#robotics Logs

Aug 30 2014

#robotics Calendar

01:19 rue_shop3 I'm wiring my diy ramps board
01:19 rue_shop3 RAMPS 1.4 :)
01:21 rue_shop3 I'm sure I designed a R-2R dac somewhere
01:21 rue_shop3 I recall buying 10000 2k resistors just for it
01:22 rue_shop3 oh duh
01:23 rue_shop3 if I want microcontroller bus to pwm channels I bought chips to do it
01:25 rue_shop3 tlc 5940?
01:26 rue_shop3 tm1809?
01:28 rue_shop3 the 1809 is 9 channel pwm
01:29 rue_shop3 8 bit
01:30 rue_shop3 the 5940 is 16 channel, 12 bit
02:09 rue_shop3 OH GOD! the things you find the in junk pile
02:09 rue_shop3 4bit x 64 fifo memory chips
02:22 GargantuaSauce if you dont want em i do
02:22 rue_shop3 hahaha looka this
02:23 rue_shop3 i have a calculator chip
02:23 rue_shop3 http://www.rskey.org/~mwsebastian/calcwebpg/nat_semi.htm#mm5725
02:23 rue_shop3 hahaha
02:23 rue_shop3 -35V! -28V!
02:24 GargantuaSauce hahah wat
02:25 GargantuaSauce oh for driving an lcd directly
02:26 rue_shop3 lcd? maybe vfd?
02:27 rue_shop3 I should be able to find some of these part numbers, and they aren't turning up
02:28 rue_shop3 LM370
02:28 GargantuaSauce oh yes
02:28 GargantuaSauce lol it uses reverse polish notation
02:29 rue_shop3 I have a tandy "U1" masked rom, think its worth anything on ebay?
02:29 rue_shop3 er, maybe "U13"
02:33 rue_shop3 ooo AD7530 -> DAC
03:21 rue_shop3 oo DN8629 is cool
03:21 rue_shop3 120Mhz /100 circuit
04:17 rue_shop3 ok thats enough chip sorting for me tonight
04:17 rue_shop3 seen some intereting things tho
04:18 rue_shop3 ah, what to file this dolby noise reducer under...
04:23 rue_shop3 ok! its 2am!
04:23 rue_shop3 let the night begin!
05:39 rue_shop3 3:20 its flying by
05:39 rue_shop3 well, I have the power, outputs, step and dir lines run
05:40 rue_shop3 I dont recall what to do with the rest of them
05:40 rue_shop3 iirc I have to ground all the step select lines to get from 1x to 16x microstep
05:41 rue_shop3 not that it needs 16x microstep
10:51 robotustra_ morning
10:52 rue_mohr2 morning
10:52 rue_mohr2 what we gonna blow up today?
10:52 robotustra_ meha?
10:52 robotustra_ today I gonna learn chinese
10:53 rue_mohr2 or just blow them up?
10:53 deshipu which one?
10:53 deshipu mandarin?
10:54 rue_mohr2 its easy, its mostly english, just with funny accents and characters that look more like stick figures
10:54 robotustra_ traditional, I will learn only writing
10:55 robotustra_ I'm gonna learn this funny characters only
10:55 deshipu I think I only know the character for current and for weight
10:55 robotustra_ and meaning
10:56 robotustra_ I know about 80 characters, but I learned them many ears ago
10:56 fluffywolf I'd much rather learn russian... many good engineers, and strong russian women are hot.
10:56 deshipu there was a fascinating book about the supposed history behind some of the characters
10:56 robotustra_ fluffywolf, I'm russian :)
10:56 deshipu russian is too easy
10:56 robotustra_ err, russian speaking belarus
10:56 robotustra_ deshipu, go ahead
10:56 deshipu you practically just learn the charactrs and it alsmost like polish
10:57 fluffywolf robotustra_: are you female, mature, intelligent, sane, and good with a strapon? :P
10:57 robotustra_ not exactly
10:57 deshipu all slavic languages are easy
10:57 deshipu balarussian easier, though
10:57 robotustra_ fluffywolf, I'm male
10:58 deshipu wester slavic languages practically don't require translating
10:58 robotustra_ intelligent, insane and I don't know what is strapon
10:58 deshipu robotustra_: details
10:58 fluffywolf most men don't know much about strapons, unless they like lesbian porn.
10:58 Tom_shop robotustra_, fluffywolf's hittin on ya
10:58 trshfx hi
10:58 uffywolf doesn't like men, so considers them very wonde
10:58 robotustra_ deshipu, ну ты загнул
10:58 deshipu i say you two go ahead and see if you like it
10:59 Tom_shop yeah, just not in here
10:59 deshipu robotustra_: i didn't learn the alphabet somehow
10:59 robotustra_ deshipu, it's nealy impossible to do automatic translation from slavic languages to english
10:59 deshipu who said english?
11:00 deshipu to polish
11:00 deshipu the easiest language in the world
11:00 fluffywolf Страпо́н according to my translation
11:01 robotustra_ fluffywolf, stay away from me, you, pervert
11:01 fluffywolf lol
11:01 uffywolf only likes women, so no worries t
11:02 robotustra_ and women don't like you
11:02 robotustra_ that's why you are alone
11:03 fluffywolf lol
11:03 fluffywolf it's hard to find a mature, intelligent, sane woman who's good with a strapon... too many are stupid, crazy, and attracted only to men...
11:04 robotustra_ fluffywolf, is lesbian?
11:05 robotustra_ fluffywolf, go buy vibrator, what's the problem?
11:05 uffywolf is soft and fl
11:06 robotustra_ ok, need to source brush pen
11:06 deshipu brush pens are great
11:07 rue_mohr2 you main a paint pen?
11:07 robotustra_ usual pen is not good for caligraphy
11:07 deshipu i have a pentel one, I thibk
11:07 robotustra_ no
11:07 robotustra_ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pentel-Japan-Caligraphy-Brush-Pen-with-Cartridge-ink-BLACK-Extra-Fine-/221322684912?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3387dc29f0
11:07 deshipu it's like a fontain pen, but with a brush instead of a nib
11:07 deshipu great for large black areas
11:08 fluffywolf I have a hard enough time writing english legibly...
11:08 deshipu in comics
11:09 fluffywolf people still do comics with paper instead of graphics tablets? :)
11:09 deshipu absolutely!
11:09 deshipu then we scan them in and retouch in computer
11:10 deshipu even in mangastudio the nibs don't behave quite like real nibs
11:10 deshipu although it's close
11:11 fluffywolf my intuos measures pen tilt angle and all sorts of things...
11:11 fluffywolf of course, that doesn't make up for my complete lack of skill or creativity.
11:11 deshipu sure, we have the data
11:12 deshipu but we don't have a good model
11:15 deshipu of the nib behavior, I mean
11:15 fluffywolf that's what I figured you meant. heh.
11:19 deshipu paper is just nicer
11:19 robotustra_ ordered
11:20 robotustra_ I usually write all my idead and do hand drafts in the copybook before I do something in CAD
11:21 robotustra_ pen and paper - are still the most simple ant relyable interface
11:21 robotustra_ and energy independent
11:21 fluffywolf yeah, I do rough sketches on paper too
11:22 fluffywolf I can't draw worth shit with any medium, so it doesn't matter. :P
11:22 robotustra_ MrCurious, !!!
11:22 robotustra_ where was you?
11:22 robotustra_ vacations?
11:26 fluffywolf lol
11:27 robotustra_ hm
11:27 robotustra_ he is hiding form irc
11:29 robotustra_ fluffywolf, what are you doing?
11:29 robotustra_ I mean what robots?
11:30 fluffywolf current project is CNCing a milling machine, but I ran out of money.
11:30 robotustra_ show pictures
11:32 fluffywolf http://fw.bushytails.net/shoptask02.jpg
11:32 fluffywolf I have the steppers and drivers, but they're in my living room, not with the mill yet.
11:34 fluffywolf got some completely overkill 9A 977ozin motors, and 10A centent drivers.
11:35 robotustra_ ok, so you are doing upgrade of existing mill
11:35 robotustra_ I did mine from scratch
11:36 fluffywolf it's a chinese mill-lathe combo... not the best machine I've ever seen, but a lot better than the harbor freight ones at least.
11:40 robotustra_ fluffywolf, so what do you need money for?
11:41 robotustra_ I bet you don't even know how even to start
11:41 fluffywolf I have steppers, stepper drivers, timing pullies for the steppers, and power supplies. the mill has stepper motor mounts. I need to get timing pullies for the mill, belts, a breakout board, a parallel port card, big filter capacitors for the power, wiring to the motors, connectors for the motors,...
11:41 fluffywolf but, I need to send the IRS $1600 in two weeks, and state fund $1500 in five weeks, and that's all my spare money, and then some, so no buying more cnc bits.
11:42 fluffywolf limit switches and wiring...
11:44 robotustra_ what is the total spend of money?
11:45 fluffywolf I spent $100 on the machine, $150 on tooling, $375 on steppers, drivers, and stepper timing pullies.
11:46 rue_mohr2 is state fund money to help the federal reserve have more money than apple does?
11:46 fluffywolf (tooling including a holddown set, step blocks, a new mill chuck, etc... still need a good vise)
11:46 fluffywolf rue_mohr2: state fund is the government-ran worker's comp program, which I have to send 19% of my employee's wages to.
11:47 rue_mohr2 ah, so its definitly money you will never see back
11:47 rue_mohr2 nice to live in the land of the free eh?
11:49 rue_mohr2 to know that if someone cant go to work because they brake a toenail getting out of their car, that your money will go towards not-quite-enough funds for them to live dispite their inability to work...
11:50 rue_mohr2 ok time to clean up for robotics
11:52 robotustra_ I did mine mill at about 1500$ total
11:56 fluffywolf I hope to stay well under that. heh. I spent WAY too much on the motors and drivers.
11:56 fluffywolf they're overkill for this machine, but I figured I could use them on something more deserving later.
11:59 robotustra_ forget about using them other than for cnc, otherwise you'll keep your cnc not operational
12:00 fluffywolf I'll put them on, but they're overkill... I'll probably have to turn the drive current down to avoid damaging the mill if it crashes.
12:00 fluffywolf they can rip the brass nuts out of the saddle.
12:06 fluffywolf bbl, time for yard sales
16:52 rue_mohr2 was up till 4am , need nap
17:01 deshipu tired? there's a nap for that!
17:01 Loshki deshipu: :-)
21:46 rue_mohr2 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/2-4-Inch-2-4-TFT-LCD-Shield-Touch-Panel-Module-TF-Micro-SD-For-Arduino-UNO-R3-C-/131231342388?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e8dff5f34
21:46 rue_mohr2 I think thats new
22:31 anonnumberanon would love to see it in action
22:42 GargantuaSauce thats a good seller too
22:43 GargantuaSauce only having 8 bits on the bus is kinda not awesome but i guess it's an arduino shield anyway
22:43 rue_shop3 yea I wonder if there is code for it :)
22:45 GargantuaSauce the site is pretty funny
22:45 GargantuaSauce Declare seriously: The following products are our company production, independent design, all of the pictures are all real images.
22:48 rue_shop3 erm, mega32 has no pin change interrupt?
22:48 rue_shop3 but....
22:48 GargantuaSauce lol
22:48 rue_shop3 I was sure I'd done pin change interrupt on the mega32...
22:48 GargantuaSauce come to think of it i think i have also
22:48 GargantuaSauce in any case one of these days i'll convince you to use an architecture that doesn't suck...
22:49 rue_shop3 I'm flipping between the m32 and the m328p
22:49 rue_shop3 right now the m328p is the cheapest chip
22:49 rue_shop3 is the m238p board cheaper than the tiny26?
22:50 GargantuaSauce i have no idea, havent been looking at avr breakout prices
22:50 rue_shop3 no, ok good
22:50 GargantuaSauce when you figure out which is cheapest let me know because i may as well get half a dozen
22:50 GargantuaSauce for shits and giggles if nothing else
22:50 rue_shop3 the tiny26 is still the cheapest way to get a multichannel ADC
22:51 rue_shop3 its cheaper than the multichannel adc's
22:51 rue_shop3 oh thats the 261
22:52 rue_shop3 the mecha needs lots and lots of adc
22:52 rue_shop3 funny, the m328p boards ARE cheaper than the tiny26 in volumes of less than 250
22:53 rue_shop3 but it does have 11 adc's
22:53 GargantuaSauce http://www.ebay.ca/itm/141211013637 this looks interesting
22:53 rue_shop3 so does the 261
22:53 GargantuaSauce i like how the one they took pics of has bent pins
22:54 rue_shop3 hah too much dropping
22:55 rue_shop3 ok, what the heck here
22:56 rue_shop3 so, if I'm making something to sell, the tiny26 is a cheap chip
22:56 rue_shop3 (261)