#robotics Logs

Nov 16 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:21 rue_shop3 by default the input is high, when the input or an xor is high, it...
00:21 rue_shop3 inverts
00:21 rue_shop3 so jumpered = normal, unjumpered = inverted
00:27 rue_shop3 damn, its only 9am?
00:27 rue_shop3 er pm
00:33 rue_shop3 YAY! I have 3 working limit switches
00:33 rue_shop3 RifRaf, Z min is down, right?
00:54 RifRaf yep
00:54 rue_shop3 yay! X and Y home properly!
00:54 RifRaf cool
01:01 Jak_o_Shadows I'll probably cut stuff in two weeks
01:01 Jak_o_Shadows or 3 days
01:12 rue_shop3 I have a ground noise issue that is reeking havok with the temp sensor
01:13 rue_shop3 it of course was not noticed until there was a load on things
01:43 rue_shop3 ok, the Z steppers skip
01:43 rue_shop3 but they otherwise work right
01:43 Jak_o_Shadows That's due to not enough power?
01:43 rue_shop3 they aren't current mode steppers
01:43 rue_shop3 they are 12V steppers, I can change them out
01:44 rue_shop3 I ahve the right ones now
01:44 rue_shop3 piles of them infact
01:44 rue_shop3 but first one the fix list is the temp sensor
01:44 rue_shop3 have to isolate it so its not got so much noise
02:14 rue_shop3 ok thats better
02:19 rue_shop3 RifRaf, you there?
02:22 RifRaf yeah
02:28 orlock yay, put the DSO back together
02:28 orlock no screws left over!!
02:28 orlock that NEVER happens
02:28 orlock and, it works
02:31 rue_shop3 :)
02:31 rue_shop3 did you wiggle something?
02:31 orlock yeah
02:32 orlock i got it apart enough to wiggle the PCI card
02:32 orlock PCI video card that handles the flat panel output and also connects to the aquisition board
02:33 orlock after reason through the tek manual for the DSO, it makes me want to try and repair the old 475 or 465 i have
02:33 orlock one of the channels is intermittent
02:34 orlock also, figured out how to open the little storage compartment on the top
02:34 orlock push down where the pictogram of it opening is
02:34 orlock ahh well, the DSO has a new bios battery too now
02:58 hypodyne howdy
03:02 Jak_o_Shadows hi
03:15 hypodyne whats a good way to learn robotics?
03:16 hypodyne lego mindstorms, meccano, arduino etc
03:19 iveevue hypodyne, start reading books
03:20 hypodyne any recommended books?
03:21 iveevue Depends. How well do you understand electricity/electronics?
03:21 hypodyne I've read a few electronics books, I'm a programmer.
03:22 iveevue These books are extremely good for learning electronics: http://www.ibiblio.org/kuphaldt/electricCircuits/
03:23 hypodyne anything specifically on robotics?
03:24 iveevue I can't recommend anything specifically for robotics.
03:25 hypodyne A lot of robotics books seem to be tailored to a platform eg Lego, arduino
03:26 iveevue It might be a good idea to play around with an arduino or something
03:26 hypodyne which i guess is a good thing.
03:58 iveevue hypodyne, What types of robots are you interested in making?
04:02 rue_shop3 oh no, I'm entering that phase where I just stand and look at simple things that need doing
04:31 rue_shop2 well, ok
04:31 rue_shop2 the Z motors are upgraded
04:31 rue_shop2 they dont perform half as well as they should sharing one driver
04:32 rue_shop2 recon that dosn't matter much
04:32 RifRaf rue_shop2, have you adjusted your drivers vref?
04:33 rue_shop2 the Z chips are already warm enough
04:33 rue_shop2 chip
04:33 rue_shop2 the other axies drive great
04:33 RifRaf any binding?
04:33 rue_shop2 it can pull the table between limits in less than 1 second
04:34 rue_shop2 no, but lots of things are shaking loose
04:34 RifRaf z is always a hard one, slow the speed down
04:34 rue_shop2 I did
04:34 RifRaf more
04:34 rue_shop2 500mm/min seems like the limit
04:34 RifRaf for z?
04:34 rue_shop2 much more than that and it starts skipping steps
04:34 rue_shop2 yea
04:35 rue_shop2 x and y are happy up around 5500mm/min
04:35 RifRaf i stick to around 2000 on X and Y and 200 on Z
04:35 rue_shop2 I wonder if I can print anything before I upgrade the bushings to the UU8
04:36 RifRaf yu can print anything
04:36 rue_shop2 I suppose I need to do some kinda test print next, but not tonight, its 2am and I'm ...failing
04:36 RifRaf good to see you are almost running
04:36 rue_shop2 yep, took long enough
04:36 RifRaf 20mm thin wall cube was my first print
04:36 RifRaf takes about 3 minutes to print
04:37 rue_shop2 did it work first time?
04:37 RifRaf yep :) , still have it
04:37 rue_shop2 cool
04:37 rue_shop2 how was your scaling?
04:37 RifRaf pretty spot on, i had spent a week or 2 preparing for the first print, so i knew all the steps etc were correct
04:38 RifRaf just had to tweek esteps to get a bit more extrusion
04:38 RifRaf and then spent the next year tweeking and tweeking :)
04:38 rue_shop2 I calibrated it over about 2mm
04:38 RifRaf you should do 100
04:39 RifRaf is easy with the hotend out
04:39 rue_shop2 yea, but as I understand you need to play with the numbers alot anyhow
04:39 rue_shop2 getting the filament into mine sure it a pain
04:39 RifRaf yes
04:40 RifRaf make a triplestruder for it
04:40 RifRaf easy to load
04:40 rue_shop2 I think the extruders are done wrong, I think they should be force based
04:41 rue_shop2 I'll get the defaco working first :)
04:41 rue_shop2 aside from making parts for itself, maybe a few kits for ebay, and project boxes, I have no idea what I might use it for
04:42 rue_shop2 I need it to make me about $150 (it owes me!)
04:42 RifRaf wait till you realize you can make robot parts
04:42 rue_shop2 I do a fine job of that already
04:43 RifRaf kits for ebay are a waste of time now, too many cheap crap to be able to sell quality
04:43 rue_shop2 without having to cad them
04:43 rue_shop2 are frame kits still about $50? I havn't looked
04:43 RifRaf more normally
04:44 RifRaf frames are still viable, i just do the y plates now
04:44 rue_shop2 oo down to about $45
04:45 rue_shop2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Reprap-LM8UU-Prusa-Mendel-Printed-Parts-Kit-/150820586185?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231d9b82c9
04:45 rue_shop2 I think thats the stupid kit I was sold
04:45 rue_shop2 lots of the scaling was out
04:46 rue_shop2 the bushings are backwards on the carrige, there should be 2 on the belt side
04:48 hypodyne android type robots
04:49 rue_shop2 looks like I should be happy I'm still under $400 on this project
04:55 rue_shop2 I like the idea of a static flat table with a belt over it used as the print surface
04:55 rue_shop2 finish the print and flip it off the end
04:55 rue_shop2 start a new one
04:56 rue_shop2 I dont have a heated bed, I'll be ok with painters tape?
04:56 iveevue hypodyne, "android"?
04:56 rue_shop2 or hair spray?
04:57 hypodyne <iveevue> hypodyne, What types of robots are you interested in making?
04:57 RifRaf hair spray for abs
04:57 iveevue hypodyne, Right. Define "android"
04:57 RifRaf never used the tape but you should be fine with it for pla i think'
04:58 hypodyne human like... two arms, two legs, head on top and a body in the middle to tie it all together
04:58 iveevue That is a very big project...
04:58 hypodyne I've got 5 minutes
05:01 hypodyne what i want is some robotics kit to get me started. not too expensive but not trival..
05:02 iveevue Search the internet for some that interest you
05:02 iveevue There are plenty of kits
05:02 hypodyne roborobo looks okay
05:04 hypodyne lego maybe better though
05:07 rue_more RifRaf, how long would you say it takes for an idle hot nozzle to cook itself into a mess?
05:07 rue_more I have pla
05:07 RifRaf rue_more, many hours
05:07 rue_more cool
05:08 rue_more hypodyne, get some servos and a arduino
05:08 hypodyne okay
05:09 rue_more wow, an hour slipped by while I wasn't watching the clock
05:09 rue_more its not 2am anymore
05:10 RifRaf nearly 10pm
05:28 rue_more 3am, gnight
05:31 RifRaf wait one sec
05:31 RifRaf http://imgur.com/phj049K,KCUqyiF,V7gm8J9\
05:34 mrdata cute
05:34 mrdata ok, have that always look at motion in the room
15:39 cnnx I want to build a curiosity mars rover look-a-like for outdoors use on earth, of course with much less equipment and only solar arrays as a power source, does anyone know of a blue print I can use for the robot? book or web reference? or if i can buy the 6 wheel platform already made and build from that?
15:40 LoRez you do know that curiosity uses plutonium as a power source, right?
15:41 cnnx yes
15:41 cnnx rtg
15:41 cnnx i dont want to use that like i said
15:41 cnnx just solar power
15:41 LoRez it's good that you don't want to, since you'd have certain "Doc Brown" style issues...
16:10 Hyratel cnnx, if you're using solar panels, lookalike the MERs not the MSL
16:10 Hyratel the MSL you're better off using a 2 stroke weedeater engine
16:10 Hyratel because it has NO accomidation in its design for solar arrays
16:11 cnnx doesn't have to be a replica
16:11 cnnx i'm looking for a starting wheel platform
16:11 Hyratel you said lookalike
16:11 cnnx to build upon
16:11 cnnx yeah generally
16:11 Hyratel if you want rocker-bogie, you'll have to roll it up yourself, unfortunately
16:12 Hyratel however, check here -> https://www.sparkfun.com/pages/Actobotics
16:12 cnnx ok ty
16:12 Hyratel for a lot of parts that will be useful for what you're trying to do
16:12 Hyratel if you want "a 6 wheel rover", you can style after the MSL or MERs
16:13 Hyratel http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/mission/images/rover1_detail_500.jpg
16:13 Hyratel MER
16:13 Hyratel it's designed around solar collectors
16:13 cnnx yeah thats what I want
16:14 Hyratel that's MER Spirit/Opportunity
16:15 Hyratel http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/mission/images/rover1_detail_500.jpg
16:15 Hyratel this is MSL Curiosity, designed around an RTG and with no accomidation for solar
16:18 cnnx Hyratel: no one has to together a blueprint of all the required components to build this?
16:18 cnnx I would have to design it myself?
16:18 cnnx based on images
16:19 Hyratel ok, just for clarity - do you wnat "six wheel rover" (generic) or "full rocker bogie"
16:19 Hyratel https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11056
16:19 cnnx i'm pretty flexible but my initial goal was a 6 wheel
16:19 Hyratel or you could build one out of Actobotics
16:19 cnnx okay either is fine i guess
16:19 cnnx the nasa one looks better of course
16:19 cnnx but might be harder
16:20 Hyratel ...
16:20 Hyratel they're both NASA
16:20 Hyratel please clarify what you want to build
16:20 cnnx LIke I said I'm pretty open to either
16:21 Hyratel that doens't answer the question]
16:21 cnnx http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/mission/images/rover1_detail_500.jpg
16:21 cnnx this one then
16:21 cnnx a replica of that as close as possible
16:21 Hyratel OK, that's the MER Spirit/Opportunity design
16:22 ace4016 you realize most people don't go around designing rovers...
16:22 Hyratel it uses a rocker-bogie linkage on the wheels
16:22 Hyratel ace4016, *you* don't
16:22 Hyratel doens't mean other peopel don't
16:22 ace4016 *most*
16:22 ace4016 :P
16:22 Hyratel robotics and mechatronics
16:22 Hyratel https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33593534/images/Robot/DSCN2011-1k2.jpg
16:22 ace4016 which also means you're not going to have a BoM laying around with blueprints, waiting for someone to come by and build it
16:23 ace4016 got to do some design work yourself...
16:23 cnnx ok
16:23 Hyratel points noted, but could do with a little less disparaging
16:23 cnnx thanks for your help
16:23 Hyratel cnnx, I'm game for helpign though
16:23 Hyratel how big do you want, and what kind of budget do you have?
16:23 e4016 sh
16:23 cnnx Hyratel: i built my first indoor robot 3 years ago and now want to build an outdoor solar powered one
16:24 ace4016 the intent wasn't to be disparaging
16:24 Hyratel gotcha
16:24 cnnx i didnt set a budget yet
16:24 Hyratel cnnx, the pictured design cost around $600 to build
16:24 cnnx i want to make a spec document first
16:24 cnnx to see what features i want
16:24 Hyratel and it has few moving parts
16:24 Hyratel all it does is drive by remote control
16:25 Hyratel however, it does weigh nearly 60 pounds, and has an all-steel frame
16:26 cnnx i need something that can support a good payload for solar panels and deep cycle battery
16:26 Hyratel so you're looking at 200-300 pound vehicle
16:26 Hyratel you need a place to park it
16:26 cnnx only if i use a 100AH battery
16:26 cnnx can be smaller
16:27 Hyratel https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hAHfLJN0cwo0ZgO68Hn3EXThfr4vXLOB_4a85thiPAM/edit#gid=0
16:28 Hyratel this is going to be /expensive/
16:29 Hyratel I would not estimate less than $2000 for just what you're wanting to do at any size
16:29 cnnx i have a cellular modem already for communications
16:29 Hyratel nice. handy
16:29 cnnx will use a few linux sbc
16:29 cnnx for controls and OS
16:29 Hyratel so that's your connectivity solution?
16:29 cnnx and other telemetry from phidgets
16:29 cnnx cellular network
16:29 Hyratel you've got my intetrest piqued
16:30 Hyratel independent motor control? or simple skid steer?
16:30 Hyratel the MERs I think have articulated front and rear wheels
16:30 cnnx havent' decided that yet
16:31 Hyratel but your 100AH requirement is going to be heavy and/or expensive
16:31 cnnx yeah
16:31 cnnx might need to scale down
16:32 cnnx the 6 wheel platform robot u showed me is way too small
16:32 cnnx cant carry a battery that size and big panels
16:32 cnnx 2 x 80W pannels
16:32 Hyratel well i didn't know you wanted that much battery yet
16:33 cnnx actually 1 panel is better.. alot less heavy.. maybe a 120W
16:33 ace4016 just curious...how do you know what your power requirements are?
16:33 cnnx just estimating
16:33 ace4016 ah
16:33 Hyratel ok so
16:33 cnnx the heaviest demand is the motors
16:33 cnnx electronics dont use much
16:33 Hyratel the 2x80w Solar puts a minimum size on your footprint
16:33 cnnx high amp motors
16:33 Hyratel do you have an easy CAD softwware
16:33 Hyratel like Sketchup
16:33 cnnx yeah linux should have one
16:34 cnnx i'll check the package manager
16:34 Hyratel http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/06/install-google-sketchup-ubuntu1404/
16:34 ace4016 just a recommendation: if you're going to be doing this by design spec and all, you're probably better off starting with some high level requirements and working your way to a design to meet those requirements. a high level requirement wouldn't set the power up front unless it's part of another system that has a power cap or so
16:35 Hyratel ace4016, well using the solar panel size to define the capacities is actually a good way to go. you have the weight of the panels and their footprint and the power output agvailable
16:35 cnnx i can install librecad
16:35 cnnx which is 2D cad
16:36 Hyratel you need 3D spatial
16:36 Hyratel see link i posted
16:36 cnnx sketch up is not in portage
16:36 Hyratel and sketchup is good for quick throw-together
16:36 Hyratel portage?
16:36 cnnx gentoo's package manager
16:36 cnnx i dont use windowsd
16:36 cnnx windows
16:36 Hyratel ...
16:36 ace4016 Hyratel, true, but where did the requirement for the panel size come from?
16:36 Hyratel WINE
16:36 ace4016 :D
16:37 Hyratel http://alternativeto.net/software/google-sketchup/?platform=linux
16:37 cnnx http://www.openscad.org/
16:37 cnnx this looks good, and its in my package manager
16:37 Hyratel ok
16:39 Hyratel ace4016, you have to start somewhere
16:39 Rif openscad is great
16:40 ace4016 you do; i don't think defining the component before you know you need it is the starting point
16:40 cnnx I should design the entire thing before buying anything
16:40 ace4016 unless your intent is that one component
16:40 ace4016 like picking a gun (GAU-8) and building a plane around it (A-10)
16:40 ace4016 but that's not very common :P
16:41 e4016 sh
16:42 ace4016 just a recommendation
16:42 cnnx there's a lot to consider.. right wiring sizes based on how many amps your motors pull, choosing the matching motor control to spec, etc
16:43 Hyratel cnnx, also -
16:43 Hyratel consider this thought
16:43 Hyratel have you ever built a wheeled vehicle before?
16:43 cnnx yes
16:43 cnnx a small indoor robot
16:43 cnnx 2 wheels and a caster
16:43 Hyratel how big?
16:43 Hyratel ok yeah
16:43 Hyratel you should go intermediate
16:43 cnnx maybe 2 cubic feet
16:43 Hyratel https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33593534/images/Robot/DSCN2011-1k2.jpg
16:44 cnnx whats in the toolbox? electronics?
16:44 cnnx is it waterproof?
16:44 Hyratel this is 2x 1/2 HP, skid steer. 18 AH lead battery, andnot quite weatherproof but close enough
16:44 Hyratel https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33593534/images/Robot/DSCN2012-1k2.jpg
16:44 Hyratel it's weather resistant
16:47 Hyratel how heavy was your indoor rover?
16:47 cnnx its pretty heavy.. it has an 8gu1 battery on it
16:47 cnnx thats the heaviest part
16:47 Hyratel I don't know that designation
16:47 cnnx didnt weigh the whole thing
16:48 cnnx 23lbs battery
16:48 cnnx made by deka solar
16:48 Hyratel that's pretty heavy
16:48 cnnx i always buy deep cycle batteries for my projects
16:48 Hyratel how big are the motors?
16:48 cnnx well not all
16:49 cnnx very small
16:49 cnnx dont recall the specs i built it 3 years ago
16:49 Hyratel https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33593534/images/Robot/DSCN2013.JPG
16:49 Hyratel 1/2 HP brushed DC motors here
16:49 cnnx i can take a pic of the whole thing if you want
16:49 Hyratel sure
16:49 cnnx hang on
16:51 cnnx actually i wont
16:51 cnnx dont want you guys to laugh at me
16:51 cnnx lol
16:51 cnnx its made out of wood the platform
16:51 Hyratel hey. no shame in that
16:52 Hyratel are you wanting a lively or sedate robot? for outdoots
16:52 Hyratel outdoors
16:52 cnnx well
16:52 Hyratel because lively has a LOT different design reqs than a sedate one and the mars rovers are /very/ sedate
16:53 Hyratel they're ill-suited to being turned into a lively design
16:53 cnnx i was thinking since i have a backyard something that I can completely control indoors replicating a mission control post, not ever having to manually go to the rover.. like a mars exploration for the backyard, with redudant systems for failover
16:53 Hyratel ok, now we're getting somewhere in this.
16:53 Hyratel you want a remove rover with cameras, yes?
16:53 Hyratel remote
16:54 cnnx yes
16:54 cnnx multiple
16:54 cnnx obstacle avoidance
16:54 cnnx and guidance
16:54 Hyratel a sedate rover is ill-suited to a backyard kind of setting
16:54 cnnx maybe some 3d modelling if i learn how
16:54 cnnx i've seen camewras that genmerate a realtime 3d model of what they see
16:55 Hyratel I'd suggest starting with the chassis system
16:55 Hyratel show pics already
16:55 cnnx yeah
16:55 Hyratel once you get down the remote ops, you can add logic
16:56 Hyratel so, you said you have a cell modem?
16:56 Hyratel what unit, out of curiosity
16:56 cnnx yeah its a usb one
16:56 cnnx from bell mobility
16:56 cnnx just need to re-activate it with sim card
16:56 cnnx should work under linux from what i read
16:57 Hyratel have you seen sparkfun's unlimited-data sim?
16:57 cnnx i dont live in the usa
16:57 cnnx sparkfun is usa
16:57 Hyratel see if they have a retailer you can get it thorugh
16:59 Hyratel http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/prepaid-internet
17:00 cnnx yeah we have something similar
17:00 cnnx with bell mobility
17:01 Hyratel mmk
17:02 Hyratel what model of USB modem do you have? I wonder if it can be tinkered with
17:02 cnnx novotel Y679
17:02 cnnx U679
17:03 cnnx U679exit
17:03 cnnx oops
17:03 cnnx wrong window
17:05 Hyratel well, interfacing that with an arduino won't be easy
17:05 cnnx i won't be using arduino
17:05 Hyratel but you said you were going the SBC route?
17:05 cnnx yes
17:05 cnnx thats how i built my other robot
17:05 cnnx i used an atom sbc motherboard and another linux sbc from embeddedarm.com
17:05 Hyratel how will you interface that with a robot controller?
17:06 cnnx connect it to a motor controller
17:06 ring0 is it possible to use a different ide than labview for the kuka youbots?
17:06 cnnx and write to the device
17:06 Hyratel what motor controller
17:06 cnnx which ever i chose
17:06 cnnx choose
17:06 Hyratel *facepalm*
17:06 cnnx in my robot i used one from pollulu
17:06 Hyratel the pololu USB servo thing
17:06 cnnx don't remember would have to check
17:07 cnnx i wrote a C program to control it
17:07 Hyratel http://www.pololu.com/product/208
17:07 cnnx no
17:07 cnnx that controls a servo
17:07 cnnx the one i have is a motor controller
17:07 Hyratel aha http://www.pololu.com/product/1350
17:07 cnnx higher ampoerage
17:07 Hyratel no no
17:07 Hyratel you don't understand
17:08 Hyratel motor controllers take servo signals
17:08 Hyratel at least all the ones I've used do
17:08 cnnx anyways no matter what you choose as hardware you have to figure it out all out to make it work together
17:09 Hyratel http://www.andymark.com/
17:09 Hyratel http://www.andymark.com/Talon-p/am-talon.htm
17:11 Hyratel I've been in FIRST Robotics for 9 years, I hope I know what I'm talking about
19:15 rue_shop2 not all motor controllers in the world take servo signals...
19:16 Tom_itx no
19:16 Tom_itx some take voltage change
21:56 rue_more wow, I took and sudoassembled the flashlight upgrade with a 5W led, ...
21:56 rue_more WOW
21:56 rue_more at only 250/300mA it lights up ... everything
21:57 orlock lit like a bright day after you juyst crawled out of a cave?
21:58 rue_more yea
21:58 rue_more the light from the led has a pretty good spread
21:58 rue_more but its warm white :/
21:58 rue_more aha!
21:58 e_more buys another
22:01 Hyratel why is warm white not ok
22:02 rue_more I just hate it
22:02 Hyratel you're weird sir
22:02 rue_more no
22:02 rue_more 1/3 of people are like me
22:02 rue_more I dont always know which 3rd, but sometimes its a whole person
22:18 rue_more so I'm going to rebuild the suspension system for the reprap table, tighten some things up
22:18 rue_more and maybe it'll be ready to try to print soemthing
22:19 orlock you tries to print but it came out wrong
22:19 orlock ?
22:20 Rif suspention system?
22:20 rue_more no the spring system that holds the bed up isn't gonna work
22:21 Rif springs are bad
22:22 rue_more Rif, you have a heated bed right?
22:22 Rif yes
22:22 rue_more know how much current it pulls?
22:22 rue_more I see one listed says 2 ohms
22:22 Rif closer to 1 ohm generally
22:22 rue_more the bed?
22:22 Rif 10 amps or so
22:23 rue_more eeek
22:23 rue_more 120W?
22:23 Rif but currently i have a huxley bed, only about 2 amps at 12v
22:23 Rif has near 5 ohm resistance
22:23 rue_more what is target bed temp?
22:23 Rif yeah 120 give or take a few, might be closer to 100
22:23 Rif 120C
22:23 rue_more ohm -v 12 -r 5
22:23 rue_more Wattage is: 28.800001
22:23 rue_more Current is: 2.400000
22:23 rue_more Voltage is: 12.000000
22:23 rue_more Resistance is : 5.000000
22:24 rue_more hmm
22:24 Rif 120 C for ABS, i sometimes drop that to about 105 after the first few layers
22:24 rue_more so I can use nichrome wire if I use high temp silicone to bond it
22:25 Rif just get a heater pcb
22:25 rue_more they are $11 and 22 days away
22:25 Rif they are cheaper than a blank pcb now
22:25 rue_more how is your bed mounted to the sliders then?
22:25 Rif with my y carriage plate i sell
22:25 rue_more ah thats what you meant
22:26 Rif http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/181582752153?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
22:27 rue_more so the bearings mount to that, and the hotplate goes on top of that with a peice of glass over?
22:28 rue_more ah, your slots are to seat the UU8 in and the holes are for zip ties
22:30 rue_more I dont get what the corners connect tho
22:31 orlock There was a local shop selling 3d printers for about $450 - cant see that model now
22:31 orlock they are all $1200+
22:31 Rif yes, and i squuze in same cardboard/mdf between the aluminium and heater
22:32 Rif for insulation and to push it against the glass better
22:32 orlock http://www.aurarum.com.au/
22:32 Rif yes zipties ot the various bearing mounts you can buy if you want to be afancy
22:32 Rif have drilled holes for all of them, also for LM8uu or LM10uu
22:33 Rif it may not work directly on your i2 though, is best for i3
22:38 Rif rue_more, the corners connect the matching holes in the red heater bed, using 3 or 4 point mounting
22:51 rue_more hmm
22:52 rue_more so then, how do ya level the bed
22:52 rue_more I was told use ridgid springs and let the heater hit the bed onteh first layer
22:52 rue_more springs take up the diff
22:53 rue_more the Z axis can push more than hard enough to break the glass
22:58 rue_more aha, I can use the SSR to turn on a ceramic heater, have an avr with a wireless rf module control it, have the computer start it 10 mins bfore I leave for work
22:58 rue_more and I can reset it with a button as I take it out of the car
22:59 rue_more its 16c in here, why are my feet so cold
23:59 RifRaf rue_more, if you biuld the y carriage properly it is always level
23:59 RifRaf i never worry about level, just tweek the z hieght which takes about 5 seconds at start of print