#robotics Logs

Oct 30 2014

#robotics Calendar

02:29 mrdata no
02:29 mrdata well, maybe
02:29 mrdata i need to make a refrigerator; actually a cryocooler that will produce liquid nitrogen
02:30 Stumbler sounds like a lot of fun
02:30 Stumbler any ideas on how you're going to do it?
02:39 mrdata i'm looking at building a stirling type
02:40 mrdata which is useful as an engine, as well
02:41 mrdata this video is inspiring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqIapDKtvzc (part 1)
02:41 mrdata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFfMruoRMGo (part 2)
02:43 Stumbler totally, I love those kind of infovids =)
02:45 mrdata so, a buddy has a box of pistons or various size
02:45 mrdata and we have an air compressor
02:45 mrdata and access to a machine shop
02:49 Stumbler What is your need for liquid nitrogen?
02:52 mrdata to keep a superconductor working
02:52 mrdata ive also been told that i should be using liquid helium, but i'm hoping i can get away with N2
02:54 mrdata otherwise my cooling requirements just get impossibly harder
02:54 Stumbler ceramic superconductors? or are you working with somethng more exotic?
02:54 mrdata YBCO is the plan
02:55 Stumbler nifty
02:57 mrdata but first things first
02:57 mrdata i need a bit of practical experience with the cryocooler
02:58 mrdata i'm thinking its efficiency is improved if it is scaled up in size
02:58 mrdata because volume to surface ratio is larger, and pressure drops in pipes will be smaller
02:59 mrdata but i should learn what are the performance issues with it
02:59 mrdata and why it is, that 25% of carnot limit is considered "excellent"
06:21 DelicateFlower are the three rules of robotic rubbish?
06:21 DelicateFlower my friend said so
06:26 SquirrelCZECH my friend said he is a flower
06:28 DelicateFlower how can he talk then?
06:41 deshipu SquirrelCZECH: your friend is imaginary, rotate by pi/2 and try again
06:50 SquirrelCZECH :D
10:55 applepi hi all :)
10:57 applepi anyone here ever tried to make a cascading lift out of drawer slides before?
17:05 francesco2 Hello
17:05 francesco2 Could someone advice me a good book for undergraduate study about robotics? thank you :)
17:56 Tom_itx plane crashed at the local airport today
18:15 SquirrelCZECH francesco2: asimov, complete robot
18:28 ace4016 robotics is such a broad subject...
19:04 rue_house Tom_itx, anything serious happen?
19:21 Tom_itx 4 dead
19:21 Tom_itx 5 wounded
19:22 Tom_itx crashed into the flight safety simulator building for cessna citation
19:22 Tom_itx 4 in the sim were killed
19:22 Tom_itx err 3 in the sim and the pilot
19:23 Tom_itx lost engine on just after takeoff which flipped it vertical
19:31 Tom_itx he had time to tell the tower the engine quit
20:30 rue_bed-aok ouch
20:37 Loshki francesco2: Stanford's Intro to Robotics course details including reading list - http://see.stanford.edu/see/lecturelist.aspx?coll=86cc8662-f6e4-43c3-a1be-b30d1d179743
23:36 anton02 do you prefer accelerometers or DC motor encoders
23:37 Red_Onyx hello
23:38 anton02 you like pokemon?
23:39 anton02 sorry, that's onix
23:39 Red_Onyx okj