#robotics Logs

Aug 12 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:09 rue_mohr2 which works, I can rip it faster than I can play out
00:09 rue_mohr2 it
00:17 rue_mohr2 wait, do people still buy cd's to play music?
00:17 rue_mohr2 if so, what dot hey play them on?
00:22 GargantuaSauce i just rip to flac
00:22 rue_mohr2 the cdrom just forced me to eject it with a paperclip
00:22 rue_mohr2 wtf!?!?!
00:23 GargantuaSauce like all of your computing equipment was it made in 1990?
00:24 rue_mohr2 no its a new drive, too much dust I recon
00:24 rue_mohr2 the writer cant even see disks anymore
00:24 GargantuaSauce new as in ata133? :D
00:26 rue_mohr2 2011
00:27 rue_mohr2 I buy cd's at the thriftstore that have music on them that I have in my mp3 collection
00:27 rue_mohr2 seeing as their $ 0.50 - $1.00
00:28 rue_mohr2 but 3 of the ones I got today have other music on them I dont ahve
00:28 rue_mohr2 so I thought I'd just throw it in and hit play
00:28 rue_mohr2 :/
00:30 rue_mohr2 I'm comcluding that presidents of the united states only did as many good songs as I have of them
00:31 rue_mohr2 I made a wall of 28 muffin fans
00:31 rue_mohr2 it blows
00:32 GargantuaSauce noisy?
00:32 rue_mohr2 not as much as you might think
00:32 GargantuaSauce seems like at that scale it'd be better to just get a box fan
00:33 rue_mohr2 it was a cool project
00:33 GargantuaSauce 12V power or are they mains ones?
00:34 rue_mohr2 12V, 5A of it
00:34 GargantuaSauce did you do speed control
00:34 rue_mohr2 no
00:37 GargantuaSauce i expect more of you!
00:37 rue_mohr2 I took apart 109 power supplies, it was free, I'm not made of money you know
00:38 rue_mohr2 iirc my chemicals are only worth like $12
00:38 GargantuaSauce ya but i mean you have an atmega8 and a mosfet and a pot handy i'm sure
00:38 e_mohr2 glares blankly at GargantuaSa
00:38 GargantuaSauce or hell a damn 555
00:39 rue_mohr2 I dont use 555 anymore, I use tiny13, there more stable
00:39 GargantuaSauce well whatever you'd use for a totally basic pwm controller
00:39 GargantuaSauce anyway if it's quiet at 100% i guess it doesn't make a damn difference
00:40 rue_mohr2 funny, it occurs to me that I have adc -> pwm x2 for t13, in true pwm and hobby servo pwm
00:40 GargantuaSauce well it's like 10 lines of code
00:40 rue_mohr2 yea if that
00:41 GargantuaSauce i am gonna be off work for a bit after this week!
00:41 GargantuaSauce gonna do so much robots
00:41 GargantuaSauce fuckin' stoked
00:41 rue_mohr2 uhu
00:41 rue_mohr2 I just bought 20 standard servos
00:41 rue_mohr2 I made an error and bought the first set from hobby king
00:41 GargantuaSauce HK is very hit or miss it would seem
00:41 rue_mohr2 end up costing me $7.30ea for $3.99 servos
00:42 rue_mohr2 so I bought the other 10 from aliexpress
00:42 GargantuaSauce ehh look on the bright side i guess, there's somewhat of a guarantee they aren't counterfeit hidden in that price
00:42 rue_mohr2 well, they are pretty nice looking
00:42 GargantuaSauce i have a bunch of fake mg996R
00:43 GargantuaSauce they work fine but are made of shittier plastic and also are BACKWARDS
00:43 rue_mohr2 reverse the motor and pot connectsions
00:44 GargantuaSauce i cba to open all 10 of them
00:44 GargantuaSauce adding a - is easer
00:44 rue_mohr2 yea, software is great for correcting that stuff
00:45 rue_mohr2 I'v taken to each servo having offset and scale calibration
00:45 GargantuaSauce yup me too
00:45 GargantuaSauce cause there are always inconsistencies in the mechanical assembly
00:45 rue_mohr2 so I can scale the units to degrees of final motion and offset them per where the mechnic 0 is
00:45 rue_mohr2 ^al
00:46 GargantuaSauce isal? :)
00:46 rue_mohr2 sigh
00:46 GargantuaSauce i didnt even notice the error
00:46 rue_mohr2 isn't autocorrect nice?
00:46 rue_mohr2 read anything
00:47 rue_mohr2 eevn wehn the txet has been hroirlby maiuetltd
00:49 rue_mohr2 did you see the arm taht I been wrinokg on?
00:50 GargantuaSauce probably. how new?
00:50 rue_mohr2 arm8!
00:50 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060552.jpg
00:51 rue_mohr2 oh I need to update
00:51 GargantuaSauce isnt that from a few months ago
00:51 GargantuaSauce or are you redoing it
00:51 GargantuaSauce looks very similar to the all-pvc one
00:51 GargantuaSauce i guess the parallel linkage is different
00:51 rue_mohr2 no, its the same style tho
00:52 rue_mohr2 I'm gonna try to make a run of them
00:52 GargantuaSauce cool
00:52 rue_mohr2 no two will be the same
00:53 GargantuaSauce any progress on buddyIII btw?
00:53 rue_mohr2 :( no
00:53 rue_mohr2 I have to put filters on all the overload sensors
00:53 rgantuaSauce cracks the
00:53 rue_mohr2 its arjious
00:54 rue_mohr2 oh i made the frame for the heater for the vacuum former too
00:54 GargantuaSauce yeah i plan on perfecting a single servo design so i don't end up doing every incremental improvement 18-24 times when i redo my hex
00:54 GargantuaSauce as unrealistic as that may be
00:56 GargantuaSauce actually i guess it might have 30-36 dof if i end up stealing the design of that crazy nasa wheeled hex
00:56 GargantuaSauce because that thing is appealing as hell
00:56 rue_mohr2 single servo?
00:56 GargantuaSauce like a modular design i reproduce for every joint
00:56 GargantuaSauce as opposed to your slightly more ad-hoc approach
00:57 rue_mohr2 hah! slightly...
00:57 GargantuaSauce hehe
00:57 rue_mohr2 hey, I'd like you to know I did a run on grippers
00:57 rue_mohr2 made 4
00:57 rue_mohr2 just a min...
00:57 GargantuaSauce oooh yes wanna see those
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060554.jpg
00:58 rue_mohr2 I can give you the pdf templates if you want
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060555.jpg
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060556.jpg
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060557.jpg
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060558.jpg
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060559.jpg
00:58 GargantuaSauce ya i can increment a number myself
00:58 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060560.jpg
00:58 GargantuaSauce is that acrylic?
00:58 rue_mohr2 but there are unpredicabel gaps
00:59 GargantuaSauce also how do you cut your aluminium
00:59 rue_mohr2 no its lexan
00:59 GargantuaSauce i am looking at the directory index anyway
00:59 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060563.jpg
00:59 rue_mohr2 for the spot where the servo sits, I used my square nibbler
01:00 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060569.jpg <-- ;)
01:00 rue_mohr2 the link rods are made of paperclip wire
01:00 rue_mohr2 I thought I took mroe pics of the cutout process
01:00 GargantuaSauce cool
01:01 GargantuaSauce i really dont like those archetypical wire linkages for servos though
01:01 GargantuaSauce they lack linearity!
01:01 GargantuaSauce and are flimsy as shit
01:01 GargantuaSauce but everyone does that, for all sorts of stuff :/
01:01 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060470.jpg
01:01 rue_mohr2 work up from there, I sometimes use the jigsaw on metal too
01:02 rue_mohr2 for those, its pretty sturdy, but I otherwise agree
01:02 GargantuaSauce ahhh jigsaw
01:02 GargantuaSauce but yeah i guess the wire linkages win on simplicity
01:02 rue_mohr2 for the grippers I used tin sheers and the nibbler, seems I didn't take a pic of the nibbler
01:02 rue_mohr2 in that case, those linkages are stronger than the servos
01:03 GargantuaSauce yeah was just going to mention that
01:03 GargantuaSauce guess it doesnt make a difference for the 4g ones
01:04 GargantuaSauce you'd think we'd have come up with a better cheap+dirty linear actuator scheme by now though
01:04 rgantuaSauce puts that on the ever-increasing
01:05 rue_mohr2 hmmm
01:05 rue_mohr2 maybe thats an idea for arm9
01:05 GargantuaSauce i guess one of those ultracheap steppers and a chunk of allthread would do
01:05 rue_mohr2 servo + slider + belt
01:05 rue_mohr2 GargantuaSauce, no, too slow
01:06 GargantuaSauce yeah...
01:06 rue_mohr2 180 degrees, hmm
01:06 GargantuaSauce actually
01:06 rue_mohr2 if I wanted to go 4cm
01:06 GargantuaSauce totally forgot about these
01:06 rue_mohr2 zippo:/files/temp/cd# circle -c 8
01:06 rue_mohr2 Radius is : 1.273239
01:06 rue_mohr2 Diameter is: 2.546479
01:06 rue_mohr2 Circumfrence is : 8.000000
01:06 rue_mohr2 Area is : 5.092958
01:06 rue_mohr2 Sphere area: 20.371832
01:06 rue_mohr2 Sphere volume: 8.646073
01:07 GargantuaSauce http://www.ebay.ca/itm/171124938008 i have a bunch of these guys, got em for <$1 each
01:07 GargantuaSauce keep meaning to try those out
01:07 rue_mohr2 2.5cm pulley and a toothbelt
01:07 rue_mohr2 I can make the pulley out of a disc with reversed belt glued on
01:07 rue_mohr2 oh ohoh I got plastic racks from china!
01:08 GargantuaSauce also it's a bit creepy that the diameter of that is almost exactly 1"
01:08 rue_mohr2 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/58-Style-Plastic-Gears-M0-5-For-Motor-Robotics-Model-Part-DIY-/390907378575
01:08 rue_mohr2 like that but with some racks
01:09 GargantuaSauce yeah rack+pinion would almost certainly be best
01:09 rue_mohr2 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/75-styles-Plastic-Gear-combination-All-The-Module-for-DIY-/181387427640
01:09 rue_mohr2 that one!
01:09 rue_mohr2 but it was like $5
01:12 rue_mohr2 http://www.aliexpress.com/item/75PCS-Plastic-gear-rack-pulley-belt-worm-gear-Single-and-double-gear-8-56-teeth-diy/1710715622.html
01:12 rue_mohr2 yea
01:12 rue_mohr2 http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Crabs-Kingdom-DIY-model-gearboxes-plastic-motor-gear-package-69-kinds-2-pack-lot-robot-accessories/1796876854.html?s=p
01:13 rue_mohr2 yea yea
01:13 rue_mohr2 http://www.aliexpress.com/item/34PCS-a-lot-Plastic-gear-rack-pulley-belt-Worm-gear-Single-and-double-gear-8-56/1854845799.html
01:13 rue_mohr2 YES! OH YES!
01:14 GargantuaSauce sweet
01:14 rue_mohr2 I'm gonna get two of those
01:14 rue_mohr2 there must be a way to fit the gear to a servo and use the rack on a linear act.
01:15 GargantuaSauce you'd need a linear pot or a spring-loaded spool or something
01:15 GargantuaSauce totally doable though
01:15 rue_mohr2 use a hobby servo :D
01:15 GargantuaSauce oh i guess if a half turn can cover the whole range of motion you want
01:16 GargantuaSauce its not quite a rack-and-pinion if the round gear is huge though is it? :D
01:18 rue_mohr2 this is bad, I'v aparently memorized my credit card details
01:18 GargantuaSauce heheh
01:18 GargantuaSauce man i need to get back on the aliexpress train
01:18 GargantuaSauce my cc stopped working with it because the securecode system is a broken piece of security theatre
01:19 rue_mohr2 ? I'v never had cc problems with them
01:19 rue_mohr2 but their login system was another matter
01:20 rue_mohr2 I figured out that if you log into alibaba.com, it will let you into aliexpress, which gets around the intermittently broken aliexpress login system
01:20 GargantuaSauce it's more of a mastercard problem than their escrow i think
01:21 GargantuaSauce in any case the fix is probably just a half hour on hold to a 800 number away
01:21 rue_mohr2 :/
01:21 GargantuaSauce shrug
01:21 rue_mohr2 i'v visa
01:21 GargantuaSauce what i REALLY need to do is find a good taobao broker
01:21 rue_mohr2 whonow?
01:22 GargantuaSauce another alibaba site, closer to being ebay-ish than the others
01:22 GargantuaSauce strictly chinese language though
01:22 GargantuaSauce and nobody ships internationally, so to deal with them you find a broker in china
01:22 rue_mohr2 dear god, its all chinese to me
01:22 GargantuaSauce there is all sorts of super cheap equipment on there
01:23 GargantuaSauce if i get around to setting myself up to do that i may drive myself to destitution
01:23 rue_mohr2 I dont know what a yaun is worth
01:23 GargantuaSauce it's like 18 cents
01:24 rue_mohr2 arduiino for $1.78, meh, I can get the same from aliexpress
01:24 GargantuaSauce yeah no the prices for crap like that are along the same lines as international vendors
01:25 GargantuaSauce shit i've lost the link i was looking at
01:26 GargantuaSauce http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=37153576220
01:26 GargantuaSauce dont think you'll find a 40W laser cutter for <400 anywhere else
01:27 rue_mohr2 oh cool
01:27 GargantuaSauce i see the same ones on ebay for 650
01:27 GargantuaSauce +...
01:27 rue_mohr2 220V tho
01:28 GargantuaSauce not a huge hurdle
01:29 GargantuaSauce not sure how much shipping for an item like that would cost. might make up the difference i dunno
01:30 rue_mohr2 prolly
01:30 rue_mohr2 k, its late
01:30 rue_mohr2 I have a fire alarm to see first thing in the morning, get some sleep so I dont fix the securrity system instead
01:30 GargantuaSauce later
01:38 rue_house aaaah
19:10 rue_mohr2 ok
19:10 rue_mohr2 gonna repot my pommigranite
19:33 rue_shop2 done
19:33 rue_shop2 ok, what next
19:33 Tom_itx food?
19:33 rue_shop2 I also marked out the window for the sand blaster
19:33 rue_shop2 naaaa
19:34 rue_shop2 sleep if I'm not carefull
19:34 rue_shop2 its the 12th, I have to make a video for my had prize entry
19:34 Tom_itx i'm a day older today
19:40 rue_shop2 merry creation anniversary tom!
19:42 rue_shop2 I'm heraing other stores like my dads, people who were tested up down, and sideways for health problems and they missed major cancer
19:43 rue_shop2 billions of dollars in cancer research have not turned up any cures, nor can we even detect it yet, whos the billionare?
19:45 Tom_itx plural
19:47 Hyratel1 rue_shop2, there are some cures. it's just a very hard problem
19:59 rue_shop2 I dont suspect as much
20:00 rue_shop2 I compeletly beleive that the majority of people working in the indstry dont want to see a cure, and they doddle their time away comming up with lots of useless conclusions
20:00 rue_shop2 my dad had cancer as advanced as it gets, and they didn't even notice
20:01 rue_shop2 and they didn't have reason to not suspect, he'd already been treated for cancer
20:04 e_shop2 picks thru the gears for the right ones for a w
20:05 rue_shop2 these are just too small...
20:06 rue_shop2 hmm I need a new pitch and yaw deisgn for wrists
20:40 rue_shop2 ok I fudged it, but I really need to think up a better way of doing this
20:41 e_shop2 whips out a b
20:43 -!- anonnumberanon was kicked from #robotics by rue_shop2!~rue@d205-250-207-203.bchsia.telus.net [anonnumberanon]
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20:44 rue_shop2 theBear, hey, talk to us more eh?
20:44 rue_shop2 theBear, how the hell is your back anyhow?
20:45 rue_shop2 -34-
20:47 rue_shop2 changed topic of #robotics to: Arduino controlled, 3d printed psycho robots! | http://tom-itx.ddns01.com:81/~webpage/index.php | happy hour at 2am GMT!
21:40 rue_shop2 ok this is working
21:40 rue_shop2 I have the wrist drive system togethor
21:41 rue_shop2 I'm using arm4's wrist asembly method
21:41 rue_shop2 having a lathe is making it lots easier
21:44 rue_shop2 making nuts into lock collars is a total hit
21:51 rue_shop2 hmm, a nickel and a dime at a time, this lathe is paying for itself
21:52 Hyratel1 rue_shop2, can you please tempban netwoodle
21:53 rue_shop2 may I ask why?
21:53 rue_shop2 I dont need a book man, hit enter already
21:55 rue_shop2 Hyratel1, ?
21:55 Hyratel1 because it's taking up about half my buffer with joinspam and the kicking nonsense instead of with actual conversation
21:56 rue_shop2 ah ok
21:56 -!- netwoodle was kicked from #robotics by rue_shop2!~rue@d205-250-207-203.bchsia.telus.net [netwoodle]
21:56 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, as a ref, I dont know how to undo that
21:57 rue_shop2 Hyratel1, but really, I suggest turning off all join/part messages
21:57 Hyratel1 window > banlist (while in channel) > select banmask > remove
21:58 rue_shop2 nifty
22:02 rue_shop2 haha
22:02 rue_shop2 I got carried away, I made up a shaft connector when I really want a plate connector
22:03 Tom_itx undo what?
22:03 rue_shop2 that ban, Hyratel1 gave me clues tho
22:04 Tom_itx you didn't ban, just kick
22:04 Hyratel1 he did ban tho
22:04 Hyratel1 > * rue_shop2 sets ban on *!*noodle@
22:04 Tom_itx unban him then
22:04 Hyratel1 he'd tried kicking but autorejoin was making it into spam
22:06 Tom_itx  /mode #robotics -B *!*noodle@
22:06 rue_shop2 if its a bad connection on someone that never talks, I dont see concern, I'll undo later and someone will have motivation to fix their network connection
22:06 Tom_itx -b
22:06 Tom_itx lower case
22:06 rue_shop2 does noodle ever talk?
22:08 rue_shop2 this method of just drawing what I want and then making it seems to work nicely
22:09 Tom_itx that what you want?
22:10 rue_shop2 I was gonna save wanting it for later, but yup.
22:10 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, whats up with you lately? whats happening?
22:11 Tom_itx absolutely nothing
22:12 Tom_itx still need to finish sorting out my junk
22:12 rue_shop2 you sounded like you lost drive to make things, anything come back?
22:14 rue_shop2 hmm, wonder if i can spot weld this stufff....
22:15 rue_shop2 ?
22:15 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, helloooo...
22:22 rue_shop2 hmmm
22:24 Tom_itx early day tomorrow.
22:24 Tom_itx going to sleep
22:25 rue_shop2 gnight
22:25 rue_shop2 hmm if I had a large set of parallel crimps, I could make my own hole punches
22:25 rue_shop2 I bet I could just copy some parallel pliers
22:26 rue_shop2 in 1/2" or 3/4" steel pipe
22:26 rue_shop2 or squarestock
22:27 rue_shop2 well, this is good progress
22:27 rue_shop2 but I'm losing steam and still have to make supper
22:27 rue_shop2 I'll post the imagry
22:35 rue_mohr2 hmm, I should makea tip-of-the-day folder
22:45 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060590.jpg
22:45 rue_mohr2 lathe is a good thing, I turned the parts above, into the parts below
22:45 rue_mohr2 so the bolt became a mounting plate,
22:45 rue_mohr2 the nuts became the lock rings
22:45 rue_mohr2 the shaft steps from 7mm to 6mm
22:46 rue_mohr2 and the lamp pipe is drilled out a nice consistant 7mm with no internal seam
22:46 rue_mohr2 oh, and I used it to cut part off one of the plastic gears...
22:46 rue_mohr2 forgot the image of that
22:46 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060591.jpg
22:46 rue_mohr2 the gripper mounts to the plate on the left
22:47 rue_mohr2 The frame mounts between the 2 nuts
22:47 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060592.jpg
22:47 rue_mohr2 there is the long plastic gear, I cut the left side of the shaft off
22:47 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060594.jpg
22:47 rue_mohr2 everyone meshing nicely
22:48 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060595.jpg
22:48 rue_mohr2 more locks for the synchrobelt pullies
22:48 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060596.jpg
22:48 rue_mohr2 they are made of nuts that were made shorter and drilled out (+ grub screw)
22:48 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060597.jpg
22:49 rue_mohr2 goes togethor like that, the grub screw pinches the plastic between the shaft and the collar
22:49 MrCurious rue_mohr2: hast thou heardest of a technology knowenth as HTML
22:49 rue_mohr2 well ya know if it was a more budy channel I might bother
22:49 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060599.jpg
22:49 rue_mohr2 so here is my trick, I lay it out on paper, draw what I want, and make it
22:50 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm8/p1060601.jpg
22:50 rue_mohr2 :)
22:50 MrCurious rue: good point. sry
22:50 rue_mohr2 I have no idea how to drill the holes across those tabs so they come out in a line
22:51 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1010571.jpg
22:51 rue_mohr2 it'll be designed a lot like that
22:51 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1010546b.jpg
22:52 rue_mohr2 that one I drew on the photo :)
22:52 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1010782.jpg
22:53 rue_mohr2 it worked out really nice
22:55 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1060572.jpg
22:55 rue_mohr2 arm 4 has a gripper now
22:55 rue_mohr2 still need to hook it up tho
22:55 rue_mohr2 but its on!
22:56 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1060581.jpg
22:57 rue_mohr2 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1000879.jpg
22:57 rue_mohr2 I start robots from interesting regions
22:59 rue_mohr2 I feel like I'm starting to get good at this
23:51 rue_mohr2 all these efforts to make the butter spreadable, I'm thinking that the solution is to make the problem worse, freeze the damn stuff and run in thru a freaking shredder, sprinkle it on!