#robotics Logs

Jan 15 2015

#robotics Calendar

00:46 rue_house co
00:46 rue_house je
01:23 just_corey greets
01:24 rue_house thre you are
01:24 rue_house so, are you good with fucntions that return values?
01:26 just_corey no not yet i got lost in a green chinees pro mini, i just noticed there is no silk screen on the top of those, the red ones atleast shiw the pin numbers on the top
01:26 just_corey looks like my ink cartridge has gone dry, time to top it uup again
01:26 rue_house ok
01:26 rue_house so
01:27 rue_house int myfunction(void);
01:27 just_corey ok hang on
01:27 rue_house is a function prototype for a function that takes no values in, but returns an integer
01:27 rue_house its just the declerlation
01:28 just_corey okay go on
01:28 rue_house the function itself could go like this
01:28 rue_house int myfunction(void) {
01:28 rue_house return 2;
01:28 rue_house }
01:29 rue_house every time you call the function it'll 'evaluate' to 2
01:30 rue_house int myvalue;
01:30 rue_house myvalue = myfunction();
01:30 rue_house myvalue will = 2
01:32 just_corey return(number2)
01:32 just_corey }
01:32 rue_house well, you can return(2);
01:32 rue_house if you want
01:32 just_corey int checkdistance(number){
01:32 rue_house that make sense or shall we write soemthing more complete?
01:33 rue_house well
01:33 just_corey lemme write somthing quickly
01:33 rue_house it goes
01:33 rue_house datatype_out functionname(datatypes_and_value_names_in)
01:36 just_corey yeah okay i think i get it, basicly when i call that function i want to send it the degrees of the distance i want measure, it would then move the servo to that location, ping the distance and return distance, which i could then just examine or store in an arry
01:36 rue_house ok, I'd not do the array at first
01:37 rue_house just work on getting the values out of it
01:37 just_corey no not yet
01:37 just_corey but thats the direction im going
01:37 rue_house shall we write a more complete sketch?
01:38 just_corey yes we should
01:38 rue_house k, is there a hello world example in here?
01:40 just_corey okay i think ive got this
01:40 rue_house there isn't a hello world, geez
01:43 rue_house just_corey, ok
01:43 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/140716/
01:43 rue_house a hello world!
01:44 rue_house I dont have an arduino handy, so you need to tell me if it works
01:48 just_corey works
01:48 rue_house yay
01:48 rue_house now lets cahnge it up
01:49 just_corey ok
01:50 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/140717/
01:50 rue_house its a function, with the same stuff put in it
01:50 rue_house see if that works
01:51 rue_house can ya see what I did?
01:51 just_corey yup got that
01:52 just_corey so lets have it do some simple math?
01:53 rue_house lets play with numbers and returntypes more...
01:53 rue_house but yea
01:53 rue_house I'll re-arrange to return a number
01:54 just_corey im ready, im remebering my c++ books so i think ive got this
01:55 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/140718/
01:55 rue_house on that one I set a return type to the function
01:55 rue_house an integer
01:56 rue_house myfucntion() will always be equiv to 2 there
01:56 just_corey yea, lemme write one
02:01 just_corey ya so that didnt work
02:02 rue_house do you see what I did in that last one?
02:02 rue_house lets see yiours
02:06 just_corey http://paste.debian.net/140719/
02:06 just_corey problems with scope
02:06 rue_house man you got all crazy!
02:06 just_corey num1 and num2 should probly be global variables
02:07 rue_house ok
02:07 rue_house you told it to expect myfuctnion to look like
02:07 rue_house int myfunction(void)
02:07 rue_house then surprised it with
02:07 rue_house int myfunction(int num1,int num2)
02:07 rue_house top predecleration needs to match
02:08 just_corey o
02:08 just_corey i see
02:08 rue_house return will send values back that you put in there
02:08 rue_house so
02:08 rue_house return (2); or
02:08 rue_house return(num1+num2);
02:09 rue_house as you wrote it, num1+num2 dont get saved anywhere
02:09 just_corey return(distance)
02:09 rue_house indeed
02:09 rue_house or even return(distance());
02:10 rue_house functions that return numbers are as good as numbers
02:10 just_corey okay i get that
02:11 rue_house ooh, and your assignents of x and y aren't in a place thats executed
02:11 rue_house they would need to go in setu
02:13 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/140721/
02:13 rue_house operations have to happen in functions
02:13 rue_house and x=3 is an operation
02:14 rue_house evil enough, int X = 3; isn't
02:14 rue_house its an initialization that you can do once when the variable is created
02:15 rue_house its midnight!
02:15 rue_house I have to go to bed...
02:15 just_corey ah
02:15 just_corey goto bed, thanks for the help
02:15 rue_house you get those 3 corrections?
02:19 just_corey yes
03:51 Tom_itx rue_house, i used silversolder on the temp sensor
03:51 Tom_itx higher melting point
09:21 rue_house there must be grades of silver solder, the stuff I know of would burn the traces off
09:22 armyofevilrobots I have some that doesn’t seem to be any hotter than lead based (or not much anyhow). I have some non-fluxed stuff that is REALLY hot though. I think it’s for jewelry work.
09:23 rue_house I just have the nonflux stuff for special metals and jewlery
09:23 rue_house http://s.twistynoodle.com/img/r/r-is-for-robot/r-is-for-robot-5/r-is-for-robot-5_coloring_page.png
09:24 rue_house I have to come up with a completel alpahabet that resolves to robots somehow
09:24 rue_house a is for android...
09:25 rue_house b is for bionic?
09:27 deshipu c is for cyborg
09:28 rue_house yes! thankyou!
09:28 armyofevilrobots D is for delta E is for …
09:28 deshipu I have pretty much all of them, but I can't find anything for R
09:28 rue_house I was thinking droid...
09:28 armyofevilrobots Awww.
09:28 armyofevilrobots Euler-Lagrange?E is for
09:29 deshipu d is for dildo
09:29 rue_house but as its short for android its not a good candidate
09:29 deshipu rue_house: then change a to automaton
09:29 rue_house yea
09:30 rue_house or atomoton
09:30 deshipu auto mutton
09:30 rue_house E is for Electromechanical
09:31 rue_house ;)
09:31 deshipu f is for fotoreceptor
09:31 rue_house your right, it all goes to hell once the slang comes in
09:32 rue_house F is for Feedback?
09:32 deshipu g is for golem
09:32 rue_house H is for heuristic?
09:32 deshipu hysteresis
09:32 deshipu histeresis
09:33 deshipu hysteria
09:33 rue_house I is for Incomplete
09:33 rue_house haha
09:34 rue_house I is for current
09:34 rue_house :)
09:35 rue_house J is for joint
09:37 deshipu j is for imaginary
09:37 rue_house hah
09:37 deshipu noooo
09:37 rue_house K is for 1000
09:38 deshipu they stole my company name :(
09:38 deshipu http://www.fke.co.jp/en/index.html
09:38 rue_house it was that good?
09:38 deshipu I wanted to have a company named that
09:38 rue_house haha
09:39 rue_house whats better than L is for inductance?
09:39 rue_house leg
09:39 deshipu lojban
09:39 rue_house m is for motor
09:39 deshipu nanobot
09:40 rue_house yea!
09:40 rue_house O is for octopod
09:40 deshipu wait, what was h for?
09:40 deshipu and b
09:41 deshipu should be biped and hexapod
09:41 rue_house yea, your right
09:41 deshipu then pentapod and quadruped
09:41 deshipu thren robot and tripod
09:41 GuShH monopod for the win!
09:42 deshipu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCqSLMin9f4
09:44 rue_house K is for Killbot?
09:46 rue_house I'm not sure where we are, S
09:46 deshipu state machine
09:46 rue_house S is for Shorted?
09:47 rue_house hmm
09:48 rue_house T is for Tracks?
09:48 deshipu silicon?
09:48 rue_house oo silicon
09:48 GuShH deshipu: based on someone's suggestion, you can still claim FUKKIT ENGINEERING
09:48 rue_house as longa s your not in germany
09:48 deshipu GuShH: but I want fukken, I'm a big fan of the dwarves from Oglaf
09:48 rue_house U is for Underwriters labratory
09:49 ShH slaps des
09:49 rue_house U is for Uncontrollable
09:49 deshipu Underactuated
09:49 rue_house Underpowered
09:50 deshipu Underpants
09:50 rue_house v is for voltage
09:50 deshipu wheeelz
09:50 deshipu weals?
09:51 rue_house X is for "no good"
09:51 GuShH you guys need a pill or something
09:52 rue_house this is a good morning puzzle
09:52 rue_house can you come up with a robot term for X?
09:52 GuShH I can offer water in case you are dehydrated
09:52 GuShH underpants wasn't a robot term
09:52 rue_house I'm missing a good D (tho I think delta wins)
09:52 GuShH everyone knows X marks the spot, silly
09:52 rue_house and G, J K L M
09:52 rue_house P
09:54 GuShH L could be Limb, M could be Motor, J could be Joint, P could be Power, G could be Gain
09:54 GuShH all related terms
09:55 rue_house P can be pneumatic
09:56 deshipu we all know what p stands for
09:56 deshipu next
09:56 rue_house X Y Z
09:56 GuShH deshipu: likewise with D then
09:56 deshipu GuShH: good point
09:56 GuShH but for the record YOUR mind is in the gutter, not mine
09:56 deshipu and C
09:57 GuShH haha
09:57 rue_house P is soemthing robots dont do...
09:57 deshipu actually, we C we have some, ..., wiggle room, so to speak
09:57 rue_house X Y Z
09:57 deshipu X Y Z is coordinates
09:57 rue_house Cyborg wins
09:58 rue_house there has to be better than that
09:58 deshipu now we only need Ą, Ę, Ś, Ć, Ż, Ź, Ł and Ó
09:58 deshipu oh, and Ń
09:58 ShH stabs deshipu with a frozen cy
09:58 GuShH rue_house: so here's my luck, I finally get the mill mounted up and the Y leadscrew siezes up
09:59 rue_house you trapped it?
09:59 GuShH I had to jack it all up to access the thrust bearing (thought it got mangled)
09:59 GuShH ended up being an error in how they machined the leadscrew
09:59 GuShH instead of having a distinct shoulder and relief for the acme thread
09:59 GuShH they kinda tapered off, and the OD of the bar was bigger than the OD of the thread
09:59 GuShH instant interference.
09:59 deshipu GuShH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f488uJAQgmw
10:00 rue_house A is for Android
10:00 rue_house B is for Biped
10:00 rue_house C is for Cyborg
10:00 rue_house D is for Delta
10:00 rue_house E is for Electromechanical
10:00 rue_house F is for Feedback
10:00 rue_house G is for Gain
10:00 rue_house H is for Hexapod
10:00 rue_house I is for Intelligent
10:00 rue_house J is for Joint
10:00 rue_house K is for Killbot
10:00 rue_house L is for Legs
10:00 rue_house M is for Motor
10:00 rue_house N is for Nanobot
10:00 rue_house O is for Octopod
10:00 rue_house P is for Pneumatic
10:00 rue_house Q is for Quadroped
10:00 rue_house R is for Robot
10:00 rue_house S is for Silicon
10:00 rue_house T is for Tracks
10:00 rue_house U is for Uncontrollable
10:00 GuShH rue_house: yes it was lowered due to center of gravity and safety, but it wasn't stuck something happened yesterday that got it stuck, anyway that was terrible I had to take it all apart, use a bottle jack to lift the head and release the leadscrew, etc. now it's working fine, I'll add a definite travel limiter
10:00 rue_house V is for Voltage
10:00 rue_house W is for Wheel
10:00 rue_house D shoudl be Digital
10:00 rue_house ugh
10:01 rue_house awe, atuonomous loses to android
10:01 GuShH deshipu: wtf is this
10:02 deshipu GuShH: Norvegia :D
10:02 deshipu aka Norway
10:02 GuShH hahaha
10:02 rue_house we fail on xyz
10:04 rue_house E is for exterminate
10:04 GuShH that's not a robotics term!
10:05 GuShH that's just a ripoff from drwho
10:05 deshipu X is for horizontal, Y is for vertical, Z is for depth
10:05 GuShH I'll use a plunger on you old man!
10:07 rue_house Binary or Biped?
10:08 mrdata a bipedal plunger?!
10:09 mrdata obviously for those special clogs
10:09 rue_house for walking up walls
10:10 rue_house X is for Xrays
10:14 GuShH rue_house: http://www.barnorama.com/emile-leray-and-his-dessert-bike/
10:14 GuShH not too sure why the color of the body doesn't match
10:15 rue_house off to work!
12:46 billmania GuShH: Other than the fact that someone can't spell, a cool story indeed.
12:49 shipu imagines a dessert bike made of choco
13:21 GuShH billmania: yeah those sites suck big time, I ended up at the official site in french
13:22 GuShH http://chameaudacier.free.fr/moto1.html