#robotics Logs

May 15 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:17 deshipu idleing
01:17 rue_bed no its down to just 66
01:17 deshipu of bots
01:17 rue_bed it should be ~150 with people talking around the clock
01:18 deshipu DO SOMETHING!
01:18 rue_bed I'm in bed
01:18 rue_bed Id do coding but I do need to get sleep tonight
01:18 deshipu I'm on a horse
01:18 rue_bed carefull how you say that
01:18 rue_bed context is important
01:36 theBear i broke my avr drought finally, with any luck i'll be talking a lot more here :)
02:08 deshipu theBear: building anything in particular?
02:10 theBear heh, it's been almost a decade, isn't it enough that i wrote some code and programmed a device a few tiems ? <grin> nah tho, noyyet, but i'm not against the idea, and i used to get things happening, way waaaay back
02:12 deshipu it *is* great
02:14 theBear hehe thanks :-) i spose it'll be even greater when i connect SOMETHING that moves to one again... doesn't matter how old you get or how much you worked with electronics or their moving companions, there's always a childish amazement/excitement when you type some stuff and zoop it into a tiny chip and something starts moving :)
03:03 deshipu theBear: humans are grounded in the physical world
03:20 theBear except when they wear rubber boots <grin>
05:26 iveevue Hello all
05:30 deshipu hi iveevue
05:36 Jak_o_Shadows yo
05:37 deshipu what's cookin?
05:37 iveevue nm
05:37 iveevue How is everyone?
09:46 rue_house theBear, if you get a arduino mini pro knockoff from china, I have some 8 servo controller code you can dump on it and play with
09:48 rue_house if anyone here has a linux router, pls check your /var/log/auth.log, I'd like to confirm that attacks from are assosciated with attacks from one of
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house
09:49 rue_house or all of ;)
09:50 rue_house attacks are spread out by 2 to 15 minutes
14:06 mightyiam Hi! I'm very new at this. In fact, I've never done anything with a robot. But I'm very interested. I'm teaching two kids, 11 years of age, JavaScript. I would like to add robotics. I'm thinking modular components that I can easily purchase and connect together. Any advice welcome!
14:10 zaxxon no JS here, but a quick google yields a nice-looking cylon.js
14:11 zaxxon (no JS here in my appartment, not speaking for channel :))
14:16 mightyiam I'm quite sure I'll be using cylonjs. It is hardware that I'm not sure about. Parts, servos and stuff
14:21 zaxxon Once you've got an arduino going, there's half an internet of things you can talk to (for example, Adafruit's arduino-specific tutorials are here https://learn.adafruit.com/category/learn-arduino ), mostly normal components you buy from the store (such as servos, motors etc). Some will need some additional electronics for interfacing, but examples up the wazoo in Arduino-land. Otoh, if you had a really modular system in mind, "electronic lego"-style,
14:23 zaxxon But such things exist, I stumbled upon http://littlebits.cc/ yesterday which looks nice. Arduino driven too, but I would not assume cylon.js compatible.
14:26 zaxxon Perhaps Lego Mindstorms has javascript bindings? There are online references it seems.
15:48 veverak for that feeling
15:48 veverak when you use library 5 minutes and you have to write a patch