#robotics Logs

Jul 03 2014

#robotics Calendar

00:39 somebub ...slag it is like half built because i didn't want to kill my welder to do it.
01:09 rue_bed uh, all my robots were built on a $20 buget
01:10 rue_bed hmm, I was thinking about something to weld in that was filled with shielding gas
01:10 rue_bed like a sand blaster
01:11 rue_bed ....
01:11 rue_bed maybe I shouldn't have used wood on the sand blaster
01:11 somebub i get ideas and they get stuck in my head and are some times expensive to get out
01:13 rue_bed I just got my tig welder working recently
01:14 rue_bed so I might be able to try some things out
01:14 rue_bed argon is nice and heavy too
01:14 somebub seriously. i thought sand blasters were basicly canisters that vaccum from
01:15 rue_bed it would work for wind shielding too
01:15 rue_bed I had to stop my last project cause of excessive wind
01:16 somebub tig is a great way to do it but i think it would be reinventing the wheel
01:16 rue_bed ah yes, the problem with the dac I'm using for my power supply is that in order to latch the values into the register you also need to give it the msb of the next sample
01:17 deshipu I don't get why people rage so much about 3d printing, cnc, laser cutting and such stuff
01:17 deshipu cutting out the 5 parts you need by hand is not such a big deal
01:18 deshipu and it's cheaper that way
01:18 rue_bed if your set up, and have materials, it makes parts easy
01:18 rue_bed I dont cnc any of my stuff, yet anyhow
01:18 deshipu you need a couple of plexi leftovers and a hand saw?
01:18 rue_bed I draw it up in cad, print it 1:1 and use the printout as a template with the jigsaw
01:18 deshipu you can get the plexiglass pieces as a trash anywhere they make signs
01:19 rue_bed +- a centre punch to transfer it
01:19 rue_bed plexiglass sucks, lexan is great to work with
01:19 deshipu I see where "it's too expensive" comes from then
01:20 rue_bed whats expensive?
01:20 deshipu I just build from whatever I have available
01:20 rue_bed you havn't seen my shop
01:21 deshipu obviously
01:21 rue_bed its the reason I can do what I do for $20 or less per project
01:21 deshipu I don't think it's a prerequisite
01:22 rue_bed I have to strip down more printers, the hospital might be giving me 3 more
01:22 somebub i think it is . under 10$ a pound for a bot would be nice not counting power supply.
01:22 rue_bed uh
01:23 rue_bed http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/
01:23 deshipu so the goal is to build the heaviest robot possible?
01:23 rue_bed check out 'robot_family2'
01:24 rue_bed those are all 20 or less
01:24 somebub one with a real function
01:24 rue_bed http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg
01:24 rue_bed its an old one, I have 4 more robotic arms
01:26 MrCurious somebub: interesting ideas on the metal printer
01:28 MrCurious wonder if snipping a segment of wire, inductive heating it in a magnetic bottle, then letting it land on target would work
01:29 rue_bed nope, cold joint
01:30 MrCurious so the ink-jet method aint gonna fly with metal
01:31 somebub i am waiting on more giant diodes the trick is getting parts out because the sides have to be air tight or i will lose c02 . but if i plan for it it is not a trick . solid core the polarity has to be flopped so the heat goes in to the wire not the work
01:31 MrCurious i have seen fuel filters that appeared to be made of compressed brass balls
01:31 MrCurious wonder how that is made...
01:31 GargantuaSauce umm
01:31 GargantuaSauce i dont think you want it to be sealed
01:32 deshipu rue_bed: the servos on the hexapod alone would have costed more than $20
01:32 MrCurious cant you use dry ice or liquid nitrogen to cool th work platform?
01:32 rue_bed those are dc gearmotors
01:32 rue_bed free from vending machines
01:32 rue_bed MrCurious, you have to heat the workpeice to get the material to fuse to it
01:32 rue_bed think if it were all solder
01:33 deshipu "free"
01:33 somebub just the sides and bottom c02 is heavier than air
01:33 rue_bed I was given the vending machines
01:33 GargantuaSauce it's not going to stay heavier than air
01:33 GargantuaSauce it's going to get hot
01:36 rue_bed gnight
01:37 somebub but the print does not start until it has c02 in the work space it will displace all the 02 then ther will no porocity and if i lose some oh well still cheaper than running it flat out in the air
01:37 MrCurious could ark fuse wire to the work piece at low power
01:37 MrCurious then snip it, leaving a hair
01:38 MrCurious wire-frame 3d-printing
01:39 somebub yes it is going to be tough to get the power consumption on the nose
01:40 MrCurious well if it was cake, it would have been done already
01:43 MrCurious tomorrow by noon, my central ac install should be done.
01:43 MrCurious was 91F inside today
01:44 somebub i want to do it then minuretize it . put it in a little robot make it pregnant and teach it g code is a dirty word.
01:45 somebub bad idea economy of scale and all that
01:46 MrCurious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4JJEazpb_g
01:47 MrCurious give it a granite cutter head, solar power, and it could lay down some serious desert grafiti
01:47 MrCurious and a much larger scale
01:50 somebub yes very pretty its feet need either more weight or pillings
01:50 MrCurious i suspect they have cleets
01:51 MrCurious now.... take that last CNC hex, and scale it up to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRmT0eWSXv4
01:58 somebub that is one of the most complicated things ever. the hydraulic pressure sensors alone would be the worst . that thing is out ove evrybodies price range
02:00 MrCurious clearly it is an item that we all MUST possess
02:01 somebub if it were neumatic it would be very fast
02:04 somebub if you could size the cylinder leverage other wise it would sit down and do nothing
02:06 MrCurious ok, this is click...
02:06 MrCurious slick
02:06 MrCurious http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9249532/3D_printer_constructs_10_buildings_in_one_day_from_recycled_materials
02:19 somebub i read that before . i think quick setting concrete is not a great thing in the long run for tall buildings . but concrete forms can made out of traditional concrete and have non ferous rebar and sides . no rust in the rebar buildings could last hundreds of years instead of tearing down to replace every sixty or seventy years
03:40 bindigoat http://www.indymedia.org.au/2014/06/21/australian-association-of-radiation-mitigation-professionals
09:05 rue_more every time there is an article about it, people get excited about concrete printing
09:10 GuShH rue_more: ordered a 4x4x1/2" 1045 plate for the compound, sick of watching it flex.
09:10 GuShH not sure if yours would be wider or the same, but might be worth a shot if it's only mounted with two nuts
09:11 GuShH however the whole compound is flawed by design on those lathes, all of them.
09:11 GuShH if you look at how the big old machines were made, with the T slot and one solid piece...
09:11 GuShH saw a used lathe, about the same size, but the compound was as big as my crosslide, same travel basically on both directions. amazing stuff for tapers
09:12 GuShH however it had no clutch and no reverse tumbler, no gearbox... wasn't worth it
09:12 GuShH If I were to upgrade I would go for one with power feed in both directions and a clutch.
09:12 GuShH with a proper full blown gearbox.
09:13 GuShH but I've never seen one that wouldn't take up the whole room, space wise.
09:21 rue_more "and it had levers! so many levers!, you couldn't count them on all the sticks in the world! some went up and down, some went left and right, and some went in and out! oh my what a machine it was"
10:19 Hyratel http://petermorwood.tumblr.com/post/90645310132/owl-of-the-rear-burghs-more-warhammers I'd like to see a high-fantasy game where instead of huge flourishy maul-type hammers, the endgame melee/mass-blunt weapons sequence has these
10:30 deshipu http://youtu.be/cmEIybq4c5Y <-- got it rleatively smooth :)
10:36 MrCurious deshipu: if you make sock covers for the feet, it may enhance the asthetics...
10:36 MrCurious or the creepy-ness of a box with eyes walking towards you
10:39 deshipu MrCurious: I suppose I could use condoms ;)
10:39 MrCurious creepy++
10:40 deshipu fill them with cotton...
10:41 MrCurious make sure they are ribbed for her ......
10:42 deshipu the servo vibration becomes an asset, not a fault
10:45 deshipu the sad thing is that it would really be a great solution, but people will get bad ideas seeing it
10:46 deshipu it could even be waterproof
14:57 GuShh_Lap rue_more: got the plate, the cut is straight but the previous cut wasn't, so... needs to be adressed
14:58 GuShh_Lap 1045 steel 4x4x1/2"
15:44 poli_ GuShh_Lap: long time no see
16:03 GargantuaSauce nice progress deshipu
16:04 GargantuaSauce the feet look like they're doing their jobs quite nicely
16:10 GuShh_Lap hi poli_
16:10 GuShh_Lap rue_more: size fits perfect, just need to figure out a way to get it all nice and square before I begin machining it
16:11 GuShh_Lap first step is to find the center, once it's square, drill and lock a bolt with two nuts, put that on the 3 jaw and start facing
16:11 GuShh_Lap doing it on a 4 jaw is too problematic by comparison, and the center has to be bored out anyway
16:12 GuShh_Lap http://bedair.org/clamp/4_BOLT_COMPOUND_HOLD_DOWN.pdf
16:12 GuShh_Lap that one is 3x4, I went with 4x4 the longer the better.
16:13 GuShh_Lap I didn't measure before I ordered the stock, but it all matches, these lathes are all pretty much the same, although yours may be 5 inch instead of 4, not sure.
16:13 GuShh_Lap RifRaf: finally upgrading it! heh
16:25 poli GuShh_Lap: how is your beanch lathe doing?
16:26 GuShh_Lap just needs a new compound clamp
16:30 GuShh_Lap soon to be http://gushh.net/tmp/dscn5769f.jpg
16:31 GuShh_Lap hmm so mill scale is not just magnetite, it's mostly iron 2 and 3 oxide WITH magnetite, combination of all three.
16:31 GuShh_Lap CRS would be nicer, but 1045 HRS is all they had on these sizes :(
16:36 GuShh_Lap poli: the daughter of a famous journalist died over there in brazil a few days ago :(
16:36 GuShh_Lap seems you guys suck at driving, or something else happened
16:36 GuShh_Lap but the other car DID impact the rear of the crashed car
16:37 GuShh_Lap they assume they wanted to make them stop to steal their values... but it's unknown (at least I don't know)
16:37 GuShh_Lap rolled the heck out of the highway / route and she flew off the rear seat got crushed by the car as it rolled over, died instantly on the side of the road
16:38 GuShh_Lap rental car, at night
16:39 RifRaf GuShh_Lap, cool, off to work now but might do bit on lathe over weekend as well
16:50 poli GuShh_Lap: I doubt the burglar hypotesis. It is way to dangerous. They use other means for stopping cars. Mainly rocks on the windshield etc.
16:50 poli GuShh_Lap: I head about the case. Seems to me like a regular accident.
16:50 poli GuShh_Lap: Roads in that area used to be awful.
16:50 poli I don't know nowadays
17:34 GuShh_Lap poli: dude... now a bridge fell down?
17:35 GuShh_Lap poli: thing is, the other car bumped them and that's when they THOUGHT they were trying to steal their car or something, so they speeded up / panicked and hit the side of the road.
17:35 GuShh_Lap but, it was a small car, no way it can reach high speeds...
17:36 GuShh_Lap the journalists that went over to cover the news said the road was very dangerous.
17:36 GuShh_Lap they were actually scared as heck.
21:12 rue_more I stalled too long on my reprap
21:12 rue_more now I have official steper driver boards
21:13 rue_more I got 10
21:13 rue_more 2.50 ea?
22:10 poli GuShh_Lap: That State is well known for having some of the worst roads of the region.
22:11 poli GuShh_Lap: Tarmac is generally of very bad quality, even on the good roads. They just don't lay enough foundation under it and then keep trying to fix the upppermost layer as if it would solve the problem.
22:11 poli Like running after their own tails.