#robotics Logs

Jun 12 2015

#robotics Calendar

03:13 mrdata mountaineers -- morgantown VA just successfully found and returned a sample to base
03:23 mrdata this is far better than day 1, when many of the robots did not even getr off the platform
03:26 deshipu the music sucks
03:27 deshipu I wish there was a way to mute the music but leave the commentary
03:29 mrdata this robot runs linux and opencv
03:29 deshipu and ROS?
03:30 deshipu well, is there really any alternative for more complex robots to linux? I guess there are some proprietary real-time systems like QNX...
03:32 deshipu "the average age of an electronics hobbyist is 56"
03:32 deshipu "75%
03:33 deshipu of the survey respondents were over the age of 46"
03:37 joga https://video.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xaf1/v/t43.1792-2/11406080_10155646589770316_671577422_n.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6ImxlZ2FjeV9oZCJ9&oh=7262a4a17cdd3165c2ba5a0667686a95&oe=557AB17F :)
03:37 joga the music does suck in the stream... didn't really bother watching it
03:38 deshipu joga: ah, I was playing yakkety sax when that challenge was on
03:38 joga ah it wasn't a stream but a clip...
03:39 deshipu joga: it was a stream when it was running
03:39 deshipu joga: 5 streams
03:39 deshipu joga: also, shame they only included falls from the first day in that clip
03:39 joga k, I missed the whole thing really
03:40 deshipu the challenge robots were so-so, but there were some very cool demonstrations of Spot and Cheetah
04:05 deshipu yay, they are finally building tachikomas! http://phys.org/news/2012-11-toshiba-four-legged-robot-nuke-disaster.html
07:05 orlock rue: IT FUCKING WORKS!
07:06 orlock rue: got webcam feedback control loop and protocol emulator and everything all going
07:06 orlock its sitting there motors buzzing away every so often
07:06 orlock star staying on the crosshairs
07:07 SpeedEvil Now, all you need to do is to add the destructo-ray.
07:08 SpeedEvil And wait.
07:11 orlock SpeedEvil: hahah
07:11 orlock ok, now to take a looong exposurephoto
07:11 orlock 10 minutes ? see how that goes
07:13 SpeedEvil what're you stabiising? are you doing anything clever - or just beamsplitter or what?
07:20 orlock SpeedEvil: autoguiding my equatorial mount
07:21 orlock SpeedEvil: so that any mechanical noise and polar alignment errors are automatically sensed via a webcam in a baby telescope, and corrected by an arduino talking to a pair of steppers and emulating a commercial mount
07:22 orlock SpeedEvil: previously i had problems with exposures of 60 seconds or more
07:24 SpeedEvil Interesting
07:24 SpeedEvil I guess you're just relying on crap seeing so you don't have to point it enough to hit diffraction
07:26 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/TrackingGRRR/crappyPOS01.JPG
07:26 orlock seeing is reasonably good actually
07:26 orlock thats an old picture
07:27 veverak unable to connect
07:27 orlock i've set my exposure times down to .1s or so , i might go lower - that helps with "chasing" the seeing as they say
07:28 orlock ok first 600s exposure done
07:28 orlock copying it to fileserver...
07:29 orlock ok now i will kill guiding and take another
07:29 orlock make a comparison
07:40 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/10Minute_Guided_First_Light.JPG
07:41 SpeedEvil :)
07:42 SpeedEvil you've clearly still got streaking
07:42 SpeedEvil But...
07:42 SpeedEvil :)
08:33 orlock http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/10Minute_Guided_First_Light.JPG vs http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/10_Minute_Unguided_Stock_motor.jpg vs http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/10_Minute_Unguided.jpg
16:40 Hyratel1 http://hyratel.tumblr.com/post/120908590657/crashspace-needed-for-a-friend
17:02 SpeedEvil He can live in my pond, if he agrees to concrete up the sides, and make it waterproof.
17:04 Hyratel1 :\
17:04 Hyratel1 funny but no