#robotics Logs

Dec 14 2014

#robotics Calendar

02:36 mrdata http://imgur.com/gallery/yIB7VAN
05:30 rue_more wow, day of good prints
05:31 rue_more Tom_itx, you did have the other chips off when you replaced the regulator, right?
13:02 rue_bed rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
13:03 Tom_itx did that file work?
13:35 rue_bed It has to be metric, in mm, I had jester show up and we printed stuff till 3am
13:35 rue_bed so I didn't get itmodidied
13:36 rue_bed its reallyeasy to take dxf files and extrude them into complex parts
14:09 Tom_itx i posted a metric one
14:10 Tom_itx afterward
14:17 rue_bed come to think of It I think I downloaded it
14:17 rue_bed crazy night
14:17 rue_bed in the day part I had lots of visitors too
14:17 rue_bed shop is getting to be quite a busy place
14:26 rue_bed armyofevilrobots, ah, right, I have 2 commercial shredders at my place here, for parts, I think they could be convinced to shred pop bottles
14:27 rue_bed I'll buy the base parts for a filament maker today
14:27 rue_bed if I can get out of bed
14:28 rue_bed hmm, induction heater
14:28 rue_bed hmmmmm
14:28 rue_bed I have those IGBT's
14:29 GuShH_Lap a heater band works fine for the extruder
14:29 GuShH_Lap or resistive / heater wire for that matter
14:29 GuShH_Lap but the bands are heavy duty
15:20 Tom_itx rue_bed what you got to show for your night's work???
15:22 rue_more a missing camera?
15:25 Tom_itx was the file ok?
15:25 Tom_itx or do you need more decimals
15:25 Tom_itx or was it a total flop
15:34 rue_more I didn't have a chance to work with it yet
15:35 Tom_itx ok
15:35 rue_more right now I have to go shopping, help me hang a shelf, fix the truck door, ....
15:36 rue_more Tom_itx, we tried for about 6 hours last night to get arduino SD card access working, no success
15:36 Tom_itx using their software?
15:36 rue_more yup
15:36 Tom_itx what card interface?
15:36 Tom_itx some SDs are picky
15:37 rue_more tried bare w/resistors as per a page, and the reader thats on the lcd screen for arduino I got
15:37 Tom_itx how you been loading files?
15:38 rue_more to the arduino?
15:38 rue_more or the card?
15:38 Tom_itx yeah
15:38 Tom_itx however you print them
15:38 rue_more oh
15:38 rue_more pronterface
15:38 rue_more aka printrun
15:38 Tom_itx been too long for me to remember
15:39 Tom_itx serial io?
15:39 rue_more cad->(stl file)->slic3r->(gcode file)->pronterface->(usb/serial)->avr
15:40 rue_more ?
15:40 Tom_itx ever had problems with the link failing?
15:40 Tom_itx is that why SD is better?
15:41 Tom_itx asuming SD works...
15:41 rue_more yea, it turns out that any inductive kick int he area (like power cycling of the 120V fan I was using) caused the avr to reboot
15:41 rue_more otherwise, no problems over a 20' caord
15:41 Tom_itx add more caps to the avr supply?
15:42 Tom_itx and a choke
15:42 rue_more no, I even tried completely isolating and filtering the power, it still did it
15:42 rue_more might have been EM pulse related
15:42 rue_more thin margin?
15:43 rue_more the printer cycling on the same plug (laser printer) didn't seem to cuase problems
15:43 rue_more tho its now off when I'm printing
15:43 rue_more yesterday we did a 2.5hr print and it was fine
15:44 Tom_itx steppers get hot?
15:44 rue_more only the extruder one, I need to adjust the current sometime
15:44 rue_more I think I could dial the current up on the X and Y, but there's been no slip, so I'm not worried about it
15:45 rue_more no cooling on the drivers, they dont get hot
15:45 rue_more right now, my leading issue is that, without a heated bed, parts are warping
15:46 rue_more did a ~5x5" print yesterday and the corners are warped up pretty good
15:46 rue_more which makes sense
15:46 Tom_itx gonna use 120v one?
15:46 rue_more no, but I screwed up the element I made, needs about 19-20V
15:47 rue_more which, it was pointed out to me by armyofevilrobots is the voltage comming out of the laptop adapters
15:48 Tom_itx those put out enough current?
15:52 rue_more I only need 3-6A
15:52 rue_more its 5m of 30 guage copper wire
15:52 rue_more magnet wire ;)
15:53 rue_more bbl shopping
15:57 nloding i'm messing around with animatronics, and all of the stuff with a remote works great ... but what if i wanted to create a "glove" that someone would wear that controls the mouth?
15:57 nloding what sort of sensor do i need on the "glove" to figure out what is happening?
15:59 Tom_itx bend
15:59 Tom_itx there were wearable gloves with sensors for a game...
16:00 nloding it's not a full glove - more like a mitten - trying to find a picture
16:04 nloding i'm looking to create something like what is shown during the first 10 seconds of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DPU2w_XCAk
16:12 Tom_itx nothing special about that
16:12 Tom_itx use a pot
16:13 nloding ah, that'd be why i didn't know, i've never used one
16:13 nloding i'll have to find some tutorial on how to wire that up to the "jaw"
16:13 Tom_itx simple servo
16:13 Tom_itx the pot controls the pwm pulse to the servo
16:18 nloding i guess i just think of a pot as a knob, gotta figure out how to get the jaw movement to move the pot
16:18 nloding and then i just had a bit of a duh moment
16:18 nloding now i gotta go order a pot :)
16:20 Tom_itx the pot is in the glove
16:22 nloding the jaw hinge joint has the pot
16:23 nloding is a 360 degree joystick, like on a gamepad, just two pots perpendicular to each other?
16:25 Tom_itx is the jaw moving the hand or is the hand moving the jaw?
16:25 Tom_itx the pot would be on the hand (glove)
16:26 nloding my hand would be in the glove opening/closing, which would have the jaw on the puppet open close
18:39 rue_shop2 armyofevilrobots, I bought parts to make a filament extruder
18:43 rue_more I lost the parts
18:44 rue_shop2 I found the parts
18:45 orlock i know that feeling
18:45 rue_shop2 ok thats like $10 put into this project, that only leaves another $10
18:45 orlock tried hot end out thismorning
18:45 orlock it seemed to hold up
18:45 orlock hot ends are overpriced crap
18:47 rue_shop2 :)
18:47 rue_shop2 how much was it?
18:48 orlock it was part of a kit, i didnt get a breakdown
18:48 rue_shop2 ah
18:48 orlock and the vendor just bought the its from china
18:48 rue_shop2 same one on ebay?
18:48 orlock when i unscrewed the top and the prass top receiver bit, black bits of "stuff" would flake off frolm the threads
18:49 rue_shop2 I have two forged ogger bits with square taper ends, that are suitable for the filament extruder
18:49 rue_shop2 I'd kinda hate to cut them up, but they were already saved from the garbage
18:49 orlock well, the hot end looks like the 4 slot chinese clones, it has a heatproof internal liner, but only 4 slots not 5 and the slots are not contoured to follow the interior cavity contours
18:49 rue_shop2 hmm
18:50 orlock they seem to sell for about $70 which is insane for what they are
18:50 orlock people selling metal bodied ones are about the same
18:50 rue_shop2 its not metal?
18:51 orlock nah its some weird black... plasticy type stuff?
18:52 orlock brass nozzle at top with 2mm hold that screws into the main body
18:52 rue_shop2 maybe teflon
18:52 orlock and the metal heater chamber at the bottom
18:52 orlock nah
18:53 orlock theres some sort of insulated liner thats peek or teflon or whatever that gets pushed in to the body
18:54 orlock http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8-Si5pIK-F0/Uncs6vLN8aI/AAAAAAAAAKc/1PGTYS6g8xI/s1600/assembled.jpg - looks like Mk V Clone without the blue bit at the top
18:55 orlock hmm but mine does have the liner, that one in the picture doesnt when i strips them down
18:55 rue_shop2 if its made of teflon it wont neeed a liner
19:06 rue_shop2 arg, the reflow oven
19:06 rue_shop2 I forgot about that
19:43 rue_shop2 ok , printing a tablet stand...
19:43 rue_shop2 oh, rice dispencer
19:44 Tom_itx how hot does the extruder need to be to make string?
19:45 Tom_itx i used to have some of those brace and bit bits...
19:50 rue_shop2 thingverse has no metered rice dispencers
19:50 rue_shop2 to make filament?
19:50 Tom_itx what diameter augers are they using?
19:50 Tom_itx yes
19:50 rue_shop2 I'm not sure, I'm gonna guess about 150-230c
19:51 rue_shop2 1/2" pipe, 5/8" ogger
19:51 Tom_itx http://www.homedepot.com/b/Tools-Hardware-Power-Tool-Accessories-Drill-Bits-Auger-Bits/N-5yc1vZc264
19:51 Tom_itx seems they still make em
19:51 Tom_itx i was looking at 3/4"
19:51 rue_shop2 but I'm gonna try to make a machine that uses 500 years of wire drawing technology intead of 5 years of arduino tech
19:51 Tom_itx how do they draw wire?
19:52 Tom_itx stepped dies?
19:52 rue_shop2 no this is a tapered square shank one, like hand crank age
19:52 Tom_itx i don't think you can pull it
19:52 rue_shop2 yea
19:52 Tom_itx i know what you mean
19:52 rue_shop2 they cram/pull it thru them progressivly
19:52 Tom_itx but i saw those
19:52 lock remembers those th
19:52 orlock the ones i remember bad a pair of rollers
19:52 orlock s/bad/had
19:52 rue_shop2 I'll research it more
19:52 orlock and they had different depth grooves
19:52 rue_shop2 for now I have a box gathering parts
19:53 orlock but that was for silver/gold
19:53 Tom_itx i've seen wire spinners before
19:53 rue_shop2 I also have 2 shredders, I'll see if I can modify to shred pop bottles
19:53 Tom_itx where they make the wire and coat it etc
19:53 Tom_itx my shredder streds into little squares
19:53 orlock hmm hostage situation is sydney
19:53 orlock suspected terrerist
19:54 rue_shop2 I wonder how much money terrorism makes
19:54 rue_shop2 and who makes it
19:54 orlock its like religion, runs on donations i think
19:55 rue_shop2 http://www.theluddite.com/braceandbit.jpg
19:55 orlock though the guys in iraq took over some oil fields and are selling that apparenly
19:55 rue_shop2 thats what I mean square shank
19:55 Tom_itx i know
19:55 rue_shop2 ok
19:55 Tom_itx i used to have several
19:55 Tom_itx dunno what happened to them
19:56 rue_shop2 they arent usefull, but I dont want to just cutthem up
19:56 Tom_itx those would be better than the modern ones i bet
19:56 rue_shop2 even tho they were saved from the garbage
19:56 Tom_itx so make something useful out of them
19:57 rue_shop2 kinda
19:59 rue_shop2 I want to make a thermal profile for the reflow to ...detemper? the printed plastic parts
20:01 Tom_itx anneal
20:01 rue_shop2 thanks
20:02 rue_shop2 hah, I have print jobs backing up now
20:02 rue_shop2 need more machines
20:02 rue_shop2 patience? no time, need it now!
20:02 Tom_itx like gremlins
20:02 Tom_itx they breed
20:02 rue_shop2 :) I have a maple leaf for the boss, and a cr2032 battery holder
20:03 rue_shop2 but I have to wait for the tablet stand to finish
20:03 rue_shop2 maybe I'll start supper
20:03 Tom_itx i got a bunch of those battery holders if you need some
20:04 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/RTC4.jpg
20:09 rue_shop2 I'm printing some of the verticle ones
20:13 Tom_itx i don't believe you've been printing anything...
20:13 Tom_itx no pics no prints
20:16 rue_shop2 yea I gotta catch up, got the camera
20:17 Tom_itx black is hard to photograph...
20:17 Tom_itx good lighting is needed
20:23 rue_shop2 heh
20:23 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, you getting interested in building a machine
20:24 Tom_itx no
20:24 Tom_itx i'm bored and broke
20:24 Tom_itx and need parts
20:24 rue_shop2 I made a copy of the end of a pcb holder for soldering, using a few extrusions of a dxf file, worked really well
20:24 rue_shop2 hmm
20:24 rue_shop2 got the fpga?
20:24 Tom_itx no
20:24 rue_shop2 alteara, what part #?
20:24 Tom_itx it got real hot when i tried those tiny regs
20:24 Tom_itx xilinx
20:25 rue_shop2 then its toast
20:25 Tom_itx i've already written it off
20:25 rue_shop2 what part #, I dont have many xilinx
20:26 Tom_itx it will be a different one now
20:27 rue_shop2 ah
20:27 Tom_itx i'm gonna get a newer better cheaper board this time
20:27 Tom_itx instead of 48 io it has 72
20:27 rue_shop2 your good with fpga', if I could send you an fpga card thats xlinux, do you think you could make it do your bidding?
20:27 Tom_itx no
20:27 rue_shop2 oh
20:28 Tom_itx it talks to their drivers
20:28 Tom_itx i'm quite pleased with them
20:28 rue_shop2 can you flash a blank one tho?
20:28 Tom_itx the code is loaded on powerup
20:28 Tom_itx from an eeprom
20:28 rue_shop2 k
20:29 rue_shop2 bah, the one I was thinking of is aligent anyhow
20:29 rue_shop2 er, alteara
20:31 Tom_itx http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=7i43&product_id=67
20:31 Tom_itx that's what i got
20:31 Tom_itx http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=7i90&product_id=291
20:31 Tom_itx that's what i'm gonna get
20:31 Tom_itx parport interface
20:32 Tom_itx actually that new one has 3 interfaces
20:32 Tom_itx parport SPI or SSERIAL
20:32 Tom_itx one guy is using one with SPI and an arm board
20:33 Tom_itx it also stores 2 configs
20:33 Tom_itx a backup and a working one
20:36 rue_shop2 cool
20:37 Tom_itx gonna get some din rails to mount them on this round
20:39 Tom_itx eventually.
20:40 Tom_itx then maybe i can test my new spindle encoder
21:15 rue_more hey, I have a bunch of din drail pcb clamps
21:15 rue_more ... and I can make custom ones
21:17 Tom_itx http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=din&product_id=229
21:20 Tom_itx 3.7" hole spacing
21:36 rue_more ready for a ride?
21:36 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060935.jpg
21:36 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060936.jpg <- replacing linear bearsings
21:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060937.jpg <-- that disn't work, friction problem
21:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060938.jpg
21:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060939.jpg <-- new system
21:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060940.jpg <-- greenhouse
21:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060948.jpg <-- tablet stand
21:38 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060950.jpg <-- looka me, I can make board holders
21:38 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060951.jpg <-- pretty close to origional, you know me, cant help but to improve something
21:38 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060953.jpg
21:38 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060954.jpg <-- board standoff
21:39 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060955.jpg <-- din clip, put a release thing on it
21:39 Tom_itx make an html...
21:39 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060956.jpg <-- suddenly its snowing plastic
21:39 Jak_o_Shadows uh, why didn't you just get a ramps or something?
21:39 rue_more Jak_o_Shadows, when I started the ramps boards where $20, I bought one a while ago cause they were down to $7, but I'm not using it
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060957.jpg <-- din clips
21:40 Jak_o_Shadows ah
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060958.jpg <-- board spacer/holders
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060959.jpg
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060960.jpg
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060961.jpg <-- downloaded tablet holder works great
21:40 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060962.jpg
21:40 rue_more imagine that eh?
21:41 rue_more --end --
21:45 Tom_itx did you mount the spool holder yet?
21:45 rue_more yea
21:45 rue_more kinda
21:45 rue_more one is complete and the other was a failed print I'm using anyhow
21:45 rue_more I'm gonna design one, that ones crazy heavy
21:46 Tom_itx full print?
21:46 Tom_itx no voids?
21:46 rue_more its void, but its still built way too heavy
21:46 rue_more it'll be fine if its half the plastic
21:50 Tom_itx http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040472.jpg
21:51 Tom_itx what's that driving?
21:51 rue_more heh
21:51 rue_more orionally the stepper drivers were $10ea, so I pulled those from a printer to use them, but then they came down to $2.50ea and I bought 10
21:52 Tom_itx china?
21:52 Jak_o_Shadows Stuff you and your sensible shipping prices
21:52 rue_more yea
21:52 Tom_itx what about whole ramps boards?
21:52 Tom_itx are they as cheap now?
21:52 rue_more ea, $7
21:52 rue_more I got one, not using it on this machine
21:52 Tom_itx ramps?
21:53 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060954.jpg
21:53 rue_more thats my driver carrier
21:53 Tom_itx i saw that
21:53 rue_more a ramps 1.4 board, its in the extra parts box fro the reprap
21:53 Tom_itx socketed for the drivers?
21:53 rue_more yea
21:53 Tom_itx or solder in..
21:54 rue_more I socketed it all
21:54 rue_more the 7486 in the corner lets me set if the sensors are active high or low with 1 jumper
21:55 rue_more ea
21:55 rue_more the uln2803 will be for operating all the flashy lights I'm gonna put on it
21:55 rue_more (step/direction for each axis)
21:56 Tom_itx my boards have those
21:56 Tom_itx kinda handy
21:56 rue_more the jumper beside the driver is to go between 8 and 16 microsteps
21:56 rue_more I use 8
21:56 Tom_itx i use 10
21:57 Tom_itx no settings
21:58 Tom_itx how many wires to each driver? step, direction +5 GND and high side for steppers?
22:00 rue_more +5, +12, gnd, step, direction, coil A (2), coil B (2), then pullups/downs for reset, microstepping, and power control
22:00 Tom_itx will they handle more than 12v?
22:00 rue_more dunno
22:00 Tom_itx 24?
22:00 rue_more didn't really interrigate them
22:01 rue_more the motors are ~3V
22:01 Tom_itx sounds about right
22:01 Tom_itx mine were 2.xx something
22:05 rue_more I think they varry from 1.8 to 4.75
22:05 rue_more the extruder motor runs too hot
22:05 rue_more I suppose I shoudl turn down the current
22:05 rue_more too bad I have no specs for it :)
22:07 Tom_itx mine varies from 1.93 to 3.86 depending how it's wired
22:07 Tom_itx 1.93 is how i think i have it wired
22:07 Tom_itx 4.2A
22:08 Tom_itx running at 2.5 or 3A iirc
22:08 Tom_itx i'd have to check the resistor on the driver to see
22:15 rue_more multiple coils in the steppers?
22:15 Tom_itx range from 1 to 7A
22:15 rue_more or the drivers?
22:15 Tom_itx hybrid stepper
22:15 Tom_itx 8 wire iirc
22:15 rue_more nice, I have some 5 phase, 10 wire ones
22:15 rue_more from a plotter
22:16 Tom_itx gives you more flexibility
22:16 Tom_itx the 'center taps' are open too
22:16 Tom_itx so you can configure them
22:16 Tom_itx i have em set for high current
22:16 Tom_itx parallel wired
22:16 Tom_itx but i'm not pushing them very hard
22:17 rue_more cool
22:17 Tom_itx sitting idle they're nearly cold to the touch
22:18 Tom_itx the driver has idle current cutback
22:18 rue_more its 8
22:18 rue_more I'v eaten supper
22:18 rue_more I have to fill in a form...
22:18 Tom_itx long week ahead here
22:19 Tom_itx .46 ohm per phase
22:19 Tom_itx 4.2A max
22:19 Tom_itx 2.2mH inductance
22:19 Tom_itx bipolar that is 8.8
22:20 Tom_itx (series)
22:26 Jak_o_Shadows Is http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/43A-H-Bridge-Drive-PWM-For-Arduino-Semiconductor-BTS7960B-Stepper-Motor-Driver-/380802365419?pt=AU_B_I_Electrical_Test_Equipment&hash=item58a996f7eb feasible?
22:27 Jak_o_Shadows The 43A part. I mean, even if that is peak current.
22:37 rue_more nope
22:37 rue_more impulse, yes
22:37 Jak_o_Shadows I wish they'd give a cts current rating
22:38 rue_more there is a * in the datasheet that will say that 43A is the max theoretical limit, but the acutal limit is determined by the package
22:38 rue_more if they are IGBTs, they will get warm easy
22:38 rue_more IGBT's have lots of votlage drop
22:39 rue_more but can handle lots of voltag
22:39 rue_more UL!?
22:39 rue_more somehow I doubt they have UL
22:40 ace4016 lol
22:40 Jak_o_Shadows UL?
22:40 ace4016 UNderwriters Laboratory
22:40 ace4016 they certify electronics
22:40 ace4016 actually, not just electronics iirc
22:41 rue_more I dont think Ul even applies to a module like that
22:41 orlock its for insurance
22:42 ace4016 tht kind of looks like a large heat sink...but the module itself is probably tiny
22:43 Tom_itx mmm 4.3 earthquake and tornado all in one day
22:43 rue_more oops, I been laundering money
22:43 Jak_o_Shadows Mmm. Like, the large heat sink is good, and I suppose ther'es a decent amount of metal between the chip and the heat sink
22:43 e_more pulls a nice clean $20 from the washing mac
22:43 Tom_itx 7 earthquakes total in the area
22:43 Tom_itx today
22:43 Jak_o_Shadows I have a similar looking motor driver, but without the heat sink, and it seems to work
22:43 rue_more we had one last week
22:43 rue_more I didn't feel it
22:43 rue_more maybe the big one is comming
22:43 rue_more ....
22:43 Tom_itx i've felt a couple of em
22:44 Tom_itx this area has never been this active
22:44 orlock rue_more: you use plastic money up there too, right?
22:45 Tom_itx no
22:45 Tom_itx wood chips
22:45 rue_more yea
22:45 rue_more we use plastic now
23:02 rue_shop3 Tom_itx, hmm print_m is still imperial...
23:02 rue_shop3 the machine takes metric...
23:02 rue_shop3 hu? N...
23:02 rue_shop3 M...