#robotics Logs

Jul 26 2014

#robotics Calendar

01:19 rue_mohr2 transcendence was not quite what I expected
01:23 MrCurious it is what i expected
01:23 MrCurious when you can fee room to grow, you will become all that you can be
01:26 rue_bed I didn't expect modern romeo and juliette
01:29 MrCurious by romeo and Juliette, if you meant romeo turned into god, and Juliette jabbed him with mortality while he willingly took it. spot on
01:30 MrCurious part i didnt see coming was how his intentions were all pure.
01:35 MrCurious suppose this movie tells us just why God doesn't visit...
06:18 zero_coder heyllo
06:18 Jak_o_Shadows hi
06:18 zero_coder hi Jak_o_Shadows
06:19 zero_coder i am trying to make a robot with arduino and raspberry pi
06:19 zero_coder Jak_o_Shadows, i need some help with it
06:19 Jak_o_Shadows Mmmm. What is the problem?
06:19 zero_coder power
06:20 zero_coder i was using a normal adapter for powering it
06:20 zero_coder but raspberry pi alone needs 1A
06:20 zero_coder normal adapter cant afford that much power
06:20 Jak_o_Shadows ah.
06:20 Jak_o_Shadows I use a computer power supply, and quite a length of wire.
06:21 zero_coder i was thinking of using my laptop PSU
06:21 zero_coder its 19V at 3.42 A
06:21 zero_coder but now i need to step it down to 5V
06:21 Jak_o_Shadows Sure, why not. You just need to do that
06:21 zero_coder can i use 2 7805's in parallel
06:22 zero_coder ?
06:22 zero_coder from 7805's output power the Pi
06:22 Jak_o_Shadows I would buy a switching power thingo off ebay
06:22 zero_coder and from the other one power arduino?
06:22 zero_coder well, i am not good at electronics
06:22 zero_coder can u just gimme the link?
06:22 Jak_o_Shadows switching dc-dc converters are not too expensive.
06:25 zero_coder http://www.ebay.in/itm/DC-DC-Buck-Converter-1-23V-30V-Step-Down-Module-LM2596-Power-Supply-Output-/171386319551?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item27e76bb2bf
06:25 zero_coder ?
06:25 zero_coder Jak_o_Shadows, ^^ ?
06:25 Jak_o_Shadows Yeah, that is what I was imagining
06:25 zero_coder great
06:26 Jak_o_Shadows dunno about the price, I have no idea of the exchange rate
06:26 zero_coder the price is okay for me
06:26 zero_coder its cheap
06:26 Jak_o_Shadows I would use one or more of that.
06:27 Jak_o_Shadows not in parallel: Just for different things.
06:27 zero_coder 1 would be enough , right?
06:28 Jak_o_Shadows Probably.
06:28 zero_coder i mean , i would only require 3A at max
06:28 Jak_o_Shadows I would put a semi-decent sized cap on the output
06:29 Jak_o_Shadows You should probably further research if they're good enough for a Rpi
06:30 zero_coder cap?
06:30 Jak_o_Shadows capacitor
06:30 Jak_o_Shadows Should marginally help for peak current/high momentary current.
06:30 zero_coder what would go wrong with pi?
06:31 Jak_o_Shadows dunno. I haven't used one is alll
06:35 zero_coder Jak_o_Shadows, okay :)
13:57 io___ Hi all
13:58 soudeur werd
14:12 iveevue Hello
14:48 rue_shop2 hey
15:13 MrCurious ITS A TRAP!
16:18 rue_mohr2 an interrupt trap?
17:04 Tom_itx P-trap
17:42 robotustra_ GargantuaSauce: http://i.imgur.com/Kuonfmj.png
17:44 GargantuaSauce interesting
17:45 GargantuaSauce what kind of wheels are those on the carriages?
17:45 robotustra_ corexy modified a bit by me
17:45 robotustra_ http://3d.grabercars.com/?product=dual-623-v-roller
17:46 robotustra_ I have some
17:46 robotustra_ thought to use them on delta
17:46 robotustra_ but they are fit for 20/20
17:46 robotustra_ so I used them in this design
17:47 GargantuaSauce i have a feeling they'll wear fairly quickly when used horizontally like that
17:47 GargantuaSauce but eh worth trying i guess
17:48 robotustra_ similar rollers are on my delta - works fine
17:48 robotustra_ delring over aluminium extrusion
19:04 Hyratel1 how does that work