#robotics Logs

Nov 02 2014

#robotics Calendar

01:08 rue_shop2 avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m328p -U lfuse:r:-:h -U hfuse:r:-:h -U efuse:r:-:h
01:20 rue_shop2 I have the sneaking suspicion that these have the wrong crystal in them
01:25 rue_shop2 aha
01:25 rue_shop2 that would do it
01:25 rue_shop2 RxD isn't the same pin as RxD
02:47 rue_shop2 hahahahhahaha
02:47 rue_shop2 hahahah
02:47 rue_shop2 ahaha
02:47 rue_shop2 ahahhahaha
02:47 rue_shop2 the thermal database just froze (the graph values stopped) I just realized its cause of dst
02:48 rue_shop2 some part of the system isn't sure when now it
02:48 rue_shop2 is
03:13 rue_shop2 "Provided you dont take time to drain snot out of your head, pee, poop, eat, sleep, or get sick, it will take me 4 years to explain to you. Are you SURE you want me to explain this to you?"
03:32 rue_shop2 the servos I used on arm9 are not nearly as stable as the ones on arm8
03:44 deshipu smaller dead band?
03:45 rue_shop2 there are a few things going on
03:45 rue_shop2 I'm noticing that my interpolator could work better too
03:45 deshipu INTERPOLATE!
03:46 rue_shop2 it should update the servos at 50hz no matter what the rate of position change is, but instead it breaks the path down into a predefined number of steps
03:46 rue_shop2 and then issues them over a fixed timing period
03:46 deshipu ah, that's bad
03:48 rue_shop2 I dont think I can come up with the formula right now to change it
03:48 rue_shop2 its 1:30am
03:48 rue_shop2 something like steps = pathTime/.05
03:48 rue_shop2 and using 50Hz update
03:49 rue_shop2 4 bytes to a packet
03:49 rue_shop2 9600 baud
03:49 rue_shop2 6 channels
03:49 rue_shop2 hmm, min baud should be 12000
03:50 rue_shop2 maybe, update at 40hz
03:50 rue_shop2 yea 40hz is 9600 on the nose
03:52 rue_shop2 33Hz, steps = pathTime/.03;
03:53 rue_shop2 oh, thats not hard to change...
03:56 rue_shop2 how many us is .03 seconds
03:56 rue_shop2 30ms
03:56 rue_shop2 30000us
04:02 rue_shop2 well, I can only attribute how easy that was to good coding :)
04:02 rue_shop2 I didn't even have to change hte library, just how I call it
04:02 rue_shop2 much smoother
04:02 rue_shop2 but the base rotation still kinda sucks
04:03 rue_shop2 the mechanics oscillate on their own
04:04 rue_shop2 it would be much better if I put a little fiction damper on it
04:04 rue_shop2 its all ball bearing
04:06 rue_shop2 there is about a 3 or 4 cycle ring when the robot turns and stops
04:08 rue_shop2 I need to put lots of leds on this one
07:15 orlock rue: you awake?
09:01 SolarNRG hi has anyone here ever messed about with pressure cookers before?
09:36 Tom_itx what about em?
10:00 SolarNRG u ever made a distillery out of one?
10:10 Tom_itx no
10:10 Tom_itx from what i can see it looks pretty dangerous
10:12 Steffanx you cnc can be pretty dangerous too Tom_itx :P
10:12 Tom_itx naw
10:13 Tom_itx ever been burned by steam from a pressure cooker?
10:13 Tom_itx it's damn hot!
10:13 Steffanx actually never ever seen one on "real life"
10:13 Tom_itx hmm
10:13 Tom_itx we used to can stuff from the garden
10:17 Tom_itx btw, why do they call it 'canning' when you use jars?
10:21 deshipu Tom_itx: I would fear explosion more
10:21 deshipu Tom_itx: you can use cans too, jars are easier to reuse
11:25 rue_house wait, why CANT the teamaker have an ethernet jack?
11:47 rue_house I'm sure of the machine were big and black a square we would expect it to have one
13:01 rue_house ooooh, I know why its so early, except when I'm looking at the analog kitchen clock
13:03 mrdata :)
13:04 mrdata only my bedroom clock didnt change over
13:04 rue_house I have one clock that dosn't happen to also be a computer
13:05 rue_house but it lasts 2 years on an AA battery
13:15 rue_house and thanks to the leftovers I had a great sprunchfest this morning
13:51 rue_house hahah, I changed the sheet on the bed almost without disrupting the cats sleeping on it
13:57 rue_house I think a lab coat in a machine shop is a bad idea, I see it getting caught in all sorts of things
14:27 deshipu you should have a spandex superhero suit instead
14:32 rue_house thats just crazy
14:32 deshipu I ordered myself one of those http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6278084604.html
14:32 deshipu mostly for a portal cosplay, though
14:34 rue_house if I were a robot I'd run from that much of that colour
14:36 deshipu there is also the navy blue one
14:37 deshipu and I'm sure you would find gray or brown ones if you looked
14:37 rue_house huh, the 250R resistor for 4-20ma conversion needs to be .5W
14:48 rue_house wow, almost any random word put into a google search brings up windows virus propiganda, do windows users live in eternal fear?
14:53 Tom_itx never
14:54 Tom_itx it's mostly hype
14:55 Tom_itx if you are among many people you are more apt to catch a cold than if you are not.
14:55 Tom_itx i am not... as far as pc exposure
14:56 Tom_itx at least on ones that matter
15:20 Loshki rue_house: at one time, merely typing in "politician" would bring up ads for 'how to buy the cheapest' and 'on sale here' etc.
15:22 Tom_itx new or used?
15:22 Tom_itx wonder if ebay has any...
15:28 Loshki 6k+ hits on ebay for politician, mostly postage stamps. It does say "related: gangsters" which turns out to be mostly hats. Even Arthur C Clarke never foresaw this kind of nonsense...
15:53 rue_shop2 are you into the market for a politician? I have some used ones going at a heck of a discount
15:54 rue_shop2 50% NO RETAIL BOX!
15:54 deshipu how do they taste?
15:54 rue_shop2 50% off, (you get the left half)
15:55 deshipu do you have any ginger ones?
15:56 rue_shop2 ginger sold seperatly. GOOD DEAL! BUY NOW! NO RETAIL BOX!!!!
15:57 deshipu on an unrelated note, I just found this OpenMV project
15:57 deshipu and it looks like it's a perfect brains for my robots
15:57 rue_shop2 OpenMV GET IT FREE! NO RETAIL BOX!!!
15:58 deshipu it's basically an arm microcontroller board with a camera running micropython
15:59 rue_shop2 ooooh, its the "i need a 1Ghz arm controller for my robot so i can write its software in python"
15:59 deshipu it's micropython, so no
16:00 deshipu also, I can't see anything wrong with it
16:00 deshipu for now, I will use vocore instead
16:00 rue_shop2 yea, why use a 8Mhz controller coded in C when a 1Ghz can do the same thing at the same speed with software written in python
16:00 deshipu with micropython running on openwrt
16:01 deshipu rue_shop2: mostly because the 8Mhz controller can't process images :)
16:01 deshipu rue_shop2: it can't even stream them
16:01 deshipu rue_shop2: don't worry, the 8Mhz controller will be there too, as the servo controller :)
16:05 Hyratel http://hackaday.com/2014/11/02/using-cell-phone-screens-with-any-hdmi-interface/