#robotics Logs

Mar 24 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:27 rue_house you didn't make me a cart for work
01:27 rue_house I'm gonna have to kill you now
01:27 rue_house no no
01:27 rue_house you made a cart?
01:27 rue_house no...
01:27 rue_house then I kill,
01:27 rue_house no wait
01:27 rue_house why?
01:28 rue_house let me think...
01:28 rue_house your stalling, lets get with the killing
01:28 rue_house wait wait...
01:28 rue_house this is a useless waste of time
01:28 rue_house I'll make you a cart tommorow
01:28 rue_house ...
01:32 mrdata rue_house, who are you talking to?
04:46 Flynnn I am seriously perplexed by the SimonK firmware. Using pre-built stuff, it works fine. Building from source, the ESC behaves totally differently
04:46 Flynnn specifically, it used to be that if I boot up LOW, then go to HIGH, motor turns on
04:46 deshipu what is SimonK?
04:46 Flynnn ESC firmware -- I have a feeling I'm on the wrong channel here, but I can't find a suitable one
04:47 Flynnn basically I'm working with brushless motors and motor controllers from hobbyking with open source firmware
04:47 deshipu maybe something about RC toys
04:48 deshipu there used to be #rcheli, but it's dead now
04:49 Flynnn ooh good idea, I'll check for RC channels, thanks
09:20 rue_house maybe he didn't know that the only person who can compile anopen source project is the developer
09:20 SquirrelCZECH well
09:20 SquirrelCZECH usually :D
09:21 rue_house if you can find the exact dependencies and compile them and their dependiencies just correctly, you might get a project thats just configured wrong
09:22 SquirrelCZECH :D
09:22 uirrelCZECH knew that python was good solution for his pro
09:22 SquirrelCZECH altought... recently I am thinking that C++ would be better idea
09:22 SquirrelCZECH (From one side...)
09:22 rue_house language shouldn't matter too much
09:23 rue_house just remember that one space = 1 tab
09:23 SquirrelCZECH wat?
09:23 SquirrelCZECH well language matters a lot I would say
09:23 SquirrelCZECH you should pick the language that suit your needs properly :)
09:24 rue_house a good enough coder can do anything in any language, +- speed
09:24 rue_house if an FFT can be done on a basic stamp....
09:33 deshipu rue_house: the problem is that the tasks for which you are "good enough" are not worth doing anymore
09:33 deshipu you always operate just outside of your skill
09:48 SquirrelCZECH rue_house: that's bad idea
09:48 SquirrelCZECH proper coder should pick proper language for the task
09:48 SquirrelCZECH I would say that it's part of the skill
09:49 SquirrelCZECH of course he should be able to do anything in any language... but that doesn't mean he should :)
09:59 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: or she ;)
09:59 deshipu or it
09:59 SquirrelCZECH well
09:59 deshipu for that matter
09:59 SquirrelCZECH 'she' is ok
10:00 SquirrelCZECH 'it' sounds scary
10:00 SquirrelCZECH :)
10:00 deshipu are you a robocist?
10:00 SquirrelCZECH ?
10:00 uirrelCZECH can be more like roboph
10:00 deshipu do I feel robogyny here?
10:00 SquirrelCZECH I don't like the idea of robots actually thinking
10:00 SquirrelCZECH or with creative thinking
10:01 deshipu I will quote my favorite mathematician here
10:01 deshipu "The question whether computers think is as relevant, as the question whther submarines swim."
10:01 deshipu -- EWD
10:02 SquirrelCZECH got a point
10:02 deshipu as long as they get the task done
10:02 SquirrelCZECH yeah
10:02 SquirrelCZECH I don't mind that
10:02 SquirrelCZECH I just mind the case when they can pick their taks
10:03 SquirrelCZECH or when they can confuse their task
10:03 SquirrelCZECH you know...
10:03 deshipu they will still pick them somehow, no?
10:03 SquirrelCZECH 'defend all humanity' 'hmm, better lock them in their houses and control them, they will be safe than'
10:03 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: so, how come you are not afraid of humans thinking?
10:04 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: seems like that would be equally dangerous
10:04 SquirrelCZECH yeah
10:04 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: who said I am not?
10:04 SquirrelCZECH :)
10:04 deshipu good thing they do it so rarely
10:04 SquirrelCZECH exactly
10:05 SquirrelCZECH and I just assume that robots would do it more properly...
10:05 SquirrelCZECH and effectively
10:05 SquirrelCZECH :)
10:05 deshipu what are you basing that assumption on?
10:06 SquirrelCZECH well, for me it seems
10:06 SquirrelCZECH that we are able to teach robots how to do what we do
10:06 deshipu so how would you "properly" choose your tasks?
10:06 SquirrelCZECH in more effecienty wat :)
10:06 SquirrelCZECH *way
10:06 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: well, 'properly' was wrong chosen word maybe
10:07 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: it's just, as you said, humans thinks rarely and still we can see in our history what it caused
10:07 deshipu I still can't possibly think about what a "thinking" robot could be useful for
10:07 SquirrelCZECH yeah, that's good point too :)
10:07 deshipu apart from, you know, dissecting it to see how it ticks
10:08 SquirrelCZECH :D
10:08 SquirrelCZECH well
10:08 SquirrelCZECH on the other side
10:08 SquirrelCZECH I am one trying to teach the computer do design parts instead of me ...
10:08 deshipu oh, sure, an AI that could take a task, and break it into smaller tasks, organized in an optimal way -- that would be useful
10:09 deshipu but that's not really "picking your tasks"
10:09 deshipu and we are actually doing that already with computers
10:09 SquirrelCZECH yeah
10:09 SquirrelCZECH I don't mind computers doing things for me
10:09 SquirrelCZECH it's just that I want to be the one that picks what should be done
10:10 deshipu but you never are, are you?
10:11 deshipu Sure, you can decide to eat or drink, but globally it's not really your decision, you have it hardcoded
10:12 deshipu same with pretty much any human activity
10:12 deshipu all you get to do is to choose how and when exactly to do them
10:12 deshipu and even that is not always
10:13 deshipu same with the higher-level needs
10:15 deshipu sure, you can decide to stop eating and perish, but that's quite hard, and others will just call you "broken"
10:17 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: yeah, but you are at least always free to decide your attitude towards things
10:19 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: not really, it's kinda automatic
10:19 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: sure, you justify it after the fact, but that's not quite the same
12:05 Vetaxili So it seems I didn't even understand the assignment correctly. Has anyone know about any readings I can look up about using a GA in a simulation to train an agent to avoid obstacles?
15:21 deshipu so, there is that Loebner Prize
15:21 deshipu for creating a conscious AI
15:22 deshipu and the rules say that in case of ambiguity about who created a winning ai
15:22 deshipu the prize will be awarded to the ai itself
15:22 deshipu brilliant
15:58 chris_99 haha
18:57 bindigoat We will be sending robotic spacecraft to approx 1000 planets & hundreds of moons, these robotic spacecraft will construct habitats for (humans, plants & animals).
18:57 bindigoat https://indymedia.org.au/2014/06/21/australian-association-of-radiation-mitigation-professionals
19:12 ace4016 cool
20:08 bindigoat We will be sending robotic spacecraft to approx 1000 planets & hundreds of moons, these robotic spacecraft will construct habitats for humans, plants & animals.
20:08 bindigoat https://indymedia.org.au/2014/06/21/australian-association-of-radiation-mitigation-professionals
20:39 rue_house I'm gonna make a cart
20:41 rue_house I'm gonna make a cart
20:47 bindigoat international airports can be modified into spaceports
20:49 bindigoat build spacecraft, not cars we want to live on mars, requires massive retooling, modern car can do a million kilometres
21:43 e_house wake
22:09 EvilCreep Is anyone familiar with the Pololu Maestro usb servo controller serial protocols? I can send servo commands via the Mini SSC Protocol and that works, however I'm using continuous servos and they chatter badly when stoped/centered. (0x127 - 0x128) If I turn the servos off in the pololu control center they stop making noise, so whats the serial command to turn servos off?
22:11 EvilCreep the controller resources say something about sending zero as the pos but that doesn't work on the ssc protocal. I also tried the other one, "0x84,0x00,0x00,0x00" and that does nothing.
22:30 Anniepoo sorry, I've used the controller, but I just set it up, it worked, I didn't do much more
22:35 EvilCreep ya, I writing to the serial port via PHP using fwrite() (WAMP Server on Windows). It' works with the Mini SSC Protocol which is three bytes per servo.. But when I tried to use the more advance 4 byte protocol which in the controller resorces says sending 0x00 0x00 as the pos will turn the selected servo off but when I send that nothing happens.
22:37 EvilCreep I tried fine "tuning" the center pos in the control center but whats silent center one hour is chattering up a storm the next.
22:40 EvilCreep controller really needs a simple single byte disable servos command that doesn't screw up the speed/acceleration