#robotics Logs

Feb 07 2015

#robotics Calendar

01:44 Mr_Sheesh (the odd thing's that for more current allowed into the motor you put in a higher wattage bulb, sorta counter intuitive at first)
02:51 IknegOnOage Anyone awake?
03:12 deshipu no
12:45 deshipu after the talk
12:46 deshipu I realised what is the most important feature for the robots I need
12:46 deshipu sturdiness
13:19 IknegOnOage How long until the miserable McD's employees (and that of other fast food restaurants) finally get liberated to find better jobs due to robots???
13:20 deshipu long
13:20 deshipu robots don't really create better jobs
13:27 ace4016 ^
13:28 ace4016 there's no guarantee they'll be displaced to somewhere better
13:31 deshipu lots of "bullshit jobs" already, that don't actually do anything
13:31 deshipu this won't be solved by technology
14:41 codepython7771 anyone has built a pan-tilt system recently?
14:41 codepython7771 I'm looking to mount a light 5cm x 2cm x 4cm camera on pan tilt
14:46 slidercrank what cameras are typically used in robotics?
14:47 codepython7771 slidercrank: try the cmucam? what do you need it for?
14:48 slidercrank codepython7771, I'm a beginner. So I don't have an immediate use for it. But I'm asking to have it in mind in the future if/when I need it
14:53 slidercrank a bit costly
14:58 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: got 6 dof calculations for your 3-servo legs robots
14:58 SquirrelCZECH just hunting one bug now
15:02 SquirrelCZECH apparently rotation [10,10,0] degrees of point [30, 30, 0] results in point where x != y
15:10 deshipu codepython7771: just glue 2 ervos together
15:11 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: awesome
15:11 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: well, the 3 rotations depend on order
15:28 SquirrelCZECH wat?
15:29 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: I thought that applying these rotations: [90, 0, 0], [0, 90, 0
15:29 SquirrelCZECH ]
15:29 SquirrelCZECH should be same as [0,90,0], [90, 0, 0]
15:31 mrdata nope
15:32 SquirrelCZECH oh
15:32 SquirrelCZECH I see
15:32 uirrelCZECH 's world is ru
15:32 mrdata rebuild
15:34 deshipu also, there is one position where you can't represent one of the rotations
15:34 deshipu it's funny lik that
15:34 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: well, script I made is prepared in a way
15:34 SquirrelCZECH that you specific coords of center of the robot
15:34 SquirrelCZECH rotation of the body around it's center
15:34 SquirrelCZECH points where you want the legs to touch
15:35 SquirrelCZECH *** dark magic ***
15:35 SquirrelCZECH voiala, angles for servos :)
15:35 deshipu yeah
15:36 SquirrelCZECH but fighting with that rotation
15:37 deshipu http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_formalisms_in_three_dimensions
15:40 deshipu it's actually fascinating how complex a seemingly simple thing is
15:42 SquirrelCZECH nah
15:42 SquirrelCZECH too many staff for this hour
15:42 uirrelCZECH just have to figure out how he will deal wit
15:43 uirrelCZECH would prefer some way to specify rotation in an way, where order is irele
15:43 SquirrelCZECH hmm, direction vector... who likes them? :/
15:44 deshipu The engineering and robotics communities typically use 3-1-3 Euler angles.
15:45 deshipu from that article
15:45 ace4016 euler angles are so Y2K
15:45 ace4016 quaternions or go home! >_>
15:45 SquirrelCZECH yeah
15:46 SquirrelCZECH but these terms for now looks to me as some old tribe names
15:46 shipu goes
15:50 SquirrelCZECH ok
15:50 SquirrelCZECH quaternions looks scary
15:50 SquirrelCZECH like, really
15:54 SquirrelCZECH aaaand problem solved
15:54 SquirrelCZECH :)
16:00 SquirrelCZECH nope
16:00 SquirrelCZECH still corner cases are buggy
16:04 SquirrelCZECH nah
16:04 SquirrelCZECH ok, let's bring the heavy artillery
16:04 uirrelCZECH will have to start conversion from 3d to
16:07 SquirrelCZECH nope,e but still repaired
16:24 SquirrelCZECH hmm
16:40 rue_more whats up?
16:41 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: wanna try that code? :)
16:41 SquirrelCZECH rue_more: inverse cinematics is awesome?
16:41 SquirrelCZECH s/?/r
16:41 SquirrelCZECH s/?/!
16:41 SquirrelCZECH nah
16:48 ace4016 cinematics or kinematics?
16:48 SquirrelCZECH kinematics
16:48 SquirrelCZECH nah
16:48 uirrelCZECH is so happy he finished the script he forgot to t
16:49 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/PCS-Micro-9g-Servo-RC-SG90-For-Airplane-Aeroplane-6CH-RC-Helicopter-Free-Shipping/32264123268.html
16:49 SquirrelCZECH ^^ too awesome
16:49 ace4016 lol
16:53 codepython7771 deshipu: whats a good way to control servers from a raspberry pi? I'm guessing I need a usb servo controller? Since I'm not planning to run a real time OS on the pi
16:53 codepython7771 deshipu: this is for a pan tilt system
16:54 SquirrelCZECH hmm
16:54 SquirrelCZECH arduino?
16:54 makepi SquirrelCZECH: I remember my first PIC. Oh wait....
16:54 SquirrelCZECH or pololu
16:55 codepython7771 SquirrelCZECH: I'm thinking of getting the pololy
16:55 SquirrelCZECH they got better resolution afaik
16:55 SquirrelCZECH arduino is capable of ...254 positions?
16:55 SquirrelCZECH pololu 1024 ?
16:56 codepython7771 https://www.pololu.com/product/1350
16:56 codepython7771 .25 micro second. Not sure what that trasnlates to in angles
16:57 SquirrelCZECH for servo of 90 degrees
16:57 SquirrelCZECH 1000ms = 0 degree
16:57 SquirrelCZECH 1500ms = 45 degree
16:57 SquirrelCZECH 2000ms = 90 degree
16:57 SquirrelCZECH I think...
16:57 SquirrelCZECH :D
16:58 codepython7771 looking for voltage requirement
17:00 codepython7771 SquirrelCZECH: Can i power a 6v servo with this board?
17:00 SquirrelCZECH hmm
17:00 SquirrelCZECH I think that it just connects V/GND together
17:00 SquirrelCZECH buuuut, let's keep that in "thinking" bay
17:00 SquirrelCZECH :D
17:42 IknegOnOage deshipu, still there?
17:42 IknegOnOage "lots of "bullshit jobs" already, that don't actually do anything"
17:42 IknegOnOage Such as?
17:49 msaadn Can anyone recommend me a book or site to read from on direct/inverse kinematics?
19:36 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: https://github.com/SquirrelCZE/Spider
19:37 SquirrelCZECH P.S: debug == my py->scad library pycad, creates .scad file of the configured spider
19:44 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter have you seen much about the corexy repraps?
19:45 Tom_itx do you know if marlin supports them?
19:48 SquirrelCZECH Tom_itx: person on youtube notes that he uses corexy
19:49 SquirrelCZECH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MRep9bwfs
19:49 SquirrelCZECH yeah
19:49 SquirrelCZECH I like corexy
19:49 Tom_itx who does?
19:49 SquirrelCZECH Tom_itx: ^^ he wrote that in comment in another video
19:50 SquirrelCZECH am I only one thinking about making corexy with one axis longer?
19:50 Tom_itx do i need sound for that?
19:50 SquirrelCZECH nope
19:51 Tom_itx is there an official build site for it?
19:52 SquirrelCZECH not really
19:52 SquirrelCZECH or afaik
19:52 Tom_itx is there a thingiverse for the parts?
19:53 Tom_itx plastic bearings or steel linear?
19:54 SquirrelCZECH wat?
19:54 SquirrelCZECH I don't know! :D
19:54 SquirrelCZECH but I would prefer linear
19:55 Tom_itx i wonder if marlin has been coordinated to work with it
19:56 Tom_itx since both steppers seem to work together for both x and y
19:58 Tom_itx http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,261146
19:58 Tom_itx seems maybe
19:59 Tom_itx https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/h-bot-and-corexy-3d-printers/1gb6oo291zI
20:03 Tom_itx seems it's a configuration setting in configuration.h
20:03 Tom_itx and support for it has been merged into marlin
20:04 Tom_itx https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin
20:05 Tom_itx http://reprap.org/wiki/Marlin
20:08 Tom_itx http://www.corexy.com/theory.html
20:25 codepython7771 has anyone bought anything from trossen robotics?
20:26 Tom_itx nope
20:27 codepython7771 Tom_itx: http://www.trossenrobotics.com/robotgeek-pantilt.aspx - any idea how precise the motion will be?
20:28 Tom_itx i would only be guessing.
20:28 Jak_o_Shadows eh, that's not a great design structurally. All loads go into the servo bearings
20:28 Jak_o_Shadows On hte other hand, it's not too much more expensive than just the servos
20:29 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: do you have any other suggestions for a pan-tilt? I need to support < 100g of weight
20:30 Jak_o_Shadows If you're not planning on putting it any further away from the mount, that will work
20:30 Jak_o_Shadows Have you done any statics?
20:30 codepython7771 statics?
20:31 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: probably will use a double sided tape to tape the camera
20:31 Jak_o_Shadows Forces, moments, free body diagrams, etc.
20:31 Tom_itx http://cvs.flir.com/l/6132/2011-10-13/1VLFI?pi_ad_id=15276504025&gclid=CIa3ms6i0cMCFZABaQodFroAQQ
20:31 codepython7771 Weight < 80g actually
20:31 Jak_o_Shadows so the camera will be attached directly to the bracket?
20:32 codepython7771 Tom_itx: they cost an arm and a leg?
20:32 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: yes
20:32 Tom_itx no clue
20:32 Jak_o_Shadows It will support the weight.
20:32 codepython7771 I have to route a few wires to a raspberry pi - not sure how i'll do that yet
20:33 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: how do you calculate accuracy of such pan tilt system?
20:34 Jak_o_Shadows er, that's a little harder, but what sort of accuracy are you looking for?>
20:34 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: Preferably .1 degree in x and y
20:34 Jak_o_Shadows er, technically you should probably specify that in terms of a polar or spherical coordinate system.
20:35 Jak_o_Shadows Well, I imagine it can do that, but the servos dont specify
20:37 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: which servos are being used?
20:37 Jak_o_Shadows they link them in the description
20:39 codepython7771 Thanks. see that now
20:40 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: I'm thinking of buying a usb servo controller from pololu to control this. Any other suggestions?
20:42 Jak_o_Shadows eh, that'll work. Won't be cheapest, but it'll work
20:42 Jak_o_Shadows It's not terribly hard to control a servo
20:48 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: thanks
20:49 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: what are you working on?
20:50 Jak_o_Shadows well, I just finished a 3d printer
20:50 codepython7771 nice
20:50 Jak_o_Shadows gonna work on the robot arm
20:50 codepython7771 which servos did you use for the printer?
20:50 codepython7771 how do you control them?
20:50 Jak_o_Shadows steppers
20:50 codepython7771 for pan tilt , does it make sense to use steppers?
20:50 Jak_o_Shadows technically, you could use steppers for your pan and tilt, but it'd be more custom work I thnk
20:50 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: are they more accurate?
20:51 Jak_o_Shadows er, they are more precise
20:51 codepython7771 how do you control a stepper ? usb? i2c? pwm? whats the easiest way?
20:51 Jak_o_Shadows a stepper motor driver
20:51 Jak_o_Shadows what are you doing anyway? You don't have a heavy camera, but you need a high resolution?
20:51 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: I remember they used to be big
20:52 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: I have a lightweight 1080p camera. I want to scan the surroundings on my rc car using pan tilt
20:52 codepython7771 which stepper motor did you use for your 3d printer?
20:52 Jak_o_Shadows ok, stick to servos
20:54 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: what motors did you use for your 3d printer? how do you control them using a computer?
20:54 Jak_o_Shadows I jused some big NEMA 17 sized (.4 Nm) steppers. I use a ramps board connected to an arduino with the allsomething stepper motor drivers in it.
20:55 Jak_o_Shadows I have used just a msp430 and a serial connection to talk to the stepper motor driver and control a single one though
20:55 codepython7771 where did you buy them from? links please? :) I'm not going to make a 3d printer anytime soon, but very curious
20:56 Jak_o_Shadows http://morellitech.com.au/nema-17-stepper-motor/
20:57 codepython7771 .9 degree accuracy - is that enough for 3d printing?
20:57 codepython7771 or do you amplify accuracy using gears?
20:57 Jak_o_Shadows belts and threaded rods
20:57 codepython7771 MSP430 can control a stepper?
20:58 codepython7771 which stepper motor driver?
20:58 Jak_o_Shadows so can an arduino, pic, atmega, etc.
20:58 Jak_o_Shadows heck, I think a pushbutton connected to the stepper driver might work
20:59 codepython7771 well not a raspberry pi :) unless i load a realtime os on it
21:00 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: robotic hand, what motors? are you buying a kit? or building from parts/printed parts?
21:00 Jak_o_Shadows er, a much of Mg996 stepper motors.
21:01 Jak_o_Shadows a couple of the cheap 9g servos
21:01 codepython7771 what about the physical parts of the arm?
21:02 Jak_o_Shadows aluminium extrusion and 3d printed stuff
21:03 codepython7771 nice
21:05 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: do you own a 3d printer
21:05 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: I was thinking of investing in one. ultimaker 2 i think.
21:06 Jak_o_Shadows I scratchbuilt mine
21:06 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: Can you make it accurate enough?
21:06 Jak_o_Shadows https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer%202.jpg
21:06 Jak_o_Shadows I hope so
21:07 codepython7771 nice!
21:07 codepython7771 how much did it cost? how accurate can you get x-y location?
21:08 Jak_o_Shadows $450 AUD
21:08 codepython7771 what got it so expensive? extruder?
21:09 Jak_o_Shadows steppers mostly
21:09 codepython7771 More than 2 steppers?
21:09 Jak_o_Shadows 5
21:09 codepython7771 oh ok
21:11 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: whats a better way to control my servos? arduino?
21:14 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: Everytime i get a motor controller, i've to read a big manual and write a program to control my motors :)
21:14 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: http://www.orionrobotics.com/RoboClaw-2x15A-Motor-Controller-with-USB_p_330.html - I am using these for controlling my gearmotors that drive my wheels.
21:18 Jak_o_Shadows generally that's what you have to do
21:19 Jak_o_Shadows it's the most cost effective anyway
21:19 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: If i connect a mA motor to a high amperage battery (both are 6V), is there a problem?
21:40 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: what switch do you use for your 3d printer?
21:41 Jak_o_Shadows switch?
21:42 codepython7771 just to cut power
21:44 Jak_o_Shadows I yank the power cord out
21:44 codepython7771 :)
22:41 RifRaf rue_shop2, big nozzle that appears to work http://imgur.com/a/w4JE0
22:42 Jak_o_Shadows BTW, RifRaf, have you seen a photo of my printer?
22:43 RifRaf nope, show me
22:43 Jak_o_Shadows lemme grab a new photo
22:43 Jak_o_Shadows or a bunch of photos
22:49 Jak_o_Shadows https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d1.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d2.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d3.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d4.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d5.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/3d%20printer/3d6.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.c
22:53 RifRaf amazing what can be done with a bit of plywood and a few paddle pop sticks
22:53 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, looks good, good to see you up and running
22:53 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: What is the black piece called that has 4 cylinders on top?
22:53 codepython7771 Jak_o_Shadows: is that for splitting power?
22:54 Jak_o_Shadows Didn't take too long once I actually started
22:54 Jak_o_Shadows it could be, but i'm just extending the hot end cables, not splitting anything
22:54 codepython7771 what is that thing called?
22:54 Jak_o_Shadows no idea, I pulled it out of a heater
22:55 codepython7771 when someone says: Machine Hex Nut: #2-56 (25-pack) - how does this compare with M2 hex nut?
22:55 RifRaf codepython7771, completely different
22:56 codepython7771 RifRaf: where is a good place to buy M1/M2/M3 hex nut and bolts of different lengths?
22:56 RifRaf aliexpress
22:56 codepython7771 preferably a box full of them :)
22:56 RifRaf but i just go to the local boltorium in town
22:56 RifRaf M1 gets trickier
22:56 RifRaf 1.4mm is more common
22:56 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, I ended up just getting parts from the local place
22:57 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Self-Locking-Hex-Nuts-Nylon-Lock-Nuts-M2-M2-5-M3-M4-M5-M6-120pcs-Assortment/1911705535.html - something like this for bolts
22:57 RifRaf well they are nuts, not bolts, but yes a nice assostment
22:57 RifRaf make sure you require nylocks though, or else they can be a pain
22:58 codepython7771 what are nylocks?
22:58 Jak_o_Shadows I got nylocks for the 3d printer, and endedup grinding some of them off so they'd fit
22:58 RifRaf metal nuts with a nylon locking ring, so they don't come loose, but also more work to assemble stuff with them
22:59 RifRaf yep nylocks soon get boring when you are doing up 100 of them Jak_o_Shadows
22:59 RifRaf far better using spring washers and double nuts to lock things where needed
23:01 codepython7771 is there a point of buying nylon screws vs metal?
23:01 RifRaf yes
23:02 codepython7771 RifRaf: you can cut it?
23:02 codepython7771 why nylon?
23:02 RifRaf yep just about anything can be cut
23:02 RifRaf nylon is lighter, non conductive and clearer
23:02 RifRaf if you do not need those things stick with metal as its stronger
23:03 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/M2-M2-5-M3-M4-M5-Nylon-Screw-Nut-Washer-Assortment-Kit/32251485096.html
23:03 codepython7771 cant find one with M1/M2/M3
23:03 codepython7771 and dont need M4/M5
23:03 RifRaf M1 is vcery hard to find, why you need?
23:03 codepython7771 have a pan tilt with small holes
23:03 RifRaf is also very small and hard to work with
23:04 RifRaf go for 1.4mm then, at least findable
23:04 codepython7771 Most assortment kits i see have m4 / m5 :(
23:05 RifRaf you will find m2 small enough to do most things, have made micro pan tilt units
23:06 RifRaf http://www.aliexpress.com/item/7-fold-within-DIN912-authentic-304-stainless-steel-hex-screws-micro-screws-M1-4-M1-6/32267275242.html
23:06 RifRaf oh yes things get more expensive when you go smaller than m3 :)
23:07 codepython7771 Cant even find M2 assortment kit of different lengths with bolts
23:07 codepython7771 I like the idea of nylon :)
23:07 RifRaf m2 stainless will be alot easier to find
23:08 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/M2-M2-5-M3-M4-M5-Nylon-Screw-Nut-Washer-Assortment-Kit/32251485096.html - best i can find
23:09 RifRaf keep trying, i found better, assortment packs are not really a great way to go unless you have no idea of wat you want to make
23:09 codepython7771 RifRaf: My problem is, there is no local shop that keeps these. And I've to wait for what i need later?
23:10 RifRaf codepython7771, get a bunch of nuts, and a length of threaded rod and you make make every size m2 bolt you need
23:11 codepython7771 RifRaf: how do you handle the top problem?
23:11 RifRaf codepython7771, never a good idea to buy now what you may need in a few months/years, i would have 0 room to move
23:11 RifRaf codepython7771, 2 nuts as a locknut, you do them up tight together, and will not slip
23:12 RifRaf for what you are doing even a nylock on each end would not come loose
23:12 codepython7771 nice :)
23:13 RifRaf nylock is different from a nylon nut though
23:13 codepython7771 RifRaf: I've a battery wire coming out, from which i've to power multiple things. Whats a clean way of splitting this power? I currently have wires threaded together. I can solder them.
23:13 RifRaf solder is a great way
23:13 codepython7771 then tape? looks ugly
23:13 RifRaf and some heatshrink to make it pretty
23:14 codepython7771 what do you heat shrink? whats it called?
23:14 RifRaf its called that^
23:15 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.amazon.com/Anytime-Tools-Shrink-Sleeve-Assorted/dp/B008WWC6FU ?
23:15 RifRaf heatshrink
23:15 RifRaf thats the stuff
23:15 Jak_o_Shadows I MIGHT'VE, maybe, just smothered the endstop connectors in hot glue instead of using heatshrink
23:16 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows, not a big deal, thats one place where the wires break often, so hotglue can only help as a mechancal bond to stop wires moving
23:17 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.amazon.com/Vktech-280Pcs-Shrink-Tubing-Sleeving/dp/B00EXLRW5S - I like this one better - colors :)
23:17 Jak_o_Shadows haha, yeah, that was my thoughts
23:18 RifRaf pretty, but colours don't really play a big part unless you need to colour code everything, and black seems to work better than other colours
23:19 RifRaf also, no need to get a big assortment once again , 3mm heatsrink will do most stuff, maybe something smaller for tiny wires and a bit of 6mm or so for bigger stuff, will do 95% of electronics stuff
23:20 codepython7771 RifRaf: cant find those on amazon. Also, need a heat gun.
23:20 RifRaf cigarette lighter
23:21 RifRaf use the blue part of flame, i go through meters of heatshrink each week
23:24 codepython7771 RifRaf: What lighter do you use? :)
23:33 codepython7771 RifRaf: any thoughts?
23:33 RifRaf codepython7771, is this for heatshrink?
23:34 codepython7771 yes
23:34 RifRaf seriously dude, take my advice, use a lighter
23:34 codepython7771 RifRaf: I'll have to buy again and again?
23:34 RifRaf i use the stuff everyday, if there was a faster way than pulling out my lighter am sure i'd be doing it
23:35 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.amazon.com/BIC-Disposable-Classic-Lighter-Guard/dp/B004S4EARI ?
23:35 RifRaf codepython7771, a lighter is like what 2$ , and if you don't smoke bongs all day will last for ages doing heatshrink
23:36 RifRaf heh never thought of using amazon for a lighter, codepython7771 where on earth are you?
23:37 codepython7771 some people say they can use their soldering iron for heatshrink!
23:37 RifRaf and they can, it does a shitty job though
23:39 RifRaf the cool part of a lighter flame does a fine job, am assuming you have not used many before though, so remeber that when you get all black charred crappy heatshrink from using the tip of the flame, use the blue part
23:40 codepython7771 RifRaf: http://www.amazon.com/Lot-Bic-Mini-Multi-colour-Lighter/dp/B00863XN4I
23:40 codepython7771 color coded lighters ;)
23:40 RifRaf lol you love your assorted packs
23:40 RifRaf then you can use a different colour for each colour heatshrink
23:40 codepython7771 you didnt lemme buy the colors - just got black! :)
23:41 codepython7771 at least there will be some color on the lighters ;)
23:41 RifRaf heh
23:41 codepython7771 RifRaf: I'm guessing you buy your soldering wire locally?
23:41 RifRaf codepython7771, yep
23:41 RifRaf am in a factory doing this stuff, so stuff like that comes to me without looking
23:42 RifRaf the rep comes around each week to see what i am running low on
23:43 RifRaf codepython7771, where are you from?
23:43 codepython7771 RifRaf: I'm in Florida. You?
23:44 RifRaf NSW austalia
23:45 RifRaf australia even
23:46 ace4016 Austalia isn't a bad posh name :P
23:46 RifRaf being in the US should not be that hard to find an electronics shop, and hardward even at trade places
23:47 RifRaf ace4016, better than straya , thats wat seems to be popular these days
23:47 ace4016 radioshack, hardware stores (like Ace, Lowes, Home Depot), maybe Fry's, and smaller electronics shops should have solder in the US
23:47 ace4016 Best Buy might even have solder, though more rare and would likely just have speaker wire
23:47 ace4016 heh
23:49 codepython7771 ace4016: My radioshack is far and is going to be closed down soon.
23:49 codepython7771 ace4016: yes, some have solder, but you know the lazy lot :)
23:51 ace4016 solder is fairly straight forward, though your best deals will be online i find, unless you can find the hole in the wall electronics shops that are local
23:56 RifRaf avoid lead free solder if you can