#robotics Logs

Dec 06 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:00 rue_shop4 sorry tom, I'm really preoccupied
00:00 Tom_itx ya ya ya
00:00 GuShH installed http://i.imgur.com/WCpfSyE.jpg
00:00 GuShH that was the original fit, crooked.
00:00 GuShH the welded part is what pushes the trigger, I guess they broke it off and decided to weld it back on
00:01 GuShH stupid design flaw with a 90° in there, should be a 45° from one end to the other
00:01 GuShH well that would be more like a 30 or so
00:01 ShH frowns -- thinks he's too tired to figure out the angle off
00:01 Tom_itx me too
00:01 Tom_itx gnite
00:01 GuShH bai
00:02 rue_shop4 I have to adjust the accelerations
00:02 GuShH anyway that's how it fits... it is bored on the inside and without any screws it sits crooked also
00:14 RifRaf rue_more, just half everything to start
00:15 rue_shop4 I think they are set crazy
00:15 RifRaf the default settings are for a pretty well tuned printer, i just go nice and slow
00:15 rue_shop4 5m/s^2
00:16 RifRaf alot easier to sleep if its running at a reasonable speed
00:20 rue_shop4 sleep?
00:20 RifRaf yep i still do that
00:20 rue_shop4 hmm
00:20 rue_shop4 can I make parts for my cnc with my reprap?
00:21 RifRaf sure
00:21 RifRaf you can make so many things that you need
00:21 GuShH however you often end up printing things that you don't need
00:21 RifRaf no more cut n nut or watever it was :)
00:21 rue_shop4 it'll be great for project boxes
00:22 RifRaf i print for the challenge, then move on, just had a good idea
00:22 rue_shop4 getting the first snowflake off the bed was a challange, good thing I can get beween the tape and glass
00:23 RifRaf if i had colour and diameter sensors at each filament entry point i'd be able to control the esteps so much better with different colours and filament
00:23 rue_shop4 the PLA is rather oily
00:24 rue_shop4 I had managed to make it stick to the glass at one point
00:24 rue_shop4 maybe thats back when the multiplier was 3
00:24 RifRaf wood glue, pva
00:24 rue_shop4 I was warned against wood glue
00:24 RifRaf watered down, is great for pla i believe
00:24 RifRaf meh
00:24 rue_shop4 armyofevilrobots, took the glass off his bed with it
00:24 RifRaf pff
00:25 RifRaf sounds like it sticks well :)
00:25 rue_shop4 quartz bed
00:25 RifRaf he shoulda had diamond
00:26 RifRaf why are you the first person to mention quartz hotend parts and beds?
00:27 rue_shop4 my quartz head?
00:27 rue_shop4 cause I'm the smartest :)
00:28 RifRaf ok
00:52 rue_shop4 RifRaf, ever heard of printing on magazine paper?
00:52 rue_shop4 and driving the paper, not the table
00:52 rue_shop4 and just spooling the print job off the edge when its done?
00:52 rue_shop4 auto clearing table
00:57 RifRaf temp alone can clear most tables of parts
00:58 GuShH rue wants a production line with a conveyor belt :p
01:26 rue_shop4 oooo, the Y belt jumped a cog during a print
01:30 rue_shop4 ok, thats like 15 feet of filament, I'm going to bed
01:37 rue_more http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1060934.jpg
01:37 rue_more armyofevilrobots, RifRaf thats my results for tonight
01:37 GuShH cool!
01:38 rue_more black ice :)
01:38 RifRaf looking good rue, though with the blurry and the black i could not say anything else :)
01:39 rue_more :) thats the idea, no feedback tonight
01:39 rue_more less I downloaded someting, sliced it, and printed it
01:40 RifRaf yep i can read the writing so must be ok, hard to comment though on wat to do as is very hard to see
01:40 RifRaf tripod, small aperture
01:40 rue_more I played with infill, extruder factors, layer height, print base material, learned how to get a new peice of filament in mid-print
01:40 RifRaf you have done alot for a couple of days then, still on the large nozzle?
01:41 rue_more you missed it, I tried the .34mm and the plastic wouldn't come out of it
01:41 rue_more so I switched back
01:41 RifRaf ok try again tomorrow
01:41 rue_more I will try to see whats up with the other one later
01:41 RifRaf must have a blockage
01:42 rue_more yea, its hard to tell when its covered in plastic
01:42 RifRaf heat it up. pick stuff off
01:43 rue_more by default slicer does the first later at like 35% height, but I think I need more than 100%
01:43 rue_more thoughts?
01:43 RifRaf go to 200% then, pretty sure thats what i use
01:43 rue_more ah, cool
01:43 RifRaf the hiegth is watever you set for 1st layer
01:43 rue_more hey, whats your z units/mm, 2800?
01:43 RifRaf um would have to ask the printer
01:44 rue_more M503
01:44 RifRaf while its running ok?
01:44 rue_more I was impressed I could ask mine during a print
01:44 rue_more didn't even sneeze
01:45 RifRaf echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
01:45 RifRaf echo: M201 X2400 Y2400 Z500 E3300
01:45 RifRaf echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
01:45 RifRaf echo: M204 S2200.00 T3300.00
01:45 rue_more scale
01:45 rue_more the M92 line I think
01:46 rue_more they call it steps/unit I think
01:46 rue_more lots of stuff in there, hard to tell
01:47 RifRaf 3200
01:47 rue_more hmm
01:47 RifRaf i have m6 6 rod though
01:47 rue_more maybe mine WAS 1600
01:47 rue_more oh, I have 1mm pitch
01:47 RifRaf same
01:47 rue_more right
01:47 RifRaf m5 is 0.8mm
01:47 RifRaf m6 is 1mm
01:48 rue_more I expect half your value, I'm only using 8 microsteps
01:48 RifRaf ok
01:48 rue_more I think it was 1600
01:48 rue_more its the only straightforward number :)
01:48 rue_more everything else depends on pulley sizes etc etc
01:48 RifRaf yep
01:49 rue_more I should think of a circuit baord box to make
01:49 rue_more I suppose I can make din rail mounts :)
01:50 RifRaf yep
01:50 e_more searches thingv
01:50 RifRaf or save some work and find find of the parametric ones to start with
01:50 RifRaf then you can adjust size to what you need easier
01:53 rue_more http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:101024
01:57 rue_more I just need to mod it with a release clip
01:57 rue_more oh, maybe no
02:00 rue_more oh RifRaf can you tell me the E units on the m92 line
02:00 rue_more I'd like to know if I'm int he right ballpark
02:01 RifRaf nothing was returned, but the printer told me 3200
02:01 RifRaf or sorry wait
02:01 RifRaf though we were on z still
02:01 RifRaf i use a custom extruder, but will tell you anyway
02:01 rue_more it'll say M92 .... E...
02:02 rue_more you have hobbed bolts tho right?
02:02 RifRaf 390
02:02 rue_more or hubs?
02:02 rue_more must be hubs?
02:02 RifRaf yes one that goes onto the nema14, yes lub a hobbed hub
02:02 rue_more mine is about 430 and its not quite right yet, its printing like a pen running out of ink
02:02 RifRaf http://i.imgur.com/Wr1tiUs.jpg
02:02 RifRaf i was wrong
02:03 RifRaf i have gearing, the hobb is on a long m5 bolt i chopped the head off
02:04 rue_more http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:101024
02:04 rue_more RifRaf, what infill is that?
02:05 rue_more or is it...
02:05 RifRaf rectilinear at 45 degrees?
02:06 rue_more rectal linear, ok I can remember that
02:06 RifRaf heh
02:07 RifRaf pink elephant looking great, 10 min to go, won't need support for next one
02:09 RifRaf and can fit 2 whole elephants on my small bed
02:09 rue_more can you tell me about the pridging test?
02:09 RifRaf try it first
02:09 rue_more I didn't evenn open it
02:10 rue_more what do you adjust
02:10 RifRaf bridging is just a long controlled extrusion in mid air
02:10 rue_more yea
02:10 rue_more horizontal
02:10 rue_more but what do you adjust to make it work
02:10 RifRaf the flatter and longer you can get it the more elite you are
02:10 RifRaf speed temp etc
02:10 RifRaf you can also increase extrusion for bridges in latest slic3r
02:11 RifRaf you will need a fan since you are pla
02:11 rue_more I'm tired and I have an aweful headache
02:11 rue_more I ahve a fan!
02:11 RifRaf no good, but you have come along way
02:11 RifRaf yep fans are good for pla i hear
02:11 rue_more carrige, maybe its called a carrige
02:11 RifRaf or carriage
02:12 RifRaf geez now i dunno
02:12 rue_more http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:167145
02:12 rue_more ooo
02:12 RifRaf looks cool
02:12 RifRaf but its no pink elephant
02:13 rue_more and I think my extruder should be turned 90
02:14 RifRaf wobble?
02:15 RifRaf recently fixed my nozzle wobble and prints have been best in months
02:15 rue_more no, its width limits the x
02:15 RifRaf k
02:15 rue_more the vert thing is cool tho
02:16 RifRaf yep would work well for you
09:43 SquirrelCZECH naaah
09:43 SquirrelCZECH after week home, ready to print
09:43 SquirrelCZECH but now... end of the temp. sensor disappeared after I switched nozzles
09:44 SquirrelCZECH "how about no" ...
10:28 deshipu I kinda like this idea: http://www.instructables.com/id/eWaste-60-3DPrinter/?ALLSTEPS
10:29 deshipu I wonder how hard it would be to make a simple router for carving pcbs
11:03 SquirrelCZECH well
11:03 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: I wanted that too
11:04 SquirrelCZECH but it depends a lot on what PCB you want to do
11:04 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: tricky part I was told is to make it so, you take only copper and not the desk itself
11:05 Tom_itx but you gotta make sure you cut thru the copper :)
11:05 SquirrelCZECH because the tools that works on copper and are able to "take it out" quite nicely
11:05 Tom_itx desk is optional
11:05 SquirrelCZECH get damaged a lot with a desk :)
11:05 SquirrelCZECH Tom_itx: yeah
11:05 SquirrelCZECH Tom_itx: but you don't want to do that more than necessarry
12:15 ambro718 Hi, I've put apart one of those electronic radiator valves[1] and I'm wondering how it "homes" the actuator[2]. There doesn't seem to be any limit switch inside. [1] https://www.plumbnation.co.uk/site/danfoss-living-eco-digital-trv---sensor-only/ [2] http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/25mm-Geared-stepper-motor-for-Valve_1843353577.html?s=p
12:15 ambro718 could it be it remembers the position to eeprom?
12:15 ambro718 or maybe it measures the motor current to detect when it is blocked?
12:17 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoRIztYmWjY
14:45 anonnumberanon Does anybody know exactly how many grams the XV-11 Neato Piccolo Lidar sensor weighs?
14:45 anonnumberanon I have no scale.
14:45 anonnumberanon There is no info online. I really need that weight to decide the power requirement of my quadcopter's motors.
14:46 GuShH time to buy a scale I'd say
15:18 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: even if it could only drill holes, it would already help
15:20 SquirrelCZECH deshipu: I know what you are talking about :D
15:22 deshipu you wouldn't have to design smd-only pcbs
15:22 deshipu I just burned two on/off switches :/
15:22 deshipu good to know that they are the weakest part of my circuit
15:23 deshipu like a fuse :)
17:03 GuShH rue_more: ok leveling feet installed on the milling machine pedestal!
17:03 GuShH that was hard, due to the weight
17:03 GuShH will adjust later, eyeballed it and it looks fine on the level but could be fine adjusted
17:04 GuShH stupid brick floor
17:22 rue_more cool, lets see!
18:01 rue_more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v2xnl6LwJE
18:01 rue_more damn, someone got propetual motion
18:01 rue_more now I cant take the prize
18:27 rue_shop3 there is soemthing rather hard in my .34mm tip
19:07 GuShH rue_shop3: a chunk of cobalt? lol
19:17 Tom_itx rue_shop3, maybe that's why it's not working right
19:55 DarthMachinist I have no idea what I'm looking at with this motor controller stuff
19:56 DarthMachinist they're using trapezoidal waves instead of sine waves.
19:56 DarthMachinist why?
19:56 rue_more current control
19:57 rue_more DarthMachinist, do you know what the voltage looks like on an inductor with a constant current applied to it?
19:58 DarthMachinist it wouldn't do anything to the voltage, right? because if the currents the same, there's nothing for it to do
19:59 DarthMachinist I need to learn more I guess
20:08 rue_more wiki it!
20:10 rue_shop2 arg, I forgot to get painters tape!
20:13 rue_shop3 Tom_itx, you up?
20:14 Tom_itx uh huh
20:15 rue_shop3 the hole in my .34mm dissapeared
20:16 Tom_itx better go find it
20:16 rue_shop3 I'm gonna drill a new one, maybe i'll get a dual extruder
20:16 anonnumberanon What do I need to make these sounds with my project? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Fx0NwYUis#&t=0m53s
20:16 Tom_itx question is... what pluged it?
20:17 anonnumberanon I think they are coming out of the RC module? can't see what it is
20:19 rue_shop3 I redrilled it
20:20 Tom_itx put leds on your snowflakes and put them on the tree pole you cut down
20:21 rue_shop3 I'll have you know that what I cut down was a power pole
20:21 rue_shop3 er
20:21 rue_shop3 ok I'll try this .34mm head again
20:22 Tom_itx write down your adjustments for each head
20:22 Tom_itx and type and color of plastic
20:23 DarthMachinist lol, they put springs on the rocker arms instead of on the valves
20:23 DarthMachinist wait...
20:23 rue_shop3 so far the only adjustment for the .34 is to take it off and put the 1mm back on
20:24 Tom_itx you will make adjustments
20:24 Tom_itx feed will be too fast
20:24 rue_shop3 smashing it with a hammer?
20:24 rue_shop3 in slicer you adjust the tip size
20:24 Tom_itx well that _is_ an adjustment
20:25 DarthMachinist I work on a screw machine where half the adjustments are done with a hammer
20:25 rue_shop3 today the machine crashed (turns out it didn't) and th reboot lost all the tweeks
20:25 Tom_itx DarthMachinist what type of screw machine?
20:25 rue_shop3 one that makes woodscrews?
20:25 Tom_itx they can
20:25 rue_shop3 I blame him
20:26 DarthMachinist erm, a lathe automated with cams
20:26 Tom_itx DarthMachinist, i worked in a shop that had gridley, davenport and b&s
20:26 DarthMachinist 5 spindles
20:26 DarthMachinist davenport
20:26 Tom_itx i'm aware what they are
20:26 Tom_itx tiny parts...
20:26 DarthMachinist lol, yeah
20:26 Tom_itx i ran the New Brittans
20:26 Tom_itx row of 6
20:26 Tom_itx 6 & 8 spindle
20:27 DarthMachinist that sounds fun
20:27 Tom_itx had spindle brakes for cross drilling / tapping etc
20:28 RifRaf rue_shop3, did you make a threadless screw?
20:28 rue_shop3 me waves his hand around violently
20:28 RifRaf lol
20:28 DarthMachinist someone probably lost a die, lol
20:29 DarthMachinist er, wait
20:29 Tom_itx rue_shop3, same applies to soldering irons
20:31 rue_shop3 but I got the new one in by a few threads before it was too hot to have to use a tool
20:37 rue_shop3 nope the plastic isn't comming out, I ahve to unjam the head AGAIN
20:38 RifRaf poke something up there while its hot
20:38 RifRaf yo have a tiny drillbit? or find the right gauge copper strand
20:43 rue_shop3 thats not hard to unjam, the plastic cant stick tot eh quarz
20:43 rue_shop3 so if I take the tip off and extrude I can unplug it
20:43 RifRaf the magic quartz
20:56 rue_shop3 I hope you realize what it means when I'm not complaining that somethings going wrong
20:57 RifRaf eating?
21:00 rue_shop3 no, its working
21:00 rue_shop3 if I was eating I'd be complaing about prev problems
21:00 Tom_itx what is working?
21:00 Tom_itx the small hole tip?
21:00 RifRaf so normal nozzle now working, good, we can start
21:01 RifRaf lost all my gripper files except for old ones so remaking them
21:01 RifRaf found the cad
21:04 ShH chucks Tom_it
21:04 m_itx turns GuShH down to a pile of c
21:05 ShH combusts and sets Tom_itx on
21:05 GuShH I need to find a cheap source of small drill chucks :(
21:05 Tom_itx pin drill
21:05 GuShH for the turret stations
21:05 GuShH either that or make a holder or collet type deal
21:05 Tom_itx good luck with that
21:06 GuShH why?
21:06 GuShH the arbors I can make.
21:06 Tom_itx cheap and good seldom go hand in hand
21:06 GuShH but I said cheap not good
21:06 GuShH to be fair some cheap chucks are quite good, but they're not heavy duty
21:07 GuShH I've seen a lot of drill holders used in turret lathes
21:07 Tom_L http://www.maritool.com/Tool-Holders/c23/index.html
21:07 GuShH just an arbor with a pass-through hole and a grub screw or two, not sure how well they center
21:07 GuShH of course you need one per drill size...
21:07 GuShH assuming you have the equivalent reamers
21:07 GuShH Tom_L: too expensive
21:08 GuShH I got a couple tiny collets with drill bits stuck in them, but no holder for those collets .... not sure on the size either
21:08 GuShH but I thought they looked neat
21:08 GuShH must have been a nice precise setup
21:09 GuShH the cheap alternative is to turn a holder with a split sleeve / bushing inside that is closed by a grub screw, but that isn't precise
21:09 GuShH unless you maybe use 3 grub screws?
21:09 Tom_L i got a 1/2" shank valenite collet holder
21:10 Tom_L with maybe 2 or 3 collets
21:10 Tom_L not cheap
21:10 GuShH this is like 3/4" I need, and for the other lathe it uses 1"
21:10 ShH p
21:10 GuShH I'll measure later.
21:11 Tom_L get a precision sleeve and use the same for both
21:11 GuShH that just adds more error!
21:11 GuShH not like the turret will center perfectly on every position...
21:11 Tom_L well you were talking about using grub screws....
21:12 GuShH sure, to close a split sleeve type deal
21:12 GuShH because I was going for cheap, you went for fancy !
21:12 Tom_L i have a reputation to uphold
21:12 ShH idly duct-tapes the drill bit to the tu
21:12 Tom_L no tellin what i do and never take pics of
21:13 GuShH lol
21:13 Tom_L those.. don't try this at home ..moments
21:13 GuShH ok the small ones are 7/8", big ones 1"
21:14 GuShH I need to make a box cutter or two
21:14 GuShH Noticed the auto lathe has one kinda built in, looks neat
21:14 Tom_L http://www.maritool.com/Tool-Holders-Straight-Shank-ER16-Straight-Shank/c23_28_175/index.html
21:15 Tom_L the valenite is similar but smaller
21:15 GuShH yeah... it is way out of budget.
21:15 GuShH my morse 3 collet holder looks like that, I'm missing 1 collet and the key :(
21:18 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/C12-ER16-100-Straight-Shank-Collet-Chuck-Holder-CNC-Milling-Lathe-/251540906909?pt=BI_Tool_Work_Holding&hash=item3a9101a39d
21:19 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/C12-ER8M-150L-CNC-Straight-Shank-Collet-Chuck-Holder-Wrench-For-Milling-Lache-/181421830581?pt=BI_Tool_Work_Holding&hash=item2a3d9571b5
21:19 Tom_L that's closer to what i got
21:19 GuShH Tom_L: http://imgur.com/ZTdMpzT
21:20 GuShH I can't sleep knowing I'm missing those two parts
21:20 ShH w
21:20 Tom_L just a spanner wrench and one collet
21:20 GuShH JUST???
21:20 GuShH JUST!
21:20 Tom_L you can make a spanner
21:20 Tom_L or find one
21:20 GuShH I asked the guy like 20 times, he kept playing dumb
21:20 GuShH what happened to the missing collet?, times 20.
21:20 Tom_L probably the most common one
21:21 GuShH "maybe it'll show up with the other things"
21:21 GuShH IT DIDNT
21:21 Tom_L did you get that set?
21:21 GuShH but I love the smell of the cedar
21:21 GuShH yeah
21:21 GuShH that is a pic after I cleaned it up
21:21 GuShH came with the mill
21:22 Tom_L so get the collet
21:22 GuShH ?
21:22 GuShH I don't know if they're available
21:22 Tom_L what series is it?
21:22 GuShH no clue
21:22 GuShH all I know is they're quite old
21:23 GuShH the boring head looks even older
21:23 Tom_L not what you need now but may find useful later: http://www.tools-n-gizmos.com/specs/Tapers.html
21:24 rue_shop3 ok, not bad
21:24 GuShH I need to take a picture of the headstock of one of the junk lathes... they turned the whole headstock to turn tapers
21:24 Tom_L http://www.takayama-shoji.co.jp/rego/pdf/13_technical_information.pdf
21:25 Tom_L measure your collets
21:25 GuShH I don't even know the type of collet the turret lathe uses... they're big, I think it can use two different types, not sure
21:25 GuShH I need to make a spanner to remove the nut
21:26 Tom_L so measure them
21:26 rue_shop3 GuShH, spanner isn't hard to make
21:26 Tom_L use the pdf chart
21:26 ShH slaps rue_s
21:26 GuShH time is
21:26 GuShH I'll go measure one!
21:26 Tom_L rue_shop3, your small tip working now?
21:26 rue_shop3 yea
21:26 rue_shop3 x1 print...
21:26 Tom_L what was wrong with it?
21:27 rue_shop3 I need to make things more usefull than cubes and filled cylinders
21:27 rue_shop3 I dunno
21:27 Tom_L yeah i'd say so
21:27 rue_shop3 it jammed up somehow
21:27 Tom_L like machined aluminum parts...
21:28 Tom_L GuShH http://www.maritool.com/ER-Collets
21:28 rue_shop3 something mroe usefull than a snowflake
21:28 GuShH 35.25mm long
21:29 GuShH taper, smaller portion is 18.40mm
21:29 Tom_L use the pdf for the critical dimensions
21:29 GuShH almost 26mm on the biggest diameter
21:30 GuShH 25.95mm
21:30 rue_more rue_shop3, make things 167145 and 172715
21:30 GuShH could be ER25
21:30 GuShH but these are longer
21:32 Tom_L is the holder branded in any way?
21:32 rue_more and 101024
21:32 GuShH ugh a china set costs 352 usd here
21:32 GuShH Tom_L: no, I think it had a brass plate with the details but it's not there.
21:33 Tom_L http://www.hardingeus.com/usr/pdf/collet/2351.pdf
21:33 Tom_L they got spanners too
21:34 GuShH haw haw
21:34 GuShH they're overly expensive
21:34 Tom_L posted for the dimensions
21:34 Tom_L those are free
21:34 GuShH it redirects me to the homepage
21:35 GuShH ok ER25 are only available as sets around here... no luck there.
21:35 Tom_L what's the ID on the missing one?
21:37 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/Full-15pcs-size-ER25-PRECISION-SPRING-COLLET-Set-For-CNC-Milling-Lathe-Tool-US-/231241901642?pt=BI_Tool_Work_Holding&hash=item35d717664a
21:47 DarthMachinist I still don't get why they use trapezoidal waves
21:52 rue_shop3 they dont, they use square waves, your looking at the wrong factor
21:54 rue_shop3 look up inductors already
21:54 DarthMachinist more than that, I'm playing with them ina simulator
21:57 rue_shop3 well apply constant currents to them
21:59 DarthMachinist yeah eventually the voltage stays the same, like I said
22:01 rue_shop3 did you discharge the charged inductor into a fixed current sink?
22:01 rue_shop3 did you do this on a square wave?
22:03 DarthMachinist huh? no, I just did "do you know what the voltage looks like on an inductor with a constant current applied to it?"
22:12 DarthMachinist oh
22:13 armyofevilrobots rue_shop3; you have too many computers.
22:15 Tom_itx rue_shop3
22:15 Tom_itx what are you printing now?
22:17 rue_shop3 I made a Din rail clip
22:17 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, hehe
22:17 rue_shop3 the rail clip came out ok...
22:17 rue_shop3 I have a few adjustments
22:18 GuShH Tom_L: that's what I don't know, the missing one might be 1/2 or not... I would need to write down all the sizes first
22:18 rue_shop3 how many me are there now?
22:18 rue_shop3 bed, bedroom, and 2 shop, thats not many
22:18 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, there are usually 11 machines running on site
22:19 rue_shop3 :( sometimes they all break down at once
22:19 rue_shop3 but mostly not! :)
22:19 rue_shop3 I have a din clip!
22:20 armyofevilrobots Woo. Whatcha mounting on it?
22:20 rue_shop3 I wanted some for a long time, now I dont know
22:20 Tom_itx rue_shop3 for 1" din rail?
22:20 rue_shop3 but It'll find a home
22:20 rue_shop3 I'm trying to make my test prints things i can use
22:20 Tom_itx i lost my din rail.. can't find it
22:20 rue_shop3 for 35mm din
22:20 Tom_itx odd
22:21 rue_shop3 no, thats the standard size
22:21 Tom_itx 1" is more standard i think
22:21 armyofevilrobots I vote for PID tI vote for http://www.aliexpress.com/item/xLogic-latest-and-innovative-programmable-logic-controller-alternative-of-Simens-LOGO/497729582.html
22:21 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, couldl you not print with coloured water and have colour parts?
22:21 armyofevilrobots Yes.
22:22 armyofevilrobots I actually made some good progress on the design today.
22:22 armyofevilrobots I have started printing.
22:22 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, ouch, I think they are cheaper from ADI in vancouver
22:22 rue_shop3 cool
22:22 armyofevilrobots printing the parts I mean, for the new printer.
22:22 rue_shop3 I would like you to help me tune a bit
22:22 armyofevilrobots https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmf4vlu9h08xp2e/tinkerbelle_powder_mockup_001.mp4?dl=0
22:22 rue_shop3 but I'm still fixing things
22:24 armyofevilrobots Those clearances were a PITA.
22:24 rue_shop3 yea, interseting desgin
22:25 rue_shop3 167145 and 172715
22:26 rue_shop3 hmmm
22:26 rue_shop3 which thing is easier to print...
22:27 armyofevilrobots ?
22:27 rue_shop3 thingiverse numbers
22:27 rue_shop3 makeing printer parts
22:27 Tom_itx rue_shop3, how's the new printhead working? better/worse than the 1mm?
22:27 rue_shop3 I think it clogged during that print, I found a peice of wire to jab it with and it finished ok,
22:28 rue_shop3 more experience req'd
22:29 rue_shop3 ooo thats big
22:29 rue_shop3 something tells me the 1mm head is a better bet
22:29 rue_shop3 bah
22:29 Tom_itx you can get finer res with a finer tip
22:29 rue_shop3 not by a lot
22:30 RifRaf he just wants to vomit plastic
22:30 rue_shop3 if this works, I might print myself a new extruder gear set
22:30 rue_shop3 IF I CAN FIND THEM
22:30 rue_shop3 having a bit of a problem with that part
22:30 Tom_itx they're not very well organized there
22:30 rue_shop3 well, its a kitchen where everyone is a cook
22:31 rue_shop3 but there are good cooks in the right corners if you can find them
22:31 Tom_L funny you would use that analogy of all things...
22:31 rue_shop3 shoudl I ask?
22:32 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, do you have a min fill you use?
22:32 rue_shop3 RifRaf, ?
22:33 rue_shop3 1373.30mm of filament used in this print
22:33 rue_shop3 thats a new peice...
22:34 rue_shop3 I prolly have 60mm left
22:34 rue_shop3 k
22:35 Tom_itx that's alot of goo
22:36 Tom_L which printer do you have?
22:36 rue_shop3 mendel i2
22:37 rue_shop3 with mods from every tom, dick, and harry
22:37 rue_shop3 wait, your a tom!
22:37 rue_shop3 this is all your fault.
22:37 Tom_L http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:446802
22:38 rue_shop3 fff no, thats for people like rifraf to print
22:38 rue_shop3 I think you have to split up that one
22:39 RifRaf hello
22:40 RifRaf i use about 10 - 25% infill
22:41 rue_shop3 oh
22:41 rue_shop3 10
22:42 rue_shop3 so far I have problems at really low infills
22:42 rue_shop3 RifRaf, I made a din clip :)
22:43 RifRaf gee i wonder why a 1mm nozzle would have issues
22:44 rue_shop3 I'm running the .34
22:44 rue_shop3 I'm noticing how much longer things take
22:45 Tom_itx ramp up the feedrates
22:46 rue_shop3 its all limited byt eh plastic extrude rate
22:46 rue_shop3 which is PARTLY A FACTOR OF THE HOLE SIZE
22:46 Tom_itx use a hydraulic ram to squirt it out the hole
22:46 rue_shop3 RifRaf, armyofevilrobots with a heated bed, when you cool the bed does the part kinda come off on its own?
22:46 rue_shop3 Tom_itx, I was thinking of making a silicone extruder
22:47 RifRaf depends what you stuck it down with, and dunno about pla
22:47 Tom_itx rue_shop2, get one of those barrel heaters for a heated bed
22:47 rue_shop3 it shouldn't be hard, I just tell slicer that I have a 45mm filament and use a tube to the head
22:47 rue_shop3 and dial down the print speed a LOT
22:48 rue_shop3 I think the head on now is 48W and its having a hard time keeping up
22:52 rue_shop3 I cant think of any use for a silicone print, but the tecnique could apply to other things
22:52 rue_shop3 gaskets and belts I suppose
22:52 Tom_L print metal
22:53 rue_shop3 yea I could print knives and guns!
22:53 rue_shop3 :/
22:53 Tom_L there are metal printers
22:53 rue_shop3 what keywords do you think I have to spill out to get the attention of homeland securrity? :/
22:54 rue_shop3 I need more orange juice
22:55 fleshtheworld i know
22:56 rue_shop3 ya know
22:56 rue_shop3 the fact that the print I did on paper warped to hell indicates that parts come out of a printer with a lot of forces in them
22:57 Tom_L they cool and shrink
22:58 Tom_L once it's thru the nozzle it's near zero force
22:58 fleshtheworld the temperture changes causes them to morph overall
22:59 rue_shop3 erm, remember I drilled a new hole?
22:59 rue_shop3 well I think it found its origional one
22:59 rue_shop3 I think its printing with an elipse
22:59 Tom_L better make a spare tip
23:00 Tom_L wonder if you can get small mig tips
23:00 Tom_L the ones i got are around .020-.035"
23:06 armyofevilrobots rue_shop3: sorry, in and out of the shop. Yes, on a heated bed, quite often you'll hear a crackling, then a "ping" and the part separates off on it's own.
23:06 armyofevilrobots If it doesn't, just stick the bed and part in the freezer together.
23:08 rue_shop3 cold spray
23:08 rue_shop3 huh
23:08 rue_shop3 well, I could start making a heated bed right now
23:09 rue_shop3 or, I could spend more time watching this print.
23:09 rue_shop3 hmmmm
23:10 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, how many watts?
23:10 rue_shop3 500?
23:10 rue_shop3 er, I mean 150
23:11 rue_shop3 ?
23:12 armyofevilrobots I have been having a super rewarding week of 3d printing:
23:12 armyofevilrobots 1. Discovered large diameter print nozzles (2x size of previous nozzle), get 8x speed, WAY more strength (at least 3x)
23:12 armyofevilrobots 2. Turns out that tool diameter is irrelevant for printing. Overall quality is just as good, or maybe better because turbulence is a thing, and smaller diameters make it worse.
23:12 armyofevilrobots 3. MEK will vapor polish PLA :D
23:12 armyofevilrobots Mine isn't even 100W IIRC.
23:12 armyofevilrobots Just insulate the bottom with a glass fiber bed to get better performance :)
23:13 rue_shop3 arg that damn belt jumped a tooth again
23:13 armyofevilrobots Need a tensioner.
23:13 armyofevilrobots clothespin spring.
23:13 armyofevilrobots brb
23:18 Tom_itx rue_shop3, ask Triffid_Hunter what he uses
23:18 Tom_itx he's got a mains powered one
23:18 armyofevilrobots I used to have one too; it was a clothes iron element :)
23:18 armyofevilrobots Lit my printer on fire once, so I got rid of it.
23:18 Tom_itx i used to have a link...
23:19 Tom_itx no, these are barrel heaters
23:19 rue_shop3 the clothespin spring is in now!
23:19 armyofevilrobots HA!
23:19 Tom_itx i'm out.
23:19 rue_shop3 I just learned that if you rehome in the middle of a job, you need to set the tip over the work before hitting resume
23:23 Tom_itx funny you mention that
23:23 Tom_itx they're working on a moveoff function in linuxcnc to allow you to do that and have it return to where it was
23:24 GuShH tom is all excited about it
23:24 Tom_itx but why would you re'home in the middle of a print?
23:24 Tom_itx i am
23:24 GuShH :D
23:24 Tom_itx it's a very useful function
23:24 Tom_itx http://youtu.be/KY6hx7WBkO8
23:25 rue_shop3 casue it hit junk and skipped steps
23:25 Tom_itx what junk was in the way?
23:26 rue_shop3 when the belt slipped a cog it casued a mess
23:26 Tom_itx maybe it should be tighter
23:27 rue_shop3 I did that I'm trying to save the print
23:27 Tom_itx does it let you restart from a certain line?
23:27 RifRaf no
23:28 Tom_itx that's what said cnc function is supposed to do
23:28 Tom_itx could be handy for reprap too
23:28 rue_shop3 after being homed it goes back to wehre it was when you hit resume
23:29 rue_shop3 the movement commands dont change the home
23:29 Tom_itx are you running on a mega2560?
23:30 rue_shop3 yes
23:30 Tom_itx what software?
23:30 rue_shop3 bah I'm gonna make a heated bed
23:30 rue_shop3 marlin
23:30 armyofevilrobots @rue; rehoming doens't fix the extruder E steps position, sadly.
23:31 rue_shop3 I hate to think when thats a problem
23:31 rue_shop3 ...
23:31 rue_shop3 ok, 100W, 12V
23:32 armyofevilrobots If you try to resume mid-print, you can have weird things like the extruder reversing and spitting out all your filament, or a super long extrusion and big fat blob where you left off.
23:32 Tom_itx rue_shop3, what has it cost you to get to the first good print?
23:32 armyofevilrobots I usually just rewind to the beginning of the layer and do G92 E0.
23:32 Tom_itx is E the extruder axis?
23:32 rue_shop3 yup
23:32 armyofevilrobots Yep
23:33 armyofevilrobots stereo
23:33 armyofevilrobots Related, http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00IEZH1PA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s03 is awesome and fairly cheap.
23:33 armyofevilrobots Weird. I could have sworn it was $29 when I ordered it last week.
23:33 rue_shop3 root@blackie2:/tmp# ohm -v 12 -p 100
23:33 rue_shop3 Wattage is: 100.000000
23:33 rue_shop3 Current is: 8.333333
23:33 rue_shop3 Voltage is: 12.000000
23:33 rue_shop3 Resistance is : 1.440000
23:34 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, sometimes I notice they oops and chang the price after the sale
23:34 rue_shop3 ok, this fil...
23:35 Tom_itx http://diamondage.co.nz/about-diamond-age-solutions-ltd/filament/pla-filaments/
23:36 rue_shop3 hmm 10cm is 1.4R
23:36 rue_shop3 table is 23x23cm
23:37 rue_shop3 so, 23cm would be 3.2R
23:39 rue_shop3 so 2 parallel of 20cm
23:39 rue_shop3 or 4 parallel of 40cm
23:39 armyofevilrobots I was just doing some printing with http://taulman3d.com/t-glase-features.html the other day too. That shit is magical.
23:39 armyofevilrobots I want to get some bridge, but nobody has it in stock.
23:40 rue_shop3 hmm
23:40 armyofevilrobots Supposedly it's like ABS properties, except strong as nylon.
23:40 armyofevilrobots (bridge is)
23:41 rue_shop3 ok, frist, I'll make a new glass sheet
23:42 rue_shop3 yea...
23:42 rue_shop3 second I think I'll make some tea, or I'm not gonna make it to 2am
23:43 rue_shop3 oh... OH OH!,
23:43 rue_shop3 ....:)
23:43 rue_shop3 I'm gonna use silver coated glass
23:43 rue_shop3 :)
23:44 Tom_itx http://printbl.com/
23:44 Tom_itx US distributor
23:44 armyofevilrobots HIPLA sounds like PLA/PHA copolymer.
23:45 rue_shop3 armyofevilrobots, do you think a silver and or aluminum coating on the back of the glass will help distribute heat better?
23:46 Tom_itx probably not that much
23:46 armyofevilrobots Couldn't hurt, but yeah, not gonna be a huge difference.
23:46 Tom_itx glass is an insulator
23:46 armyofevilrobots a PCB heater would be way more effective.
23:46 Tom_itx get a barrel heater silly
23:47 rue_shop3 Tom_itx, for the bed?
23:47 Tom_itx absolutely
23:47 Tom_itx that's what trif uses
23:48 RifRaf he just uses a silicon mat heater, not needed really unless you want to spend 4x the money
23:48 rue_shop3 yea I'll be silicone
23:48 rue_shop3 high temp
23:49 rue_shop3 stuck to the back of the printing plate
23:49 rue_shop3 which is silver coated glass
23:49 rue_shop3 possibly aluminum
23:50 Tom_itx http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200339139_200339139?cm_mmc=Google-pla-_-Automotive-_-Engine%20Heaters%20%2B%20Blankets-_-174051&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=174051&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=174051&gclid=CPrJosaZs8ICFcVaMgodZBUAww
23:50 rue_shop3 fro the bed?
23:51 Tom_itx yup
23:51 Miki So I was curious, has anyone used the Sony VTC4 to power their projects?
23:51 Miki Also hi. :)
23:52 Miki VTC 4 or other similar 18650 Hugh drains.
23:52 Miki high*
23:52 armyofevilrobots That's a pretty reasonable price.
23:55 Tom_itx http://www.aliexpress.com/price/silicone-heating-pad_price.html
23:55 armyofevilrobots SOLD! http://www.aliexpress.com/item/200x200mm-12v-200w-Silicone-Heating-Pad-Heater-With-100k-thermistor-For-3D-Printer-Bed/1351773427.html
23:55 armyofevilrobots Actually, I want a 110V one I can use a SSR with....
23:56 Tom_itx seem to be quite a few 24v ones too
23:57 Tom_itx 110v you don't have to beef up your supply
23:58 armyofevilrobots 110V AC, direct driven from wall I mean, with a solid state relay hooked up to the ramps.
23:58 armyofevilrobots It's what I used to have.
23:58 Tom_itx that's what i mean
23:58 armyofevilrobots Ah, I misunderstood you,.
23:59 Tom_itx 12 or 24v you may have to beef up your psu
23:59 armyofevilrobots Yeah.
23:59 armyofevilrobots I blew my psu on Friday. I already ordered a new one, so I am running a smaller 10A that can't drive my bed heater and the rest of the printer at the same time.
23:59 armyofevilrobots :(
23:59 armyofevilrobots 20A on the way tho. So cheap.