#robotics Logs

Sep 23 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:14 rue_bed the idea was simple and elegant, I was able to implement it and it worked
00:15 rue_bed kat are you still working on a power supply?
00:16 rue_bed hmm digital divisions dont work for my scope
00:17 rue_bed I have 0-255 and there are 8 verticle...
00:17 rue_bed ok, but that dosn't line up with 1,2,5V/div.... well I suppose it can...
00:17 anonnumberanon rue_bed, where do you work
00:18 rue_bed anonnumberanon, electrical company
00:18 anonnumberanon what competitions were you guys trying to get into?
00:18 rue_bed the power supply one by google
00:18 anonnumberanon ah okay
00:18 rue_bed trying is the result of our buracrcy
00:18 anonnumberanon seems like they'd offer you jobs if win or participate and make something interesting as well
00:18 rue_bed we are not sure all the members are participating
00:19 rue_bed it would take me a week of steady typing to finish shedding the light you need on what you just said
00:20 rue_bed ok, so a raw avr, would be 5V full scape
00:20 rue_bed ale
00:20 rue_bed but there are 8 vert divisions
00:22 rue_bed if I change it to 10 vert divisions, nonally will it not divide evenly into 255, but it would be ..... .5V/div
00:23 rue_bed if there were just a common divisor between 5 and 255
00:23 rue_bed ... that wasn't prime
00:25 rue_bed hmm, I been sticking to the 10x8 scope screen divisions because some part of me expects that there is more insight in those numbers than I'm immediatly familiar with
00:25 rue_bed honestly I think 5 subdivisions is stupid
00:26 rue_bed 1/5 2/5 5/5
00:26 rue_bed .2, whats 2/5!? and 1
00:27 rue_bed er
00:27 rue_bed .4 what kinda stupid number is .4
00:28 rue_bed hmm
00:28 rue_bed 256/8 works
00:28 rue_bed but 5/8 dosn't
00:29 rue_bed maybe its not about filling the screen
00:29 rue_bed no I need the amp output to work from... wait... why is this 8 bit agian?
00:29 rue_bed arg
00:38 rue_bed the amp will ultimitly put out 0-255 with a signal saying its 1,2,5V/div */ some power of 10
00:38 rue_bed so
00:38 rue_bed its divisions
00:39 rue_bed are
00:39 rue_bed in terms of full scale deflection
00:40 rue_bed if its 1/div fsd is -4 to 4V
00:40 rue_bed assuming centred trace
00:40 rue_bed ah, 1V/div is 8V delta fsd
00:41 rue_bed I skinned my hand today and it BURNS
00:41 rue_bed maybe I can use high voltage short duration electrical pulses to saturate the nerves so I cant feel the actual pain
00:42 NotWorthCr4p i'll schedule a time tomorrow to try and help you with that
00:42 rue_bed thanks :)
00:43 rue_bed short pulse, low low duty, high voltage
00:43 rue_bed oh, the resistance of the skin wont matter because of the hf pulse, so high voltage isn't required
00:44 rue_bed just use large area electrodes and let capacitance do its thing
00:45 rue_bed did you know that there is a large difference in sensation for electrical shocks of different polarity?
00:46 rue_bed + shocks feel different than - shocks
00:46 rue_bed I need to do more experiments as I didn't have a supply that I could varry the duty on
00:47 rue_bed nerves are only good up to about 300hz, then the signal rolls off
00:47 NotWorthCr4p did you remember i had pics of a TENS unit i built on my website? i wasn't allowed to market that either, legal rules, and no one to help me on that either
00:47 rue_bed I remmeber that
00:47 rue_bed was that before they existed
00:48 NotWorthCr4p yea,, i was doing nerves and voltage
00:48 rue_bed what did you learn regarding voltage, freq, duty, current?
00:48 NotWorthCr4p they existed, but prces started at $1000 and went up, i built a pricey one for $35 in (mostly) radio shack parts
00:49 NotWorthCr4p too muct to tell you in here
00:49 rue_bed oh well
00:49 tWorthCr4p drinkls some
00:49 rue_bed the digital scope numbers dont come out nicely
00:50 rue_bed I'm gonna have to hook up that amp module to know if the outputs are kept between some range dispite the trace offset
00:50 rue_bed I'm pretty sure the trace offset it just an amp offset
00:50 rue_bed by the time it hits the crt amp I think its all within the same bounds
00:51 NotWorthCr4p i have over 300 20Mhz adc, a few 140Mhz adc, and can take pics of single shots at 0.5ns/div
00:51 rue_bed I have some sweeet fifo chips
00:51 rue_bed I seem tohave worked out 344 horizontal samples in a shot
00:51 rue_bed I changed that tho
00:52 NotWorthCr4p good for you
00:52 rue_bed I updated it to 320, it works better with a screen divided 10x8
00:52 rue_bed I dont know why scope screens ARE 10x8
00:52 rue_bed and I dont know if they all are
00:53 rue_bed the old round ones must be different
00:53 rue_bed 4x4? I dont know, none of my tube scopes have the division plates
01:07 rue_bed http://digitaloscilloscopes.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Vintage-Heathkit.jpg
01:08 rue_bed that little guy is only 6x4
01:10 rue_bed http://www.tone-lizard.com/images/Heathkit_0-12.gif
01:10 rue_bed I have one of those! :)
01:20 rue_bed I see 6x10
01:20 rue_bed er 10x6
01:20 rue_bed ok, maybe its not important
01:21 rue_bed getting sleep is, and I'm not
01:53 rue_bed kat dosnt'seem to liek feeling good....
01:54 rue_bed my nap was too long, and I had too much sugar after it
01:54 rue_bed and now, tommorow is gonna be a trainwreck
01:54 rue_bed how did I get to where I am and why am I still here
01:55 rue_bed and where am I going
01:55 rue_bed winter is comming
01:55 rue_bed its going to be long
01:55 rue_bed I will forget what summer is like, that its possable to step outside a house without having 2 layers of socks and a parka
01:56 rue_bed there will be about 4 power outages longer than 4 hours
01:56 rue_bed prolly one longer than 8 hours
01:56 rue_bed hmm, recon I should top up the gas for the genny
01:56 rue_bed as its almost out
01:57 rue_bed oh yea, and it will be dark in the morning, therewont be light till well after I get to work, and the light will be gone beofre I get home
01:57 rue_bed suppose I should set up the floods
01:58 rue_bed the walls and floor will eminate coldness
01:58 rue_bed I recon some slippers are in order
01:59 rue_bed I got chains for hte truck, so getting stuck for a week without groceries wont be an issue
02:00 rue_bed I suppose I should fill the freezer with something other than icecream, as I imagine I wont be into eating much of that
02:01 RifRaf almost sounds like you live in canada
02:01 rue_bed hmm, 3 month working holiday in australlia? interesting idea rif
02:02 RifRaf perfect time to do it, spring has just started
02:02 rue_bed hard to jump into a good job cold tho
02:02 RifRaf yes true, but have seen jobs you would be fine at recently
02:02 rue_bed hows your new one treating you?
02:03 RifRaf its hard but hanging in, more on the computer and paperwork side now
02:03 rue_bed good stuff
02:04 RifRaf off to the hackerspace soon, lots of good things to be seen there
02:04 RifRaf taking in the triplestruder
02:04 rue_bed cool
02:04 rue_bed how many people?
02:05 RifRaf about 25 or so each week
02:05 rue_bed wow
02:05 orlock which hackerspace?
02:05 RifRaf but many more are members
02:05 RifRaf orlock, hsbne
02:05 lock is off to one tonight
02:05 orlock ahh
02:05 orlock wrong state obviously
02:05 orlock i'm off to cchs
02:05 RifRaf and country :)
02:05 orlock what?
02:05 RifRaf brisbane au
02:05 orlock i thought you were an aussie! your hostname lies!
02:06 RifRaf oh i am
02:06 RifRaf i thought you were overseas sorry
02:06 lock has apparently a few hundred ARM cpu's and assorted other SMD components to go with
02:06 orlock which i'm never, ever going to make use of
02:07 orlock I dont think they want to buy my oscilloscope though :-(
02:07 RifRaf yes many packets of avrs etc here i'll probably never use either
02:07 rue_bed RifRaf, any dip?
02:07 orlock left over from ex employer after their last production run
02:07 orlock back from when they actually did hardware
02:07 rue_bed orlock, I'd ask, but I dont use arm
02:08 rue_bed too hard to develop for, for me
02:08 RifRaf rue_bed, yep
02:08 rue_bed RifRaf, should I send you shipping funds?
02:08 RifRaf many mega324 mega16 mega32
02:08 rue_bed ooo
02:08 rue_bed been chewing up avrs here
02:08 RifRaf rue_bed, they are in storage, but when i come across them will send you some
02:09 rue_bed honestly I'm not sure where they are all going
02:09 rue_bed RifRaf, how did your board turn out?
02:09 RifRaf for the encoder?
02:09 rue_bed ... yea
02:10 RifRaf i found a recent design online, so bought pcbs for that :)
02:10 rue_bed oh
02:10 rue_bed capacitance?
02:10 RifRaf lazy but for $12 for 6 pcbs i don't have the time
02:10 rue_bed or brushed
02:11 rue_bed or optic?
02:11 RifRaf https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/xaUeX7dY
02:11 RifRaf what the encoder? magnetic
02:11 rue_bed oh yea, this thing is slower than mola
02:11 rue_bed ooooh those
02:11 rue_bed cool
02:12 rue_bed 8 pulses/turn?
02:12 RifRaf yep, you should try one, would be handy for any cnc machine
02:12 rue_bed I'm using linear encoders
02:12 RifRaf http://www.ams.com/eng/Products/Position-Sensors/Linear-Incremental-Magnetic-Position-Sensors/AS5311
02:12 rue_bed get actual head position
02:12 rue_bed oh its linear
02:13 RifRaf yes, can be used rotary as well
02:13 rue_bed how many counts/cm?
02:13 RifRaf but am making linear ones, 300mm long
02:13 RifRaf thousands
02:13 rue_bed coool
02:14 RifRaf well alot, the poles are 1mm apart, but with quad encoding i think it gets 1024 per pole pair or something crazy
02:14 RifRaf 4096 pulses (12-bit) per 2.0 mm
02:14 rue_bed sweet
02:14 rue_bed I wonder if thats what the calipers use
02:15 RifRaf hrm, i have to pull some cheap ones apart now, wat a good idea
02:15 rue_bed not torn one apart
02:15 rue_bed well do tell!
02:15 RifRaf i am looking for the old one now
02:16 rue_bed I have one that glitches by almost exactly 5cm
02:16 rue_bed sometimes
02:16 RifRaf yay found 2 sets, including the one i'll try pull apart at the hs
02:18 rue_bed snap photos eh?
02:18 RifRaf will try
02:18 RifRaf it'll stay apart anyway so can get you some good ones
02:21 RifRaf i wonder what could be done with the 4 pins connect on its pcb
02:22 RifRaf almost like a usb connector on this old one
02:22 rue_bed its a serial port
02:23 rue_bed the protocol is well broken
02:23 RifRaf that could send the position?
02:23 RifRaf oh\
02:23 rue_bed yes, you can use it for that, lots of into
02:23 rue_bed info
02:23 RifRaf ok thanks, something new to research
02:23 rue_bed its like 3.3V, so
02:24 rue_bed or 1.2, but ther are circuits out there
02:24 rue_bed and if you short it in the right ways, its acts as two hidden buttons to special functions
02:24 RifRaf yes cool, ok cya later, gotta pack up and head off
02:24 RifRaf nice
02:48 rue_bed 1A at 1V for 1s is 1 joule
02:49 rue_bed 2kw is 33.33 joules per 1/60 of a second
02:53 rue_bed 33.33J per 1/60 sec at 400V is about 5A
02:55 rue_bed an amp is a coulomb/sec
02:56 rue_bed 450uF at 400V is a little over 33 joules
02:57 rue_bed it prolly corrilates that 450uF at 400V is 167mJ
02:59 rue_bed so, 60 450uF caps could supply a 2kw load for 1 second
03:01 rue_bed the pot is filled steady at 5 coulombs/sec
03:01 rue_bed and every 60th of a second 33 joules is drained from it
03:02 rue_bed in a nonlinear fasion
03:05 rue_bed 6.241×1018 electrons
03:05 rue_bed 6.241×10^18 electrons
03:06 rue_bed 31.205×10^18 electrons/sec
03:07 rue_bed 5.201×10^17 electrons/1/60sec
03:21 rue_bed the best aluminum electrolytic cap I see is .188 ohms
03:21 rue_bed thats 4.7W
03:21 rue_bed loss
03:22 rue_bed ofcourse its not even rated for 3A
03:22 rue_bed no less 5
05:58 anonnumberanon http://www.spacex.com/webcast/
08:31 grizelin Yo!
09:20 GuShH Tom_itx: ever finished the sumo wheels? thought you'd have to knurl the aluminum hubs for the urethane to stick properly
13:39 Tom_itx no, it stuck pretty good
13:40 Tom_itx another guy suggested a film of silicone on them before molding the urethane
13:54 NotWorthCr4p what stuck?
13:56 NotWorthCr4p there ya go, i am not worth answering
16:01 NotWorthCr4p you're doing it wrong : http://www.nationalgeographic.com/dc/exposure/homepage/photoconfiguration/image/35693_photo_iowd57nn7vsga6fmskhtedtvttbpswa7koaqqfqar4sldunilqga_850x478.jpg
16:27 Tom_itx who's gonna pay $240 for a desk lamp? http://www.electronicproducts.com/Optoelectronics/LEDs/The_World_s_first_consumer_ready_OLED_lamp.aspx
16:27 tWorthCr4p is not quite
16:28 Tom_itx cool electrons: http://www.electronicproducts.com/Thermal_Management/Heat_Sinks_and_Thermal_Materials/Researchers_cool_electrons_to_380_F_sans_external_sources_and_while_in_a_lab_set_to_room_temperature.aspx
19:53 rue_mohr frustrating end of day, taking nap
20:22 tWorthCr4p drops one of the 2kva transformers, and looks at the new hole in the f
20:33 e_mohr holds up a ball of material able to be charged with 5.201*10^17 elect
20:34 NotWorthCr4p qty 22 caps 350v @ 3300u, series, = 18,000ufd @ 700v, there's my 450vdc psu , and it's run thru a variac and sourced by two 2kva xformers
20:35 NotWorthCr4p so i gnd either leg or the centertap
20:36 tWorthCr4p ponders 7.5kv @ 15
20:36 NotWorthCr4p i got more caps, but wanna use them on something else
20:44 rue_mohr oh phone call wake me up
20:45 rue_mohr fi you ofset the sine output with a seond sine, the difference is continious, like the input power needs to be
20:46 rue_mohr back in a wh iel
20:52 NotWorthCr4p huh?
20:53 NotWorthCr4p you mean like the 90 degree offest pic i plotted and showed you?
20:53 NotWorthCr4p or the scope trace pic of me doing it?
20:54 NotWorthCr4p https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ByOhfb2IgAAHthM.jpg <<== F-22 dropped a bomb, blew the square plot of land into a rectangle, and rotated it ~80 degrees
20:54 Jak_o_Shadows (I'm not picking up any sarcasm here at all)
20:55 NotWorthCr4p well, i'd be more impressed of the uav if there was a closeup pic
20:57 NotWorthCr4p it looks to me like 2 bombs were used: one on the elevator, one on a corner of the building
20:58 NotWorthCr4p i am just not impressed, a uav could have done that, or a couple tomahawks, or a F16, F18, etc etc
20:59 rue_mohr its getting colder out
20:59 rue_mohr oooh dear I need food
21:00 NotWorthCr4p yeas, i noticed, it's why i can use the livingroom in my house again!
21:00 rue_mohr I need to insulate the thermal storage tank for the boiler
21:00 rue_mohr its a bare metal tank now
21:01 e_mohr nods off in his chair a
21:02 tWorthCr4p pushes an olde F-117 outa the cow barn and up alongside the
21:02 NotWorthCr4p lets race
21:08 tWorthCr4p digs an olde 1955 mach-2 F-105 out of the pig barn and parks what's left of it on the other side of the
21:08 NotWorthCr4p lets race
21:10 tWorthCr4p threatens to get out an olde F-111 to race ,, and out-bomb the
21:11 NotWorthCr4p the F-105 could prolly carry more conventional bombs than the 3 otehr planes put together
21:24 robopal are you ok?
21:42 rue_mohr if I strip down 1 printer per day
21:42 rue_mohr ... I'll still never get my deck back
21:47 NotWorthCr4p program the arm to do it, sheesh
21:48 tWorthCr4p wonders what you do with the 200lbs of plastics left over after disasse
23:12 NotWorthCr4p does feeling old, like maybe you been doing this too long, always accompany knowing instinctively how long to cut the neutral-gnd bond wire in your L1430-P's?
23:28 tWorthCr4p tosses another bag of tyraps and one of wirenuts upst
23:38 rue_mohr well, I had a helper all day today
23:38 rue_mohr didn't ned help and the end of the day completely blew up
23:39 NotWorthCr4p <blink>?
23:39 orlock "helper"
23:40 orlock like our daughter "helps"?
23:54 NotWorthCr4p btw rue, switch your leads to x10 improves the freq responce
23:55 rue_mohr less dV
23:55 NotWorthCr4p really? i can do down to .5v/d even with 100x probes
23:58 tWorthCr4p has the 100x to play with high voltage, altho they do have high freq and low capacitance virtues