#robotics Logs

Apr 28 2015

#robotics Calendar

07:11 SpeedEvil Is it meant to be a device to break and fall over?
07:12 Jak_o_Shadows I don't like joining servo arms together ike that
07:20 deshipu nah, I will use a stronger connection
07:20 deshipu it's just a mock
07:20 deshipu SpeedEvil: I want to make a quadruped that looks like a gorilla
07:20 deshipu like a humanoid walking on all fours
07:21 deshipu http://paste.sheep.art.pl/1052e7c8-d80e-4db4-80fe-bf7457ac44ea/%2Binline <-- I guess lowering the arms helps
07:23 SpeedEvil Servos in general have crappy bearings.
07:23 SpeedEvil They do not do well with large off-axis loads as you're applying.
07:24 deshipu I know, but I have a working quadruped with those same servos and leg lengths
07:24 deshipu it's not perfect, but it works fine
07:25 deshipu it's light enough to not be a problem
07:34 veverak deshipu: need more pictures :D
07:37 deshipu veverak: http://paste.sheep.art.pl/56ba8de2-b1d3-412e-a4eb-2bc2476b1b75
07:39 veverak deshipu: woudln't it limit the angle which the leg can take on it's base?
07:39 veverak or on the point with chassis
07:39 veverak looks nice otherwise :)
07:39 deshipu well, the legs are close together, so they are limited in sideways motion
07:40 deshipu the arms might need to be a little longer, to have larger reach, so it can move at a decent speed
07:40 deshipu or maybe I will give it "hooks" at the ends of the arms
07:44 veverak deshipu: you should be able to try this easily no ?
07:48 deshipu veverak: not until I get back all my stuff
07:49 veverak :)
07:53 deshipu I miss it so much :E
08:03 veverak :D
08:03 verak is finally getting close to printing with two mater
08:05 deshipu paperclips *and* duct tape?
08:06 veverak abs + pla propably :)
08:06 veverak or I will find something dissolvable
08:07 deshipu something ellastic would be nice
08:07 deshipu so that you could print joints
08:07 veverak you mean ninjaflex for example?
08:07 veverak althought it gave me headache at start
08:08 veverak problem is that it's 3mm thick
08:08 veverak and that dual extrusion I want is better at 1.75
08:09 deshipu yeah, something like that
08:09 verak thought about making something like this for his camera http://cdn.megapixel.cz/images/w800h800/8/29348.JPG
08:10 veverak but nah, that is out of my skill range to model
08:10 veverak deshipu: I love ninjaflex for everything connected with moving objects, like fans
08:10 veverak makes them silent