#robotics Logs

Jun 16 2015

#robotics Calendar

02:47 deshipu is there something that can be done with all those "excess flood" nicks?
09:01 rue_house I think I now get more junkmail from facebook, twitter, and ebay than I do from china and russia put togethor
09:02 deshipu thanks for sharing
18:22 MarkX hey, anyone know about a channel that deals with PLC stuff?
18:29 Tom_itx plc?
18:29 Tom_itx like fpga cpld?
18:29 Tom_itx  /j #fpga
18:30 Tom_itx err that's not a good channel
18:31 Tom_itx ##fpga is
18:53 MarkX Tom_itx: no, more like programmable logic control. Stuff like RSLogix5000
18:53 MarkX ladder logic
18:53 MarkX etc
19:41 Tom_itx linuxcnc does ladder logic
20:38 MarkX Tom_itx: thanks!
22:00 anonnumberanon anyone own the KHR-3HV ?
22:45 rue_bed just for the books, whats that?