#robotics Logs

Jun 27 2015

#robotics Calendar

02:00 rue_house grr, 4 axis thumb
14:26 delinquentme SpeedEvil, FYI: http://2e5.com/plotter/V/design/
14:29 SpeedEvil yeah - goes down to how accurate you want it
14:29 SpeedEvil could probably be improved by looking at it with a suitable camera
15:52 rue_shop3 hah, nonally does the local bolt store have 7/8" x 8" grade 8 bolts, they have them in fine and course thread
16:57 deshipu is there anything we can do about all those "excess flood" and "max sendq exceeded" users here?
17:22 wolfmanjm deshipu: turn off the logging of those messages on your client :) I never see anythign other than messages
18:48 wolfmanjm https://flic.kr/p/vgBXWE designed a new base for the hexapod, apparently hexagonal is more stable than rectangular
18:49 wolfmanjm just need to take the other 4 legs fof the quadruped :)
20:37 wolfmanjm with all the legs https://flic.kr/p/vhkcsD
21:01 Jak_o_Shadows As soon as I get around to it, I was going to make http://stubby.digitalcave.ca/stubby/
21:11 wolfmanjm yea I like the mechanical advantage he uses in stubby, I may need to do that fo rmine as the torque is not really enough at them moment.
21:11 wolfmanjm having a 3D printer helps as i can just design and print body parts
21:11 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah. I don't have a scroll-saw, so I was going to remake teh stubby parts and print them.
21:23 wolfmanjm yea I was just looking at that... should be pretty easy to print those parts then assemble them and friction weld the joints (or glue)
21:24 wolfmanjm I really do like the leverage he uses I need to study that it should solve my current torque issues
21:24 Jak_o_Shadows Oh yeah, I would metric-ize it and figure out torques and stuffs
21:25 wolfmanjm I wonder if those push rods make it a little sloppy though?
21:25 wolfmanjm my legs already use bearings and stuff at the joints
21:27 Jak_o_Shadows They might a little, but would that be a bad thing?
21:27 wolfmanjm I'm not sure the hip servo needs a push rod as it takes no weight, so maybe just the knee and ankle
21:28 wolfmanjm If I can keep as much of my current design as possible I'd be happy.
21:29 wolfmanjm but certainly I don't need 180° of movement, 90° seems to be the max I currently use
21:29 Jak_o_Shadows could it just be to unload the joints from the servos?
21:31 wolfmanjm he already has 3d pritable versions.. http://stubby.digitalcave.ca/stubby/files/3dprint.zip
21:32 Jak_o_Shadows ah, but metric.
21:35 wolfmanjm looks metric to me ;)
21:35 wolfmanjm the stl files
21:35 wolfmanjm they are 6mm thick
21:35 Jak_o_Shadows haha. I have no excuse then.