#robotics Logs

Dec 30 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:02 rue_more I think I forgot to eat too much
00:02 rue_more that is, too much forgetting to eat
00:02 armyofevilrobots :(
00:02 rue_more tho I just came up with a wickid lighting plan for the new house
00:03 Jak_o_Shadows wicked lighting?
00:03 rue_more hollow, translucent, clip on, led fillable moulding
00:03 rue_more !!!!
00:05 rue_more with a modified head, a pop-bottle consuming filament extruder could make the tube
00:05 rue_more a 3d printer could print the clips
00:06 rue_more and umpa-lumpas could run it all!
00:08 rue_more arg, I think I'm at the point in the flu where I have to hang myself by the feet for 3 days
03:12 verak would be just happy with RGB li
03:13 Veverak hmm
03:13 verak just remembered that he builded RGB thi
03:22 rue_bed ok I need a new plan to get to sleep
03:22 rue_bed anyone have a pet turkey?
03:22 Veverak run
03:22 Veverak around house
03:22 Veverak few times
03:22 rue_bed I have a cold/flu
03:22 rue_bed maybe I can code myself to sleep
03:23 rue_bed or watch boring lectures on youtube, it worked in school
03:23 rue_bed I couldn't intentionally fall asleep on a desk if my life depended on it
03:24 rue_bed one borring lecture and *BAM* out I go
03:24 rue_bed ok ok , coding
03:24 rue_bed Ihave a coding project
03:24 rue_bed a 2d csg library
03:25 rue_bed I was planning to resolve the infinite objects to polygons and then do the csg
03:25 rue_bed right
03:25 rue_bed am I tired yet?
03:25 rue_bed no
03:25 rue_bed ok
03:26 rue_bed so, first, I need a library to take infinite shapes and resolve them to triangles
03:26 rue_bed yea
03:26 rue_bed ok
03:26 Veverak write one!
03:26 Veverak :)
03:26 rue_bed so, there is uh, box, circle
03:26 rue_bed no]
03:26 rue_bed elipse and polygone
03:27 rue_bed polygon
03:27 rue_bed right, that prettymuch defines it for 2d
03:27 rue_bed ok
03:27 devshark you writing a DeLunay triangulation now?
03:27 rue_bed I never heard of him, am I?
03:28 devshark if you're gonna break shapes into triangles, then probably yes.
03:28 Veverak I suppose you write triangl-conversion for each shape?
03:28 rue_bed there are only 2 shapes, elipses and polygons
03:28 Veverak si two conversion scripts :)
03:28 rue_bed script?
03:29 rue_bed I write in C
03:29 Veverak wait, polygons doesn't need conversion?
03:29 Veverak :D
03:29 Veverak rue_bed: wow
03:29 devshark and the elipses probably have to use a beachline approach, while polygons are easy to work with.
03:29 Veverak well, makes sense for 3d, but wow
03:29 Veverak first time I met somebody that does :)
03:29 rue_bed I can resolve the elipses to a point path and link them up
03:29 rue_bed ok, properties of an elipse, ...
03:29 devshark aha aha, ok
03:30 rue_bed centre,
03:30 rue_bed X amplitude, Y amplitude
03:30 verak got little experience with C so far and is impressed with everybody that works with that regu
03:30 devshark lol
03:30 devshark everybody should've started off with C imo... :)
03:30 rue_bed hmm, I think thats it
03:30 Veverak rue_bed: I suppose two points can be also imput
03:30 Veverak devshark: utopic opinion I think
03:30 rue_bed a defining rectangle?
03:30 Veverak :)
03:31 rue_bed hmm
03:31 rue_bed that would keep the data types for it down
03:31 rue_bed ok
03:31 Tom_itx rue_bed, this is your boss. you should be asleep
03:31 devshark not utopic..... but perhaps it is.
03:31 Veverak rue_bed: not really, just "focus points"
03:31 Veverak or what's the proper definition?
03:32 rue_bed Its my library it can be screwed up in any way I like
03:32 devshark i don't know the proper definitions on english :)
03:32 Veverak devshark: if every would start with C there would be ... well I suppose 9 of 10 people that are programming today would drop
03:32 devshark X/Y amplitudes are fine for me.
03:32 rue_bed wait
03:32 rue_bed oh, it can be rotated later
03:32 rue_bed ok
03:32 devshark if 9 out of 10 people programming fail because they wrote their first BST in C, then hows that my problem?
03:33 devshark how does that really hurt the industry?
03:33 devshark less crappy code to fix in blackbox fashion.
03:33 Veverak yeah
03:33 Veverak that's just because you assume that frmo 9 of 10 people that 9 really sucks and woudln't create anything usefull
03:33 devshark they should study more, instead of relying on "languages" that do *everything* for em.
03:33 Veverak which is something I don't agree with
03:33 Veverak :)
03:34 Veverak devshark: I started with php and python just playing around doing shitty things
03:34 devshark i didn't assume anything. if you're in school, wanting to learn how to code, learn how to deal with the real problem.
03:34 Veverak like, a lot
03:34 Veverak if you would give me C i would never try to programm
03:34 Veverak and yet today I am programming
03:34 Veverak and I try my best to make code that I am not ashamed of
03:34 devshark ok, and lets jump to the real inteersting part.
03:35 devshark programming for how much money per month?
03:35 rue_bed ok, next is a polygon
03:35 rue_bed centre,
03:35 rue_bed sides
03:35 rue_bed radius
03:35 Veverak devshark: who? for whom?
03:35 rue_bed and it can be rotated later
03:35 devshark hahahah....
03:35 rue_bed now, should radius be the Rmin or Rmax?
03:36 devshark i'm sorry. i assumed we're talking about "9 out of 10 people that want to live off their coding would fail" scenario.
03:36 Veverak you mean that 9 people? dunno
03:36 rue_bed I'm gonna say Rmin, because if its a box, you want to specify the distance between sides
03:37 rue_bed wait, maybe all objects should be created at 0,0 and have to be translated to where yo uwant them
03:37 rue_bed hmmmm
03:37 devshark not about "9 out of 10 people that want to write sample code for hobby" :) because..... to me that's simply income. you work, and you're worth X, because the quality of your work is worth Y, and you got Z amount of experience working on those projects.
03:38 Veverak yeah
03:38 Veverak and I consider income = quality as bullshit
03:38 Veverak next()
03:38 Veverak :)
03:38 devshark you still didn't answer my question... so should i assume that you're not making money off your code?
03:39 rue_bed not me
03:39 Veverak I am
03:39 rue_bed I'm just trying to make some descent software to use
03:39 Veverak rue_bed: nice!
03:39 devshark you mean, "reinvent the wheel" ? :)
03:39 Veverak rue_bed: btw: that point that everything should be create at 0,0 is nice
03:39 rue_bed seeing as most programs get so many features stuffed into them they cant do anything if you can even get them to compile
03:39 Veverak rue_bed: but, corner should be at 0,0 or center should be at 0,0?
03:39 verak prefers center appr
03:40 rue_bed yea, I'm going with the 0,0 thing, translate() needs to be used for something
03:40 rue_bed I'll go centre
03:40 rue_bed keep it all symetric
03:40 Veverak nice! :)
03:41 Veverak devshark: I found out that while reinventing the wheel sucks for production its not so useless for ones education
03:41 Veverak or at least it worked for me
03:41 devshark totally not.
03:41 devshark otherwise, we wouldn't be writing "hello,worlds" would we.
03:41 Veverak wat?
03:41 rue_bed what would be a use for a - number of sides in a polygon be?
03:42 rue_bed stars instead of polygons?
03:42 Veverak iteration over the number of sides?
03:42 Veverak oh
03:42 Veverak I see ::)
03:42 Veverak rue_bed: btw: using structure for polygons?
03:42 rue_bed technically it should be unsigned, but..
03:43 devshark [10h18min:06] <Veverak> and I consider income = quality as bullshit
03:43 rue_bed unsigned long sideCount;
03:43 devshark i just asked for a number. to get perspective on some things.
03:43 rue_bed if anyone wants more sides than that, they should be using an elipse
03:44 rue_bed to make a star, it would generate an extra set of points and link differently
03:45 rue_bed otherwise the outter set of points is the same as a polygon
03:45 rue_bed or maybe that should be a negitive radius
03:45 rue_bed tho, seems to be a - radius would imply the inside and outside are reversed
03:46 rue_bed as its csg....
03:46 rue_bed hmmm
03:46 e_bed th
03:46 Veverak devshark: point is that I don't feel like saying that information ;)
03:46 devshark doesn't geometry imply there's no such thing as a negative radius?
03:46 devshark ah, thats fine Veverak. i'm sorry if i offended in any way by simply asking.
03:46 rue_bed so as a coder you give - radius a special meaning
03:46 Veverak devshark: no offense
03:47 Veverak naaah
03:47 Veverak rue_bed: bad coding alert
03:47 Veverak :)
03:47 rue_bed I'll leave it unsigned for now
03:47 devshark there's only one special meaning
03:47 Veverak don't give values special meaning, leave them with the one they have
03:47 rue_bed I like the idea of it generating a star tho
03:47 Veverak and just only that one
03:47 devshark "please enter a positive radius."; exit(1);
03:47 rue_bed no!
03:47 rue_bed never
03:48 devshark hahaha
03:48 rue_bed "radius is negitive, I'm gonna assume you meant a positive number and continue"
03:48 devshark go figure, radius = abs(radius);
03:48 rue_bed otherwise you end up with code that dies on every stupid little thing
03:48 rue_bed real linux code does everything possable to finish the job
03:49 devshark lol
03:49 rue_bed windows code gives up at every opportunity
03:49 devshark you're one of those people? :)
03:49 devshark linux kicks ass, windows sucks ass? :)
03:49 rue_bed old mac code givies up and throws you a numberical error code that dosn't exist in any index anywhere
03:50 devshark what about Solaris.
03:50 rue_bed a real error message should tell you how to FIX the problem,
03:50 rue_bed dunno
03:50 devshark [10h30min:06] <rue_bed> a real error message should tell you how to FIX the problem, [10h27min:28] <devshark> "please enter a positive radius."; exit(1);
03:50 deshipu aaand back
03:51 devshark good morning de-vri-es
03:51 devshark good morning deshipu
03:51 deshipu moanin'
03:51 rue_bed I didn't say it wasn't
03:51 devshark [10h27min:28] <devshark> "please enter a positive radius."; exit(1);
03:51 devshark [10h27min:39] <rue_bed> no!
03:51 devshark [10h27min:43] <rue_bed> never
03:51 Veverak rue_bed: please, write at least warning, that something as abs() is made
03:51 deshipu I just realized that I connected my voltage regulator backwards yesterday
03:51 rue_bed I'v just had so many issues with programs that say "there was an error, I quit"
03:51 Veverak rue_bed: silenlty repairing errors is no gooed either
03:52 rue_bed indeed
03:52 rue_bed leads to funkey operation
03:52 rue_bed throw a warning, fix it best you can, and forge on
03:52 Veverak well, I hate programs that doesn't behave in a way that is easy to predict
03:52 Veverak and you are like "WHAT? IT DID THAT? WHIT IT DIDN"T TELL ME?"
03:53 rue_bed you know, i'm looking at these two types
03:53 devshark i'm contemplating whether i should say "you realize noone (but coders) reacts like that"
03:53 rue_bed and I'm thinking, if a polygons sides are an unsigned long
03:53 rue_bed do you need an elipse?
03:54 devshark yes you do.
03:54 devshark for when you "zoom in" and "zoom out"
03:54 rue_bed why not give a polygon a x and y radius
03:54 rue_bed hmm
03:54 rue_bed the idea is that this is used in situations where your resolving them to polygons anyhow
03:55 rue_bed ... just a peek around the corner, but
03:55 devshark is someone besides you ever going to use that binary?
03:55 rue_bed anyone know if there is a program that is *just* a stl viewer?
03:56 rue_bed devshark, people like to use libraries that depend on libraries that depend on libraries that require you to have a specific version of thats obsolete and the chain requires a build environment that only is the developers machine
03:56 rue_bed so, no, my library wont, cuase its not messed up enough for anyone else
03:57 devshark i'm an embedded dev.
03:57 devshark no need to tell me anything about dependancy hell
03:57 rue_bed I bet you see it then
03:57 Tom_itx http://sourceforge.net/projects/viewstl/
03:58 rue_bed hah, its not in the debian repositoes, debian has closed themselfs so much they are dieing
03:58 devshark and how to resolve it when there's no way to port a lib to your architecture because of some very cryptic and idiotic reasons, like Data Bus size.
03:58 rue_bed some git throws in a cpu specific assembler chunk?
03:58 devshark (yes, that shouldn't have anything to do with compiling..... but)
03:59 rue_bed I have a command line calculator
03:59 rue_bed that I wrote
03:59 rue_bed it can use variables
03:59 devshark can it reference environment variables? :)
03:59 Tom_itx https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=moduleWorks.STLView&hl=en
03:59 rue_bed its under 19k
04:00 rue_bed no,
04:00 Tom_itx there's an ap for that too
04:01 rue_bed root@thunkpad:/files_loc# calc "c+2(c=2*Pi)"
04:01 rue_bed c+2(c=2*Pi) -->> 8.283185
04:01 rue_bed no thats 19k
04:01 rue_bed and nobody can do variables
04:01 rue_bed less python, and THATS overhead
04:01 rue_bed or perl, but my point, 19k, command line calculator
04:02 rue_bed no crazy dependency libraries
04:02 rue_bed dosn't use any embedded languages
04:03 devshark so, these variables. where does it pick up their names from? :)
04:03 devshark hardcoded or... ?
04:03 deshipu hardcode everything
04:03 rue_bed there are 3 internal ones
04:03 deshipu this way there is no overhead
04:03 devshark can it calculate this for me
04:03 devshark e^(- i * Pi)
04:03 rue_bed Pi, version, and output_base
04:04 devshark e^(-i * Pi)
04:04 devshark that should come out to -1
04:04 rue_bed it does not do functions
04:04 rue_bed I'm playing with that
04:04 deshipu i is a constant there
04:04 rue_bed I didn't write in i :)
04:04 deshipu it's equal to sqrt(-1)
04:04 devshark i is the imaginary number. i^2 = -1
04:04 rue_bed yea, it dosn't do imaginary numbers
04:05 devshark yea, because functions are gonna get really heavy then
04:05 devshark and say goodbye to doing ln(something) :)
04:05 rue_bed it is a nice quick way to work out how many thou you need to take off on a lathe
04:08 devshark is version hardcoded or did you actually write the program so that it counts the number of times it's been compiled?
04:08 devshark if you did that, then it becomes sweet :)
04:08 rue_bed I have a program called nextver I call in the makefile
04:08 rue_bed it updates version.h
04:09 devshark not sweet enough for my taste.
04:09 rue_bed meh, it works for me
04:09 devshark yea, thats what counts :)
04:10 rue_bed its handy if your trying to feed a bunch of different numbers into the same formula to tune results
04:10 devshark so
04:10 rue_bed you can define the variables at the end of the formula as long as their wrapped in more () than the formula itself
04:11 devshark since we're kinda in teh coding turf, and speaking about numbers...
04:11 devshark here's a quiz question
04:11 devshark what does this do?
04:11 devshark return !new String(new char[n]).matches(".?|(..+?)\\1+");
04:11 rue_bed depends what the . and ! were overloaded to do
04:12 devshark no operator overloading
04:12 devshark n is passed to the function.
04:12 rue_bed it could just reuturn "hello world"
04:12 devshark yet, it doesn't.
04:13 rue_bed it should be a regex match if nobodys being stupid
04:13 devshark and, it is.
04:13 rue_bed one character or
04:13 rue_bed hmm, one or no charactrers, or
04:13 rue_bed two characters.... I'm assuming perl regex here
04:14 devshark nope.
04:14 rue_bed well, then the regex could be anything
04:14 devshark i was specific enough, with no stupid shit being pulled. i just asked "what does this do" :)
04:14 devshark as a hint, this is Java but for what it's doing, it's pretty much C.
04:14 rue_bed +? is a bit of a conflct in perl... the + is one or more, the ? is zero or 1
04:15 devshark it's not perl :)
04:15 rue_bed I said, perl regex
04:15 devshark dont all regexes work the same?
04:15 rue_bed as in, the code it ultimitly calling a pcre library to parse the result
04:15 rue_bed no
04:16 rue_bed there are atleast 4 regex languages I know of
04:16 rue_bed grep is not pcre
04:16 rue_bed most of its close tho
04:16 devshark lol, and here i was thinking they're all pretty much the same thing.
04:17 rue_bed ..+? dosn't make sense to me, maybe I'm rusty
04:17 rue_bed cause . is any character
04:17 devshark i ported grep to arm if you need one.
04:17 rue_bed but the +?
04:18 rue_bed cause the + is one or more, and the ?is zero or more, but its not in context to a group of the previous
04:18 devshark are you ready for a mindblow?
04:18 rue_bed and ends in litteral l's that aren't icluded in the result matches
04:19 devshark because that line right there
04:19 devshark tests whether n is prime or not.
04:19 devshark ha! :D
04:20 devshark suddenly, the problem of explaining it to yourself probably got harder. or not, you'redoing fine so far.
04:21 rue_bed by testing if the number ends in a 1?
04:21 rue_bed I'm sure thats not pcre
04:22 rue_bed Tom_itx, that viewstl is for WINDOWS
04:22 devshark i really wouldn't know, i don't really dig that deep into which regex it is. up until 5 minutes ago, i thought "regular expressions" are just that, "regular expressions". didn't figure there's different kinds of regexps
04:23 rue_bed why, why was it a tar.gz!?
04:23 rue_bed with an exe in it
04:23 rue_bed w t f
04:23 devshark hahaha. evil.
04:23 rue_bed nnono, wait...
04:24 rue_bed oh, didn't see a folder
04:24 devshark can't wine run it?
04:25 rue_bed I dont use wine
04:25 devshark why not?
04:25 devshark in fact, i didn't ask.
04:33 devshark take care guys. see you when i wake up.
12:03 aethersis is there a way to find gain of k(s) = (1+sT)^2 ?
12:03 aethersis T is just a constant period
12:53 devshark a differential function?
12:53 devshark no wait. what is that
12:54 DagoRed I don't see much of a transfer function there.
12:54 devshark what do you mean by gain?
12:54 devshark like, a derivative?
13:36 rue_bed 0,0 is in the top left of a screen because thats the scan origin of the tv
13:36 rue_bed hmm
13:36 rue_bed how legacy plauges us
13:39 ace4016 have to pick a coordinate origin at some point :P
13:39 rue_bed using a math origin of 0,0 at bottom left is good
13:40 rue_bed k(s) = (1+sT)^2
13:40 ace4016 not sure it really matters, as long as you know the coordinate system :P
13:47 Tom_itx yeah 0,0 should have been in the dead center
14:02 rue_bed I think that its a nonlinear rate to position converter
14:02 rue_bed its not a constant nor linear gain
14:06 rue_bed if a nuclear bomb goes off in space, and there is nobody there to see it, does it make a noise?
14:42 ace4016 audible noise? probably not, unless the waves hit an atmosphere or object at some point in time. there will be a crap ton of EM and nuclear noise however :P
14:45 rue_more so we can say yes
14:49 Loshki Depending on your definition of noise, yes. This is just a nuclear tree falling down in an airless forest.
15:00 rue_bed :) if I wake up, I'm gonna assemble one of those model robot kits I got ages ago
15:00 rue_bed if the glue is still ok
15:04 Loshki rue_bed: girlfriend in a box?
18:14 rue_bed no...
18:15 rue_bed two old authentic japan gundam type robot models
18:15 rue_bed thought putting them togethor would give me ideas on my 12' mecha
18:16 rue_bed which I can now model all sorts of parts with on my reprap
18:21 Ademan I'd like to control my hubsan x4 quadcopter from my PC. It uses a 2.4Ghz protocol that someone has reversed engineered here http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1773853
18:21 Ademan I *imagine* there ought to be some sort of "super programmable 2.4Ghz transceiver" USB module, does such a thing exist?
18:22 Ademan if nothing exists off the shelf I'll just do it myself, but it seems like something that should/would exist already
18:38 Tom_itx rue_bed did you get a nozzle ordered?
18:57 katsmeow-afk cute and well-done animated movie about machines came out in 2009: 9
19:03 ace4016 she really should stay for more than one sentence :P
19:06 Red_Onyx if you have two wheels controlled by two DC motors that are controlled by an arduino, how do you make sure the system follows a straight path???
19:07 ace4016 how accurate do you want to be?
19:07 ace4016 and do you want to account for slippage?
19:07 Jak_o_Shadows with difficultly.
19:07 Red_Onyx what's slippage?
19:07 Red_Onyx let me google that
19:07 Ademan wheel slips
19:08 Red_Onyx yeah, I am thinking of obstacles, and slips
19:08 Ademan if you want to just be sure your wheels have rotated the same amount, you could use an encoder, but if one of your wheels spins out you aren't following a straight line
19:08 Red_Onyx my idea would be connecting the Arduino's analog input to something that detects deviations
19:09 ace4016 well, you'll probably want a wheel encoder to track the wheel's "true" rotational speed. you'll also likely want something that can track position
19:10 ace4016 like two optical sensors one each half of the robot so that you know overall forward movement, as well as any differential movements (turns)
19:10 ace4016 then you can correct if slippage or some other thing happens (differences in the motor or circuit in general could lead one motor to moving slower than the other and you'll need to compensate)
19:11 Red_Onyx I hadn't thought of optical sensors
19:11 Red_Onyx thanks for the idea
19:21 delinquentme hey all . I'm looking for a selectable scale pantograph
19:22 delinquentme is there another mechanism which will do this for me ... other than just a scaled up / multi-parallelogram pantograph ?
19:24 delinquentme nm! just sorted it !
19:27 ace4016 ?
19:37 delinquentme OK so WITH said pantograph ... how do I ensure that the joints between swingarms ... have minimal backlash ?
19:40 rue_more use magnetic joints
19:40 rue_more with rare earth magnets
19:41 delinquentme rue_more, any idea of the keyword search for such a build?
19:41 rue_more reprap
19:41 rue_more they use rare earth magnets with ball bearings in the tripod repraps
19:41 rue_more sometimes
19:43 delinquentme rue_more, +1 http://reprap.org/wiki/Ball_joint#Magnetic_joint
19:43 delinquentme what about if I need to minimize magnetic interference ?
19:44 delinquentme I was thinking something akin to the anti-backlash spring on acme rods
19:44 GuShH rue_more: tripod? you mean deltas?
19:44 delinquentme ya
19:44 ShH shows rue_more his tr
19:45 delinquentme GuShH, I too am into photography
19:45 delinquentme may I examine?
19:45 GuShH lol
19:46 GuShH I'm not and my tripod is an old lightweight vivitar 911, nothing fancy at all.
19:46 GuShH probably used it twice
19:54 delinquentme so its seen some action
20:00 ace4016 kinky
20:09 rue_more oooh cr** the temp went below 0 and I fogot to turn on the boiler antifreeze systems
20:10 tsmeow-afk watches the robot/Ai movie "Satur
20:35 Tom_itx rue_more, you should have a control for that
22:14 rue_more yea, I have to activate it
22:14 rue_more arg, ANd there was a power outage so,,,'
22:15 Tom_itx did you get a hot end?
22:16 rue_more 3
22:16 rue_more but I dont think I will need them
22:16 Tom_itx those chinese ones?
22:16 Tom_itx why won't you need them?
22:16 rue_more seeing as even the official ones plug up on pla
22:16 Tom_itx oh
22:16 rue_more im gonna bet that if I give mine crisco and slow it down it'll be fine
22:17 rue_more I selpt for 12 hours today so far, just about to go down again
22:17 rue_more but I'll take a quick trip out to the shed and make sure the pumps aren't plit in two
22:17 Tom_itx yep about sleep time here
22:17 Tom_itx 14F here
22:17 Tom_itx overnite of 4 i think
22:23 rue_more damn, betwe the cold outside air and the shop air, my sinuses caght something thats making me smell a really wierd smell
22:24 rue_more the pumps are ok, I think the computer in there keeps everything a few degrees warmer
22:24 rue_more I have them on autocycle
22:25 rue_more the lines freeze, but the pumps stay warm
22:25 rue_more the storage tank is at 4.5c
22:26 rue_more I wonder how I do an emergency boost of a 100gal tank with frozen lines
22:28 rue_more fingers and toes are frozen, gonna go have a shower
22:31 MrCurious anyone have an odroid-c1 here?
22:48 whatsssssup hi
22:48 whatsssssup i have a question please help me
22:48 whatsssssup So I been using C++ for a couple of years and making robots using AVR and Arduino (don't hate me for it, i don't use it nowsmiley) for a while now. Im in college at the moment. I looked over some popular companies jobs to see what were the rrequirements and stuff. And lot of them said i need C++(:tick) and experience within Linux(:tick). So what i
22:48 whatsssssup want to know is how do u use C++ with robotics and how does it incorporate with robotics?. As far as i Know that AVR's are C. Also it would be cool to know do u use IDE or libraries or something with C++ for robotics?
22:49 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: arduino is C++
22:49 whatsssssup umm isnt it avr-gcc
22:49 whatsssssup modified?
22:50 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: yep, it uses avr-g++ for compilation and linking, and all the libraries you're familiar with (Serial, Servo, etc etc) are C++ classes
22:50 whatsssssup ahh ok
22:51 whatsssssup thx and also do u know any workflow for robotic companies such as 3d robotics or boston dynamics
22:51 whatsssssup like IDEs languages librares
22:51 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: I just use a text editor and a Makefile for all my projects
22:51 whatsssssup ok
22:51 Triffid_Hunter IDEs seem to always make things way harder than they should be
22:52 whatsssssup yeah sometimes i agree
22:52 Triffid_Hunter for example, arduino hardware is actually quite nice, but arduino IDE is a steaming pile of yuck
22:52 whatsssssup haha ya
22:52 whatsssssup does big companies use arduino or avror arm btw
22:53 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: you'd have to ask them
22:53 whatsssssup ok
22:53 whatsssssup ohh and one more thing
22:53 whatsssssup qt or visual studio
22:53 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: I'm quite happy to use avr8 for small-scale stuff, and ARM cortex-m3 or -m4 for the overseer, then maybe something like RPi or odroid-C1 if I want to do vision
22:54 whatsssssup k
22:54 whatsssssup thx
22:54 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: *shrug* I use kate
22:54 whatsssssup kate?
22:54 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: http://kate-editor.org/
22:55 whatsssssup ok
22:55 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: https://github.com/triffid/ESC/ is one of my "arduino" projects if you're interested
22:55 whatsssssup i will take a look thx
22:56 Loshki whatsssssup: I don't think that matters too much. If you've used a build system, done some development, actually managed to produce something on your own initiative, then you're of interest. Try and get an internship, the experience is invaluable.
22:56 whatsssssup ok thx
22:57 whatsssssup i was just worried that i will learn something that is kind of not usefull
22:58 whatsssssup one more question do u think any of big companies use qt?
22:58 whatsssssup cause that is what im doing atm
22:58 Loshki It's quite hard to tell up-front what's going to be useful in 5 years. Successful problem solvers never go out of style, and you can move them from project to project...
22:58 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: it doesn't matter *what* you learn, what matters is that you *can* learn.
22:58 whatsssssup ok
22:59 whatsssssup umm do u have any suggestion on how i can make gui with c++
22:59 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: when you *know* you can learn, you can do any task that's placed in front of you
22:59 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: I do GUIs in html+javascript these days ;)
22:59 whatsssssup i probobly need serial comunication
22:59 whatsssssup wow ok
22:59 Loshki Doesn't matter if they've used a particular system before or not, because in two weeks, you won't be able to tell the difference, 'cos they learn what they need.
23:00 whatsssssup ok thx a lot guys
23:00 Loshki whatsssssup: good that you're thinking ahead...
23:00 whatsssssup hehe ya
23:00 whatsssssup maybe too much
23:01 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: definitely too much, you should focus on being confident that you can learn anything you need to... that's the most valuable skill
23:01 whatsssssup yeah thx
23:01 Triffid_Hunter when you have that skill, what you've already learned is largely irrelevant :P
23:01 whatsssssup ya
23:01 whatsssssup umm do u guys have any suggestion for c++ guis?
23:01 rue_more the more you know, the more you can know
23:02 whatsssssup like a ide or library or something
23:02 whatsssssup c++ isnt a issue cause i already know it
23:02 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: lol, but didn't recognise that arduino is C++?
23:02 whatsssssup yeah nope
23:02 whatsssssup thought it was c
23:03 rue_more cause, the world is strange, and sometimes knowing alot about how a can opener works comes in handy when your trying to fix a underwater rov
23:03 whatsssssup u cant tell much diference when ur working with a 8 bit
23:03 Loshki The oddest things come in handy, you never know. Also, reading books can really give you a leg up...
23:03 whatsssssup no pointer or templates needed lol
23:03 whatsssssup reding books?\
23:03 whatsssssup like subjects or novels?lol
23:04 rue_more each robot I build teaches me tricks I end up using on later projects
23:04 whatsssssup ok
23:04 whatsssssup yeah
23:04 rue_more sometimes I come up against a problem I cant solve, and later remmeber a few ways I dealt with it before
23:04 rue_more "oh yea, I knew that"
23:04 whatsssssup k
23:05 whatsssssup so anyone c++ gui ?
23:05 Loshki I meant Technical books primarily, but novels too. One really well organized book is worth a 100 disorganized wikis.
23:05 rue_more whatsssssup, you gonna write a c++ gui?
23:05 whatsssssup yup
23:05 rue_more ok, its been done, but yea
23:05 rue_more go for it
23:06 rue_more what are your classes gonna be
23:06 whatsssssup what do u mean?
23:06 rue_more clickable, dragable, explodable?
23:06 Loshki whatsssssup: Think of a little app you would find useful for yourself, and build it.
23:06 whatsssssup yeah ok
23:06 whatsssssup i mean like a gui to control my bot over xbee
23:07 whatsssssup xbee is a serial port
23:07 whatsssssup so i waws thinking if anyone know any good libs or IDE to help me?
23:07 wolfmanjm tcl/tk ;P
23:08 whatsssssup xD
23:08 whatsssssup looks too hard lol
23:09 whatsssssup ok thx a lot guys
23:11 Loshki whatsssssup: you can often find an instructable which does 90% of the work for you...
23:13 whatsssssup ok
23:19 armyofevilrobots I am a bit late to the game here, but I strongly recommend QT+python GUI if you don’t need hardcore processing on the desktop/laptop. Cutting down on your amount of development effort is always a good idea, and python performs just fine for just about anything.
23:20 whatsssssup ok thx
23:20 wolfmanjm butting in here but Ruby is a lot better than Python ;P <ducks>
23:20 armyofevilrobots I am also playing with clojure+seesaw, but that might be a bit of a departure for most devs.
23:20 wolfmanjm but Qt is great for C++
23:20 whatsssssup c++ visual studio or c++ qt ?
23:20 armyofevilrobots Ruby/Python, don’t care :) They both scratch the same “fast iteration” itch.
23:20 wolfmanjm c++ qt linux
23:21 whatsssssup yeah
23:21 whatsssssup finally some one lol
23:21 wolfmanjm if you are windows only then just use visualc++
23:21 whatsssssup ok
23:22 whatsssssup ohh and why does everone uses linux instead of windows for robotics?
23:22 armyofevilrobots I really like QT in general, but I usually recommend against writing an entire project in C++ just because some dependency is C++, or because C++ is what you used on the hardware side. Most frameworks have some kind of dynamic language binding that makes development a lot faster.
23:22 armyofevilrobots and linux is a lot easier to write device drivers for :)
23:22 wolfmanjm although Qt is cross platform, but for windows only GUIs I'd just use whatever is the flavor of the month the microsoft pushes..
23:22 whatsssssup hehe ok
23:23 armyofevilrobots @wolfmanjm : /me thinks back to MFC, cringes.
23:23 wolfmanjm yea C++ is hard
23:23 whatsssssup well its not if u have memory managment taken care of
23:23 wolfmanjm yea MFC was thre flavor of the day when I still used a windows machine
23:23 wolfmanjm I think they moved onto .net then some other high level abstract
23:23 whatsssssup "when i still used" lol
23:24 wolfmanjm I doubt my MFC stuff will still work
23:24 whatsssssup yeah they uses WPF now
23:24 wolfmanjm remember OWL ;)
23:25 wolfmanjm the current cross platform sweetheart seems to be fltk at them moment
23:25 armyofevilrobots Hehe, I remember Borland quite fondly.
23:25 whatsssssup ok
23:25 wolfmanjm although Kiva seems decent if you a re a pythin user
23:26 armyofevilrobots python-pyside is awesome for QT, and you can still use the resource editors.
23:26 armyofevilrobots Don’t let me sway you too easily though. Nothing wrong with C++, I just find it is about 1/3 the speed of writing in Python.
23:27 whatsssssup yeah k
23:28 whatsssssup umm does any one know why is visual studio c# is the most popular and most prefered?
23:28 wolfmanjm oh I meant Kivy not Kiva http://kivy.org/docs/guide/lang.html
23:28 Triffid_Hunter whatsssssup: development is massively easier on linux, it's written by developers for developers
23:28 armyofevilrobots C# is marginally nicer as a language than java, and java developers can jump into C# with very little effort. I think that has a lot to do with it.
23:28 whatsssssup hmm yeah
23:29 wolfmanjm C# was just Microsofts version of Java
23:29 whatsssssup to be honest c# is alright but with c++ u can do more and beyond
23:29 armyofevilrobots My day job involves about a million lines of C#, and it’s OK to work with, although some of the autogeneration via T4 templates, and the way partial classes spread everything all over your directory structure, make my head hurt.
23:29 armyofevilrobots If you can keep your developers disciplined, it’s quite nice to work with.
23:29 wolfmanjm as NIH was rappant and they refused to jump onthe Java bandwagon
23:41 Loshki If you can keep your developers disciplined, almost anything is nice to work with :-)