#robotics Logs

Nov 15 2014

#robotics Calendar

03:39 orlock yay it sseems to work
03:40 orlock rue: dunno WTF was up with the beeps - it was beeping because there wasnt a PCI video card (which it was set to use)
03:40 orlock PCI video card is also the bridge to the aquisition board, and handles the TFT display
03:40 orlock anyway, all works now it seems, just needs to be cased up again
11:20 rue_house orlock, good wiggling!
11:21 rue_house maybe it was reverse corrupting the memory bus
17:46 rue_shop2 ok I etched a pcb, made a special pipe fitting for the etching tanks bubbler and ....
17:46 rue_shop2 hmm
18:00 Tom_itx doin better now?
18:53 rue_shop2 things are getitng there, lots of vistors
18:56 GuShH visitors?
19:00 Tom_itx GuShH!
19:01 GuShH hey
19:01 GuShH did I tell you about the lot of rusty lathes I got? heh
19:01 Tom_itx what'd you ever do with all that metal you got?
19:01 Tom_itx no
19:01 GuShH I've been trying to identify the automatic lathe / screw machine
19:02 GuShH looks like an older type
19:02 GuShH Tom_itx: last update on the mill was the table, I cleaned that up but not much else. I need to finish the paint on the other parts.
19:04 GuShH so I managed to get 5 lathes for about 800 bucks, part of an auction. of course one is missing the motor, most if not all of them are missing the coolant pumps, etc. but great deal if you ask me. two turrets, one auto, two parallels -- one big-ish, the other southbend sized
19:04 GuShH and a big ass box full of pneumatic and automation crap
19:04 Tom_itx yep
19:04 Tom_itx good score
19:04 GuShH seems they were running oil and air
19:04 Tom_itx tooling is a bonus too
19:05 GuShH I guess I could use those actuators for something
19:06 GuShH lots of rust, grime and they smell terrible. my only issue is with the modifications they made to the machines, since I can't find some of the original parts.
19:07 GuShH the screw machine looks like something out of rue's shop
19:12 ShH floods Tom_itx's
19:19 GuShH I know I'm nuts...
19:22 Tom_itx maybe a little
19:25 GuShH current state on the auto lathe... only spent about an hour making it work http://i.imgur.com/vX3CnfL.jpg
19:26 GuShH wish I could find some documentation on this thing
19:26 GuShH there are some rusty spots but other than that, it seems in good condition -- needs cleanup
19:26 GuShH also, don't tell OSHA.
19:27 Tom_itx cam driven thing of some sort
19:27 GuShH yeah
19:27 GuShH it has two cam drives
19:27 GuShH another on the back
19:27 GuShH that one actuates the collet and the feed
19:27 Tom_itx probably alot missing
19:27 Tom_itx we had sets of cams for some i used to run
19:28 Tom_itx definitely specialized
19:30 GuShH hmmm yeah it has some cam "bits"
19:30 GuShH but it doesn't use cam plates
19:30 GuShH instead you bolt different portions to those round parts
19:30 GuShH it might be missing part of the feed mechanism, but everything else works
19:30 Tom_itx i see one on the left there
19:31 GuShH thought that was the collet closer/opener
19:31 GuShH some slides are stuck, so I can't do a full cycle
19:31 GuShH unless I want to damage something
19:31 GuShH it was used to make small brass knobs for plumb bobs....
19:32 GuShH there's one almost finished in the collet
19:32 GuShH some idiot removed the hss tooling so I can't just power it up and see it work as-is
19:33 GuShH anyway, bought a turret lathe and it came with 4 extra junks
19:33 ShH sh
19:37 GuShH I also don't fully get the point of this short bed lathe...http://imgur.com/sltMC2c the toolpost carries at least 1 inch tooling, the motor is 3hp 3 phase and it has 3 belts in parallel... that thing sure was meant for hogging big chunks of metal. Some idiot pseudo-automated the apron, so I'm missing a few parts but it's workable.
19:38 GuShH that box leaning on the back is the automation crap
19:38 GuShH rue_bed: our chinky lathe tailstocks fit inside the center gap of that tailstock
19:39 GuShH anyway I might just get rid of the rest
19:54 rue_more is it a cut off longer lathe?
19:55 rue_more GuShH, what about the tailstock?
19:57 GuShH rue_more: no, that is how it came
19:57 GuShH short bed
19:57 rue_more our tailstocks fit inside center gap of tailstock
19:57 GuShH yes, just to give you a size reference
19:57 rue_more oh your referencing two lathes
19:57 GuShH the tailstock on the chinky lathes look like toys compared to this one
19:57 rue_more any chance it was cut short?
19:58 GuShH sure, anything is possible
19:58 GuShH but I've seen short beds like this on some setups
19:58 GuShH this wasn't an engine lathe to begin with
19:58 rue_more the cross slide can darn near traverse the whole thing
19:59 GuShH it doesn't seem like it was a longer bed cut short
19:59 rue_more without moving the carrige
19:59 rue_more huh
19:59 rue_more any manuf. names on it?
19:59 GuShH not that I could find
19:59 GuShH some of these were specialized machines for an assembly line
19:59 rue_more the dovetail is backwards
19:59 GuShH older style were usually like that :p
20:00 GuShH you have no micrometer handles at all
20:00 rue_more Id ont like turret, I like lamppost
20:00 GuShH back in the day they had to have a specific machine for a specific operation, pretty much
20:00 GuShH rue_more: I need the turrets for small production jobs
20:01 GuShH they are far more reliable than any home-made "cnc" crap
20:01 rue_more centering bits on a turret is a pain
20:01 GuShH plus you CAN automate them
20:01 GuShH once I get the big one back in one piece I'll make a video
20:01 GuShH must source some caster wheels for them
20:02 rue_more any known history on it?
20:02 GuShH rue_more: all I know is they came from a small company
20:03 GuShH their last production line was for plumb bobs... (lawl)
20:03 GuShH the automation parts included an automatic oiler
20:03 GuShH they had oiler lines everywhere
20:03 rue_more I wonder if they had a formed cutter
20:03 GuShH I'm pretty sure I can repurpose the pneumatics to suit my needs
20:03 rue_more one plunge
20:03 GuShH they did for a bunch of things
20:04 GuShH rue_more: I'ma get you a pic of what the auto lathe was doing, since the brass bar is still in the spindle. it was the top knob on the plumb bobs
20:04 rue_more wow
20:05 rue_more obsolete in mid run
20:05 rue_more mm no carrige feed
20:06 rue_more freehand threading:) move steady!
20:08 GuShH rue_more: yeah I don't know what it was used for, but they had no need for threading with that machine
20:08 GuShH they had most of the machines automated and for specific operations
20:08 rue_more hahah you could thread screws up to 1" long!
20:08 GuShH >_<
20:09 GuShH I already have a lathe for threading operations, who cares
20:11 GuShH the difference is that this stuff is solid, compared to the china shit, even with some wear you can rebuild them easily
20:11 GuShH with a leadscrew you'd probably have most of the gears missing or a broken gearbox, which is common
20:12 GuShH but say you want to machine a big chunk of steel relatively fast, as an intermediate operation... that thing is useful
20:13 GuShH either way if I determine I have no use for it, the thing goes on ebay so who cares
20:13 GuShH rue_more: as promised http://imgur.com/GHxKf3N
20:13 GuShH I find that amusing
20:13 GuShH and it just makes me want to restore that particular machine just to watch it
20:14 GuShH as setup, it was most likely drilling the bottom portion of one while it was forming the next one, then parting by the third "link"
20:14 GuShH the parting blade is still there
20:15 GuShH coolant-side view :p
20:16 GuShH the setup time for these machines was huge
20:16 GuShH but I know nothing about that particular one
20:16 GuShH it has a sliding tailstock, meaning it can slide back and forth to switch tooling (2 positions)
20:17 GuShH I'm waiting on the penetrating oil to loosen things up (most likely it won't) so I can start restoring it tomorrow
20:22 rue_shop2 is it warm?
20:22 GuShH what is?
20:23 rue_shop2 the metal the oil is on
20:23 GuShH any advice? also suggestions on colors for the paint :p
20:23 GuShH it was up to 34°C today
20:23 rue_shop2 dark green
20:23 GuShH that machine is outside
20:23 GuShH dark green could work
20:24 rue_shop2 the other toption is grey, and that.... meh
20:24 GuShH machine grey and a type of blue is what I've been using
20:24 GuShH see http://imgur.com/a/Unbsz
20:25 GuShH ah, can't see the grey (actually called white-ice)
20:25 rue_shop2 I have a colour called 'new shoe' for people who come up with colour names like tangerine and white-ice
20:26 GuShH rue_shop2: haha, but the label says that
20:26 GuShH the blue also has a weird name
20:26 GuShH you kinda need to know the name to order it
20:26 GuShH I went with a custom mixed colour last time and it sucked
20:27 rue_shop2 the phones I get come in 'dolphin grey' or 'slate' one of them is beighish and ugly
20:27 GuShH the blue is "traful" I don't know what it means
20:27 rue_shop2 I'm gonna work on the reprap
20:28 GuShH rue_shop2: what's wrong with it?
20:28 GuShH have you any clues as to what this gripper could have been used for? http://i.imgur.com/iyKWQJi.jpg
20:28 GuShH the actuator still works, I had a laugh holding tools with it
20:29 GuShH this guy was into some weird inventions
20:29 GuShH too bad this is all I know of him
20:30 GuShH thank goodness for electrolysis though.
20:31 rue_shop2 well, it grabs and pulls
20:32 GuShH for what purpose though
20:32 rue_shop2 whats it mounted to?
20:32 GuShH nothing
20:32 GuShH should have been mounted on one of the lathes
20:32 GuShH don't know which one
20:32 GuShH or how
20:32 rue_shop2 prolly for pulling the work forward/ out of the chuck
20:32 GuShH all I could think of was that this was meant to grab the part, move it to the tray and release it
20:32 rue_shop2 I'd presume they stuck a long bar in the chuck?
20:33 rue_shop2 and it'd be hot after a heavy cut
20:33 GuShH the turrets had bar feeds
20:33 GuShH at least the big one does
20:33 rue_shop2 huh
20:33 GuShH for feeding from long stock
20:33 rue_shop2 it looks like its meant to stop its victim from spinning
20:33 GuShH lol
20:33 GuShH maybe! I found extra "jaws" for it
20:34 GuShH in a drawer
20:34 rue_shop2 whats it covered in?
20:34 GuShH oil and dirt
20:34 GuShH maybe some metal powder
20:34 GuShH everything is CAKED
20:34 rue_shop2 any specific wear on it?
20:35 rue_shop2 the jaws?
20:35 GuShH I didn't look close enough
20:35 GuShH I don't think the push-pull cylinder works properly, maybe bad seal
20:35 GuShH the other one does work fine
20:35 GuShH I can lift the whole assembly once it's gripping a chunk of wood
20:36 rue_shop2 huh
20:36 rue_shop2 I wonder if those are home brew cylinders
20:36 GuShH hard to say
20:36 GuShH everything is FESTO
20:36 GuShH not sure on cylinders
20:37 GuShH we'll see once I take some apart
20:37 GuShH whatever they were doing was meant for a very specific operation
20:37 GuShH hard to tweak it to a different operation
20:37 GuShH so my idea is to revert everything back to how it was, and then fool around
20:38 GuShH did I tell you about the turret lathe cross slide being mounted on top of the headstock of the smaller south-bend clone?
20:38 GuShH and the headstock of that machine is mounted at an angle
20:38 GuShH to actually machine the cone of the plumb bob
20:39 GuShH hilarious
20:39 GuShH the guy probably figured it was easier than dealing with a diy taper attachment
20:39 rue_shop2 why not just set the cross slide for it...
20:40 rue_shop2 calc "0b00010000(ResultBase=16)"
20:40 rue_shop2 0b00010000(ResultBase=16) -->> 0x10
20:40 rue_shop2 :) this calc program of mine is getting handy
20:42 GuShH rue_shop2: or a tailstock off-center, except he needed to machine a cone down to a point... plus who knows why he tilted the headstock instead?
20:43 GuShH oh it doesn't have a tailstock, that particular lathe
20:43 GuShH sadly
20:43 GuShH instead he mounted a pneumatic cylinder to push the whole cross-slide back and forth
20:49 rue_shop2 how much equip did you get?
20:50 GuShH rue_shop2: ?? 5 lathes for 800 bucks delivered
20:50 rue_shop2 I have a lathe, I cant even fit the bench grinder in the shop
20:50 GuShH including a set of collets, not really complete
20:50 rue_shop2 wholy ***!
20:50 GuShH dude that's the price for just 1 turret lathe here, I had to bid.
20:50 rue_shop2 well, good show
20:51 GuShH what's up with your bench grinder?
20:51 rue_shop2 fix up and sell a few of are there no buyers?
20:51 GuShH there are
20:51 rue_shop2 I have no room for it in the shop
20:51 GuShH mine sits on a ... hmm, shelf.
20:51 GuShH I need to make a pedestal for it
20:51 GuShH specially so I can take it outside
20:52 GuShH but my grinder sucks
20:52 Jak_o_Shadows I may be getting a new shed in a few months
20:52 Jak_o_Shadows I'm already excited
20:52 GuShH I wish I had a proper 3 phase big boy grinder
20:52 GuShH and a polisher
20:52 rue_shop2 I made a pedistal from a brake drum and a ... thing....
20:52 GuShH and 7 lovers
20:52 rue_shop2 it sits outside under a cover
20:52 GuShH oooh I have brake discs
20:52 GuShH we all lack space, don't worry that's a universal issue
20:52 GuShH well except for jay leno
20:52 GuShH that guy!
20:52 Jak_o_Shadows It's going to be 6 m^2 bigger, have power, and in general be better
20:53 GuShH I wonder how much he pays in taxes alone for his garages
20:53 rue_shop2 I plan the new house to have a 1200 square foot 'unfinished basement'
20:53 GuShH Jak_o_Shadows: awesome :D
20:53 GuShH rue_shop2: aka monster shop
20:53 rue_shop2 not by the time I get it
20:53 GuShH rue_shop2: must make sure there's an easy way to get stuff in and out
20:54 Jak_o_Shadows I'll be able to rearrange stuff, to have bench's on both sides
20:54 rue_shop2 I have (outside) the table saw, horizontal band saw, bench grinder, sand blasting booth, crosscut saw, .....
20:54 rue_shop2 "outside" = under cover of some sort
20:54 rue_shop2 but grrr
20:55 rue_shop2 I have a veritcle bandsaw that needs repair, and I dont have room for that
20:55 rue_shop2 doubel doors to ground level
20:55 rue_shop2 and maybe I'll try to work in a gantry crane this time
20:56 Jak_o_Shadows I figure i'll have one bench ofr projects, the other with mounted tools on it
20:56 Jak_o_Shadows Maybe the 3d printer
20:56 GuShH I got a sandblasting kit for the pressure washer and.... the washer died before I could try it
20:56 GuShH so I tried to get it inside the jetta so I could bring it to the store for the warranty repair, wouldn't budge.
20:57 GuShH went over there and asked them if they could send a truck within the upcoming week heh
20:57 Jak_o_Shadows I'll run ethernet down there, and have a wifi extender.
20:57 rue_shop2 oh yea, the new compressor is under a tarp too
20:57 GuShH rue_shop2: I know how it feels :(
20:58 GuShH I wish I could make a big ass shop but legally speaking ... tax wise, that is just out of reach
20:58 GuShH oh I almost got a quad head compressor but it would be sitting outside right now
20:58 rue_shop2 the mortuage doubled the cost of my place
20:58 rue_shop2 if it weren't for that, I could be way way farther ahead
20:58 GuShH taxes went 3x within a year for me
20:58 rue_shop2 hopefully I dont die before I get there
20:58 GuShH so, likewise
20:59 GuShH they're shoving a stick up my... soul
20:59 GuShH you'll get there :p
20:59 GuShH alive and in one piece
20:59 GuShH maybe two pieces, one robotic
21:02 e_shop2 turns down the draft fan on the boiler -- the exhaust temp guage is up to "uh
21:11 rue_shop2 ok I have to put pullup resistors on the stepper drivers reset lines
21:24 rue_shop2 I need to make an automated chimney cap for the boiler
21:24 rue_shop2 I'm thinking a cable drive of some kind
21:24 rue_shop2 the chimney flaps around like a flag on a bike
21:25 rue_shop2 so I cant put much of anythning on it I dont want shaken loose in a few days
21:39 Tom_itx mmm
21:40 Tom_itx why does it shake around so much?
21:40 Tom_itx poor design?
21:41 rue_shop2 I cant for the life of me get it balanced right
21:41 rue_shop2 I was looking up dynamic balancers last night and I think I know how to makeone
21:42 rue_shop2 its on the pile of plausable projects
21:42 rue_shop2 PPP Plausable Projects Pile
21:45 Tom_itx https://plus.google.com/photos/108164504656404380542/albums/5747722155741347649/6082066575651974066?pid=6082066575651974066&oid=108164504656404380542
21:45 Tom_itx you should fix your aluminum pot
21:45 Tom_itx 10m of Brightray alloy wrapped round an alumina tube for a 2kW element, then all wrapped in ceramic wool blanket.
21:46 rue_shop2 who is makign what with that?
21:46 Tom_itx https://plus.google.com/photos/108164504656404380542/albums/5747722155741347649/6082066602587164594?pid=6082066602587164594&oid=108164504656404380542
21:47 Tom_itx andypugh on #linuxcnc
21:47 rue_shop2 for heat treating?
21:47 Tom_itx got the ceramic cylinder off ebay for cheap
21:47 Tom_itx yes
21:47 rue_shop2 I have a small kiln
21:48 Tom_itx <andypugh> I have had it up to 850C (1500F)
21:49 rue_shop2 I wonder how many new repraps are built every day
21:49 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, my kiln melted a pot of brass for me
21:49 rue_shop2 thats over 1200c
21:49 Tom_itx A. too many
21:49 Tom_itx B. cool
21:49 Tom_itx err hot
21:49 rue_shop2 :)
21:51 rue_shop2 so whats your reason for not building a 3d printer?
21:54 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271481533974?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
21:54 Tom_itx that's what he used
21:54 Tom_itx i have no need for one
21:54 Tom_itx (3d printer)
21:55 rue_shop2 I dont either, but you dont think it would make a nice toy?
21:55 Tom_itx i have no room for more junk
22:01 Jak_o_Shadows 3mm mdf is cheaper than coreflute...
22:46 rue_shop3 ok, lots of working happening with the reprap
22:47 rue_shop3 now it needs limit switches
22:47 Jak_o_Shadows I have yet to decide how to mount my limit switches. I have the switches, have to wire thyem, and figure out how to mount them.
22:51 rue_shop3 do it like a true reprapper, use gum and glue, then print an overly elaborate bracket and upgrade to it
22:51 rue_shop3 er, gum and popsicle sticks
22:52 Jak_o_Shadows I was probably going to print a bracket. It was not going to be overly elaborate
22:52 rue_shop3 there are do-ers and talk-ers ya know!
22:52 rue_shop3 oh it will be by the time your done
22:54 RifRaf zip ties and hot glue work for me
22:54 rue_shop3 awe damnit, I forgot the extra driver for the z
22:55 RifRaf both motors will run off 1 driver ok
22:56 rue_shop3 its not a good way to do it, but I'm gonna upgrade this from the nema23 anyhow
22:56 rue_shop3 is the plan
22:56 Jak_o_Shadows As a side note, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/woodCutPlan.PNG is the cutting plan for the wood, for the frame of it
22:56 rue_shop3 :)
22:56 rue_shop3 folding the peices out of descent metal works too
22:56 Jak_o_Shadows I have the wood sitting on top of the desk next to me.
22:57 RifRaf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104809629/woodCutPlan.PNG
22:58 rue_shop3 the motor linkage things that came with my kit really suck
22:58 rue_shop3 I dont think they will make it to the first print test
22:59 RifRaf motor linkage things?
22:59 rue_shop3 for the z motors
22:59 rue_shop3 they are 2 part plastic clamps
22:59 rue_shop3 from what I can tell, most people are using the split spring linkage things
23:00 rue_shop3 ^^ I'm thinking the ability for me to stay up til 2am might not be in me tonight
23:03 rue_shop3 what axis is the bed? x or y?
23:06 Tom_itx both
23:06 rue_shop3 hahah, should expect things to be that organized
23:06 Tom_itx is it a gantry?
23:06 rue_shop3 have all my prints come out mirrored
23:06 Tom_itx if so x is the bed
23:06 rue_shop3 its a mendel
23:06 Tom_itx Y is the gantry
23:07 Tom_itx it could be z but you'd have to adjust your prints accordingly :D
23:08 RifRaf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7lN6G8k6EI
23:09 RifRaf bed moves in Y axis
23:09 RifRaf x carriage in X axis
23:10 rue_shop3 rif, do you know the 'get limit sensor status' command?
23:11 RifRaf M119
23:12 rue_shop3 sweet
23:12 Tom_itx http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code
23:12 Tom_itx there's your list
23:12 rue_shop3 I dont even have to interpret it from some decimal result code
23:16 rue_shop3 I went and used some supid opto for the z, I have to set up a board to operate it
23:17 RifRaf any small microswitch is all you need
23:18 rue_shop3 from my cnc I have learned that optos are much much more repeatable
23:19 RifRaf yes but i tweek the first level of every print anyway, so near enough is always good enough
23:19 RifRaf using the Z knobs on top of Z threaded rod
23:20 rue_shop3 boxes of good times, the osmc baord is in here...
23:20 RifRaf great board, still have all mine too
23:24 rue_shop3 hmm ok, none of the opto baord left, if I can just remember how that circuit went
23:25 rue_shop3 RifRaf, did you use any thermal paste between your heater and the head?
23:25 rue_shop3 I have heat sink compound in there, but I think it comes apart at those temps
23:28 RifRaf no
23:28 RifRaf just the grub screw
23:28 RifRaf and some kapton around it and the thermistor
23:51 rue_shop3 figures, the optos output is backwards
23:51 rue_shop3 hahah
23:51 rue_shop3 ok ok I got a good one
23:51 rue_shop3 I bought some 1 gate 7414 chips!
23:51 rue_shop3 hahah
23:52 rue_shop3 where did I put them...
23:53 rue_shop3 sot6
23:57 rue_shop3 oooor...
23:57 rue_shop3 I put in a 7486 and run each limit thru it
23:58 rue_shop3 yea I like that bettter
23:59 rue_shop3 wait that dosn't add up
23:59 rue_shop3 no that works better