#robotics Logs

Feb 08 2015

#robotics Calendar

04:54 rue_bed lots of intersting things in the last computer junk delivery
04:55 rue_bed including about 55 AB usb cords
04:55 rue_bed about 40 dvi monitor cables
04:55 rue_bed 5 kbm switches
04:55 RifRaf rue see the 1.2mm extruder?
04:56 rue_bed hah
04:56 rue_bed no
04:56 rue_bed I thought you said larger was worse
04:56 RifRaf scroll up, was a few hours ago, have rebooted since then so lost here
04:56 RifRaf rue_bed, i did
04:56 rue_bed was it the one used to print that lawn mower?
04:57 RifRaf not worse but has more challenges , which this company seem to have achieved
05:01 rue_bed RifRaf, chrome not firefox show any content on that page
05:02 rue_bed I have the impression that as long as you dont go over about that 80% mark with the layer height your ok
05:19 RifRaf trying to find
05:19 RifRaf rue_bed, wat was the link?
05:22 RifRaf http://imgur.com/a/w4JE0
05:22 RifRaf should be lots of pics
05:29 RifRaf single image http://i.imgur.com/Kbg1fp1.jpg
05:30 slidercrank RifRaf, what's that?
05:31 RifRaf a print with a large nozzle
05:32 RifRaf 1.2mm nozzle, 0.9mm layer, in spiral vase mode
05:43 SquirrelCZECH RifRaf: looks awesome
07:48 jthornton anyone printing from Debian Wheezy and solved the baud rate limitation?
07:52 jthornton RifRaf, that is amazing
08:23 Tom_itx jthornton i posted some links yesterday on the core xy
08:23 Tom_itx it is supported by marlin
08:26 Tom_itx morning JT-Shop
08:26 JT-Shop morning Tom_itx
08:26 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> jthornton i posted some links yesterday on the core xy
08:26 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> it is supported by marlin
08:26 JT-Shop doesn't look too good for linux and 250000 serial baud
08:26 JT-Shop I missed them
08:27 Tom_itx sd is the way to go really
08:27 JT-Shop sd?
08:27 JT-Shop oh sd card
08:27 Tom_itx yes
08:27 JT-Shop the ramps came with a sd card thing
08:28 Tom_itx RifRaf that's a mighty big nozzle
08:28 JT-Shop I guess for setting up and jogging I can just to 115k
08:28 Tom_itx yeah that'll let you get it set up at leasst
08:29 Tom_itx zlog
08:31 Tom_itx http://reprap.org/wiki/Marlin
08:34 Tom_itx https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin
08:45 JT-Shop Tom_itx, thanks, I have those links but didn't read the core xy part
08:45 JT-Shop any links to core xy builds or plans?
08:50 Tom_itx no plans that i know of
08:57 Tom_itx http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:612857
08:57 Tom_itx http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:500041
08:57 Tom_itx there's a couple
08:58 JT-Shop I found one that looked pretty good but as he made improvements he stopped updating the SW files
08:58 Tom_itx http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:313048
09:00 Tom_itx http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:252041
09:00 JT-Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Fu0B0G7X4
09:00 Tom_itx http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:161000
09:01 Tom_itx there's a few
09:01 Tom_itx i think marlin should handle it ok
09:01 JT-Shop gives me somthing to think about
09:01 Tom_itx you will have to tweak the configuration.h some
09:02 Tom_itx the math is close enough for any of them i would think
09:02 JT-Shop this is the one I was looking at https://github.com/jand1122/RepRap-XY
09:02 Tom_itx just getting the limits etc entered
09:03 JT-Shop gotta run and get the BlueWing ready to take a ride
09:03 Tom_itx good day for it
09:03 Tom_itx later..
09:04 Tom_itx the advantage you have is making the frame supports with your cnc instead of plastic
09:10 JT-Shop yea, that is an advantage I think
09:11 JT-Shop be a bit windy today but warm
11:56 SquirrelCZECH yeah
11:56 SquirrelCZECH corexy looks awesome
18:20 Shindo y
18:20 Shindo *yo
18:24 Jak_o_Shadows hi