#robotics Logs

Jun 21 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:23 armyofevilrobots hmm.. pug mills...
01:18 rue_house I'm thinking up a grinder that consits of a chewer that has its results fed back to it via a sifting elevator
01:18 rue_house I suppose if I just use two big steel bars with rebar spikes welded to them, it'll get there eventually
01:18 rue_house that means I need a gearbox
01:19 rue_house a really mean one
02:42 Jak_o_Shadows http://www.instructables.com/id/Using-the-Intel-Edison-on-a-Cold-Gas-Reaction-Cont/?ALLSTEPS is cool
02:54 wolfmanjm yea I'm liking the edison,using it on my quadruped and using mqtt to send commands to it
06:17 veverak any tips
06:17 veverak for database of 3d models of connectors ?
10:14 veverak for that feeling
10:15 veverak when you are happy that you don't have skills to design PCB
10:15 veverak because you just imagined awesome project
10:15 veverak but nah, 0 skills
10:15 veverak yeah
10:15 veverak !
10:18 deshipu skills are overrated
10:18 deshipu so, I just looked at the Arduino libraries for ESP8266
10:18 deshipu and the Servo library can drive up to 24 servos on it
10:19 deshipu I see even smaller robots in my future...
10:19 orlock wow
10:19 orlock 24 servos?
10:19 orlock how?
10:19 deshipu two timers, 12 servos each
10:19 deshipu of course, you only have 16 pins :P
10:19 deshipu so there's that
10:20 ace4016 ?
10:20 ace4016 on arduino or AVR?
10:20 orlock esp8266
10:20 deshipu ace4016: no, on esp8266
10:20 deshipu ace4016: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
10:20 ace4016 ah
12:35 veverak http://imgur.com/Ryi10RR
12:35 veverak at least it looks pretty
12:45 veverak basically
12:45 veverak just raspberry pi computer module in tablet
12:45 veverak :)
12:46 veverak *compute module
14:25 SpeedEvil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ04iC3J6Mc - 2000ft-lb actuator teardown
15:19 deshipu SpeedEvil: I like his debugging routine
15:19 deshipu "doesn't work? hit it with a wrench"
15:20 deshipu SpeedEvil: I wish it worked with electronics ;)
15:22 veverak :D
15:40 wolfmanjm deshipu: still struggling with the coordinate system ;( is the robots worl coordinate system the same as the legs? ie is X in the robot view parallel to the X for the legs?
15:40 deshipu wolfmanjm: I don't think I have robot coordinate system
15:40 wolfmanjm and is +x going from front to back of robot?
15:40 deshipu y is front to back, afair
15:40 deshipu x is sideways
15:41 deshipu for the legs
15:41 wolfmanjm deshipu: that is opposite to your diagram in the inverse kinematic page
15:42 wolfmanjm Y goes into the body, X runs parallel to the body in that diagram of the servos
15:42 wolfmanjm but it would explain the issues I am seeing :)
15:43 wolfmanjm the LEGX and LEGY things look like -X is a leg on the left and +X is a leg on the right which is in contradiction to the inverse kinematic coordinate system... I think
15:44 wolfmanjm so calculating how to switch legs is kind of sideways for me so i get crab like movement instead of walking forward
15:44 deshipu that diagram was just for explaining the trigonometry
15:44 deshipu don't read too much into it
15:44 deshipu sorry
15:44 wolfmanjm oh
15:44 wolfmanjm :(
15:45 wolfmanjm well there goes a coupleof sleepless nights ;)
15:45 deshipu also, each of my robots has that leg slightly differently build
15:45 deshipu wolfmanjm: I think by now you know enough to actually write your own code from scratch
15:45 deshipu wolfmanjm: and have it how you like it
15:45 wolfmanjm hehehe yea I was thinking about that :)
15:46 deshipu it's not hard
15:46 deshipu and you will know where you are standing
15:46 wolfmanjm but I really wanted to get your to work before I change it into a hexapod
15:46 wolfmanjm seems like hexapod gaits are much easier to do
15:46 deshipu yeah
15:46 deshipu very much
15:46 deshipu at least the tripod gait
15:47 wolfmanjm well my issue is inconsistent coordinate systems at the moment... So I need to think it through, but thanks :)
15:48 deshipu I think you will want to have the three separate coordinate systems, with a conversion matrix, anyways
15:48 deshipu the leg, body and world ones
15:48 wolfmanjm so the way I have it now at least for one leg, is moving the leg in X moves it parallel to the body, and keeping the leg away from the body by Y
15:49 wolfmanjm although in my opengl simulation of a leg it is the other way around :) even though it uses pretty much the same math ;) so there is a sign wrong somewhere
15:56 deshipu wolfmanjm: http://paste.sheep.art.pl/440f5850-96d6-4dd5-9436-fb470a38a95f
15:56 deshipu wolfmanjm: this is how I have it
15:57 deshipu (so that if you look at the robot from the top, with the front being up, and the middle being in the center of your coordinates, then it kinda fits in a normal coordinate system
16:07 wolfmanjm deshipu: thanks that helps... for some reason my X/Y are reversed