#robotics Logs

Dec 18 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:08 armyofevilrobots solidworks stl output is a bit flaky. It tends to have inverted normals, non-coincident vertices on adjacent faces, and of course, it aligns "up" to "front", so all your prints need rotation -90 degrees along the Y axis before printing.
00:08 armyofevilrobots erp, along the X I mean, but point stands.
00:18 rue_shop2 that must be why so many are like that on thingverse
00:50 rue_bed the cat unloaded the whole role of toilet paper onto the floor
00:50 rue_bed *sigh*
01:23 rue_bed thingverse coin sorter
01:23 rue_bed thingverse screw sorter
02:34 dmiles anyone here heard of knowrob?
02:35 dmiles its a series of ROS packages
02:35 dmiles i just wanted to hear anyhting anyone has to say about them
06:33 Solarlux Hello all
11:02 alex2013 hi guys
11:02 alex2013 i've got problems setting up raspberry pi
11:03 alex2013 can anyone help me out?
11:11 joga as said elsewhere there's a channel for that specifically I suppose...if not, describe the problems more
11:30 chris_99 mm theres #raspberrypi
12:48 Terrenkt http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/105537289819/get-ksp-for-25-off-during-the-steam-holiday-sale
20:12 rue_more mmmmmm