gold recovery from those hulks.
17:42 Snert_ I mean...P3...sheesh.
17:51 Hyratel I like the CNC option, heard it a couple places
18:25 Snert_ prolly has enuff juice to run a 3d printer too.
19:53 rue_school Hyratel, oh oh oh, heat a room!