#robotics Logs

Aug 11 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:15 rue_school any better realtime?
02:18 deshipu mplayer ;)
02:18 orlock rue: any luck with my 70 minute crash? :)
02:48 deshipu YES, finally teleoperation! http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-hardware/mit-humanoid-robot-teleoperation-dynamic-tasks
04:07 veverak rue_school: "motion"
04:08 veverak while it's aimed for surveliance, some of the surveliance technuqies are quite nice
04:08 veverak (like scaling FPS based on movement on the video)
04:08 veverak and it's just build on top of ffmpeg
04:09 veverak and gives you some nice thing from it... you can automatically record timelapses...
04:09 veverak and much more features i was not able to discover yet :D
04:09 veverak (their config is quite long)
04:10 veverak http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20101107095335125/Motion.html
04:10 veverak features list
08:38 rue_school I didn't know motion did streaming
08:38 rue_school I thought it used somehting else
08:39 veverak well, ffmpeg got such a capability by itself
08:39 veverak I suppose motion just uses that...
09:34 blockh34d how long can stepper wires be before theres an issue? could 2 meters be ok?
09:35 blockh34d maybe if i use fatter wires?
09:37 verak applies standart rules to
09:37 veverak calculate the minimal thickness of the wire based on ohm law and than increase it...
09:37 veverak I usually want 20% reserve, just to be sure
09:37 blockh34d yeah sounds reasonable
09:38 deshipu I think 2m thick cables may be too heavy
09:38 blockh34d cool thanks i'll give that a shot maybe you can double check my work when i do
09:38 veverak but I suppose that this time it actually resulted in 66% reserve
09:38 blockh34d deshipu: really big steppers though
09:38 veverak becasue first thickness I could get was so thick :)
09:38 blockh34d i'm building mechazilla
09:38 deshipu that's also lots of copper
09:38 veverak blockh34d: I remember that I found some online calculator for this
09:39 veverak you give it Voltage, amperage and length and it tells you class of wire you need
09:39 veverak :)
09:39 blockh34d handy. I"ll track it down, or something like it, thanks
09:39 veverak but I forgot where it was and again didn't bookmarked it ...
09:39 veverak stupid squirrel!
09:39 blockh34d marijuana squirrel?
09:39 veverak nononono
09:39 veverak I don't do drugs!
09:39 veverak (every day)
09:40 blockh34d sure but that squirrel on the other hand
09:40 blockh34d is a party animal
09:40 veverak P.S: just note: "veverak" == "squirrel" in my language :)
09:40 blockh34d ohhh cool
09:40 veverak hmm
09:40 blockh34d sometimes in america people blame stuff on marijuana squirrels
09:40 veverak nto entirely true
09:40 blockh34d i'm not really sure why
09:40 veverak "veverak" == "male squirrel"
09:40 veverak squirrel in general is "veverka"
09:41 blockh34d why does the sex of the squirrel matter
09:41 blockh34d do you breed squirrels in your country?
09:42 blockh34d what if the squirrel wants gender reassignment surgery
09:42 veverak it doesn't matter
09:42 blockh34d does it still use the same restrooms?
09:42 veverak it's just that ma language actually make difference in ggrammar between sexes
09:42 veverak :)
09:42 veverak *my language
09:42 blockh34d yes i used to speak arabic and german fairly well
09:42 blockh34d they both did similar
09:43 veverak and czech?
09:43 veverak :D
09:43 blockh34d not yet :)
09:43 blockh34d i'm more of a platypus i think
09:43 veverak not yet? good luck
09:43 veverak :D
09:43 blockh34d yah who knows what tomorrow holds
09:44 blockh34d my passport is ready to go and so am i
09:44 veverak czech got that nasty property, that it's used by few but it's complicated
09:44 blockh34d i like the idae of travelling maybe working on robotic farming equipment
09:45 deshipu nah, Czech is intuitive
09:45 deshipu almost as easy as Polish
09:45 blockh34d ah cool
09:45 blockh34d can't be as tricky as arabic, omg
09:45 veverak well yeah, but I suppose it shares intuitivity only with people that now languages like Polish
09:45 veverak blockh34d: well, that maybe not
09:45 veverak but it also depends on how well you want to know it I suppose
09:45 blockh34d especially reading and writing arabic
09:46 blockh34d the letters are so similar and they vary so much based on whats before or after them
09:46 deshipu veverak: I don't know, Polish is so simple, everything is just *natural*
09:46 veverak I see
09:46 veverak deshipu: for me czech is the same
09:46 deshipu veverak: you don't need to know any rules, you just speak as you want
09:46 veverak is just 'natural' :D
09:46 veverak and rules are nto hard
09:47 veverak it's just that there are tons of exceptions
09:47 veverak and it wasn't until I tried to learn something people in UK until I realized that how much of them there are
09:47 deshipu see, we don't even bother with the rules
09:50 veverak hmm
09:50 veverak everytime I revise my code
09:50 veverak I end p adding a lot of try/except/raise
09:50 veverak *end up
09:52 deshipu that reminds me how I make bolts
09:53 veverak ?
09:53 deshipu I disassemble and re-assemble something, and I always get a few extra bolts or screws
09:53 veverak :D
09:54 deshipu I think there are screw factories that all day just disassemble and re-assemble stuff to make screws
09:54 deshipu by the way, current status: http://paste.sheep.art.pl/f65e2d00-ef39-428a-9f69-7eec7ef70015/%2Binline
10:06 veverak awesome! :D
10:06 veverak deshipu: I was again today playing with my webcam holder
10:06 veverak (Actually, now my webcam holder is glass bottle of Club Mate)
10:06 veverak and I am considering building one of your bolt to hold my webcam
10:06 veverak *of your bots
10:07 blockh34d deshipu: neat :)
10:07 veverak I mean, it would have to have a wire to it
10:07 veverak but I could freely move in my space and watch my printer printing online
10:07 veverak :)
10:07 deshipu veverak: that's a bit of an overkill
10:07 blockh34d yes veverak i keep meaning to setup the same
10:08 veverak maybe
10:08 blockh34d i have a ipcam viewer on my phone
10:08 veverak but look, there is two of us!
10:08 veverak :D
10:08 blockh34d and a webcam on a tablet thats already pointing at my printer
10:08 blockh34d i should do that right now i'm just such a slacker
10:08 blockh34d damn marijuana squirrels
10:09 blockh34d lol soon i will though but now i think maybe i'd prefer a swivel base like that
10:09 blockh34d then i could keep an eye on the whole room
10:09 blockh34d thats an intersting mix of wheels and legs on your robot deshipu
10:09 blockh34d is that a transformer?
10:10 deshipu blockh34d: kinda, it doesn't change shape, but it can both drive and walk
10:10 blockh34d really neat
10:10 deshipu blockh34d: it's based on Logicoma
10:10 blockh34d also it looks like it could adapt its rolling to various topographies
10:10 deshipu https://encrypted.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=logicoma&tbs=imgo:1
10:11 blockh34d oh neat thanks
10:12 veverak cool level: over 9000!
10:12 veverak :D
10:12 veverak deshipu: do you now that after you finish it you can expect dozens of request for buying a kit? :)
10:12 veverak *requests
10:12 deshipu I will publish all the plans
10:13 veverak I see
10:13 deshipu although the laser-cut parts needed some adjusting
10:13 verak will stock red 3d printing material
10:13 deshipu because I got some of the dimensions wrong
10:14 deshipu I still have 1 servo socket free, so I can add the hands
10:14 deshipu I think I will just make them extended in front, and have the servo bring them together
10:14 deshipu so that I can grab things
10:15 veverak :D
10:19 veverak damn it, ignored again on #python
10:19 veverak well, maybe here
10:20 veverak has somebody of you used python.logging ? I am curious hot to setup it in a way, that formatter for logging uses actual value of specific objecit in outputting
10:20 veverak I mean
10:20 veverak https://bpaste.net/show/587e22f6251c
10:21 veverak I have soemthing like this and I format into msg outputed by logging formater id of that object
10:21 veverak and while it shoudln't change during the runtime, I would prefer if formatter could grab it from the object instead
17:37 rue_school the 2d library I'v made a lot of software around did the sin/cos backwards,
17:38 rue_school now I'v fixed it but all my programs are going to get screwed up
17:47 veverak know that pain
17:47 veverak feel sorry for you
17:58 Hyratel1 rue_school, search/replace sin->sin1, cos->sin, sin1->cos ?
18:18 rue_school th eprogfram is that its a library and I ahve a heap of software that i"v used it in
18:19 rue_school I know the library fn is wrong because when i rotate I point by 0 degrees is dosn't come out the same place
18:19 rue_school point2d_t * getIntersection(point2d_t * is, line_t * this, line_t * that) {
18:19 rue_school double m1, b1, m2, b2;
18:19 rue_school
18:19 rue_school
18:19 rue_school
18:19 rue_school return is;
18:19 rue_school }
18:19 rue_school I'm gonna go shopping, someone fill in the middle for me ;)
18:30 moon_ hey can anyone land me a tip on assembly?
18:30 moon_ lend*
18:34 SpeedEvil Of what.
18:34 SpeedEvil Or for what
18:34 moon_ well
18:35 moon_ i want to know how to do say "db 'whatwver', 10, 0;" in at&t syntax and i cant get google to give it to me
18:41 moon_ if im an idiot just let me know
18:44 Tom_itx https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC8QFjACahUKEwi1wIa4laLHAhXHU4gKHe3yAME&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adesys.nl%2F%3Fdownload%3Dhl_severa_gsm_at.pdf&ei=GoPKVbXLOMenoQTt5YOIDA&usg=AFQjCNEpNPq5iwfapCTizyxIloyv04vsxw&sig2=jNSOWGdwuwzzqGYwWeBGIA&bvm=bv.99804247,d.cGU
18:44 Tom_itx oh you don't want AT commands
18:45 moon_ no not smart modem commands :P
18:45 Tom_itx http://www.imada.sdu.dk/Courses/DM18/Litteratur/IntelnATT.htm
18:46 Tom_itx what about that?
18:46 moon_ oops
18:47 moon_ that wasnt spose to be caps
18:47 moon_ :)
18:47 veverak http://i.imgur.com/91a0GDK.jpg
18:47 veverak tramtadaaaaa!
18:47 veverak nah, I still propably need to make holder for it
18:48 veverak no
18:48 veverak missed :)
18:48 Tom_itx https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/Data_Transfer
18:49 Tom_itx http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=1360.0
18:51 Tom_itx http://www.chelograph.8m.com/html/djgpp/asm/att_asm.htm
18:51 Tom_itx There are a few things to notice here. First of all, lets talk about register postfixes. A register postfix is the last letter of the intruction, which can be either a b (byte - 8 bit), w (word - 16 bit), or l (long - 32 bit). This letter tells the assembler what size of operands to expect. You'll note that since eax is a 32-bit register, we use l. Since ax is a 16-bit register we used w. If we were working on either ah or al, we'd use b.
18:53 Tom_itx appears to be specified as part of the command
18:53 moon_ http://efxa.org/2011/03/02/assembly-gnulinux/
18:53 moon_ found it
18:53 Tom_itx ie move would be mov or movb
18:53 moon_ but thanks Tom
18:54 moon_ .ascii "Hello, world!\n"
18:54 Tom_itx they also suffix the commands
18:54 Tom_itx ^^
18:55 Tom_itx movl movb etc
18:55 moon_ ??
18:55 Tom_itx the paragraph i posted
18:55 moon_ i dont know the diff in mov movl and such
18:55 moon_ oh ill read
18:55 Tom_itx movl move long, movb move byte
18:56 moon_ ah isee
18:56 moon_ cool
18:56 moon_ moving longs n words n bytes
18:56 Tom_itx your example they're using long
18:56 Tom_itx 32bit
18:58 moon_ int TWO() {
18:58 moon_
18:58 moon_ __asm__ ( "point: .ascii "woop\n";"
18:58 moon_ "push $point;"
18:58 moon_ "call printf;" );
18:58 moon_ }
18:58 moon_ this is what im playing with
18:59 Tom_itx i'm no asm guru
18:59 Tom_itx just dabble a bit
18:59 moon_ ok i supose im a dabler myself
19:00 moon_ too bad thete are two syntaxes though
19:01 moon_ well peace
20:09 rue_school http://hessmer.org/gears/InvoluteSpurGearBuilder.html
20:09 rue_school haha! SWEEEEEEET
20:23 rue_school ok so maybe I wont finish my library for makin gear profiles then, but I can finish a few more fns for the 2d library
22:38 JEntrep hey everyone!
22:40 rue_school hey
22:41 eadthem hey
22:42 JEntrep who is busy building the singularity?
22:42 JEntrep ... or some lesser project?
22:44 JEntrep no-one?
22:44 JEntrep well I guess that's a good thing.
22:44 eadthem or they cant discuss it
22:44 eadthem :p
22:44 JEntrep true :o
23:50 bizarrefish Hi all