#robotics Logs

Nov 17 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:00 RifRaf more to get the layer height the way i like it
00:00 rue_more so steps/mm?
00:00 RifRaf a nice squish even around part
00:01 RifRaf but not squish to transparency
00:01 RifRaf nope, i tweek with z knobs
00:01 rue_more I'm gonna be interested to see how my quartz isolated nozzle holds up
00:02 RifRaf the top knobs on Z threaded are my tweekers
00:02 RifRaf http://i.imgur.com/Q2WWFvZ.jpg
00:02 rue_more ooo motrors on bottom
00:02 rue_more neato
00:03 RifRaf yep i guess there are a few improvments over the way your printer is
00:03 rue_more ... did you redesign the whole thing?
00:03 RifRaf got any recent images?
00:03 RifRaf pretty much
00:03 rue_more hah
00:03 rue_more good show
00:04 rue_more settled on a design?
00:04 RifRaf thats it
00:04 RifRaf no changes in last 8 months
00:04 RifRaf apart from new fancy extruders like triplestruder
00:04 RifRaf that fits directly on without any mods
00:05 rue_more how come the extruder is still on the carrige, I thought everyone was moving them off?
00:06 rue_more not what its cracked up to be?
00:06 RifRaf is fine on the carriage, what do you mean? i don't like bowden setups
00:07 rue_more ah
00:07 rue_more why not?
00:07 RifRaf filament path is not direct enough
00:07 rue_more dont you get better performance with the lighter carrige?
00:07 rue_more ah
00:07 RifRaf sure, but its not heavy enough to be an issue
00:07 RifRaf the triplestruder has 3 steppers on it and even its not too heavy
00:08 orlock for 3 filament types?
00:08 RifRaf yes
00:09 RifRaf orlock, i prefer different colours though http://i.imgur.com/pRdGjnI.jpg
00:10 RifRaf have printed with abs and pla at the same time though for a test
00:10 rue_more hah, nice foxy
00:11 orlock RifRaf: nice, yours?
00:11 rue_more does the acetone treated plastic hold togethor ok? or doesit dry up and crack after a while?
00:11 orlock my parnter and i really want a 3d printer
00:11 orlock but i dont want to try build one
00:12 RifRaf orlock, yep
00:12 rue_more orlock, for a mere $1000 you can skip the building step
00:12 rue_more or you can spend the $300 and build it yourself
00:12 orlock actually, let me rephrase
00:13 RifRaf orlock, the machine http://i.imgur.com/bU7MAeS.jpg
00:13 orlock i dont have the time to aquire all of the different parts
00:13 RifRaf orlock, where are you again?
00:13 orlock RifRaf: victoria
00:13 RifRaf well i can do you a kit that gives you all the mechanicals
00:13 orlock A local shop opened that had a sub $500 printer, but it seems to have gone from their product page
00:13 rue_more RifRaf, how are you driving the extruders?
00:14 RifRaf orlock, everything to make this http://i.imgur.com/Q2WWFvZ.jpg
00:14 RifRaf rue_more, with a rumba, but a ramps works just fine if you are happy to start playing with just 2 of the 3 extruders
00:15 orlock RifRaf: missing PSU and what else?
00:15 orlock argh
00:15 RifRaf orlock, electronics and motors
00:15 rue_more oooh internal gears, right
00:15 orlock i need to get off my ass
00:15 orlock and call palces to sell this CRO to
00:15 RifRaf rue_more, yes one is internal
00:15 orlock uhh
00:15 orlock DSo even
00:16 orlock RifRaf: includes extruder and hobbed bolt?
00:16 RifRaf orlock, that frame, printed parts , hardened smoothrods and threaded cut to size, and y plate, makes the rest of the biuld easy
00:16 RifRaf orlock, extruder and bearings, not the hobbed bolt
00:16 rue_more is your controller arm or avr?
00:16 RifRaf avr
00:17 RifRaf still have to get the smoothie going
00:17 rue_more I dont think Iv' seen that board
00:17 RifRaf the rumba or smoothie?
00:17 rue_more your printing right on the hotbed? no glass????
00:18 RifRaf on that printer yes
00:18 rue_more huh
00:18 rue_more any wear?
00:18 RifRaf could not find glass, i do have 2mm aluminium plate and kapton tape on the heater though
00:18 RifRaf no wear
00:18 RifRaf oh sorry
00:18 RifRaf in that picture i was going directly onto bed
00:19 RifRaf not since i cut an aluminium plate to go on it though
00:20 rue_more :) I wont say you get all the breaks
00:21 orlock RifRaf: how much for all the bits roughly?
00:21 orlock minus motors/electronics/psu
00:21 RifRaf orlock, about $300
00:22 RifRaf but you get good abs plastic, not pla, a great cnc cut frame and solid y plate, is worth it
00:22 rue_more doe sthe abs off gas more than the pla?
00:22 RifRaf makes a very reliable start for your printer
00:22 RifRaf rue i don't mind the smell, guess you get used to it
00:22 orlock RifRaf: will keep it in mind for any excess cash from selling my 'scope
00:23 RifRaf orlock, no worries
00:23 rue_more sweeeeet, I have a w3orking i2c library!
00:23 rue_more with not ypos!
00:23 RifRaf orlock, all bearings, nut bolts, bearings couplers and belts are included
00:24 orlock RifRaf: awesome, thats all the stuff i class as "fiddly pain in the ass" bits
00:24 RifRaf indeed :)
00:24 rue_more building the hardware was nothing
00:24 rue_more I stopped when they wated $40 for a carrier board for the motor drivers
00:24 rue_more and I said I'd make my own
00:25 rue_more that added about a year and a half to my build
00:25 rue_more and my motivational partner had kidney failure
00:25 orlock crap :-((
00:25 rue_more anyhow, I'm on track now
00:25 RifRaf how long till we see a print?
00:25 rue_more at this rate, maybe just about another yeat
00:26 rue_more so I should search thingverse for a 2" thin box?
00:26 RifRaf if you like, or i'll find it for you
00:27 rue_more it might help to make sure I get the right one
00:27 rue_more then I run it thru slicer?
00:27 RifRaf http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5573
00:28 RifRaf all those parts will be handy for testing
00:28 rue_more hahah 28 made, I think not
00:28 RifRaf yes, open the stl in pronterface, and print
00:28 rue_more download all files?
00:29 rue_more as a zip, there we go
00:29 RifRaf sure, its the 20mm cube you want for now though
00:29 RifRaf hollow
00:29 rue_more hmm, I need a folder for 3d print files
00:29 RifRaf 0.5mm thin wall
00:29 rue_more /files/stl?
00:29 RifRaf yep a bit folder, and keep it organised
00:29 rue_more ah, /files/objects
00:29 RifRaf big*
00:30 rue_more its been a long time since I had a new root folder that low ont h tree
00:31 rue_more skp = sketchup?
00:31 RifRaf yeah
00:31 rue_more too bad its pay now
00:31 rue_more what can I view the stl files with?
00:31 RifRaf netfabb is nice
00:32 orlock sketchup requires $$ now?
00:32 RifRaf but i think it ms now
00:32 RifRaf it does if you want pro
00:32 rue_more hmm cant find it
00:32 RifRaf just view in pronterface
00:32 rue_more I'm being blooming blinded by my RGB flashing eld
00:32 rue_more ah!
00:33 RifRaf or slic3r even has a viewer'
00:33 rue_more wait, what about a slicer
00:33 rue_more dont you have to have it sliced to go itno pronterface?
00:33 RifRaf but hopefully you have slic3d integrated with pronterface, thats the best way to have it
00:33 rue_more oh...
00:33 RifRaf so opening it with pronterface slices it at same time
00:36 e_more grum
00:37 rue_more I'm gonna have all the software to run a 3d printer on every damn computer here in a while...
00:38 RifRaf welcome to reprap
00:38 rue_more 20mm hollow?
00:38 RifRaf if you get serious you will have many programs installed
00:38 RifRaf no 0.5mm thin
00:38 rue_more yea, but I have computers that are supposed to be doing this elsewhere
00:38 rue_more anyhow
00:40 RifRaf did you see a file called that rue?
00:40 RifRaf i cannot even see the thingiverse page properly in my browser, stupid thing thinks i must be on a phone
00:40 rue_more pronterface says there is no gcode file
00:41 rue_more slicer maybe?
00:41 RifRaf well then load stl into slicer and export the gcode
00:41 rue_more k, the slicer is called slicer?
00:41 RifRaf and load gcode into pronterface, but later get them working together, not now though
00:41 RifRaf slic3r
00:41 e_more curses at de
00:42 rue_more hmmm stable or experimental?
00:42 RifRaf stable
00:42 RifRaf should be about 1.2 or so
00:42 rue_more 1.1.7
00:43 RifRaf all good
00:44 rue_more oooo
00:45 rue_more the slicer can import multiple objects into the same job
00:45 RifRaf yeah
00:45 RifRaf and even multiple colour ebjects
00:45 rue_more there is no 3d view....
00:45 RifRaf there is
00:45 RifRaf you need to click on something
00:46 rue_more found it
00:46 RifRaf on the windows version anyway
00:46 rue_more oh yea, oh yea
00:46 rue_more yes! YES!
00:46 RifRaf someone getting excited?
00:47 rue_more there isn't much excitment in building a machine you dont feel you need, you never used, and you dont really know whats involved in using
00:47 rue_more want to give me a rundown of how you would prep this for printing/
00:47 rue_more anyhting to adjust?
00:48 rue_more 0.4mm layers...
00:48 RifRaf well it should be ready to go, lots to adjust, but you don't 'need' to now
00:48 rue_more 40% fill
00:48 RifRaf just use the defaults and see what you get
00:48 RifRaf we may need to setup some printer parameters but even they might be ok
00:48 rue_more is 3mm the thick or thin stuff?
00:49 rue_more mines thick
00:49 RifRaf thick
00:49 rue_more k, tahts good then
00:49 RifRaf i only have 3mm here
00:49 rue_more temp, shouldbe 185
00:49 rue_more or laeve at 200?
00:49 RifRaf ans?
00:49 RifRaf abs?
00:49 rue_more pla
00:50 RifRaf try 190 or so i guess, never used it
00:50 RifRaf but thats a good place to start
00:50 rue_more think my nozzel is .3
00:50 RifRaf would still work even if it was set to 0.5
00:51 RifRaf just try export gcode and load into pronterface
00:51 RifRaf you have set all your xy z and e steps in the firmware right?
00:51 rue_more .343
00:52 rue_more yea but I was doing a demo for someone and noticed that m500 didn't save them over a power cycle
00:52 RifRaf eeprom is not enabled maybe
00:53 rue_more I had a hell of a time building the firmware
00:53 RifRaf so leave the software as default as you can apart from the obvious changes for now
00:53 rue_more arduio ide would only compile once, then I had to make a new project and rewrite the config file to be abel to recompile
00:53 rue_more yea
00:53 RifRaf issues might be in the firmware if you have issues
00:53 rue_more ok, "export g code" I presume
00:53 RifRaf yep
00:54 rue_more didyou know the layer height cant be more than the nozzle size?
00:54 rue_more -> 0.5mm
00:55 RifRaf i guess, i only do between 0.2 and 0.25, nozzle is 0.3 here
00:55 rue_more 2 #80 drill bits died making my nozzel
00:55 rue_more good thing I had 50 of them
00:56 rue_more cool!
00:56 RifRaf have a packet of 0.2mm drill bits here to use soon
00:56 rue_more what do you use to run them?
00:56 RifRaf will use lathe
00:56 rue_more need pretty high rpm
00:56 RifRaf yeah
00:56 rue_more I cant get my lathe up to its top speed without it tripping an overload
00:56 RifRaf maybe stick on the routers spindle then
00:56 rue_more I can get more rpm off the drillpress
00:57 RifRaf if i have small enough collect
00:57 RifRaf 24k rpm
00:57 rue_more I used my cnc on a really really slow feed rate
00:57 rue_more as its steppers there is no minimum speed
00:58 RifRaf yep, would be easy to drill plug hole to stick hotend into, then drill the hole nice and slow
00:58 RifRaf with the router
00:58 rue_more thanks rifraf, maybe I'll keep working on this
00:59 rue_more I really wish I could press print now
00:59 rue_more gnight
00:59 RifRaf no worries, am gonna go out for hour or 2 and grab a feed with a friend
00:59 RifRaf night
09:51 GuShH rue_shop2: I kept looking for cut marks on that short lathe bed but I couldn't find any, just basic casting marks and some grind marks but those are very common, also the symmetry indicates it was always like this
09:51 GuShH and if you think about it for some tasks you don't need much travel at all
10:00 deshipu I got vocore and it works pretty nicely
10:00 deshipu Micropython runs on it
13:40 GuShH meh the big scroll chuck is stuck, I managed to remove the back plate and the scroll, the jaws are just welded in place. we'll see if I can knock them out after I let them soak a while in diesel
13:40 GuShH the inner parts are in great condition, no rust whatsoever
13:41 GuShH it has either the original grease in it or they took good care of it
13:42 GuShH also no reverse jaw set... sadly, but one could buy a set if need be
13:43 GuShH there's no pass-through on the spindle of the big lathe, feels like the spindle might be solid
13:43 GuShH if that's the case, it proves that this was a specific model
13:43 GuShH (or they replaced it with a solid one?)
18:31 orlock Hmm local 3d printer shop will be selling Prusa i3's for $500
18:59 cnnx i'm looking at this platform which claims to support up to 600lbs payload.. i dont need that much.. 100lbs would be enough, anyone know of another platform?
18:59 cnnx http://www.andymark.com/product-p/am-2239.htm
19:03 orlock cnnx: buy 2x cordless drills, remove motors, bolt them to a chopping board
19:03 orlock done, for a total cost of maybe $40
19:03 cnnx how many lbs can it carry
19:03 orlock Unsure in that archaic system
19:04 orlock the rest of the world has moved to metric
19:04 orlock depends on terrain, but i'dsay a good 20kg depending
19:04 cnnx not enough
19:04 cnnx thats about 40lbs
19:51 rue_more hahaha, I once upon a time left a cd lens cleaner in the drive on this machine, it was making a sound and I opened it, I think its worn the head off
19:53 rue_more orlock, ready to go prusas or 'less electronics'?
19:54 rue_more $625!, man I should start making those
19:54 Tom_itx silly
20:02 rue_more ok
20:02 rue_more I'v written (stolen) firmware to operate the i2c bus on a mega32
20:03 rue_more so, now I can start tiny26 code to emulate an lm75
20:04 rue_more but I think I'm gonna sleep first
20:04 rue_more then I want to redo that reprap table
20:04 Tom_itx you sure been sleepin alot lately
20:04 rue_more yea I'm fighting a bug
20:05 Tom_itx whoz winnin?
20:05 rue_more I think its 60/40 me
20:05 Tom_itx i need a cnc project
20:05 Tom_itx but i don't really need anything
20:07 rue_more make things that other people dont need but buy anyhow
20:08 Tom_itx look out for 'weev'
20:08 rue_more like shoes, on... whats that planet of shoes?
20:08 Tom_itx been spamming
20:08 Tom_itx google it
20:11 rue_more Brontitall and Frogstar World B
20:13 rue_more somehow I'd not picked up that there were two
20:14 Tom_L http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weev
20:16 rue_more why are you so interested in him!?
20:16 Tom_L he was spamming another channel earlier
20:17 Tom_L just figured a warning was in order
20:17 rue_more I need a nap
20:18 Tom_itx i need a project
20:19 orlock http://cold.crypt.net.au:8081/
20:20 Tom_L live?
20:21 Tom_L that's a fair size hole for a critter
20:22 orlock yeah
20:22 orlock dunno whats in there, and they keep making new ones
20:22 orlock that one may be deserted now
20:23 Hyratel kurt, whatcah need help with?
20:23 orlock they look like dirt mounds to start with
20:23 kurt Haha.
20:23 kurt What is this limit stop mechanism called? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Q3jyZPb-C1VUx2TUlObmpJdHc&authuser=0
20:24 kurt Notice the function of the bent tooth.
20:24 Hyratel upload elsewhere
20:24 Hyratel oh, got it
20:25 Hyratel I'd call that a "gear ratio interference end stop"
20:25 Hyratel but I have never seen anything like that before
20:26 Hyratel kurt, what's this in anyway
20:28 kurt It is part of a RF spectrum analyzer from the 1960's.
20:30 Hyratel is that lead on a manual knob? I wouldn't want that for anything motorised
20:31 Hyratel also what's it moving
20:33 kurt It is on a manual knob.
20:34 kurt The lead screw moves the terminations in a tuned cavity.
20:35 Hyratel it's a clever design
20:36 Hyratel I'd call it a "gear ratio idler endstop"
20:40 kurt It provides limit stop on both ends.
20:40 Hyratel in a really clever way
20:40 kurt It seems like it can count as many turns as there are teeth on the small gear.
20:41 Hyratel without interfering with the tuned cavity
20:41 Hyratel it's based on the ratio of the two gears actually
20:41 Hyratel how many teeth on each
21:47 rue_more <rue_more> but I think I'm gonna sleep first
21:47 rue_more <rue_more> then I want to redo that reprap table
21:47 rue_more start tiny26 code to emulate an lm75
21:48 rue_more all spelled out for me
21:57 rue_shop2 ok
23:03 rue_shop2 I think I assembled soemthing wrong
23:03 rue_shop2 haha I did
23:03 orlock your lander bounced too?
23:10 rue_shop2 the rails were under, not over the frame
23:10 rue_shop2 I think I was optimizing table space
23:10 rue_shop2 that dosn't work with a plate this big