#robotics Logs

Dec 28 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:01 wolfmanjm I wrote an object oriented Ruby wrapper around it :) only a programmer could love that :)
00:01 Jak_o_Shadows aha, that would be less painful
00:04 just_corey greets to all
00:04 Jak_o_Shadows hi
00:05 Tom_itx looking thru these libraries, they have just about any mechanical fastener etc you could ask for
00:05 Jak_o_Shadows Inventor does as well. I have yet to figure out how to get them to work across multiple computers though
00:06 Tom_itx this one says i need a vault for that
00:06 Tom_itx i didn't set that up
00:07 Jak_o_Shadows There has got to be another way of doing it. Using dropbox doesn't work so well out of the box though.
00:07 Tom_itx i suppose it would move all that stuff to the server
00:07 Jak_o_Shadows You don't lose file references in assembly, but you do lose reference's to the content centre standard parts
00:12 Tom_itx standard parts from 12 countries
00:12 Tom_itx bearings, seals, nuts, bolts.....
00:17 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah. It's really handy.
00:53 rue_more errrr.
00:54 rue_more about 4 hours ago I had anicin, and I just took an advil.... am I gonna die?
00:54 rue_more wait
01:13 rue_more hmm
01:13 rue_more they say I'll live
01:37 mrdata you'll live
01:38 mrdata how much did you have, rue_more?
01:58 rue_more 1
01:58 rue_more of ea, about 4 hours apart
02:05 mrdata np
02:06 rue_more headache isn't going away, oh well
02:08 wolfmanjm Yea I had one of those for two days, motrin helped a little
02:08 wolfmanjm tylenol was a total fail
02:10 rue_more I got a 2.4" touch tft from china
02:10 rue_more for arduino
02:10 rue_more took me ages to find the right driver code for it
02:11 wolfmanjm cool I have on eon order it is the 5" panel with capacitive touch
02:11 rue_more and there is a problem, its like its not laying out the pixels right in memory
02:11 wolfmanjm been 20 days though and still seems to be in china
02:11 rue_more so I hae the chip datasheet, and its not helping much
02:11 rue_more is your arduino?
02:11 rue_more /avr?
02:12 rue_more microcontroller :)
02:12 rue_more aha
02:12 wolfmanjm It is SPI so will work on anythign I ws going to hook it up to my edison
02:12 rue_more whats this...
02:12 rue_more yea, mines parallel
02:13 rue_more I think the only arduino library is for a 2.8" of the same controller chip
02:13 rue_more the graphics buffer is arranged differently
02:13 rue_more this would be simple if it weren't a sea of registers
02:14 rue_more whats more frustrating is that there are lots of images on the internet of them woring with arduino, but NOBODY posts the code they used
02:17 wolfmanjm check adafruit, they have lots of sample arduino code for lots of panels
02:18 rue_more not for this
02:18 rue_more it requires the utft library,
02:18 rue_more the example for the uno is pinout right, and is the only one that works, but the display is washed out and the pixels are mixed up, the image is cut into 3 laps
02:19 rue_more - - - / / /
02:19 rue_more when it should be -/
02:20 wolfmanjm oh what chip is it?
02:21 rue_more spfd5408
02:22 wolfmanjm not familiar with that one
02:23 rue_more its one of the ones in the utft library
02:23 rue_more but there are two screens that use it, 2.4 and 2.8? inch
02:23 rue_more I think the code is specific to the 2.8" and NOBODY has posted the code for the working 2.4" demos
02:24 rue_more its REALLY frustrating to see people using this screen and they didn't post any of the code
02:24 rue_more I'm gonna go have a bath
02:35 Hyratel raaaaaage: I can't find the 'angel hair' dual pair coax bonded/zip wire that's used in cheap headphones. anyone got any suggestions/sources?
03:01 rue_more ... ooo the 5408 has a spi mode
03:02 rue_more Hyratel, cheap set of headphones?
03:02 Hyratel yep
03:02 rue_more no I mean buy a cheap set of headphones
03:02 Hyratel not as great an option as it sounds
03:11 rue_more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipvepLgWo6Q
03:11 rue_more grrrrrrr
03:13 rue_more anyone have a script that takes a list of ip addresses and propigates ssh keys between all the machiens?
03:14 wolfmanjm rue_more: ssh-copy-id
03:15 wolfmanjm wrap in a for loop
03:15 rue_more heh, nothing like paging thru dhcp logs to try to find the mac address of a machine in hopes you can send a macgic packet and get it to wake up
03:15 rue_more awe see, right there, didn't know about ssh-copy-id
03:15 Hyratel rue_more, http://www.dx.com/p/3-5mm-audio-jack-female-to-rca-audio-converter-30cm-5125
03:15 Hyratel the kind of wire used here
03:16 rue_more yep, if I wanted some I'd go to the dollar store and buy a cable
03:16 rue_more tho the shields on that stuff are about 7 strands ;)
03:16 Hyratel I'm not fussy about the sheilds
03:16 rue_more its 7 strands
03:16 Hyratel I just want some of that by the foot
03:16 wolfmanjm rue_more: cat ipfile | xargs ssh-copy-id
03:16 rue_more not wrapped tight...
03:17 rue_more wolfmanjm, awesome
03:17 wolfmanjm uipfile should be user@ipaddress one each line
03:19 Hyratel http://www.pacrad.com/bulk-cable/audio/multi-pair/belden-cable-bulk-audio-1504a-053u1000.html
03:19 just_corey rue your alive
03:19 Hyratel finally
03:19 rue_more just_corey, yea, and I'm dripping and leaking...
03:20 just_corey unfortune
03:20 rue_more just_corey, I'm just trying to find info to get tehat lcd working
03:20 rue_more and reading up how to copy the autologin stuff between the machines again
03:20 just_corey i found a really good deal on a reprap electronics package, request your opinion
03:21 rue_more shoot
03:21 rue_more I still think we should build you a machine here
03:21 rue_more I have to work out and order a head too
03:22 just_corey nevermind, pricce has balooned, not a buy it now
03:22 rue_more lets make a list!
03:22 rue_more 1 min
03:22 just_corey we can build it wherever
03:23 rue_more wholy geez, I forgot my root password for a sec
03:23 rue_more I been using the same one for over 15 years
03:23 wolfmanjm you looking for a ramps?
03:24 just_corey well yeah will need a ramps
03:25 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/3D-Printer-Controller-Shield-Board-Module-For-Ramps-1-4-Reprap-Prusa-Mendel-/381028661691
03:25 rue_more one of those
03:25 rue_more just_corey, start a text file!
03:25 wolfmanjm wow $5 for a ramps, mine cost $50
03:25 Jak_o_Shadows I think I paid 18
03:25 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/ATmega2560-16AU-ATMEGA16U2-Board-Free-Cable-For-2012-ARDUINOs-MEGA-2560-R3-/121285476330
03:25 rue_more one of those
03:25 wolfmanjm two years ago :')
03:26 rue_more yea, and its just a carrier board you can make out of vero!
03:26 Jak_o_Shadows aha, I am bad at making stuff out of vero
03:26 rue_more just_corey, got that so far?
03:27 wolfmanjm Was looking to sell my ramps with 4 drivers and 2560... but at $20 I may as well keep it :)
03:28 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/5pcs-RAMPS-Pololu-A4988-StepStick-stepper-driver-with-heatsink-for-Prusa-Mendel-/191114673825?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c7f527ea1
03:28 rue_more oops
03:28 rue_more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/5pcs-RAMPS-Pololu-A4988-StepStick-stepper-driver-with-heatsink-for-Prusa-Mendel-/191114673825
03:28 rue_more just_corey, one or two of those, they come with heatsinks now, tahts cute
03:29 rue_more just_corey, you getting this, I cant repeat
03:30 rue_more I lost you
03:30 rue_more I'm going to bed for a while
03:31 just_corey yeah got them sofar
03:32 rue_house we can get you motors and sensors from the shop
03:32 rue_house I need to buy a head and we can print the parts if you want
03:32 just_corey will need another tube of bearings i guess
03:32 rue_house or I can direct you to the same guy I got my kit from
03:33 rue_house but the kit is $50 shipped
03:33 just_corey either or, be nice to strap one with your machine
03:33 rue_house yea, a tube of 10 608 bearings
03:33 rue_house and some 8mm UU8 bearings
03:33 rue_house yep
03:33 rue_house I have to select a head
03:34 rue_house I think I'm gonna get a 3mm and 1.75
03:34 rue_house if you want, I can throw in a head for you
03:34 rue_house their are about #
03:34 rue_house $9
03:34 just_corey http://www.ebay.ca/itm/10-Balls-Bearing-608Z-8mm-22mm-7-for-Skateboards-scooter-Rollerblade-/301390473807?pt=BI_Heavy_Equipment_Parts&hash=item462c45aa4f
03:34 rue_house might be too cheap, we will see
03:35 rue_house should be 80c ea or so
03:35 rue_house hah, yea or that
03:35 rue_house 10 lmuu8
03:35 just_corey seems the last tube i got were similar and not too bad
03:36 rue_house 3d printing cuased them to break under the $1 mark!
03:36 just_corey so i had solid works up, replaced the heat sync comp of my gfx card, not as lurchy anymore
03:37 just_corey so what are you thinking on heads?
03:37 rue_house this computer is slow as hell
03:37 rue_house I have some links on the other one
03:38 just_corey will you be able to obtain a pc i can give to uncle david?
03:38 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/12pcs-LM8UU-8mm-Linear-Ball-Bearing-Bush-Bushing-/290828158520
03:38 rue_house those too
03:38 just_corey have to goto van jan 8th
03:38 rue_house whats the cost on the list so far?
03:39 rue_house I have one, but its got no harddrive or ram
03:39 rue_house I bet he gets something at the same time you give him one and junks the one you give him
03:40 rue_house that seems to always happen in that situation
03:40 rue_house but yea
03:40 rue_house I think they are ok, just retired
03:41 just_corey $45
03:41 rue_house cool
03:41 rue_house the head is about 8
03:41 rue_house hmm, the motors, stops, and belt is free
03:41 just_corey uncle david is dirt poor right now, no more union job a the brickplant for him....
03:42 rue_house threaded rod, nuts and washers from gibsons fastners is about $14
03:42 just_corey well i should just go ahead and order these
03:42 rue_house dosnt include the metric threaded rod and nuts, but I dont think that cost much
03:43 rue_house yep
03:43 just_corey shame the $ is a little low
03:43 rue_house I'll get out of bed and order heads, later
03:43 just_corey fastners arent a huge cost
03:44 rue_house gibsons fast is one of those amazing places you can load a shopping cart full and not break a $20
03:44 just_corey but yes, i modeled a tiny house, shame your printer bis down currently
03:44 rue_house after talking today, its possable that crisco and slowing it down might work
03:44 rue_house I have to try later
03:44 just_corey i think i have the sketch planes correct
03:44 rue_house right now I'm fed up with the machine
03:45 rue_house z should be up
03:45 rue_house not forward
03:45 just_corey ya ya i know
03:46 rue_house arg, the advil didn't help my throbbing head
03:46 just_corey 2 advil is often enough
03:46 rue_house heh
03:46 rue_house then 3, then I'm just sucking on the bottle...
03:47 rue_house the first one worked, at like 3am last night
03:47 just_corey you need a hot cup of lemon or mint tea
03:47 rue_house hows the line from futurama about the honey go?
03:47 rue_house oh I found mint tea today
03:48 rue_house and lentels (why do I have lentels?)
03:48 just_corey well you do live in the creek, its possable a hippy snuck them into the cupboard
03:49 just_corey they do love lentils
03:50 just_corey what to do with this bnib socket 370 cooler
03:51 just_corey could build another oversized motor driver i suppose
04:04 just_corey well back to Dr.Who
07:59 rue_house wow
08:01 rue_house hmm anyone recall how to turnon time stamps in xchat?
08:02 rue_house found it
08:02 rue_house 4 hours
08:02 rue_house wow
08:19 deshipu getting old and senile, eh?
09:48 aethersis anyone familiar with nyquist stability criterion?
09:51 armyofevilrobots Familiar yes, used in last 20 yrs, not so much :D
09:57 aethersis there is some glitchy thing in the book I'm using that delta arg [1 + K(jw)] = 2pi * poles
09:58 aethersis which is the stability criterion for closed loop system
09:58 aethersis but what the hell is the delta arg [1 + K(jw)] ?!
10:01 armyofevilrobots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10:01 aethersis god damn it
10:12 Tom_itx ask your professor
10:12 Tom_itx he's paid to put up with you
10:14 Tom_itx http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~gajic/psfiles/nyquist.pdf
10:17 aethersis wow this looks awesome! and there's even that damn arg!
10:17 Tom_itx next time be polite!
10:18 aethersis sorry :(
10:18 aethersis I'm just really frustrated because I have exam in 11 days and it's horrible
10:19 Tom_itx ever hear of goole?
10:19 Tom_itx google*
10:19 Tom_itx i haven't a clue what nyquist stability criterion was but google sure did
10:20 Tom_itx well, tuck that pdf away on your smartphone and take it to class with you
10:51 e_more sips another neoci
10:52 rue_more just_corey, I cant think yet, but are you awake?
10:53 rue_more I suppose I should like eat some food too
10:59 rue_more dont want to eat
10:59 Tom_itx get juice then
10:59 rue_more mmm
13:10 Hyratel I can't find the 'angel hair' dual pair coax bonded/zip wire that's used in cheap headphones. anyone got any suggestions/sources?
13:10 Tom_itx still looking ehh?
13:10 rue_more how long Do you need?
13:11 Hyratel 6 feet, no connectors
13:11 Hyratel part of it is I'm trying to discover what the ampacity ratings of that kind of wire is
13:12 rue_more and you dont want to go buy a 10' at the dollar store and cut it up?
13:12 Hyratel this has gone past "i need it for a project" and into "I have a philosophical NEED to find a source for this crap"
13:14 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/0-07x14-strands-300m-pc-Mine-antenna-Litz-wire-Multi-strand-polyester-silk-envelope-braided-multi/1760572819.html
13:14 rue_more is it called litz wire?
13:14 Hyratel no, litz is a geometry
13:15 Hyratel a special kind of braid that makes sure all strands have an equal time at the surface
13:15 rue_more I think my head is gonna split open
13:17 m_itx gives rue_more an axe to help
13:24 rue_more tiger tail 3 conductor
13:25 rue_more http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Gets-com-tiger-tail-wire-speaker_50005890802.html
13:25 rue_more tho I'm a bit confused
13:26 rue_more no thats strand, they dont understand the word conductor
13:31 Hyratel rue_house, http://www.markertek.com/product/mg-3106/mogami-w3106-dual-channel-audio-cable-black-per-foot
13:31 rue_more its ont he big side
13:32 Hyratel yeah but it's the right geometry
13:32 Hyratel so it's a lead
13:35 rue_more http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Flat-3-wire-cable-for-Audio_1191162782.html
13:35 rue_more how about that?
13:36 rue_more Hyratel, ^^^^
13:37 Hyratel I can get 3 condcutor wire anydamnwhere
13:37 Hyratel I'm looking for stereo zip
13:37 rue_more did you scroll down?
13:38 Hyratel oh
13:38 rue_more they have the wire that AV cables are made of
13:39 Hyratel http://hootbird.tumblr.com/post/106430094859/null-scape-fer1972-a-boeing-777-airliner-made
13:39 Hyratel !
13:41 rue_more http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Double-Shielded-100M-Audio-Video-Cable_1705357133.html
13:41 rue_more oo nice, has a centre grounding conductor
13:42 rue_more hah same seller
13:46 rue_more well I'm tired of looking, I'm gonna say thats your seller and you have to expalin what you want to them
13:47 Hyratel no, I'm satisfied that it EXISTS now
13:48 Hyratel which was my main thing
15:24 robertj https://github.com/robjcaskey/trainCap <- whee uploaded finished pics of my build for a model train controller
15:56 rue_more DX?
15:56 rue_more or mdx, I forget what its caelled
15:57 rue_more hah dcc, ok
18:39 rue_more head gonna crack open, sure of it
18:46 Tom_itx R0b0t1` fix your connection
18:47 rue_more I dudpect I'm glad I dont have join /part messages enabled
18:48 Tom_itx as an op i feel obligated to
18:49 Tom_itx rue_more, did you fix your plumbing yet?
18:49 rue_more I'm still sick as a dog, its staying in my head
18:49 Tom_itx tell your boss i said you could stay home tomorrow
18:50 rue_more I already texted in sick
18:50 rue_more apparently I'm not hte only one
18:52 Tom_itx hah
18:53 Tom_itx i'm learning about this program by pushing every key on the keyboard
18:53 Tom_itx i got one on that i can't get off though
20:26 armyofevilrobots rue_house Ordered the seacans stuff, you get 1kg black 3.0. No ship notice yet, but it comes from vancouver so should be quick.
20:27 armyofevilrobots rue_more: ^ and also, get better soon eh?
20:27 rue_more ok
20:27 myofevilrobots glad he has his epic air filter beard, since he visited earlier in the w
20:27 rue_more I'm might just know too much, but I'm a bit worried, kinda numb and heart rate is 110
20:27 rue_more heh
20:28 rue_more if I had a temperature measuring decice, I could chekc, but I'm sure I have a fevor
20:29 rue_more but its all drowned out by a TERRIBLE SPLITTING HEADACHE
20:29 rue_more armyofevilrobots, I think I'm gonna get 3 of those $8 heads
20:30 rue_more a 1.75@.4 3@.5, and a 1.75@.5
20:30 rue_more first two for me to futz with, last one cause I have a buddy now determined to make a machine
20:30 rue_more just_corey, your still here
20:31 rue_more just_corey, I'm gonna get ya a .5mm nozzeled head for 1.75mm filament
20:32 rue_more armyofevilrobots, I told ya I think a good start to a filament machine is to go from 3mm to 1.75?
20:32 rue_more from what I can tell the die should be about 60c
20:32 armyofevilrobots rue_more: I don’t recall actually.
20:32 armyofevilrobots but, cool ! :)
20:32 armyofevilrobots Should I order some PID temp controllers?
20:32 rue_more if I can take 3mm and make 1.75 properly its proven
20:32 armyofevilrobots I don’t mind picking those up.
20:33 rue_more hmm
20:33 rue_more I suppose it should be well regulated :)
20:33 armyofevilrobots I mean, it can be done with an arduino, but it’s time/effort, and the PID controller with thermocouple is like 15$
20:33 armyofevilrobots and then the thermocouple amp is matched and calibrated.
20:33 rue_more I was focusing on the mechanics mentally
20:33 armyofevilrobots I’ll just do it then. It’s not like I can get the wrong part.
20:33 rue_more yea
20:34 rue_more we need some temp controllers anyhow
20:34 rue_more 60c is a start point for pla drawing
20:34 rue_more its from a datasheet for draw forming pla
20:34 armyofevilrobots Man… How do they _DO_ it so cheap: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Dual-Digital-RKC-PID-C100FK02-V-AN-110-240V-Solid-State-Relay-SSR40DA-Temperature-Controller-with/1996043013.html
20:34 armyofevilrobots $16 including SSR
20:35 rue_more I think they get boned on big orders to the usa
20:35 armyofevilrobots And I have a couple of those foteks. Nothing wrong with those.
20:35 rue_more and need to dump product
20:35 armyofevilrobots Must be.
20:35 armyofevilrobots hehehe. 913 available.
20:35 rue_more hmm
20:35 rue_more na, I have an avr for the reflow oven....
20:35 rue_more but... hmmm
20:36 armyofevilrobots https://www.mpja.com/download/rex-c100.pdf
20:37 rue_more yup its totally good
20:37 armyofevilrobots Fuckit, ordering. I have wasted more than that on a beer before. :D
20:37 rue_more you wanna get two? one for dies, one for extruding?
20:37 rue_more or just start with drawing?
20:38 armyofevilrobots Yep.
20:38 armyofevilrobots I got two.
20:38 rue_more there also need to be a tension controller on the takeup of the post-die, but thats just a dc mtoor and a current regulator
20:38 armyofevilrobots One to cook accidentally, one to actually use (how I order everything).
20:38 rue_more :)
20:40 rue_more I have a number of small 24V supplies to feed it
20:41 armyofevilrobots I have a couple DC SSRs as well.
20:43 rue_more lots of relays here
20:43 rue_more and fets, and..
20:44 armyofevilrobots bah relays and fets.
20:44 armyofevilrobots SSR for the “it took 2.5 minutes to hook up and I was done” factor.
20:44 rue_more :)
20:47 armyofevilrobots also for the “it’s in my closet right now” factor :D
20:48 armyofevilrobots man, how can aliexpress have 16mm ballscrews for cheaper than I can order 8mm acme screws here?
20:48 armyofevilrobots srsly: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/a-free-shipping-Zero-Backlash-Ball-screws-1605-L270mm-1pcs-SFU1605-single-ballnut/2040662830.html
20:49 rue_more hmm
20:49 armyofevilrobots I’d be pissed off if I hadn’t just added one to my cart :)
20:49 armyofevilrobots (I am actually pretty happy about gibsons fasteners).
20:49 rue_more hahah with a little encouragemen to make a cnc down there
20:50 rue_more !!1 could gibosns fast get you acme screwS!
20:51 rue_more I'v never asked them, but its one of those things, they go into the back and come out with one "yea, thats in stock" !?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!!!!!!
20:51 rue_more they never cease to amaze me
20:52 rue_more but did they say they could get you acme?
20:53 darthmachinist oh geeze
20:54 darthmachinist that's pretty awesome
20:54 darthmachinist those ballscrews
20:57 rue_more heartrate is down to 93ish
20:57 rue_more splitting headache still in effect
21:08 rue_more oh looka that
21:08 rue_more I ahve 40 608 bearings on way fro ali
21:08 rue_more and some other ones...
21:08 rue_more nov 30, their late
21:09 rue_more ah well, tis the season
21:14 armyofevilrobots I am pretty sure they can get leadscrews, as fastenal can, and I think they carry fastenal stuff.
21:14 armyofevilrobots But fastenal wants $30 for a crap leadscrew and nylon nut.
21:15 codepython777 anyone has a recommendation for a good gps - i2c or usb?
21:17 rue_more how about just serial?
21:17 rue_more armyofevilrobots, I could make screws, but not nuts
21:17 codepython777 rue_more: I'll have to buy a serial to usb convertor, isnt it?
21:18 rue_more I have a cnc thats been running on standard theaded rod for ages :)
21:18 rue_more pitch is a bit high
21:18 rue_more codepython777, sure
21:18 rue_more just_corey, ping
21:18 armyofevilrobots rue_more: I am ruined forever on regular threaded screws :)
21:18 rue_more :)
21:19 armyofevilrobots Once you go ballscrews you never go back.
21:19 rue_more i was thinking of changing the new cnc to some kinda direct drive
21:20 codepython777 rue_more: any suggestions?
21:21 rue_more wow, arduino gps on aliexpress returns nothing
21:22 armyofevilrobots http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-GY-NEO6MV2-new-GPS-module-NEO6MV2-with-Flight-Control-EEPROM-MWC-APM2-5-large/1872389528.html
21:23 armyofevilrobots ^ interface looks very simple.
21:23 armyofevilrobots http://arduinostuff.blogspot.fi/2014/05/neo6mv2-gps-module-with-arduino-uno-how.html
21:23 rue_more :) 4 wries, how hard could it be!
21:23 armyofevilrobots I think we’re done here :D
21:23 rue_more hah
21:24 armyofevilrobots Should we delve into nyquist analysis of linear control systems?
21:24 rue_more hmm
21:24 Jak_o_Shadows I would pay attention to that
21:24 Jak_o_Shadows Not that I know what nyquist analysis is
21:25 rue_more armyofevilrobots, I'm expecting things to be quite simple
21:25 armyofevilrobots It’s a way of analysing the stability of a dynamic system.
21:25 armyofevilrobots and I cannot remember 90% of it. Somebody asked earlier.
21:25 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, I remember them asking
21:25 rue_more spool 3mm -> die/heater 60c -> constant tension takeup -> 1.75mm spool
21:25 Jak_o_Shadows I've heard of that
21:26 Jak_o_Shadows I've done some of that
21:26 Jak_o_Shadows but I did, like, root locus and stuff
21:26 Jak_o_Shadows bode diagrams
21:27 rue_more the math is great and all but implementing it in a real digital enviroment is another issue
21:27 armyofevilrobots The reason I forgot about most of that stuff is that 90% of the time, naively tuned PID loops take care of it for you.
21:27 Jak_o_Shadows oh yeah, knowing the math doesn't get so you so far
21:28 armyofevilrobots and if not, there is http://www.amazon.ca/Control-System-Design-Introduction-State-Space/dp/0486442780
21:28 armyofevilrobots which is awesome, because example #1 is a segway (written in 1986) and example #2 is an intercontinental ballistic missle :)
21:29 armyofevilrobots Then shit gets complicated.
21:29 rue_more oh a guide to making amissile, perfect
21:29 armyofevilrobots Sorry, just set off a ton of monitoring systems :)
21:29 rue_more hey, I have a way back machine thing for ya, 1 sec
21:29 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/nb/nb.html
21:29 armyofevilrobots srsly though, that book is !@#!@% amazing.
21:30 rue_more remember that?
21:30 armyofevilrobots HAHAHAHA. /me scrolls “p0our some concentrated hydroflouric acid on your uranium”…. yeah. or don’t. I love articles by insane people.
21:31 ace4016 state space has some nice features that PID can't really get you in certain situations
21:31 ace4016 but it is the 90% solution :P
21:31 ace4016 (PID that is)
21:31 rue_more :)
21:31 armyofevilrobots PID is still frequency domain at the end of the day, and limited.
21:32 armyofevilrobots but I have never actually _needed_ to delve into a state-space system.
21:32 rue_more ooh right, thats what I was doing the PD control for the cnc
21:32 Hyratel what's a good alternative to PID? one that works on a fixed update timer
21:32 Hyratel as opposed to interrupts
21:32 rue_more I found out that the linear sensor dosn't have enough resolution for the error signal to be good enough
21:32 armyofevilrobots PID, the triggering of the loop is totally implementation.
21:33 armyofevilrobots ie: just have an event loop that checks the flag on the timer (or is run every loop).
21:33 rue_more I found myself battling with 1 or 2 counts for serious error
21:33 armyofevilrobots @rue_more Right. And you said you already were detecting on the edges?
21:33 rue_more for 1 thou, need atleast 10 counts/thou
21:33 armyofevilrobots Ah right, I remember now.
21:33 rue_more yea, that was already quadrature
21:33 armyofevilrobots yeah.
21:34 rue_more I'v been learning that printers use encoders for rate more than position
21:34 rue_more its just different
21:34 rue_more they dont care where they are as much as how fast they are moving
21:35 armyofevilrobots They just trigger ink on edges I guess.
21:35 armyofevilrobots which reminds me, I should go and design the ink carriage…
21:35 rue_more I think they just have a loop controling the speed and trigger the ink seperatly knowing they are traveling at the right speed
21:36 rue_more so your dots could be any multiple of the line resolution
21:36 rue_more I was gonna ask, want inkjet guts?
21:36 armyofevilrobots I wonder…. I am using a stepper, so I can ignore all that and just trigger the ink exactly on the interrupt that increments the stepper position, so it’s easy.
21:36 rue_more your head is similar to a epson?
21:37 armyofevilrobots inkjet guts are a PITA. They are super fragile, and there are never docs.
21:37 rue_more I was thinking sliders and such
21:37 rue_more bushings
21:37 armyofevilrobots I have an HP industrial C6602. http://nicholasclewis.com/projects/inkshield/
21:37 rue_more k, I think I have lots of hp guts too
21:37 armyofevilrobots It’s a little lower res,but it’s solid, pushes a ton of ink, and is really easy to interface.
21:38 armyofevilrobots those things take microsecond pulses at 24V, and they die if you do a TWO microsecond pulse (or so).
21:38 armyofevilrobots tiny little heater elements.
21:38 rue_more I wonder if I have a carrige that head fits into
21:38 armyofevilrobots Oh, I have the carriage, I just have to mate it to the linear carriage.
21:39 armyofevilrobots and have the belt holder interface with the nice little teeth cut out at the right height to match my stepper drive.
21:39 armyofevilrobots stupid simple PITA solidworks time.
21:39 rue_more :)
21:39 rue_more as I'm holding my head I realize that I think my heartrate has kinda normalized
21:41 rue_more na, I'm pretty sure 100 is high
21:41 armyofevilrobots 100 is high. Have you checked your temperature?
21:41 rue_more pretty sure its high
21:42 armyofevilrobots You should be resting, if you’re in the shop. Go get some sleeps.
21:43 rue_more heh
21:43 rue_more not in the shop
21:43 rue_more this is the desk, ... rue_bed is in disguise
21:44 armyofevilrobots ha.
21:44 rue_more the internets say 100 is ok
21:45 rue_more I'm pretty sure idle in the shop was about 57
21:46 rue_more I have to buy those heads tho
21:51 rue_more just_corey, I'm gonna phone you
21:51 rue_more whats your number...
21:51 rue_more oh
21:52 rue_more straight to message eh? I'll show you I'll leave a 1/2 hr messages
21:52 rue_more I should just order them
21:54 Tom_itx you should
21:54 Tom_itx i got my boards on the way
22:01 rue_more cool
22:01 rue_more up and running in no time!
22:01 rue_more jsut watch that last connection
22:01 rue_more I swear you lost a neutral one soemthing and it took a path thru the controller
22:02 rue_more is the parallel port ok?
22:02 rue_bed here I am!
22:05 darthmachinist https://sites.google.com/site/thedarthmachinist/an-interlude-with-shaft-couplings
22:05 darthmachinist I just finished my code, I'm proud of myself
22:11 Jak_o_Shadows how do you find google sites?
22:15 darthmachinist google?
22:16 darthmachinist https://sites.google.com/
22:20 Jak_o_Shadows no, like, whats your opinion of it
22:21 darthmachinist Oh, It's easy to use I guess.
22:22 rue_bed armyofevilrobots, what you bet seacans is a company that buys up unowned seacans on this side? sells contents
22:22 Tom_itx rue_bed, i haven't tried that pc since
22:23 Tom_itx been too chilly out in the shop
22:23 rue_bed have any things to test the parport? flashy lights etc
22:23 Tom_itx i have that flashy light thing but lost the program for it
22:24 Tom_itx i likely won't be using that pc for it anymore anyway
22:24 Tom_itx it was the backup one
22:25 Tom_itx i'll just have to drag the other one back and forth
22:25 armyofevilrobots @rue_bed I doubt they are buying “unknown” cans. I bet they bought a shipping container at $10/roll and are making bank.
22:25 rue_bed do an ohms check on the neutral conductor of all the cords.... see if you find anything
22:25 Tom_itx from neutral to what?
22:26 armyofevilrobots @darthmachinist Nice!
22:26 rue_bed armyofevilrobots, I have a theroy that lots of seacans get 'unowned' after transport
22:26 armyofevilrobots Now go do a parametric harmonic drive.
22:26 myofevilrobots needs one of th
22:26 armyofevilrobots :D
22:26 rue_bed Tom_itx, the neutral conductor of the cord
22:26 rue_bed from one end to the other
22:26 darthmachinist thanks
22:26 rue_bed see if any are high or open
22:27 darthmachinist it's not a gear, at lest I don''t think it is, just a shaft coupler
22:27 armyofevilrobots @rue_bed I bet you are right on the unowned status of containers. Just driving around Richmond it looks like there are a bazillion of them kicking around.
22:27 armyofevilrobots They cost more to ship back than they are worth.
22:27 rue_bed I suspect that shipyards 'sell off' unclaimed cans
22:28 Tom_itx i'll have to figure out the configuration for the new card first
22:28 rue_bed which is part of why I think things come up so cheap in china sometimes
22:28 Tom_itx and upgrade linuxcnc since the card is too new for the ver i have
22:29 armyofevilrobots I would love to play ‘storage wars’ with containers at dock.
22:30 rue_bed they are prolly auctioned off
22:30 armyofevilrobots The empty containers themselves are pretty crazy cheap: http://vancouver.craigslist.ca/rds/bfs/4800940538.html
22:30 Tom_itx customs gets first pick
22:30 armyofevilrobots I think they go for a hair more than salvage value.
22:30 rue_bed they turn up floating around in the ocean too
22:31 Tom_itx wonder how many sink
22:34 rue_bed apparenly they float just under the water line
22:39 armyofevilrobots They take out sailboats I hear.
22:45 rue_bed it would do lots of damage to a fast moving light sailboat
22:50 armyofevilrobots OK. Tired now. https://github.com/armyofevilrobots/clojure-koans
22:55 Tom_itx mines
23:40 ace4016 alright...it's time for me to close in on what i want to make
23:41 ace4016 so far i've got a delta robot, a manipulator (classic arm like, not delta robot one), a quadraped bot, a fish/sub bot, or a UAV
23:41 ace4016 decisions, decisions...
23:42 Triffid_Hunter make a sub
23:42 ace4016 i shall name it Red Oktober
23:42 ace4016 :P
23:43 ace4016 hrm...
23:44 ace4016 i've actually wanted to make an AUV for quite some time, so sub/fish bot it is