#robotics Logs

Feb 06 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:04 rue_more heh
00:04 rue_more print smaller things
00:04 rue_more my origional head didn't cause as much warping as my new one, I'm not sure why
00:05 Jak_o_Shadows I'm printing a hot end mount, what I have seems fragile
00:08 Jak_o_Shadows sorta hoping that it'll smooth out as I put more plastic down
00:08 Jak_o_Shadows Like, the nozzle is pushing that bit down ok, so
01:44 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: btw: at devconf allready?
01:49 deshipu in the hotel
01:49 deshipu leaving soon
01:50 deshipu I will have a red hat and openstack blouse
01:54 SquirrelCZECH nah
01:54 uirrelCZECH will depart from Ostrava at 10:3
02:35 deshipu have a nice trip
07:29 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: any more description?
07:29 SquirrelCZECH red hat is ... :D
08:37 slidercrank red hat is more red than an orange or pink hat
08:40 SquirrelCZECH yeah, that too
08:40 SquirrelCZECH but here are too many red hats :D
08:42 slidercrank what do you mean? too many users of the Red Hat distro?
08:42 SquirrelCZECH nope, too many people with red hat on their head to detect one of them
08:43 slidercrank where "here"? On the channel or where you are? In the building you're residing in?
08:51 SquirrelCZECH slidercrank: trying to meet deshipu on devconf
09:09 SquirrelCZECH guys, googling around "automatic tool switching"
09:09 SquirrelCZECH aand I've got a way how to attach plate to plate so they hold in place
09:10 SquirrelCZECH everytime on "exact" same coords
09:10 SquirrelCZECH buuut
09:10 SquirrelCZECH I can't decide how "lock" should work
09:10 uirrelCZECH thought that stepper driving screw, which would "tight up both plates toget
09:10 SquirrelCZECH but it hope there is simpler solution
09:11 SquirrelCZECH I just need some way to automatize locking two plates together :)
09:23 GuShH SquirrelCZECH: one word... cam.
09:24 GuShH cam lock is an industry standard for work holding, but for tool holding you use tapers or rotary posts.
09:31 slidercrank http://rt.com/usa/229811-mind-clones-robot-afterlife/ Living forever as robot? Prototype lets humans upload their mind into mechanized ‘heads’
09:44 rue_more http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/files/2015/02/SAFFiR1.jpg
09:44 rue_more this looks like the work of
09:44 rue_more ... who made that plastic injection machine...
09:46 slidercrank injection machine?
09:58 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: sorry, I went to the hotel for some time
09:58 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: I will be there for the lightning talks
09:58 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: nice, maybe we will meet each other :)
10:04 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: you can notice me as smaller orange haired person
10:04 deshipu ok
10:04 SquirrelCZECH black sweatshirt, black backpack
10:05 deshipu military shoes, right
10:05 deshipu should be easy ;)
10:05 SquirrelCZECH noooh, left that at home
10:05 SquirrelCZECH :)
11:06 deshipu squirrelczech: no orange-haired people in sight
11:07 deshipu maybe let's meet after the lightning talks by the 3d printers
11:07 SquirrelCZECH yeah, sitting with a friend on Java talk
11:07 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: there is going to be one?
11:07 SquirrelCZECH which room ? :)
11:07 deshipu in the main hall
11:07 deshipu they are there since the beginning
11:07 deshipu the brno hackerspace brought them
11:08 deshipu one prusa mendel and one delta
11:08 SquirrelCZECH yeah!
11:08 SquirrelCZECH :D
11:08 SquirrelCZECH I know, seeing that delta everytime I am in brno hackerspace
11:08 uirrelCZECH is me
11:38 slidercrank http://cs5.pikabu.ru/post_img/2015/02/06/9/1423235769_1383535784.gif
11:46 slidercrank http://cs4.pikabu.ru/images/big_size_comm_an/2015-02_2/14232405169876.gif http://cs4.pikabu.ru/images/big_size_comm_an/2015-02_2/14232405179591.gif
12:36 msaadn Can anyone recommend me a book or site to read from on direct/inverse kinematics?
14:00 __who_care i want some help at robo actuators pls
21:18 Sisco vex robotics anyone?
22:19 rue_bed hmm
22:20 Tom_itx a bulb in series with a motor will act as a buffer to prevent a short won't it?
23:09 rue_shop3 yup