#robotics Logs

Nov 30 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:01 rue_shop3 guess 150 lpi
00:01 rue_shop3 thats 600 counts/inch
00:01 rue_shop3 about 2 thou
00:02 rue_shop3 so about 30 counts/rev
00:02 rue_shop3 I'm asking for 1/8 of a turn
00:03 rue_shop3 yea, I'm playing with 3 counts
00:03 rue_shop3 thats not much to develop error over
00:03 e_shop3 th
00:04 rue_shop3 Q) Can your hardware actually do what your asking?
00:04 rue_shop3 at 3 counts I'm gonna say no
00:04 rue_shop3 so what do you want to give up
00:04 rue_shop3 Kp
00:04 rue_shop3 heh, ok
00:34 rue_shop3 maybe its samantics
00:35 rue_shop3 the rate the error changes and the rate the posiiton change is the same value if your not playing tag with the target
00:37 rue_shop3 even at 9600 baud I should be able to stream 2 3digit numbers faster than the calculation rate
00:39 rue_shop3 if I know the error I should be able to work out everything else
00:45 RifRaf http://imgur.com/Ba2jjzv
00:46 RifRaf http://imgur.com/0Pd9H7w
00:47 rue_more showoff
00:47 rue_more RifRaf, did you model it?
00:49 rue_shop3 looks like a complex one
00:49 rue_shop3 hmm how do I debug this servo
00:52 RifRaf nope was a featured thing on thingiverse, made by a model maker
00:53 rue_shop3 cool
00:53 RifRaf http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:555242
00:53 rue_shop3 it seems that people do both, the differential taken from the error or the feedback
00:53 RifRaf bot an easy print in abs though, took 2 days
00:54 RifRaf not*
00:54 rue_shop3 oh, with fingers!
00:54 RifRaf yep 2 fingers move on each hand
00:55 rue_shop3 how are the fingers attached?
00:55 RifRaf printed in place
00:55 rue_shop3 wow
00:56 rue_shop3 and they snap free when first moved?
00:56 RifRaf is hard to get right, had to do at 0.1mm layers
00:56 RifRaf yep, needs bit of pressure to break free
00:56 RifRaf on a few hands i joined the 2 fingers through the hand afterwards
00:56 RifRaf so they move together but are much firmer
00:57 RifRaf welded a 2mm long piece of ABS through the hand hole and to each finger, works good
01:00 rue_shop3 I'm stuffing with that new cnc I been building
01:00 rue_shop3 trying to get the servos to work right
01:00 rue_shop3 the resolution of the printer line encoders isn't awesome
01:01 rue_shop3 I might not get more than about 20 thou out of them
01:02 rue_shop3 they are about 2 thou resolution, but I need a few counts to calculate power
01:04 rue_shop3 its not helping that the motors I'm using have lots of inertia
01:24 RifRaf rue i need to get servos going too, are you using new code for these? and a modern atmega?
01:28 rue_shop3 its not really new code, and its still a m32
01:28 rue_shop3 m32 works for these tests
01:28 rue_shop3 I'm prolly gonna use a m324, they have more pwm
01:28 rue_shop3 and pin change
01:29 RifRaf yep cool, i need some for threadless ballscrew printer
01:29 rue_shop3 this dosn't want to tune well tho
01:29 RifRaf would you say use encoder on the motor and another encoder being the linear encoder to check position with?
01:29 RifRaf or just dc motor with linear encoder as the encoder?
01:30 rue_shop3 right now I have a linear encoder on the carrige, and its not got the resolution needed
01:30 rue_shop3 but it does ensure linear movement ragardless of what the screw does
01:30 rue_shop3 resolution on the linear strips is being a problem
01:30 rue_shop3 hmm
01:31 rue_shop3 too bad those digital calipers cant talk faster
01:31 rue_shop3 right now, rotary encoder on the shaft is what I'd suggest, I'm trying to make this work, but I dont think it'll do what I want
01:32 rue_shop3 I want about 3 thou
01:32 rue_shop3 I think I'll get 6-10
01:32 rue_shop3 that all said, maybe I should just accept that for now and finish the damn thing
01:33 rue_shop3 part of the advantage with the digital controller is the ability to reflash it
01:39 rue_shop3 I have a 24V motor, going to a 10:1 some-odd reduction to a 18 tpi threaded rod to a 250LPI encoder strip
01:39 rue_shop3 thats a pretty low gain
01:44 rue_shop3 6V is about 12Hz
01:44 rue_shop3 so 6V is 48lines/sec
01:45 rue_shop3 loop gain there is 8
01:45 rue_shop3 er 1/8
01:45 rue_shop3 no 8
01:46 rue_shop3 so pwm value of 64 is 48lines/sec
01:46 rue_shop3 so loop gain there is 0.75
01:46 rue_shop3 damn
01:47 rue_shop3 nowonder this oscillates so easy
01:47 rue_shop3 the calcs are being done
01:47 rue_shop3 ..
01:48 rue_shop3 at 224Hz
01:49 rue_shop3 every 5 loops it sees one count go by at 6V
01:49 rue_shop3 I need to know slope
01:50 rue_shop3 at 12V we get 33Hz, or 132lines/sec
01:56 rue_shop3 so at 24V, in theroy
01:59 rue_shop3 hmm, most of the speeds this thing is running at cause the differentiator to zero out
01:59 rue_shop3 if I cant make dt larger
02:00 rue_shop3 maybe I average the samples
02:05 rue_shop3 or I use a different sampling interval for the velocity
02:06 rue_shop3 or I give up on the linear strip encder
02:07 rue_shop3 so the problem is that there is an incomapability between the rate the calcs are done and the resolution of the strip
02:08 rue_shop3 if I slow down the calcs, I get overshoot cause it just didn't notice the space go by
02:08 rue_shop3 if I increase it, it cant measure the velocity properly
02:10 rue_shop3 the velocity is below 1 on an integer system
02:21 RifRaf one more pic with me only printer in background http://i.imgur.com/xN51SpV.jpg
02:22 RifRaf its a baby but amazing what you can do in that size, could do this robot at least twice the scale
02:22 rue_shop3 ok, so whats gecko say about all this
02:23 rue_shop3 hairspray pla or abs?
02:23 RifRaf she thinks its great, far better than being stuck in a roll of filament
02:23 RifRaf hairspray and abs
02:23 rue_shop3 green tape for pla then
02:24 RifRaf or blue?
02:24 rue_shop3 sure
02:25 RifRaf or glue stick
02:25 rue_shop3 http://www.geckodrive.com/geckodrive-brush-dc-drives/g320x.html
02:25 rue_shop3 need to find a manual
02:26 rue_shop3 ah there we go
02:28 rue_shop3 ok see, they have up to 256 counts of error
02:35 rue_shop3 they dont regard the encoder at all in machine resolution
02:36 rue_shop3 which means youhave to do that in the drive
02:36 e_shop3 thinks
02:39 rue_shop3 yea
02:39 rue_shop3 thats the other thin
02:40 rue_shop3 according to these numbers, I'm only getting .56"/sec from this hardware
02:40 rue_shop3 which my patience says is about right
02:40 rue_shop3 RifRaf, whats the traverse rate on your reprap?
02:41 rue_shop3 I think I want to do this whole machine different
02:41 rue_shop3 which is a bad thing to say after 8 years of working on it
02:44 RifRaf which part is traverse?
02:44 RifRaf travel speed for linear encoder you mean or current machine?
02:45 rue_more current machine
02:45 rue_more how fast inches/sec can you move?
02:46 RifRaf maybe 200 mm/sec ot more?
02:46 rue_more yea, this thing does 14mm/sec
02:46 rue_more top speed
02:46 rue_more :/
02:46 rue_more I have to redo this hardware
02:46 RifRaf but i rarely use it, print at about 50 and travel at about 80, is not a huge machine, but can go as fast as the extruder lets me
02:46 rue_more this is a cnc
02:50 RifRaf in Z i only move about 3 -4 mm/sec
02:57 rue_shop3 ok at 24V this motor will do about 4800rpm
02:57 rue_shop3 18tpi
02:58 rue_shop3 4"/sec
02:58 rue_shop3 at 1:1
02:59 rue_shop3 101mm/sec
02:59 rue_shop3 ok
03:00 rue_shop3 RifRaf, what kinda feed rates on the commercial cnc do you think you were at?
03:00 RifRaf heh nice and quick
03:01 RifRaf cutting at upto 25meters/min and rapid feed over 100meter/min
03:01 rue_shop3 but I cant use the 150 line/inch encoders or I only get 20thou resolution
03:01 rue_shop3 416mm/sec
03:01 RifRaf rapid feed would knock you into next room if you were in its way
03:01 rue_shop3 so 1/4 of that commercial
03:02 rue_shop3 hmm
03:02 rue_shop3 one big pulley...
03:02 rue_shop3 80 rev/sec
03:03 rue_shop3 400mm/sec
03:03 RifRaf thats what my current machine travels 400
03:04 RifRaf cut upto about 160mm/sec, sorry for mesurements, one machine was programmed in mm/sec and other in m/min
03:04 rue_shop3 yea, reprap is same ball of confusion
03:05 rue_shop3 huh
03:05 rue_shop3 according to this
03:05 cnnx anyone shopped at mccmaster-carr before?
03:05 rue_shop3 not I
03:07 rue_shop3 it says that if I use a belt on a pulley with a 1.6mm diameter I'll get what I want
03:08 rue_shop3 lets put a gear in there
03:08 rue_shop3 say, ... 4:1
03:08 rue_shop3 dia 6mm
03:09 rue_shop3 10:1?
03:09 rue_shop3 5mm dia
03:09 rue_shop3 I oppsed somewhere
03:09 rue_shop3 anyhow
03:10 rue_shop3 80 rev/sec / 10 is 8 rev/sec
03:10 rue_shop3 lets retarget for 200mm/sec cut
03:11 rue_shop3 8mm diameter with a 10:1
03:11 rue_shop3 thats still too small
03:12 rue_shop3 10:1 is a crazy gearbox
03:12 rue_shop3 try this backwards
03:13 rue_shop3 lets say I have a 20mm dia drive pulley
03:13 rue_shop3 Circumfrence is : 62.831852
03:13 rue_shop3 travel distance is 200mm
03:14 rue_shop3 about 3 turns
03:14 rue_shop3 so about 27:1
03:15 rue_shop3 well, there wont be and torque issues
03:17 rue_shop3 table size
03:17 rue_shop3 330mm x 400mm
03:18 rue_shop3 so about 1-2 seconds to traverse
03:18 rue_shop3 thats ok
03:18 cnnx where do i get hubs for these wheels
03:18 cnnx http://www.mcmaster.com/#caster-wheels/=uteoh2
03:19 cnnx i have a 6mm bore
03:19 rue_shop3 they appear to have hubs?
03:19 cnnx where does it say bore size
03:19 rue_shop3 it dosn't
03:19 cnnx ?
03:20 rue_shop3 they are probably about 1/2 to 3/4"
03:20 cnnx 6mm is about 1/2
03:20 rue_shop3 oh I'm wrong
03:20 cnnx no
03:20 cnnx 1/4
03:20 rue_shop3 you can specify
03:20 rue_shop3 on the left pain
03:20 cnnx where
03:21 rue_shop3 the left pain
03:21 cnnx whats 6mm in english unit, cant find it exactly
03:21 rue_shop3 you can specify between 7/32 and 1/25"
03:21 rue_shop3 er 1.25"
03:22 rue_shop3 6mm is quite close to 15/64
03:22 rue_shop3 which is not close to 1/4"
03:22 cnnx they dont have 15/16
03:22 RifRaf 0.35mm less
03:22 rue_shop3 I noticed
03:22 cnnx can i make my 6mm bore into a standard size
03:22 cnnx with an adapter
03:23 rue_shop3 have a lathe?
03:23 cnnx whats that
03:23 rue_shop3 I suppose thats a no
03:23 rue_shop3 cnnx, we can make you one
03:23 rue_shop3 I can ship from australlia and rifraf can ship from canada
03:23 rue_shop3 er, reverse that
03:23 RifRaf heh
03:24 cnnx isnt there something i can buy online
03:24 rue_shop3 cnnx, your a nice chap, I'm sure we wouldn't bill you more than $1000000
03:24 rue_shop3 we can put them on ebay for you to buy them
03:24 rue_shop3 then your buying it online
03:25 rue_shop3 cnnx, maybe get wheels at the hardware store and just drill them out
03:27 rue_shop3 RifRaf, am I allowed to overhaul a project I been working on for 8 years?
03:28 rue_shop3 I suppose the other option is 9tpi thread
03:29 rue_shop3 man rif, I have a lathe now
03:29 rue_shop3 everything is different
03:29 rue_shop3 I can just make the stuff I only dreamed of having
03:30 rue_shop3 I dont have to turn the threaded rod, I can spin the nut
03:31 rue_shop3 ok. my problem isn't really with the frame, its with the drive system
03:31 cnnx im looking for a wheel about 3" diameter, 3/4"-1" thick with 6mm bore
03:32 rue_shop3 hah
03:32 rue_shop3 sounds like its from canada
03:32 rue_shop3 does it use 3 different types of screws?
03:32 rue_shop3 say, flathead, robertson and philips?
03:32 rue_shop3 in such a way you need to use all 3 screwdrivers to work on it?
03:33 RifRaf lol
03:33 rue_shop3 heh, that or its made by FORD
03:33 rue_shop3 7.5cm dia
03:34 RifRaf 75mm would be nicer
03:34 rue_shop3 25mm thick
03:34 rue_shop3 6mm shaft
03:34 rue_shop3 RifRaf, where might you go for such a creature?
03:34 RifRaf i'd print one
03:34 rue_shop3 and I'd just make one
03:34 RifRaf or lathe if it had to be strong
03:35 rue_shop3 hmm
03:35 rue_shop3 not much help to him are we?
03:35 rue_shop3 RifRaf, were the commercial cnc machines a rack drive?
03:36 RifRaf yes for Y
03:36 rue_shop3 cable/ metal strap?
03:36 RifRaf 50mm leadscrew on X and Z was all complicted, air etc
03:36 rue_shop3 rubber belt?
03:36 rue_shop3 huh
03:36 RifRaf no big rack and pinion
03:36 RifRaf did not look inside the servo to see how it was done
03:37 rue_shop3 they might get upset if you take the expensive toys apart
03:37 RifRaf but never got stuff stuck in it, was impressed
03:38 rue_shop3 I'm sure I'll have to use rotary encoders for this
03:38 rue_shop3 I'm not trying to get 1 thou, but if I want to be even close I'll need way mroe resolution
03:39 rue_shop3 or is 20 thou ok for a basic machine?
03:39 rue_shop3 a 10 thou trace is pretty small
03:39 RifRaf sure if its repeatable
03:39 e_shop3 plays with cali
03:39 RifRaf would not get any better on my lathe convertion am sure
03:40 RifRaf but if the backlash can be compensated for then you could still make stuff
03:40 rue_shop3 20 thou is a pretty large gap
03:40 rue_shop3 .5mm
03:41 RifRaf yep, i'd like down to 0.5 thou if possible, or less
03:42 rue_shop3 the other 2 drives are 1:1, the Y is the only 10:1 and thats what I'm wresting with now
03:42 rue_shop3 its the one tahts too slow
03:50 rue_shop3 resolution
03:51 rue_shop3 27:1 with a 20mm dia drive pulley
03:52 rue_shop3 .0254mm, just to be impractical
03:53 rue_shop3 .0004 rev
03:53 rue_shop3 on the other end of the gearbox .01rev
03:53 rue_shop3 4 degrees
03:53 rue_shop3 90 lines
03:54 rue_shop3 well
03:54 rue_shop3 about 23 lines
03:54 rue_shop3 hmmm
03:55 rue_shop3 I'd want *100 or so for error
03:55 rue_shop3 so a 256line encoder would do
03:56 rue_shop3 20Khz max rate
03:56 rue_shop3 I think the avr can deal with that
03:57 rue_shop3 but I dont think I can do a 27:1 gearbox without a lot of backlash
03:57 rue_shop3 unless maybe its all syncrobelt
04:08 rue_shop3 well ist almost 2am and I'm falling asleep
04:08 rue_shop3 I cant resolve how to rework thises axies now
10:23 cnnx hey rue_shop aussie boy
10:29 cnnx i have a 6mm dc motor shaft, im trying to find a wheel that will fit from this site http://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-wheels/=utk7tw anyone?
10:43 Tom_itx you're not gonna drive those wheels with it
10:43 Tom_itx they've got bearings in the center
10:43 cnnx ok
10:43 cnnx right now i have banebot wheels on it
10:43 Tom_itx all you'll do is spin the bearing
10:43 cnnx but banebots is discontinued
10:43 cnnx i have a 1/2" hex in the middle
10:44 cnnx hub
10:44 Tom_itx steal some off your mum's car
10:44 cnnx she drives a truck
10:44 Tom_itx even better
10:44 cnnx 17 inch tires
10:44 Tom_itx better traction
10:44 cnnx perfect
10:44 cnnx ill go get the jacks now
10:44 cnnx thanks
10:46 Tom_itx http://www.robotstorehk.com/gearboxes/gearboxes.html
10:47 Tom_itx is it a geared motor?
10:48 cnnx http://www.pololu.com/product/1104 and im supporting close to 30-40lbs on it right now
10:48 cnnx with 2 motors
10:48 cnnx and banebot wheels
10:48 Tom_itx HW-Wheel100-100mm wheel (1 wheel) ... US$29.95
10:48 cnnx i want to change the wheels
10:49 cnnx how wide is that wheel
10:49 cnnx and my bore is 6mm not 5mm
10:49 Tom_itx well you might have to bore it out
10:50 Tom_itx robotics isn't about just buying off the shelf parts
10:50 cnnx i know but at leat for the wheels
10:50 cnnx would be good
10:50 Tom_itx it's not a puzzle you just put together
10:51 Tom_itx i made my own wheels
10:51 cnnx 3d printer?
10:51 Tom_itx hell no
10:51 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/maxbot/maxbot_index.php
10:52 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/sumo_files/sumo_wheelmold_index.php
10:52 cnnx small robot
10:53 Tom_itx same principle
10:53 cnnx i find that wide wheels make my robot perform better
10:53 Tom_itx i showed you some
10:54 cnnx right now i have 2 smaller wheels on the same shaft
10:54 cnnx i wanna replace them with 1 wider wheel
10:55 Tom_itx go to your local hardware store
10:57 Tom_itx buy a dollie and take the wheels off it
10:58 Tom_itx think outside the box
11:06 cnnx maybe i should build smaller robots too
11:06 cnnx easier to find parts
11:06 cnnx and less expensive
11:08 Tom_itx very possible
11:52 rue_bed shoudl I start a robot parts business, call it the robot store?
11:52 rue_bed oh thats already taken
11:52 deshipu the other robot store
11:52 rue_bed the other robot store, I like it
11:52 deshipu what kind of parts?
11:53 rue_bed well, I'll start with 100mm wheels that take 6mm axles
11:53 rue_bed and of course I'll sell arduinos
11:54 deshipu for $2 a piece?
11:54 rue_bed I'll use a cheap china version thats common, but have them custom silkscreened with 'the other robot store'
11:54 deshipu by the way, remember that micropython thing?
11:54 rue_bed the one I keep saying is stupid?
11:54 deshipu the same
11:55 rue_bed cause you shouldn't have a silly high level lang like that on a microconroller
11:55 deshipu remember that cheep chinese wifi board?
11:55 deshipu cheap
11:55 rue_bed and that its still silly high level even for a sbc?
11:55 deshipu esp8266
11:56 rue_bed you telling me the silly wifi thing now runs the silly python?
11:56 deshipu yup
11:56 rue_bed hah
11:56 deshipu and costs $2.70
11:56 rue_bed I'm sure everyone will eat it up
11:56 rue_bed would you show me where to buy one now for $2.70
11:56 deshipu aliexpress
11:57 rue_bed go on, link me
11:57 deshipu but you have to buy 10, I'm afraid
11:58 rue_bed I smell hype
11:58 rue_bed all over it
11:58 deshipu http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-10pcs-lot-ESP8266-remote-serial-Port-WIFI-wireless-module-through-walls-Wang-ESP-03/32226134130.html
11:58 rue_bed or its morning breath
11:58 deshipu I have a bunch of them, they work fine
11:58 deshipu I uploaded the lua firmaware though, because the python isn ot ready yet
11:59 deshipu sorry for typos
11:59 rue_bed if you take a gpio pin and write a while 1 to flash it as fast as can be done, what freq do you get off the pin?
11:59 deshipu you mean toggle it
11:59 rue_bed yup
12:00 deshipu I can't check, I'm not at home
12:00 rue_bed fast as python can
12:00 deshipu lua
12:00 deshipu python is no ready yet
12:00 rue_bed sure sure, I bet you dont even have a home, I smell hype ;)
12:00 rue_bed want to get rich?
12:00 rue_bed make a 1 port wireless usb hub with them
12:00 rue_bed it does not exist
12:00 deshipu whatever, it's enough for my projects, and much faster and cheaper than arduino :)
12:01 deshipu with vusb?
12:01 rue_bed dosn't matter
12:01 rue_bed usb hub, does it here, comes out there
12:01 deshipu if you say so
12:01 rue_bed I want a wireless usb hub for my chair of doom
12:01 deshipu I have more interesting projects
12:01 rue_bed so I can put a keyboard and mouse on it
12:02 Tom_itx rue_bed how far did you get on your servo tune?
12:02 rue_bed Tom_itx, well, the hardware cant do what I want
12:02 Tom_itx get better hardware?
12:02 rue_bed the resolution of the strip isn't enough
12:02 Tom_itx oh
12:02 rue_bed and there is too much reduction in the drive
12:02 Tom_itx gonna use wheel encoders?
12:02 dpio esp8266 looks pretty interesting
12:03 rue_bed however its the only drive with a 10:1 in it
12:03 dpio it can actually handle all my telemetry needs, except for video streaming
12:03 rue_bed Tom_itx, I think I have to use rotary encoders
12:03 Tom_itx probably best
12:03 rue_bed so the question is, are the drives linear enough
12:03 deshipu dpio: just make sure you get the version with more than 2 gpios broken out :)
12:03 Tom_itx i have a pair off the maxbot now
12:03 rue_bed thats why I liked the strips
12:03 Tom_itx since i robbed the pulleys off it
12:03 Tom_itx for the cnc
12:04 rue_bed nomatter what hte drive did, the counts were linear motion
12:04 Tom_itx get some glass scales
12:04 rue_bed thats my other thought
12:04 Tom_itx several guys use them on their mills
12:04 rue_bed there is another one, maybe I could just use a cable to drive a rotary encoder
12:05 rue_bed then I'm still off the actual carrige movement
12:05 Tom_itx once i get mine back together i think the spindle encoder will work good
12:05 rue_bed I also dont know if I have any good rotary encoders around
12:05 Tom_itx i've got 6 good ones
12:05 rue_bed oh, I have 2 8 bit greyscale encoders
12:05 Tom_itx 4 are the same
12:05 rue_bed hmmmm
12:05 Tom_itx 2 are the same
12:06 Tom_itx i guess my ddns01 gave up
12:07 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/motors/focusring12.jpg
12:07 Tom_itx i put one of those on the mill
12:07 Tom_itx 500 cpr
12:08 Tom_itx oh wait...
12:08 Tom_itx rue_bed
12:08 Tom_itx you have a pair!!
12:08 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/motors/gearhead1.jpg
12:08 Tom_itx you got 2 of those when rif n i did
12:08 Tom_itx pretty sure you did
12:09 Tom_itx so i got 8 instead of 6
12:10 Tom_itx no idea what count those are
12:32 rue_more oh yea
12:32 rue_more how much were those?
12:33 rue_more (counts)
12:33 rue_more oh
12:33 rue_more sorry, I AM waking up
12:38 rue_more man aliexpress makes lots of changes to their system
12:38 rue_more like every month something is different
12:38 Tom_itx they'd be better than what you got probably
12:39 rue_more the ones I have are 8 bit grey code made in germany
12:39 rue_more iirc they ar worth over $600 yea
12:39 rue_more but they are old, the thought of selling them any buying stuff with the mney went thru my head
12:40 Tom_itx gotta go..
12:40 rue_more $600 ea, I cant type
12:40 rue_more hahaha I'm double buying things from aliexpress now
12:44 cnnx how can I estimate the payload for 2 or 4 of these motors?
12:44 cnnx http://www.parallax.com/product/570-00080
12:44 cnnx and wheels included
12:48 rue_more wow, $80!?
12:48 cnnx nevermind i dont like the motor controller they recommend
12:49 cnnx its BASIC STAMP
12:49 cnnx i prefer serial usb
12:49 rue_more you can use any motor controler
12:49 rue_more its just a motor
12:49 rue_more cnnx, do you want a premade robot?
12:49 cnnx there's more than 2 wires
12:50 rue_more what specs?
12:50 cnnx usually i use red/black only
12:50 cnnx rue_more: no
12:50 rue_more thats right, cause it has a position encoder on it
12:50 rue_more you dont have to connect the encoder
12:50 rue_more wow
12:50 rue_more http://www.parallax.com/product/28820
12:51 rue_more $30
12:51 rue_more lets just...
12:53 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Monster-Moto-Shield-VNH2SP30-stepper-motor-driver-module-high-current-30A/1924944935.html
12:53 rue_more yea, about half that direct from china
12:53 rue_more +-
12:54 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shiping-4Lot-package-Deceleration-DC-motor-supporting-wheels-smart-car-chassis-motor-robot-car/1880306880.html
12:54 rue_more how much you want to carry?
12:54 cnnx 50-100
12:54 cnnx lbs
12:55 cnnx but i dont wanna build a new robot right now
12:55 cnnx just fix this one up
12:55 cnnx i want new wheels
12:55 rue_more oooh
12:55 cnnx a place in europe has the banebots iwant
12:59 rue_more if your putting 50lbs on a 6mm shaft, I think I know why it broke...
13:01 rue_more what did the hardware store have for caster wheels you can modify?
13:05 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/5pcs-lot-6mm-Smart-Car-Wheels-Chassis-DC-Gear-Motor-Stepper-Motor-Hex-Coupling-wholesale-Retail/1345213281.html
13:06 rue_more cnnx, are you checking these links?
13:06 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/DC12V-speed-down-motor-Smart-car-intelligent-accessories-65mm-wheel-L-Motor-bracket-4mm-coupling-support/1621316286.html
13:07 rue_more it sounds like thats what you have
13:07 rue_more you said 6mm and hex
13:15 cnnx rue_more: this is exactly the wheel i need http://www.technobotsonline.com/banebot-wheel-73x20mm-1-2-hex-shore-40.html
13:16 cnnx rue_more: but only place i found is that store in europe.. cant find it in north america
13:16 cnnx its discontinued
13:16 cnnx but it would fit without me buying anything else
13:16 rue_more did you see the hex wheel I found?
13:17 cnnx the last link doesnt look like hex
13:17 cnnx and is it half inch?
13:17 rue_more I'm reading
13:19 rue_more 12.7mm... is what we want..
13:19 cnnx and i need close to 3"
13:19 cnnx as possible
13:19 cnnx thats the size i have now
13:19 cnnx and 3/4" wide to 1" wide
13:20 rue_more I bet those are exactly the wheel, but I cant prove it
13:25 rue_more do your old wheels say made in china?
13:25 cnnx no they are banebots as well
13:25 rue_more http://www.aliexpress.com/item/8pcs-lot-Couplings-Hex-Coupling-Copper-Cylinder-For-Smart-Car-Wheels-Chassis-DC-Gear-Motor-Stepper/1433428673.html
13:25 rue_more those wheels come with hubs
13:27 rue_more oh those are just hubs, heh
13:27 rue_more you can get them with wheels tho
13:34 cnnx just the battery on my bot is 24lbs i noticed
13:34 cnnx been working fine for 3 years
13:37 cnnx so i guess 50lbs would be the payload i want
13:38 cnnx maybe i need to replace the motors
13:38 cnnx to get bigger wheels on
21:00 rue_more ok
21:01 rue_more lets see her
21:01 rue_more e
21:01 rue_more laundry
21:07 Rif done
21:10 rue_more you did mine?
21:13 rue_more NO
21:13 rue_more I checked
21:13 rue_more ok I need to put myself togethor
21:15 atom1 autoconf not found...
21:17 rue_more apt-get install autoconf
21:17 atom1 i did
21:17 rue_more and it still says it?
21:18 atom1 no
21:20 atom1 i installed libmodbus-dev and it's still bitching that it's not there
21:25 rue_more did you re-run configure?
21:26 rue_more wtf, my shop server is down!?
21:34 atom1 this is worse than windows update
21:39 rue_more how the hell can I tell
21:39 rue_more what are you doing?
21:39 rue_more why did you try to comepiole something yoruself?
21:41 atom1 trying to build 2.7 from source
21:41 rue_more not he whole distro!??
21:41 rue_more oh, the kernel?
21:42 atom1 it worked on ubuntu
21:42 rue_more the kernel?
21:42 atom1 but debian wheezy is dealing me fits
21:42 rue_more I do that all the time
21:42 atom1 linuxcnc 2.7
21:42 rue_more DISTRO OR KERNEL
21:42 rue_more cant be kernel 2.7
21:42 atom1 distro
21:42 rue_more you have to be insane to compiel a whole distro, the only people who can compile it are the developers
21:43 atom1 i've done it several times
21:43 rue_more cause of the most insane dependency things you could ever have a nightmare about
21:43 atom1 but it's not going well on wheezy
21:43 atom1 which is what it's targeted for
21:45 atom1 this is bs
21:45 atom1 i give up
21:46 atom1 how do i check drive space?
21:47 darsie df
21:47 atom1 nope it's not full
21:48 rue_more Tom_itx, what is giving you what message
21:49 rue_more what are you running?
21:49 atom1 ./configure
21:49 atom1 and i have the libs installed but it's still complaining
21:49 rue_more what does the error say, autoconf... not found ?
21:49 rue_more you probably donthave the right version of the libs
21:49 atom1 i fixed that already
21:50 atom1 it's the only ones it will let me install
21:50 rue_more the new trend is to make incomapible consecutive versions
21:50 atom1 and it asked for libusb 1.0.1-dev and that's exactly what i installed
21:50 rue_more so, does configure say that autoconf is not isntalled?
21:50 atom1 i fixed that already
21:50 rue_more what is the problem
21:51 atom1 I JUST TOLD YOU
21:51 rue_more what is the error message
21:51 rue_more you said its complaining
21:51 rue_more thats not enough detail
21:52 atom1 configure: error: libmodbus3 not found!
21:52 atom1 install with "sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev" or disable
21:52 rue_more did you scroll thru the configire puke to see if there was a missing package it didn't tell you about?
21:52 rue_more ok
21:52 atom1 i installed that already
21:52 atom1 configure: error: libusb-1.0 not found!
21:52 atom1 install with "sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev"
21:52 atom1 and that too
21:53 rue_more ah
21:53 rue_more ok
21:53 rue_more can you find what FILE its looking for?
21:53 atom1 both packages are installed
21:53 atom1 nope
21:53 rue_more zippo:/files/programming/c/tests# apt-cache search libmodbus
21:53 rue_more libmodbus-dev - development files for the Modbus protocol library
21:53 rue_more libmodbus5 - library for the Modbus protocol
21:53 rue_more seems that version isn't even available to me
21:53 rue_more ah
21:53 rue_more you keep moving
21:54 rue_more ok, libusb
21:54 atom1 either one
21:54 rue_more yo uisntalled libusb-dev?
21:54 atom1 then the next one is glib
21:54 rue_more one at a freaking time
21:54 rue_more !
21:54 rue_more did you insatll libusb-1.0-0-dev
21:55 atom1 yup
21:55 rue_more ok
21:55 rue_more so, I ownder what its looking for
21:55 rue_more can you find the part in the configure script that looks for libusb?
21:55 atom1 i don't know where it's at
21:56 rue_more libgusb-dev
21:56 rue_more your running the configure script
21:56 atom1 i'm not gonna start digging at this hour
21:56 rue_more libgusb-dev - GLib wrapper around libusb1 - development files
21:56 rue_more well post the configure sciprt so I can look
21:56 atom1 you can get it
21:57 atom1 git clone git://git.linuxcnc.org/git/linuxcnc.git linuxcnc-dev
21:57 atom1 then you'll have the whole thing
21:58 atom1 once you do, git checkout 2.7
21:59 atom1 i just did this on ubuntu 10.04 with no issues
21:59 atom1 so i know the steps
22:03 rue_more I jsut want to se the configure script
22:05 atom1 i don't know where it is
22:05 rue_more yoru running it
22:05 rue_more its the script your running
22:05 rue_more when you say ./configure, thats, it
22:06 rue_more the network for the whole shop went down
22:06 rue_more I'm confused
22:06 atom1 i'm not finding it
22:07 rue_more but your runnig onfigure
22:07 rue_more what are you running that gives you the error
22:07 rue_more tell me the buttons your pressing
22:07 atom1 first i run: ./autogen.sh
22:07 atom1 then i run: ./configure
22:07 rue_more yup
22:07 rue_more yea
22:08 rue_more show me that configure script
22:08 rue_more its made by autogen, I cant download it
22:08 rue_more its different for every machine
22:08 atom1 i still don't see it
22:09 atom1 #!/bin/sh
22:09 atom1 rm -rf auto4mte.cache
22:09 atom1 AUTOGEN_TARGET=${AUTOGEN_TARGET-configure:config.h.in}
22:09 atom1 set -e
22:09 atom1 case :$AUTOGEN_TARGET: in
22:09 atom1 *:configure:*) autoconf; touch configure ;;
22:09 atom1 esac
22:09 atom1 case :$AUTOGEN_TARGET: in
22:09 atom1 *:config.h.in:*) autoheader; touch config.h.in ;;
22:09 atom1 esac
22:09 atom1 the configure is too long to post
22:11 rue_more scp ./configure backdoor@
22:12 atom1 from terminal?
22:12 rue_more yes
22:13 atom1 mkay
22:14 rue_more did I do that right? might need a colon after the ip
22:17 atom1 password?
22:17 atom1 i disconnected
22:47 rue_shop3 odd
22:47 rue_shop3 2 16 port switches failed, the power adapters are ok
22:55 DarthMachinist hello
22:56 rue_shop3 are you my father?
22:58 DarthMachinist You can't be my son, that imposubrul!
22:58 rue_shop3 may the farce be with you?
22:59 rue_shop3 -2.5c
22:59 rue_shop3 arg
23:02 DarthMachinist I'm looking at a controller for a generator
23:02 DarthMachinist I have no idea what i'm doing
23:02 Rif decide what you need to control for a start
23:04 DarthMachinist I suppose it would be to charge a small set of batteries, or just provide clean dc current
23:04 rue_shop3 oh oh oh
23:04 rue_shop3 arduino
23:04 DarthMachinist <3 arduino
23:05 rue_shop3 when people dont know ahat they are doing they always start with an arduino
23:05 DarthMachinist but I'm not sure it's the right way to go here
23:05 DarthMachinist I suppose I should figure out what I'm going to be working with, then try to implement it on a small scale on the ardiuno
23:07 DarthMachinist I'm looking at magnetic sensors to measure current
23:08 rue_shop3 AC current?
23:08 DarthMachinist I'd assume so, yeah
23:09 DarthMachinist a bldc motor
23:09 DarthMachinist but i'd imagine it would put out ac
23:11 rue_shop3 no it puts out DC
23:11 DarthMachinist huh?
23:12 rue_shop3 :)
23:12 DarthMachinist messing with me
23:12 DarthMachinist lol
23:12 rue_shop3 if its a motor it'll output dc becasue of the way the brushes work
23:12 rue_shop3 oh wait
23:12 rue_shop3 brushless
23:12 rue_shop3 sorry, yea, 3 phase AC
23:13 DarthMachinist http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=EFLM4046A
23:13 DarthMachinist this is the motor i'm looking for.
23:13 DarthMachinist at
23:13 DarthMachinist though I'll probably start with something smaller on an arduino
23:14 DarthMachinist I'm just trying to figure out the difference between a magnetoresistive sensor and a hall effect sensor
23:22 rue_shop3 DarthMachinist, you know about current transformers?
23:22 DarthMachinist I know transformers
23:23 rue_shop3 current trnsfoerms give you a fraction of the current they are sensing
23:23 rue_shop3 theprimary is 1 turn, aka just a wire thru a toroid
23:23 rue_shop3 you put a resistor across the output and measure the votlage
23:23 rue_shop3 which is proportional to the current
23:24 rue_shop3 how MUCH current>?
23:24 DarthMachinist that just might work.
23:24 rue_shop3 more or less than 5A?
23:24 DarthMachinist the final product... a lot. 10x that, 50
23:25 rue_shop3 yup, current transformer
23:25 DarthMachinist current transformer it is.
23:25 rue_shop3 http://www.aliexpress.com/item/600-5-Current-Transformer-5VA-Rated-Load-0-5-Accuracy-Class-with-Installing-Parts-100209/1739867294.html
23:26 rue_shop3 600A in is 5A out
23:27 rue_shop3 so 50A would be .41A out
23:30 rue_shop3 http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?PHPSESSID=3eh69ar5pls1fki085t19i57s0&action=dlattach;topic=236085.0;attach=79155;image
23:33 DarthMachinist I don't think that's what you meant to link me
23:33 rue_shop3 it should be a little opamp circuit
23:33 rue_shop3 http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=236085.0
23:33 DarthMachinist it's too small to read
23:33 rue_shop3 no, your just too big to read it
23:34 rue_shop3 I'm seeing a lack of good interface schematics
23:36 DarthMachinist that looks good
23:37 rue_shop3 taths the general idea, customize as you will
23:40 DarthMachinist now I have to learn how to design the circuit to be accurate, select the right type of parts. I have a friend who can walk me through that though
23:46 rue_more pkg-config libusb-1.0
23:46 rue_more is how it checks for it
23:47 rue_more if pkg-config libusb-1.0 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
23:47 rue_more so Tom_itx you want to know why pkg-config cant find it
23:48 rue_more Tom_itx, that program cant find anything I have installed on my machine