#robotics Logs

Aug 26 2014

#robotics Calendar

09:26 robotustra who is nobody?
09:26 robotustra I was too lazy last week
09:32 rue_house within the last 24 hours
09:32 rue_house been quiet
09:32 rue_house tooo quiet
09:48 deshipu I build a crappy biped that I still need to program
09:48 deshipu also, finally fixed the femurs on my big quadruped, so the servos are not hanging by one side
09:50 rue_house throw us some pics!
09:50 deshipu one moment
09:51 deshipu http://letsmakerobots.com/robot/project/rainbow-feet
09:51 deshipu this is the biped
09:52 deshipu http://paste.sheep.art.pl/a10d6b60-44f6-4c64-bb5e-8f533a6c08ed/%2Binline
09:52 deshipu this is the new leg, with the double femur and better hip
09:53 rue_house which bits are the most recent work?
09:53 deshipu the parts on the other sides of the servos
09:54 deshipu other sides than the sides that have the horn, I mean
09:54 deshipu so it's a meccano piece with two ball bearings glued to it, screwed to the back of the servo with a metal screw
09:55 rue_house you gonna make more after this?
09:55 deshipu (I have no idea how you call those screws with pointy ends)
09:55 deshipu in English, I mean
09:55 deshipu I think I'm about happy with it mechanically, the rest is more sensors and programming
09:56 deshipu *maybe* endstop switches at the ends of the legs
09:57 deshipu but I don't think so
09:57 rue_house I'll chat more later, I have to go to work!
09:57 deshipu have a productive day! :)
18:11 rue_house deshipu, I meant to say, I took inspiration from your servo driver :)
18:11 rue_house deshipu, still here?
18:13 rue_house deshipu, can i mail you a free peice of cut-n-nut for your fine robotics work? http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/cut-n-nut/cut-n-nut.jpg
18:19 GargantuaSauce_ what's that stuff actually called
19:28 mugenzebra hello all, what's the difference between supply current and driving current from this chip http://www.bluemoon-lcd.com/gb2312/pdf/C1602A.pdf?
19:35 mugenzebra does logic mean the components behind the actual LCD, and the LCD means the display itself?
19:39 ace4016 supply current powers the logic components (processors, memory, etc. anything based off logic gates). the driving voltage is for the display itself
20:13 rue_house THAT is cut-n-nut
20:13 rue_house its a cut-your-own-meccano I designed
20:19 GargantuaSauce_ oh, thought it was a commercial product
20:19 GargantuaSauce_ so it's just a sheet that's been attacked with a punch?
22:21 rue_shop3 nope, my cnc machine
22:25 GargantuaSauce_ ah
22:25 GargantuaSauce_ i know there are products like that that have stupid brand names and stupid prices
22:26 GargantuaSauce_ you had me excited that there was a cheap generic one :(
22:27 rue_shop3 mine!
22:27 rue_shop3 but it ships from canada
22:27 rue_shop3 want some?
22:28 rue_shop3 I have a huge sheet to process yet
22:28 GargantuaSauce_ probably not too cheap to ship but yeah i'd go for a bit
22:28 rue_shop3 I can work out what its worth, shipping to australlia would hurt tho
22:28 GargantuaSauce_ 3mm holes would be ideal
22:28 GargantuaSauce_ hhhhhhh
22:28 rue_shop3 I can do 3mm, typically its 7/64
22:29 GargantuaSauce_ all my fasteners are m3 and m4
22:29 rue_shop3 on 7/32 centres
22:29 rue_shop3 I can make it metric for ya
22:29 rue_shop3 I should have an ozy version anyhow
22:30 rue_shop3 6mm centers?
22:31 rue_shop3 there is the hex pattern too
22:31 rue_shop3 somewhere
22:32 rue_shop3 GargantuaSauce_, where did you go
22:32 rue_shop3 ?
22:34 GargantuaSauce_ playing with calipers
22:34 GargantuaSauce_ yeah 6mm would be ok
22:34 fluffywolf why not just buy meccano? sheet and drill bits probably costs more...
22:35 GargantuaSauce_ lol meccano is pricey
22:35 GargantuaSauce_ even used
22:35 fluffywolf also, if you make too much meccano, james may might show up.
22:35 rue_shop3 thats the thng, it dosnt
22:35 GargantuaSauce_ i have some though
22:35 GargantuaSauce_ and as a fellow canadian you should be doing metric by default!
22:37 fluffywolf aren't you from australia? :P
22:37 GargantuaSauce_ youuuu guyyyss.
22:40 rue_shop3 yea, canada is metric on paper, buts its a 8.5"x11" sheet
22:40 rue_shop3 (of paper)
22:41 fluffywolf where's the other guy deep in the middle of the frozen part of canada whose nick I can't remember right now?
22:41 rue_shop3 its summer, canada isn't frozen
22:42 fluffywolf it always seemed to be frozen every time he talked about it. :P
22:42 fluffywolf argh, I hate having a bad memory.
22:42 rue_shop3 we need to break these stereotypes, GargantuaSauce_ isn't crazy just cause he's in australlia
22:43 fluffywolf lived in the middle of nowhere in canada, built a robotic hand,... can't remember his nick at all. started with a p maybe?
22:43 GargantuaSauce_ i will be crazy by the time you're done with me
22:43 rue_shop3 hmm cant find the cut-n-nut financial data
22:44 GargantuaSauce_ dont worry about it, i dont really have the right tooling to work with it anyway
22:45 rue_shop3 you just need tin sheers
22:45 rue_shop3 and pliers
22:45 GargantuaSauce_ mm i was thinking bandsaw
22:45 GargantuaSauce_ dont have shears either though!
22:45 rue_shop3 oh you reminded me I want to make a disc sander
22:45 uffywolf pokes the people here with better memo
22:46 rue_shop3 find |grep xls
22:47 fluffywolf find -name \*.xls
22:47 rue_shop3 find -name \*.xls |grep cut
22:47 rue_shop3 find -name \*.xls |grep -i cut
22:48 fluffywolf find -name \*.xls -iname \*cut\*
22:48 rue_shop3 I cant find it
22:48 fluffywolf that's because find doesn't work in irc clients.
22:48 rue_shop3 :)
22:49 rue_shop3 there should be a document regarding cost
22:49 rue_shop3 ok ballpark
22:49 rue_shop3 I think its 0.30/inch^2
22:49 fluffywolf http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Meccano_Motorcycle_made_for_James_May%27s_Toy_Stories.JPG/800px-Meccano_Motorcycle_made_for_James_May%27s_Toy_Stories.JPG if you build too many meccano bits, james may might show up and do something like that.
22:50 GargantuaSauce_ is that full scale e_e
22:50 rue_shop3 its in 5.5x10" sheets
22:50 fluffywolf GargantuaSauce_: and ridable
22:51 GargantuaSauce_ what i really need is to find a damn local source for aluminium extrusions
22:52 rue_shop3 on thats 3c not 30c
22:52 fluffywolf not a lot of smelters in the middle of the outback, eh?
22:52 e_shop3 scratches his
22:53 rue_shop3 how about $4 per sheet.... I'm sure I made an x10 error somewhere
22:53 fluffywolf no one's going to help me remember the nick of the person I'm thinking of? bleh
22:53 GargantuaSauce_ heh the order of magnitude makes it a lot more approachable
22:53 rue_shop3 $4 for 5.5"x10.5" ....
22:54 rue_shop3 3mm on square 6mm grid...
22:54 GargantuaSauce_ how much does a sheet weigh
22:54 robotust2a GargantuaSauce_: in new bransuick?
22:54 GargantuaSauce_ PEI
22:54 uffywolf knows rue kn
22:55 rue_shop3 1.6mm thick aluminum
22:55 rue_shop3 zlog
22:55 rue_shop3 http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23robotics/2013-08-26.html
22:55 rue_shop3 ^^ are they in that log?
22:56 rue_shop3 sheet weighs about
22:56 uffywolf checks random
22:56 rue_shop3 80g
22:57 fluffywolf hrmm, those logs look partial.
22:59 GargantuaSauce_ okay so shipping will be like 14 bucks
22:59 GargantuaSauce_ if you can do 6mm 7.5mm 10mm 12.5mm i'll take 4
23:00 uffywolf thinks a punch would be a much faster way to make them than a cnc
23:00 rue_shop3 grid spacing?
23:00 GargantuaSauce_ y
23:00 GargantuaSauce_ a
23:00 rue_shop3 sounds odd, but ok
23:01 rue_shop3 all 3mm?
23:01 GargantuaSauce_ yup
23:02 GargantuaSauce_ cut-n-nut still sounds vaguely indecent to me
23:02 GargantuaSauce_ whats your paypal
23:02 fluffywolf hrmm, I guess I'm getting my channels mixed up, not just forgetting nicks.
23:02 fluffywolf I'd swear he was in here...
23:03 GargantuaSauce_ i posit that you imagined this person
23:04 fluffywolf my memory isn't THAT bad.
23:05 GargantuaSauce_ maybe you are correctly remembering a hallucination!
23:06 GargantuaSauce_ going to bed. pm me rue
23:07 rue_shop3 I'll get it made up first
23:07 rue_shop3 that way, if the machine catches fire ( you have to be carefull of that metric stuff eh?) you dont have to pay for it
23:08 GargantuaSauce_ k cool
23:08 GargantuaSauce_ oh and robotust2a: if you know a good source in NB let me know. it'd probably be worth a roadtrip
23:11 fluffywolf I need to head to bed soon too.
23:11 rue_shop3 when did you move to pei?
23:28 fluffywolf bbl, wolfy bedtime
23:30 rue_shop3 I dont think 1400w is enough for the vacuum former heater