#robotics Logs
Jul 03 2015
#robotics Calendar
03:29 Jak_o_Shadows cantilever
03:29 mrdata idk can you?
04:23 wolfmanjm tripod gait is so much faster :) it scuttles really fast now :)
04:43 deshipu yeah, tripod gait is basically the same as trot gait for quadrupeds
04:43 deshipu only statically stable
04:47 deshipu hey guys, wanna see my very first walking robot?
04:48 wolfmanjm but now I have the issue of having to run my servos at 6v, and that means I need to get a 2.5amp step up buck booster thingy
04:48 wolfmanjm if I want to run off the one lipo
04:48 deshipu 2.5A is lots
04:48 wolfmanjm yea but it is 18 servos
04:48 wolfmanjm I just measured it, I was surprised how much they were drawing
04:49 deshipu maybe you can have two 1A ones for 9 servos each
04:49 deshipu and 500mA one for the electronics
04:49 wolfmanjm my servos controller does not support that
04:49 wolfmanjm only one power inout
04:49 deshipu but you can have separate power for the elctronics>?
04:49 deshipu there are 2A boost converters
04:50 deshipu I mean, cheap
04:50 wolfmanjm electronics is not an issue they have their own thing to power from a lipo
04:50 wolfmanjm it is an edison
04:51 wolfmanjm can you link to cheap 2A boost converters? 2A would probably be ok
04:52 wolfmanjm I found a 2.5Amp at Pololu will probably work.
04:52 deshipu http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-DC-DC-Boost-module-2a-boost-pressure-plate-width-adjustable-input-2-24V-up/32264001623.html
04:52 deshipu note the lack of filtering caps
04:52 deshipu you will probably want to add a cap yourself
04:54 deshipu actually this looks better http://www.aliexpress.com/item/J35-Free-Shipping-DC-DC-Boost-Converter-3V-Up-5V-to-9V-2A-USB-Output-Voltage/32338265996.html
04:55 deshipu and this one actually looks like it can dissipate the heat http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-LM2577-DC-DC-3-34V-to-4-35V-Boost-Converter-Step-Up-Power-Voltage/1900410329.html
04:56 wolfmanjm this is the one I was looking at https://www.pololu.com/product/2570
04:58 wolfmanjm bit more expensive but I won't have to wait 1 month to get it :)
04:58 deshipu right, and it won't fall apart
04:59 wolfmanjm yea that would be nice.
05:00 wolfmanjm I could go with a UBEC and use a higher voltage battery I suppose
05:00 wolfmanjm 6v UBECS are not too common though, adafruit had one
05:00 wolfmanjm I suspect cina has a ton
05:00 wolfmanjm vhina
05:00 wolfmanjm china
05:04 wolfmanjm my 3300mAH nimh 5 cell battery it not lasting more than a few minutes with this which is not a good sign. theoretically they should last a good hour or more
05:04 deshipu lots of switching regulators with adjustable voltage
05:06 wolfmanjm is there any real difference between those UBECs and a switching regulator?
05:06 deshipu no
05:06 deshipu ubec is a switching regulator
05:07 wolfmanjm like this https://www.pololu.com/product/2852
05:07 deshipu I recently got a bunch of those: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mini360-Model-aircraft-Power-step-down-module-Adjustable-DC-Power-Supply-Module-Ultra-Small/2030582894.html
05:07 deshipu they are really tiny
05:08 wolfmanjm yea I have a few of these at different voltages.. https://www.pololu.com/product/2842
05:09 wolfmanjm use them for powering the breadboards and stuff
05:32 deshipu the new IR sensors cam
05:32 deshipu came
05:32 deshipu I should test them for the laser-tag thing
09:07 blib1 for a 6000mAh battery (3S Lipo) - what is the ideal charge current? 6A? less?
10:42 deshipu depends on the battery
10:42 deshipu you should have a C rating for charging specified
10:42 deshipu if it's not, assume 1C
10:42 deshipu which would make it 6A
10:58 blib1 deshipu: thanks. IT worked it seems. Charged
10:59 blib1 deshipu: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9873 - am trying to read output from this using ubuntu. Any ideas how to debug a serial FTDI device?
11:39 deshipu blib1: connect something that you know gives good signal
11:39 deshipu blib1: do you have an arduino?
12:05 blib1 deshipu: the spi interface works
12:05 blib1 can't make the usb give me any data to ubuntu
12:05 deshipu blib1: not sure what you mean
12:06 deshipu blib1: what are you doing exactly, what do you expect to see, what do you see instead?
12:09 blib1 deshipu: when I connect that board using usb to ubuntu, I expect to see data
12:09 blib1 it shows up as a serialport
12:09 blib1 but the port does not give any data
13:25 deshipu blib1: what do you mean by "see data", how are you checking for it?
13:26 deshipu blib1: also, what data do you expect to see?
17:43 whatsup umm does anybody know like a video or something of a abig robotics company
17:44 whatsup i just want to know how everything is tied toghether