#robotics Logs

Mar 01 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:58 rue_shop3 well, I'v printed over 101 things in...
00:59 rue_shop3 the last 48 days
00:59 rue_shop3 I used my gear library to make finger controllers for my robot arm trainer
01:02 rue_shop3 printing them now
01:03 rue_shop3 they are like tweezers, I mirrored one side and forgot to rotate by one tooth, so they are a bit out, whatever.
01:10 rue_shop3 haha bed heaters are $2 cheaper than when i last looked
01:40 rue_shop3 sweeeet, that didn't even take me that long to make
02:14 profil rue_shop3: alright, any specific format of the text?
02:15 profil Loshki: yes, the robots are actually AGVs and will be given commands such as "go to coordinate (x,y) by taking this path ..."
02:28 Loshki profil: Once you list out all the commands, and their possible parameters, the messages tend to sort of write themselves, if you know what I mean.
02:29 rue_shop3 profil, I need to know what your talking about again
02:37 Loshki 12:21am <profil> I am searching for a communication protocol to implement between several robots and a server over TCP
02:46 RifRaf rue_shop2, have you seen the new robotarm 3d print?
02:47 RifRaf http://chaozlabs.blogspot.de/2015/01/3d-printable-robot-arm.html
02:50 Jak_o_Shadows I saw that. The base impresed me.
02:50 Jak_o_Shadows and the gripper
02:52 rue_shop3 I did see that, sure heavy on plastic
02:53 Jak_o_Shadows actually, the general gearing system impressed me.
02:55 RifRaf gonna try it durin the week and see wat its actually like
02:56 rue_shop3 cool
02:56 RifRaf this is the current test cube if you are brave, try it at 42mm http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:687493
02:57 RifRaf is next print
02:57 rue_shop3 uses standard servos or steppers?
02:57 rue_shop3 cant remmeber
02:57 Jak_o_Shadows ok, my printer could not make that.
02:57 rue_shop3 I think he was playing with the design when I saw it
02:57 RifRaf have not had time to investigate fully, will do while printing the parts
02:58 RifRaf you have to scale the dodecahedron by 500% to get 42mm
02:58 RifRaf and repair the file with netfabb etc before
02:59 Jak_o_Shadows I wonder what he's a masters student in.
02:59 Jak_o_Shadows I'd love for people to post calculations of their arms capabilities]
03:01 rue_shop3 hahaha, I'm rebuilding something I made with printed parts, seems there were lots less parts than I thought on the grounds I made them all generic
03:02 rue_shop3 which is kinda cool, the whole thing is just 5 part designs
03:03 rue_shop3 I didn't feel like doing anything, and now I'm done, I can wait for prints to finish
03:07 rue_shop3 RifRaf, you might want to print the project I'm working on now to control the arm ;)
03:07 RifRaf ok , just gotta start the dodecahedron, gears just finished
03:08 rue_shop3 I'll make sure it works first, might be a week or so
03:08 RifRaf redid all the gears for the triplestruder, hopefully get some new prints this week from it
03:08 rue_shop3 I dont like the idea o giving out designs with corrections I'v not tested
03:08 RifRaf yep cool
03:09 Jak_o_Shadows What it is rue?
03:09 Jak_o_Shadows How does it contrl the arm?
03:09 rue_shop3 its a realtime arm control mechanism 1:1
03:09 rue_shop3 so its a little arm with pots
03:10 rue_shop3 you hook the pots up to an avr and stream all the positions to the arm controller
03:10 rue_shop3 I was playing with realtime control of all those arms I made
03:10 Jak_o_Shadows Ooo, cool
03:10 Jak_o_Shadows Is it just very light, or how do you make it stay in the position you want?
03:11 rue_shop3 you hold it there
03:11 rue_shop3 realtime
03:11 Jak_o_Shadows ah, just holding
03:11 Jak_o_Shadows cool cool
03:11 rue_shop3 I was gonna write a program to record the positions for playback, didn't get it done
03:11 rue_shop3 but I'm not dead, yet.
03:12 Jak_o_Shadows Cool
03:12 Jak_o_Shadows I'd make my arm, except now instead of being stuck at making things, i'm paralysed by choice
03:13 Jak_o_Shadows I don't know how to use it.
03:13 Jak_o_Shadows what to make.
03:13 rue_shop3 make anything,
03:13 rue_shop3 I burned off 1kg of plastic just learning what worked
03:13 Jak_o_Shadows I'm printing a TF2 sentry turret for a friend at the moment.
03:13 rue_shop3 like I said, in the last 48 days, I'v printed over 101 things
03:14 rue_shop3 thats just by gcode files
03:14 rue_shop3 I put them all in /tmp/ which is cleared on boot
03:14 Jak_o_Shadows ah. I started with cura, but am now using the experimental of slicer and pronterface
03:15 rue_shop3 hah, technically, I printed like 45ish of one of those files, (tractor tread)
03:15 RifRaf rue_shop3, was i veveraks treads?
03:15 RifRaf it*
03:15 rue_shop3 my own design
03:15 RifRaf k better?
03:15 rue_shop3 I love them, but I need to finish up wheels for them
03:16 rue_shop3 mine are 1 peice/tradle
03:16 rue_shop3 uses 3" nails for pins
03:16 rue_shop3 (cut short)
03:16 rue_shop3 tread is 21mm pitch (I oopsed on the math)
03:17 rue_shop3 a plate of 9 takes 2.5 hrs to print and uses 1.5m of plastic (iirc)
03:18 rue_shop3 my parts have lots of 'speed holes' where structure is not required
03:19 rue_shop3 the tracks gave me a better idea of how much I can push my luck on overhangs
03:21 rue_shop3 oh poo, I forgot a hole, oh well, its a minor one
03:21 RifRaf yep, this test cude is gonna give me a good idea on that and stringing with pla
03:21 RifRaf cube*
03:21 RifRaf 2 layers done
03:22 rue_shop3 do something more creative, like snowflakes for christmas
03:22 rue_shop3 hmmm
03:22 Jak_o_Shadows I've had bridging fail when trying to cover up infill
03:22 RifRaf i am rebiulding the triplestruder, thats creative
03:22 RifRaf or at least it will make creative when done
03:23 rue_shop3 my printer is making strange new noises...
03:23 RifRaf from last weekends test, found too many issues so rebiult it again http://i.imgur.com/aWAXtoX.jpg
03:24 rue_shop3 when I need to calibrate I print art thigns that still look ok even if they go really wrong, then I can give them away later
03:25 RifRaf dammit, i bit lifted from bed already, more hairspray
03:25 RifRaf not using any brim to try get a clean part
03:26 Jak_o_Shadows Dang it, it's warping like heck.
03:26 Jak_o_Shadows The masking tape is all crinkled even
03:29 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, wat are you printing?
03:30 Jak_o_Shadows The legs from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:44148/#files .
03:30 Jak_o_Shadows It rattled off my bed :(
03:31 RifRaf heh looks like a little challenge as well
03:31 Jak_o_Shadows It was going ok until the infill made the glass rattle off it's supports
03:32 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, tie that beast down, or go nice and slow
03:32 Jak_o_Shadows I have a heated bed now
03:33 Jak_o_Shadows except the screw holes for it are more than 20cm wide
03:34 rue_shop3 Jak_o_Shadows, try dialing up the extruder temp a bit, like 2c
03:34 rue_shop3 if your too cold it wont stick nice
03:34 rue_shop3 the dosn't-stick to stuck-like-all-hell margin seems to be about 8c
03:34 rue_shop3 carefull of the first layer height too
03:35 rue_shop3 my first layer is set to overextrude by 200%
03:35 rue_shop3 if the bed height it wrong it can cause some flaring on the first layer
03:36 rue_shop3 yo should also know that tweeking the extruder temp more than about 3c will change the effective nozzel size
03:38 Jak_o_Shadows gonna lower infill
03:40 Jak_o_Shadows lower speed. increase first layer extra bit. add a brim
03:40 Jak_o_Shadows Cause it wasn't toooo far off
03:48 rue_shop3 always seem to be at 78%
03:48 rue_shop3 11 mins
03:48 rue_shop3 its 1:20am now...
03:49 rue_shop3 *sigh*
03:49 RifRaf your clock must be slow
03:49 RifRaf you only have 3 minutes left
03:53 Jak_o_Shadows dang it
03:54 Jak_o_Shadows it rattled off again.
03:55 rue_shop3 what kinda plastic and whats your first layer temp
03:55 Jak_o_Shadows nah, it stuck to the bed
03:55 Jak_o_Shadows the bed just vibrated off the supports
03:55 rue_shop3 aaah
03:56 Jak_o_Shadows I'm raising the extruder now so I have room to work.
03:56 Jak_o_Shadows Might flip the thing over, and then maybe try the magnets again.
03:58 RifRaf slow down acceleration
03:58 rue_shop3 wow, I'm really surprised this print didn't curl
03:58 rue_shop3 (I dont have a heated bed)
03:58 Jak_o_Shadows Mmm. Well, it is just glass supported on bolts with hot glue on otp
03:59 RifRaf rue_shop3, you will kick yourself for not having one earlier when you get one
04:05 rue_shop3 not been a problem so far
04:05 rue_shop3 I'm still gonna make one, but I bought one, the price came down from 10 to 8,
04:06 rue_shop3 this is comming out REALLY good... damn
04:06 rue_shop3 huge plate of parts and I'm going to bed
04:06 rue_shop3 if that all works I can finish assembly tommorow
04:07 rue_shop3 1.8m of plastic for more than half the parts in the project, SWEEET
04:09 Jak_o_Shadows Hmmmmm, 3mm hole in the heated bed
04:11 Jak_o_Shadows Suppose I could just use them as locating holes, and have teh weight supported as it is...
04:12 Jak_o_Shadows Hmm, that 240V hurt less than I always thought it would
04:12 Jak_o_Shadows (Was lazily removing a power plug)
04:14 Jak_o_Shadows Or I could just redo my y thing.
04:26 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, yep, a nice warm fuzzy vibration
04:26 RifRaf thats makes you feel a bit more alive afterwards
04:26 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah. I always thought it would hurt more
04:33 Jak_o_Shadows I'm going to have to screw some scraps onto the sides of my wooden bed base so I can attach the heated bed
04:46 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, do you have an aluminium plate for the heated bed to sit on?
04:47 Jak_o_Shadows Nah. I was going to use stand-off type things above a wooden bed
04:48 RifRaf ok if you want one will do a cheap one for you, vut another 15 last week
04:49 Jak_o_Shadows nah, I can get this working I think.
04:49 Jak_o_Shadows Also, I don't have much free time these days, so it's a long process whateever
04:50 RifRaf no worries, am sure you will be fine without it, does make things easier though
04:51 Jak_o_Shadows I think my setup is just unique enough for it to not be easier :P
04:52 RifRaf take a picture of your setup and will tell you
04:59 Jak_o_Shadows http://jak-o-shadows.users.sourceforge.net/electronics/3dprinter/3dprinter.html is what i've documented so far.
04:59 Jak_o_Shadows With the base though, it'd be more the gap between y rods
05:01 RifRaf i only see the frame, wheres the x axis you say to take note of
05:01 Jak_o_Shadows y-axis
05:02 Jak_o_Shadows 3rd photo roughly shows it. That piece of wood is 2cm not wide enough
05:03 RifRaf you have lots of sensitive material on walls or why is it blurry
05:03 Jak_o_Shadows haha.
05:51 LiohAu anybody can explain me how to determine torque needed for servos used for a pan/tilt/roll tower?
07:41 deshipu LiohAu: I can try. How much does it weight and how fast does it move?
07:42 deshipu and how big is it
08:38 veverak well
08:38 verak got some money to s
08:46 veverak suckers
08:46 veverak they want 24$ shipping on openmv eshop?
08:47 deshipu :(
08:48 veverak nah
08:48 verak wants to build robot with wireless cam and controll two pwm out
08:48 veverak wirelessly
08:48 veverak seems like I want a lot
08:48 veverak nah
08:48 deshipu I use VoCore with a cheap usb camera module
08:49 veverak do you have video of the stream?
08:49 veverak you know, so I can get the idea of the quality
08:51 veverak also, what cheap usb camera did you use? :D
08:56 deshipu a module from used laptop
08:56 deshipu $2
08:56 veverak hmm
08:56 deshipu http://hackaday.io/project/3301-pico-kubik-quadruped-robot <-- this is lowered quality, so that it doesn't heat so much
08:57 veverak I missed your project on hackaday? shame on me
08:57 veverak !
09:00 veverak deshipu: one last question!
09:00 veverak how long it is able to walk?
09:01 veverak (speaking of pico kubik)
09:02 verak is considering that he will try to build either pico/uK
09:09 deshipu veverak: no idea
09:11 veverak hmm
09:31 LiohAu deshipu: still here? (sorry I missed your answer)
09:33 LiohAu basically you can see it as a 15cm3 cube, that weight 2kgs
09:37 deshipu 2kg is a lot :(
09:40 deshipu LiohAu: how fast does it move?
09:41 LiohAu 2kg is the maximum, depending on the resulting torque, we will move some components somewhere else
09:41 LiohAu deshipu: I would say 120 RPM is good
09:42 LiohAu but right now, I don't understand why you need the speed to compute a torque oO
09:42 deshipu LiohAu: inertia
09:42 LiohAu ok
09:45 deshipu LiohAu: how large it is?
09:45 LiohAu 15cm
09:45 LiohAu it's a 15x15x15cm cube
09:49 deshipu hmm, ok, so in the worst case, you have a 2kg weight on a 7.5cm long lever, moving at 0.9m/s
09:54 deshipu E = mv², so 2000g * 0.81m²/s² = 1.62J
09:55 deshipu now, how fast do you want it to be able to start/stop?
09:57 LiohAu deshipu: instant :D
09:57 deshipu oh, that's easy then
09:57 deshipu you need infinite torque
09:57 LiohAu :D
09:58 LiohAu 1 sec is too much, so let's say 100 ms
10:00 deshipu ok, so 0.162W
10:02 LiohAu deshipu: 16.2W no?
10:03 deshipu hmm?
10:04 deshipu ah, right
10:04 LiohAu P = J/S
10:04 deshipu yeah, sorry
10:04 LiohAu np, just wanted to show you that i'm following :P
10:04 deshipu now I'm kinda lost
10:05 deshipu how to get that to N * m
10:07 deshipu sorry
10:08 LiohAu don't be, i'm not better than you :(
10:33 veverak anybody experience with filastruder/
10:33 veverak ?
10:34 veverak hmm
10:34 verak starts to have big pile of parts to .... rec
10:38 deshipu hehe
11:13 rue_bed you need to find people you can give them out to as 'impressive examples' of 'amazing 3d printing technology'
11:13 rue_bed I keep a few bins
11:13 veverak rue_bed: I have two bins
11:13 veverak 'I can give it to people'
11:13 veverak 'it's useless piece of shit'
11:13 veverak you can guess which is full
11:13 veverak :)
11:13 rue_bed veverak, part of your robot that didn't work out
11:13 rue_bed ?
11:14 veverak nope
11:14 veverak parts that were almost finished
11:14 veverak or are useless just now
11:14 veverak rue_bed: 9 hours print ended after 8hours
11:14 veverak ...
11:14 rue_bed yea, I have 'trash' 'completely failed but fine examples of stuff' 'useless, but a fine print that can be given away'
11:15 rue_bed ah
11:15 rue_bed veverak, lots of parts or one big one?
11:15 veverak a lot of big ones?
11:16 rue_bed I set up 5 parts last night and I have a sneaking suspicion they didn't work because of something I might have just learned about slicer
11:16 rue_bed but I just woke up and I'm still in bed
11:16 rue_bed veverak, maybe it owuld be good to break up the runs more
11:17 veverak ?
11:18 rue_bed less parts at once
11:18 verak usually prints one part at
11:18 veverak at first
11:18 rue_bed mmm, I'm gonna go check mine...
11:18 veverak at first one piece, multiple only after first one was nice
11:21 rue_shop3 haha! it worked perfect!
11:22 rue_shop3 er kinda, one of the last holes I put in one of the parts made it to bit too weak
11:23 rue_shop3 hmm and I offset my gears wrong....
11:23 rue_shop3 its still all works
11:24 rue_shop3 hah, a bit like chirstmas morning
11:26 rue_shop3 hah, yea, that crumbled...
11:26 deshipu ashes to ashes
11:27 rue_shop3 its a verticle wall, 18mm x 3mm, and I put a 6mm and 3mm hole in it
11:27 rue_shop3 didn't leave much
11:28 rue_shop3 what i DONT like, is that this looks WAY better than the one I made with non-printed parts
11:28 rue_shop3 hahah, I fogot two more holes...
11:31 rue_shop3 have to open that hole up a bit... thought I already did that
11:36 rue_shop3 sweeeet
11:37 rue_shop3 I'll take pics in a bit
11:37 Tom_itx poor design?
11:37 rue_shop3 it wasn't till I puched that last hole in it
11:37 rue_shop3 you know how pots have that anti-spin pin?
11:38 m_itx is liste
11:38 rue_shop3 in the peice I made, that holes was 1 too many
11:39 Tom_itx what's a good MB to get nowdays?
11:41 Tom_L http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157565&cm_re=asrock_j1900-_-13-157-565-_-Product
11:41 Tom_L looking at that
11:41 Tom_itx as a lcnc platform
11:43 rue_more I usually get asus
11:43 rue_more try this math
11:44 Tom_itx it's plenty cheap
11:44 rue_more if a gear has 18 teeth, they are spaced 10 degrees, so to rotate a gear half a toog you rotate it 5 degrees
11:44 rue_more aaah
11:44 veverak nah
11:44 rue_more I think I found the problem with that
11:44 rue_more *sigh*
11:45 rue_more explains why it didn't work
11:45 Tom_itx what good is glxgears?
11:45 rue_more screen saver isn't it?
11:45 Tom_itx makes a good latency test too
11:45 rue_more ? really?
11:46 rue_more I suppose a I have a good opengl card
11:46 Tom_itx run several at once
11:46 rue_more there are usually about 20 all spinning at once
11:47 rue_more ... I dont think I'v ever posted this project
11:54 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/armcontroller/slide.htm
11:55 rue_more the printed one looks better :/
11:55 rue_more in '87 you can see where it broke by the 'wrist'
11:57 rue_more what do ya think?
11:57 rue_more I'm gonna go have a shower
11:58 Tom_itx looks good but what are the holes for?
11:58 rue_more material savers
11:58 rue_more prolly cuts 1/3 off
11:58 Tom_itx instead of fingers etc?
11:58 rue_more oh, its for controlling the robot
11:58 Tom_itx feedback
11:58 rue_more those are like scizor handles
11:59 Tom_itx ok
11:59 rue_more its just a fancy joystick
11:59 Tom_itx do they come in different finger sizes?
11:59 rue_more nope
12:00 rue_more I have to work out someting other than using 2 pots, that was just me being lazy
12:01 rue_more I suppose I could use a junk pot... thats one of my good ones
12:33 rue_more no comments?
12:33 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/armcontroller/slide.htm
12:33 rue_more otherwise?
18:26 hypodyne howdy
18:29 armyofevilrobots doody
18:31 armyofevilrobots @rue_more; if those two finger things are geared, why do you need two pots? Why not just one on one side?
18:31 armyofevilrobots p.s. Looks like printer is working well again :)
18:39 hypodyne 3d printer?
18:41 armyofevilrobots yes
20:05 rue_more armyofevilrobots, I was supposed to come up with a fake pot to use for the other side but I got lazy
20:05 armyofevilrobots hehe; so it’s a mechanical requirement.
20:05 rue_more tho, as a side note I can use the two pots to double the sensitivity
20:06 rue_more which was a post-justification
20:16 rue_shop3 I was thinking of buying another roll of plastic
20:16 rue_shop3 pla, clear, red or silver, not sure....
20:16 rue_shop3 I think silver is silly
20:17 rue_shop3 if I want something to look like its made of metal, I'll just make it out of metal
20:18 RifRaf gold is pretty
20:19 RifRaf http://i.imgur.com/6rO9bFt.jpg
20:19 RifRaf try make that out of metal
20:21 ace4016 what is it?
22:05 rue_more heh
23:26 zhanx Rue
23:27 zhanx Garfield is invited only
23:28 rue_shop3 ?
23:28 rue_shop3 this will be the longest print yet I think 2.5 hrs
23:29 zhanx Can't join it
23:29 rue_shop3 hmm, trying to check the flags
23:31 RifRaf lol
23:31 RifRaf garfield is the best channel ever, only for special cats and elite robotists
23:32 rue_shop3 zhanx, its not!
23:33 RifRaf rue_shop3: did you see my gold dodecahedrons? i closed irc accidently
23:33 mrdata wups
23:34 rue_shop3 yea
23:34 rue_shop3 it looks really small
23:37 RifRaf 42mm across
23:37 RifRaf so the pillars are about 1.5mm
23:37 RifRaf and its strong, pla is so much stronger for that stuff
23:37 rue_shop3 I'm printing an adapter bracket for a itx motherboard, almost takes up the whole bed
23:38 rue_shop3 oh you got pla goin?
23:38 RifRaf print one of those, soon lets you know if machine is calibrated
23:38 RifRaf yes, moved to the simple side
23:38 RifRaf just a roll or 2, mainly for the colours, but sooo much easier
23:38 rue_shop3 pla is better?
23:39 e_shop3 stares to try to work out if the grass is really greener on the other
23:39 RifRaf well it melts in the car on a hot day, or next to hot steppers, so but alot harder when cool
23:39 rue_shop3 hah, I bet it does
23:39 rue_shop3 interesting
23:39 RifRaf not giving up abs, but for prints like the dodeca yes, much easier
23:40 rue_shop3 is abs springier when cooled then?
23:40 rue_shop3 more give?
23:40 RifRaf and less energy used when printing, and nmo warp, and sticks to bed
23:40 RifRaf yes abs has alot more flex
23:40 rue_shop3 oh I got warp!
23:40 rue_shop3 I'm gonna be amazed if this print works
23:40 rue_shop3 soooo much capable shrinkage
23:41 rue_shop3 I need to make a bigger head for this thing for prints like this
23:42 rue_shop3 heh, make a 2mm :)
23:44 RifRaf you still using the 1mm?
23:45 rue_shop2 no
23:45 rue_shop2 th largest I could get from china was .4
23:45 zhanx Oh I start casitng next week
23:45 zhanx Made a forge
23:46 zhanx Got a 10 pound hammer :)
23:48 rue_more your mixed up
23:48 rue_more casting is done by melting the metal with heat and pouring it
23:48 rue_more :)
23:49 zhanx Nope I am forging
23:49 zhanx :)
23:49 rue_more I'm not posted yet another pcb holding bracket set, robot tracks, and...
23:50 rue_more there are a few things