#robotics Logs

Sep 20 2014

#robotics Calendar

01:35 rue_mohr2 the 555 makes a good overload controller kat
01:35 rue_mohr2 it can drive a relay, its got a set and reset...
02:24 mrdata GargantuaSauce, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmkY12weiGg#t=1h1m18s you mean
02:24 mrdata i am told, the hash tag is the syntax to start at that time
02:26 rue_mohr2 RifRaf, hey
02:26 rue_mohr2 RifRaf,
02:26 rue_mohr2 RifRaf, hey
02:55 rue_house ok, so my digital scope is 455x256
02:58 rue_house I wonder why its 455 samples wide
02:59 rue_house hmm
02:59 rue_house the adc was planned to be 8 bit
02:59 rue_house I suppose
02:59 rue_house but
03:00 rue_house throwing some scope stuff at it might be good
03:00 rue_house there should be 10x8 major divisions?
03:01 rue_house kat you still awake
03:01 rue_house ?
03:06 rue_house yea
03:07 rue_house 256/8 comes out nice
03:07 rue_house 455 dosn't divide by 10 nice
03:08 rue_house should be 320
03:24 rue_house kat, do you know what a tek timebase module outputs?
03:24 rue_house is it a ramp?
03:31 rue_house if i have two cursors on the di scope, i wonder what keys i use move them
10:11 rue_house I'v got an idea for the digital scope, I'm gonna make a 'trace shadow' option that shows where the traces 0 is
10:12 rue_house wonder if I can do that
10:12 rue_house maybe the amp module just offsets the signal
10:12 rue_house hmmm
10:29 mrdata sure, why not
16:39 rue_mohr2 ok, somewhere I have a todo list
16:39 rue_mohr2 if I cant find it, I'll remember everything on sunday evening
16:39 rue_mohr2 I cut the rest of the top bricks for the upper retainer wall
16:39 rue_mohr2 a bit of back filling and its done done
16:49 rue_mohr2 oh I want ot write my pwm eprom and try it out
16:49 rue_mohr2 I just got 5 more ups'
18:16 anonnumberanon afrotechmods id nice on Youtuve
18:25 GargantuaSauce i get the impression he doesnt really know what he's talking about a lot of the time
18:26 rue_shop3 oh yea, I'm gonna write that eprom
18:26 rue_shop3 where is that eprom burner station....
19:23 Loshki GargantuaSauce: afrotechmods? I haven't seen any obvious gaffes, and he claims to be qualified. I like his stuff, but not enough to divert funds to him...
19:24 GargantuaSauce it might just be certain oversimplifications that are a part of his tutorial format that give me that idea, i dunno
19:25 GargantuaSauce i dont remember any egregious errors, just lots of conditionally true statements
19:26 Loshki GargantuaSauce: incredible production values, a lot of effort. If you don't qualify your simplifications, the OCDers will bury you...
19:29 mrdata yes
19:29 GargantuaSauce or just snark from afar :)
19:29 mrdata like me, true
19:31 Loshki Has anyone ever seen him? I mean, he doesn't *sound* like anyone *I* know with an afro...
19:38 mrdata um, maybe his videos are hair-raising
19:39 mrdata his hands are white; curly hair on a white guy would make him look a bit like al yankovic
20:02 Loshki Canadian, IIRC. Does he have a Canadian accent. I can't tell...
20:07 GargantuaSauce sounds more like northwest US to me
20:07 GargantuaSauce but his voiceover speech is definitely not natural ie he's enunciating much more carefully than in causal speech
20:07 GargantuaSauce which changes the accent notably
20:32 Loshki They sound scripted and rehearsed to me. Makes a welcome change from the usual microphone rustling egomaniacs...
20:34 GargantuaSauce well you mean....that one
21:16 GargantuaSauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En47S7LM9zE
21:49 mrdata let's split wood
21:49 mrdata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eengn9eNQw
21:49 GargantuaSauce that is a lot less terrifying
21:52 mrdata yeah
21:52 mrdata i can just imagine the guy kicking the spike,
21:52 mrdata and it turning on him
21:53 GargantuaSauce turning in him
21:53 mrdata shoulda thought of a big red off switch
21:53 mrdata thru him
21:53 mrdata in a way it would be side splittingly humorous, etc
21:59 mrdata also a bit terrifying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEfbvZJYEio
22:35 mrdata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riZVBqgVX2Y