#robotics Logs

Dec 22 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:17 rue_more I have to call it a night
00:17 rue_more I made a clip version of your .128-.128
00:18 rue_more the hole in the end makes it great for mounting pcb's too
00:19 rue_more I made and printed a better spool holder
00:20 rue_more now both ends are help up right
00:20 rue_more the next project that comes along is gonna be set
20:31 rue_more http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:581560/#files
22:27 NotWorthCr4p wire porn: http://imgur.com/gallery/jvh7z3C
23:10 rue_more ooo
23:11 ace4016 lol
23:11 ace4016 that pic in the lower right
23:36 rue_more "Do you EVER eat anything fresh?" "I JUST OPENED THAT PACKAGE!?!?!"
23:37 rue_more just_corey, did I tell you the batteries arrived?
23:53 rue_more hmm I'm gonna try a rotary extrude to make a knob
23:57 mrdata video tape that
23:57 rue_more scad
23:58 mrdata that wiring panel would violate code, here in canada, methinks