#robotics Logs

Mar 07 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:25 Tom_itx looks like rue's been at it again
00:26 zhanx Yup
00:26 zhanx Sam here
00:26 Tom_itx are you on your android?
00:26 zhanx Took me all day but , I got shelves upon
00:27 zhanx Yes
00:27 Tom_itx can tell by the typos :)
00:27 zhanx Autocorrect is bad here
00:27 Tom_itx all my crap is snow bound... waiting for stuff to get here
00:28 Tom_itx just a mb nothing special
00:28 zhanx Missing my programmer cable still :(
00:28 Tom_itx for what?
00:29 zhanx Programming via Android
00:30 Tom_itx for avr?
00:30 Tom_itx or arm
00:30 zhanx Avr
00:30 Tom_itx somebody got mine working with pi
00:30 zhanx Nice
00:31 zhanx Cable will be here Monday
00:33 Tom_itx http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157497&cm_re=ASRock_J1900-_-13-157-497-_-Product
00:33 Tom_itx gettin one of those to probably use with linuxcnc
00:34 zhanx Do it
00:34 Tom_itx it's in a snowbank somewhere in TN
00:35 Tom_itx which droid do you have?
04:45 veverak http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:673816 | any opinions on this?
04:45 verak likes the
05:28 slidercrank the future has come! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c5OY8cGGrk
11:05 blib does anyone know of a good 3d range scanner for outdoor robots?
11:06 veverak blib: ping me when you find one
11:06 veverak :D
11:14 rue_house blib, I was working one that tracks monuments
11:14 rue_house and I was considering one that used AR
11:41 rue_shop3 I'm getting quite a collection of 'oops' printed parts, that lack holes, have holes in the wrong place, or have gears that weren't quite lined up right
11:46 veverak filastruder!
11:46 veverak :D
11:47 rue_shop3 mm yea I need to try making another die
11:48 rue_shop3 the goal is to draw-die 3mm to 1.75mm
11:48 rue_shop3 if I can do that, I can take it down from any size
11:48 rue_shop3 I tried one, but the size step was too large
11:49 rue_shop3 and interestingly enough, the die being hot had no effect on the plastics co-operation to being pulled thru a die
11:49 rue_shop3 ok, the cat just came in the shop, and purched on the window
11:49 rue_shop3 looking out
11:50 rue_shop3 I dont get cats
11:50 rue_shop3 if I close the door, he'll want out
12:21 veverak there is no impritable part, there is just small z-retract-lift value
12:52 Loshki rue_shop3: when you're not at the top of the food chain, you have to be a bit more circumspect. It requires regular patrolling and surveillance of territory. Your more paranoid cats require multiple exits in case of trouble.
20:44 rue_shop3 :)