#robotics Logs

Apr 30 2015

#robotics Calendar

03:49 veverak http://www.shapeoko.com/
03:50 veverak nah, third version and they still didn't covered the "rails"
03:50 veverak either I am missing something, but .... isn't this still major design flaw?
03:50 veverak because you should clean it 24/7 to make it work properly then...
11:04 cylon512 Hi, any idea, why Arduino Mega board, with ethernet shield can hang after initial powerup, but working well after reset?
11:22 SpeedEvil Crappy initial reset condition monitoring?
11:22 SpeedEvil Too slow power-up?
11:39 cylon512 all boards powered-up or via computer power supplier or via standalone power supply, however I have no equipment to check initial power-up, what is unexpected, there issue exist only in case of ethernet shield's , standalone boards doing pretty well
19:26 cppod hi
19:29 cppod i see this PLEN2 robot on kickstarter, but it looks so basic an its prety expensive, whats the deal with that?
20:09 cppod anyone here?