#robotics Logs

Sep 01 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:21 blockh34d good luck with yoru robots rue_school
08:32 rue_school thats just cuase his code didn't work
11:19 Snert__ si I been kinda researching stepper and gear motors.
11:19 Snert__ what I've seenis 200 steps per revolution.
11:19 Snert__ so is 200 really common...do they make 400 step per rev motors?
11:20 Snert__ and is there a source for a stepper motor that outputs gray code directly?
11:20 Snert__ or do I have to deal with counting the steps myself?
11:21 SpeedEvil 'outputs gray code' ?
11:21 Snert__ where might I source high quality steppers and gear motors that output gray code?
11:21 SpeedEvil they don't have outputs generally
11:21 Snert__ they have encoders.
11:22 Snert__ encoders put oput.
11:22 SpeedEvil Only some have encoders.
11:22 Snert__ where might I source high quality steppers and gear motors that output gray code?
11:22 SpeedEvil You can connect whatever encoder you like.
11:23 Snert__ I'm looking to buy one that puts out gray code directly.
11:24 Snert__ and/or find a source of motors that is "high end" ... not toys.
11:24 SpeedEvil Stepper motors bought with integral encoders will generally be very expensive.
11:24 SpeedEvil Why is 'counting' an issue?
11:24 Snert__ I need to get familiar with what is out there for a range of options.
11:24 SpeedEvil #linuxcnc
11:25 SpeedEvil may also have good sources.
11:25 Snert__ I can deal with counting. But if there is a motor that puts out gray code directly why bother.
11:25 SpeedEvil In general, to drive steppers, you absolutely need to keep track of the position in order to drive it.
11:25 SpeedEvil Because it will typically be several hundred dollars more.
11:26 Snert__ yes...so what is the source of said motors?
11:26 Snert__ notice I'm not balink at price.
11:27 SpeedEvil #linuxcnc may be able to point you
11:27 SpeedEvil I don't happen to know
11:27 SpeedEvil as I'm not interested in that price point. Some there may know
11:27 LoRez Snert__: what're you trying to drive?
11:27 Snert__ ok thx. was hoping someone in here that kinda knows the industry offerings could point me at high quality encoding motors.
11:28 SpeedEvil In general, most people here are doing hobbiest.
11:28 LoRez you might want something closer to a non-hobby servo
11:28 LoRez depends on your application though.
11:28 Snert__ I'll be making something - depending on which motor I choose. A rotary sundial...or a rotary pan mechanism or such.
11:29 SpeedEvil And spending several hundred dollars on something that you need to do anyway in your micro is basically insane.
11:29 Snert__ it may become a shoulder for a robot arm.
11:29 Snert__ my only question is about sourcing high quality encoding stepper motors.
11:29 Snert__ not opinion of my insanity.
11:32 SpeedEvil Motor manufacturers generally don't make encoders, and vice versa. You are looking at a very, very niche market.
11:33 Snert__ Pololou website has several listed.
11:33 SpeedEvil http://www.br-automation.com/en/products/motion-control/stepper-motors/
11:33 Snert__ thank you.
11:34 Snert__ I need to get familiar with simply what is offered in that world. At the higher end.
11:35 Snert__ kool...lotsa google terms on that page.
11:37 theBear make a robot left ankle, then make is awesome, then +10% awesome again, then attach it to me
11:37 theBear is = it
11:38 theBear we all know it's the only sensible course of action
11:39 SpeedEvil theBear: the obvious alternative is hop
11:40 theBear i'm not as hip as that tv cop guy that was a half kangaroo in a post apocalyptic earth for a while
11:40 eedEvil transplants theBears top-half onto a kanga
11:40 theBear and it's effin tempted, stupid floppy effer... due with no legs on the tv ad is all bouncing around like a cyborg kangaroo
11:40 theBear heh
11:41 theBear hey, now i'm hip too, 30% more hip, or less body, depends how full yer mug of beer is i hear
12:03 Snert__ how bionic are you?
12:03 Snert__ can you pass a wetal detector at an aitport?
12:03 Snert__ airport
12:29 password2 i'm carbon fibre , so yes:P
12:54 Snert__ hmmmm. good idea.
12:54 Snert__ Make my robot arm out of carbon fiber.
12:55 Snert__ I've seen premade L shaped and U channels.
12:56 Snert__ dealing with the CF dust while cutting it is a problem though.
12:57 Snert__ I'll prolly get a small table jigsaw or such.
12:57 Snert__ scroll saw that is.
12:57 Snert__ any ideas for dealing with the CF dust?
12:59 SpeedEvil dust extractor
12:59 Snert__ lacking that...I can cut outdoors.
13:00 Snert__ and use a mask over my nose and mouth.
13:00 Snert__ think that'll be sufficient?
13:00 Snert__ barring untoward winds, that is.
13:08 Snert__ with a 1st pass made out of plastic and the final made out of CF I should be okay.
13:09 Snert__ maybe aluminum instead of plastic, given I'll be using higher torque gear motors.
22:56 ace4016 this is why robotics is slow to get anywhere: http://i.imgur.com/KbD1CML.gif
22:56 ace4016 a certain industry takes it and repurposes it for....other things >_>
22:56 sherlock im pretty sure dildos already exist
22:57 ace4016 of the prehensile kind? :P
23:01 zhanx Great now there is a new kind of porn