#robotics Logs

Jun 22 2014

#robotics Calendar

01:12 rue_more well, just waitng for dns records to update then
07:54 password2 Tesla motors are idiots imho
07:54 password2 oops wrong tab
07:55 password2 Why does my client jump tabs ...
07:56 ua password2, adhd prolly
07:56 password2 prolly
07:59 password2 I must be hitting some short cut
09:13 password2 i want these http://www.lightmalls.com/high-capacity-trustfire-tf-32650-6000mah-3-7v-li-ion-rechargeable-battery-with-pcb
09:42 Tom_itx get a new client
13:03 MrCurious and the croud goes wild
13:39 password2 ...
13:40 password2 anyway , 32650 cells are sexy
13:44 password2 i should shave and get a few 6aH ones
15:56 MrCurious got that band saw while on special $80 off, with a coupon for another 53 off
17:26 GuShH MrCurious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EjIh4DHRfY
17:26 GuShH MrCurious: you got that stamped sheet poopy saw?
17:28 MrCurious i call fake
17:28 GuShH probably by LG
17:28 GuShH so what?
17:28 GuShH enjoy it
17:29 GuShH it made it on the news though
17:29 MrCurious sick of ruining the blades on my wood band saw with steel
17:29 GuShH you said you weren't working with steel
17:29 GuShH plus I told you, wrong blades.
17:29 GuShH get bimetal or hss
17:29 GuShH not carbon steel china shit
17:29 ShH shakes
17:29 MrCurious came with a FREE blade
17:29 GuShH do get blades made in the US.
17:30 MrCurious meh, we will see
17:30 GuShH yes we will.
17:30 MrCurious not like it will cut more than 50 pieces lifetime...
17:30 GuShH I got eyes on you.
17:30 GuShH you are their intended customer
17:30 MrCurious i still have to put that shit together
17:30 MrCurious yes
17:30 GuShH yeah stamped metal
17:30 GuShH wobbly wobbly
17:30 ShH g
17:31 MrCurious the demo one was smooth and nicely balanced
17:31 MrCurious 1 HP motor
17:31 GuShH You got it dirt cheap but I went to the stores... was crap, plus twice as much.
17:31 GuShH 3/4 hp actually
17:31 MrCurious and no wobble in the demo
17:31 GuShH put a 50KG chunk of steel on top and say that again
17:31 MrCurious and it comes in "i cut your fingers off" red!
17:32 GuShH it doesn't have to support it's own weight alone, it has to support the stock!
17:32 GuShH without flexing and giving you shitty cuts
17:32 GuShH most people had to make their own stand...
17:32 GuShH it's like those trailers HF sells
17:32 GuShH for 300 bucks
17:33 MrCurious did USA just give the portugal guy an elbow while he was down?
17:33 GuShH screams multiple car accident.
17:33 GuShH I'm not watching
17:33 GuShH Portugal is the one playing very well?
17:33 GuShH they took out UK?
17:33 GuShH england
17:33 GuShH brits be out?
17:33 MrCurious he did!
17:33 GuShH you bastards!
17:34 MrCurious US basturds!
17:34 MrCurious doing that to portugals ginger techno viking!
17:35 MrCurious well, now if we can just learn to fall down when exposed to a lilght breeze, we will have mastered the sport
17:35 GuShH I was afraid the Iran guys would assemble a nuke or something.
17:35 GuShH after the match most people went out wearing red pants.
17:35 MrCurious that would have been horrible, followed immediately by very high tv ratings
17:36 GuShH what a way to taunt the terrorists
17:36 GuShH Hey in RedAlert they have suicide bomb experts.
17:37 GuShH http://images.smh.com.au/2012/09/28/3673991/AL-wide--benjamin-netanyahu-20120928194122619316-620x349.jpg
17:38 MrCurious what is that? an iranian telethon fund raising drive?
17:38 bindigoat the future of renewables is RREIC, Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction
17:39 GuShH hahahaha
17:39 GuShH MrCurious: alright now, time to take a nap
17:39 ShH grabs the blanket and duct
17:39 GuShH that's the US standard right?
17:39 MrCurious oh i see.. thats POWER coming out of that electric cable connected to the reactor
17:39 GuShH and tomorrow you'll wear armoured clothing to kindergarten.
17:40 GuShH http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/201210/r1019762_11557902.jpg
17:41 bindigoat https://soundcloud.com/mantra-1-1/australien-universal-space
17:42 MrCurious GuShH: i cant tell... is he bidding on something?
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Biofuel cultivators . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Biomass cultivators . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Geothermal energy infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Hydroelectricity expanded using robotic construction methods . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Solar energy infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Tidal power infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Wave power infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Wind power infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Osmotic power infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Marine current power infrastructure construction . . .
17:43 bindigoat Robotic Ocean thermal energy conversion infrastructure construction . . .
17:44 MrCurious trying to get everyone to /ignore you?
17:44 bindigoat The future of renewables is RREIC, Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction
17:44 MrCurious seems like a yes to me
17:45 GuShH bindigoat: sit on it
17:45 MrCurious whose bot is bindigoat?
17:46 Curious invokes the name of Tom
17:46 bindigoat I'm not a bot I'm human
17:46 MrCurious and i suppose the clever bot wants to talk about butts now
17:47 MrCurious so bindigoat what was the point of that wall of remarkedly similar lines...?
17:47 MrCurious was it a puzzle? because i like good puzzles?
17:47 bindigoat The future of renewables is RREIC, Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction
17:48 MrCurious yes, you covered that 3 minutes prior you bot
17:48 bindigoat renewable energy as opposed to fossil fuels
17:48 MrCurious oh! you must think you are in #wind or #solar
17:48 MrCurious this is #CleanCoal
17:49 bindigoat they don't have those channels
17:49 MrCurious they DO! you are the first
17:49 bindigoat any australians here
17:50 MrCurious nah mate, we're all kiwi's here
17:51 Hyratel well... I guess my UPS works! I came home from a trip to discover my computer was off. turn it on, the UPS had sent it into Hibernate :D
17:52 MrCurious schweet!
17:54 Tom_itx MrCurious we have a problem here?
17:59 MrCurious thought we had a bot, but turns out he is just a highly redundant renewable energy enthuisast
17:59 bindigoat https://www.indymedia.org.au/2014/06/21/australian-association-of-radiation-mitigation-professionals
18:01 Tom_itx Secure Connection Failed
18:03 Loshki MrCurious: not the first person I know who's failed their Turing test...
18:03 MrCurious heheheh
18:06 bindigoat Kybalion
18:06 MrCurious are you classified as human. no sir, i am a meat popsicle.
18:34 Skwint I'm not sure
18:35 Skwint I'm still weighing in on "bot"
18:41 MrCurious so syria is resisting a dictator resulting in war. and now that has boiled over into iraq to resemble a shia-suni civil war. is this a correct accessment?
18:43 MrCurious with the latter part made possible by the leadership in iraq coldly not representing all the people, but just some of the people
18:43 MrCurious politics is soooo sticky, and never in the good pancake syrup on your fingers way
18:45 MrCurious do i need to pass out 10 foot poles to get anyone to touch that topic?
18:47 Tom_itx we're not a political channel
18:47 MrCurious i suppose it would be of value to look at countries who interloped in other countries civil wars, and how they were regarded after...
18:47 MrCurious ok, sry, figured it went under the psych heading
18:48 MrCurious i will try again... Robotic renewable energy to build more robots to renew the energy supply?
18:49 MrCurious i guess everyone is glued to the telly to watch the one true sport...
18:50 MrCurious futbol appears to be a mix of chess, keep-away, and pool
18:50 MrCurious with just a dash of full body cage fighting
18:52 Skwint it almost like a sport
19:06 GuShH twerk it.
19:07 GuShH MrCurious: go put that thing together instead of watching several grown ass men chase around a ball.
19:08 GuShH !
19:09 MrCurious its 80F
19:09 MrCurious and USA is WINNNING
19:09 MrCurious 2 minutes remain
19:09 MrCurious OMG
19:10 GuShH DOPING
19:10 GuShH DOPING
19:10 GuShH DOPING
19:10 GuShH doeeepieeng
19:10 GuShH you drug lords.
19:10 GuShH is there a single sport you play where you don't juice up your balls?
19:11 MrCurious welllll
19:11 MrCurious 2 -2
19:11 GuShH they should screen your players.
19:12 GuShH MrCurious: 2-2... you didn't call a score before
19:12 GuShH where's the fun in that
19:13 MrCurious what do i look like a fortuine telling gypsee
19:13 GuShH so why are your guys all white?
19:13 GuShH do they play for the pope?
19:13 GuShH or are those the portugalians
19:13 GuShH 2-2 means you might as well stay home.
19:15 MrCurious saw assembley time
19:17 GuShH MrCurious: you guys playing against germany?
19:17 GuShH you'll lose
19:17 MrCurious next
19:18 MrCurious payback for '42
19:18 GuShH lol
19:19 GuShH MrCurious: dude your coach is german?
19:19 GuShH ....
19:19 MrCurious NEIN!
19:19 GuShH sounds nazi enough to me
19:19 MrCurious gush check your PM
19:19 MrCurious i gotta go assemble a band saw
19:19 GuShH also looks like gordon ramsay's brother
19:20 GuShH oh god
19:20 GuShH MrCurious: what the hell man!!!!
19:20 GuShH that's just wrong
19:21 GuShH good lyrics though
20:26 GuShH rue_more: hmm any way to figure out the height range on something like this? http://mla-s2-p.mlstatic.com/fresadora-ruizma-16104-MLA20115905066_062014-F.jpg seems very narrow
20:27 GuShH in fact a lot less than a china zx45
20:29 MrCurious why do i keep buying tools i cannot lift
20:30 GuShH MrCurious: look at that thing, you and I together couldn't lift it.
20:30 GuShH but as to your saw, some 2x4 would help
20:30 GuShH engine hoist ideal
20:30 GuShH or someone's help
20:30 GuShH my tip?
20:30 MrCurious it is assembled
20:30 GuShH actually TIP (pun itended) it sideways, assemble, then lift it to position
20:30 MrCurious and best of all... now right ways up
20:31 GuShH it's not that heavy
20:31 MrCurious hardest part was getting the belt on...
20:31 MrCurious bad design, no clearance
20:31 GuShH motor should be on a hinged plate
20:31 GuShH dude it's chinese, there's no design
20:31 GuShH and I bet you'll need to replace the blade, and spend some hours adjusting it... but it should work fine
20:32 GuShH (adjusting so it cuts straight)
20:32 MrCurious tuning machines is ALWAYS required
20:32 MrCurious guess next machine will be a welder
20:32 GuShH well china takes it to a whole new level
20:32 GuShH to where you need to fabricate parts.
20:33 GuShH that's why I'm trying to avoid a china mill.
20:33 MrCurious when you have a mill.. always clean chips off the Z track BEFORE adjusting height. chips in the gear area will eat gears
20:34 GuShH hm?
20:34 MrCurious suppose i could test with aluminum, but that would be like testing a katana with butter
20:34 GuShH that's what way covers are for
20:34 MrCurious the auto off lever needs tuning...
20:34 GuShH and gears are not exposed on these proper machines
20:34 MrCurious it doesnt turn it off
20:34 GuShH yeah everyone complains they don't shut down
20:34 GuShH and that could mean to a fire hazard with these things
20:34 MrCurious but i can fix that with pliers and a screw driver
20:34 MrCurious no brainer
20:34 GuShH specially the stalling problem
20:35 GuShH no thermal switch means it will set the motor on fire
20:35 GuShH so take light cuts and use some cutting oil when dealing with steel
20:35 MrCurious i will not be using it to cut 4" thick by 6 inch blocks of case hardened steel, so i should be ok
20:35 GuShH it will stall with mild steel alone
20:35 GuShH if your down force is enough
20:35 GuShH and the speed is improper
20:36 GuShH that's not 1HP motor it's 3/4 at best
20:36 GuShH China lies in our face.
20:36 ShH shakes
20:37 MrCurious if it cuts my 20mm rods, i dont give a fuck if its a 1/4 hp motor
20:37 GuShH what type of rod
20:37 GuShH MrCurious: it matters because you need to keep the pressure low, for both the saw life and the stalling risk (not thermal safety as I said!)
20:38 GuShH I'm not being a dipshit, just telling you what I picked up from looking into them
20:38 MrCurious i adjusted it to where it barely floats down
20:38 GuShH I actually went to the store and spent quite some time looking at how they were built, decided not to buy it.
20:38 MrCurious set it to lowest speed
20:38 GuShH but that's because it wouldn't work for MY needs
20:38 MrCurious things are different here vs there
20:38 GuShH or I would end up having to spend money on a new motor and parts.
20:38 GuShH MrCurious: no.
20:38 MrCurious this is teh same cost as 4 dinners out
20:39 GuShH the machine is the same.
20:39 GuShH Whether you had coupons or not has nothing to do with the fact the machines are shit.
20:39 GuShH and "4 dinners out" could literally mean 40 dollars or 40 thousand dollars.
20:39 MrCurious it is replacing a hack saw... the accuracy i get with that should be a no brainer to beat....
20:40 GuShH MrCurious: which is perfect
20:41 GuShH but the reason I said it's not for me is simply because... I need something heavier duty.
20:41 GuShH And the other comments came from buyers and observations I made.
20:41 MrCurious i dable. you make a living doing this
20:41 GuShH For the price you can't beat it.
20:41 MrCurious this is known
20:41 GuShH In fact you can't hire a peruvian guy with a hacksaw on each hand for that money.
20:41 MrCurious but to take the lesson i learned from getting an expensive 4' jointer...
20:42 GuShH Or maybe you could, I don't know what the going rate is
20:42 MrCurious buy the cheap one. see if you use it at all before buying th edelus one
20:42 GuShH Oh expensive stuff can also be crap!
20:42 GuShH But usually it comes with support
20:43 GuShH MrCurious: What type of rod are you going to cut? is this for the router project? :)
20:44 GuShH I've been anally probed by the chinese one too many times which is why I can't take it anymore, I wish you would buy used american tooling instead.
20:44 MrCurious http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002BBMHZM/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
20:44 MrCurious 2 of those
20:44 GuShH that -is- case hardened
20:44 MrCurious yes
20:44 GuShH I would bet the carbon steel blade won't go through it
20:44 MrCurious if not, then its back to angle grinder
20:44 GuShH But maybe you got lucky and they sent you an HSS or bi-metallic saw blade
20:45 GuShH sent/gave
20:45 GuShH at any rate that's just 20 bucks worth of blade
20:45 MrCurious i DOUBT they put a carbide in it. it will be hss
20:45 MrCurious $10
20:45 MrCurious they are $10 bucks here
20:45 MrCurious remember
20:45 GuShH american, high quality?
20:45 GuShH import might be 10 bucks.
20:46 GuShH the time it takes to replace blades and having to go buy them... have a really good one in there and forget about it.
20:46 MrCurious i can gamble $10 to find out. then if it fails order from grizley to get the right ones
20:46 MrCurious let me christine the stock blade
20:46 GuShH even a hacksaw blade if it's crappy quality you can tell right away
20:46 MrCurious havent turned it on yet
20:46 GuShH hey 50/50 it'll work right away on the rods
20:47 MrCurious roll dem dice!
20:47 GuShH a bit of wd40 for lack of actual cutting oil would do
20:47 MrCurious i am sure the angle grinder would
20:47 GuShH yes it would.
20:47 MrCurious but it would make a terrible light show
20:47 GuShH but crooked.
20:47 GuShH noisy also.
20:47 GuShH smelly dusty.
20:47 MrCurious not to mention crazy hardening defeating heat
20:48 GuShH mostly at the ends
20:48 GuShH could degrade the chroming
20:48 ShH p
20:48 GuShH ok I bet it's going to cut, I'm going to be positive right now
20:48 GuShH one cookie on YES.
20:49 GuShH noticed how the whole thing is basically a vise meets drill press meets hacksaw kind of deal?
20:49 GuShH I'll leave you with that mental orgy in mind.
20:52 MrCurious that is exactly what it is
20:53 MrCurious with a auto feed system to keep me from forcing it through WAY too agressively
21:01 GuShH MrCurious: so, did it blend? I mean cut?
21:01 GuShH I have this mental image of the saw skipping because it's softer than the rod
21:02 MrCurious havent plugged it in
21:02 GuShH come ooooon
21:02 MrCurious still need to read the manual
21:02 GuShH no, you are not like me. you turn it on and you use it you don't read the manual!
21:02 MrCurious proper safety with power tools is no joke
21:02 GuShH I don't consider it a power tool
21:02 MrCurious gonna fire it up later after shows are over
21:03 GuShH it's kind of an oxymoron to buy a chinese saw like this and talk about safety
21:03 GuShH Anyway I've been disappointed by most manuals.
21:03 GuShH HomeLite is quite bad.
21:03 GuShH they don't even mention the sparkgap or sparkplug types on their engine tools
21:04 GuShH just "call your local authorized homelite service facility" or some bs.
21:04 GuShH your nanny states have impacted ME also.
21:04 GuShH carbs that can't be easily adjusted, silly exhaust limitations.
21:05 GuShH It's all wrong.
21:05 Hyratel agreed so freaking much
21:06 Hyratel i wonder how big of a gas engine you'd need for a table saw
21:06 Hyratel ie, converting a saw directly to gas through a gearbox
21:08 GuShH I realize I can't afford to buy some cheap tools because I can't afford to have them break down when I need them the most... that's just why I'm so against most of the import stuff.
21:09 GuShH But there's also the guy that wants to spend as little as possible and have the machine do as much as possible, ie. unrealistic goals (most buyers)
21:10 GuShH I've converted a cheap drillpress into a usable drillpress, spent a couple weekends doing it (instead of watching tv) only because the used ones I wanted got sold and I couldn't wait any longer.
21:10 GuShH the time and effort I put on that thing is just nuts, compared to buying an old industrial unit and just dusting it off (but chances are it also needs work, sadly)
21:24 MrCurious sliced right through steel plate from the inside of computer eqpt
21:24 MrCurious even self turned off
21:24 MrCurious thought it jammed
21:24 MrCurious needs tuning
21:25 orlock yay another package arrived for me today
21:25 orlock dunno whats in this one
21:29 GuShH MrCurious: that's hardly considered steel
21:30 MrCurious baby steps
21:30 GuShH no!
21:30 GuShH giant steps!
21:30 MrCurious not going to cut the $40 piece on try 1
21:30 GuShH the stall condition is dangerous if you walk away
21:31 GuShH due to the aforementioned lack of thermal safety
21:31 GuShH worth adding a thermal switch to the motor.
21:31 GuShH $2 tops
21:33 Hyratel GuShH, hell you can get thermal safetys out of pretty much anything
21:33 Hyratel I've got two Thermal ARBs out of an old microwave
21:44 GuShH Hyratel: true
21:44 Hyratel wire that up with a relay for more power handling
21:44 GuShH But I would still happily pay $2 instead of loosing everything I own due to a fire.
21:45 GuShH insurance or not
21:45 Hyratel same
21:45 GuShH knowing they have no safety is important.
21:45 GuShH as to not leave it unattended to begin with.
21:45 GuShH oh the KSD30x types handle 10A easily
21:45 GuShH ksd301
21:45 GuShH is rated 16A at 125v
21:45 GuShH 10A 250V
21:46 GuShH (AC)
21:46 Hyratel well dang
21:46 GuShH that was the primary temp switch I would use on a daily basis to service the semi industrial boiler stuff.
21:46 GuShH but the ones I used were ceramic
21:46 Hyratel I might stuff one inside the handle of my heat gun to safety the diodes
21:47 Hyratel 2x10A diode in parallel for the Low
21:47 GuShH ceramic ones come up to 250°C or so rating (off temperature) but you can get them for 55°C, 60°C and all kinds of odd temperatures
21:47 GuShH 105, 150 and 155 plus the 250 was all I used
21:55 blank___ What is the "scientific" name of the robotics field using vision / object recognition?
21:56 orlock The guy i worked with that did his phd in it just called it "robotic vision"
21:57 GuShH dunno basically computer vision
22:01 blank___ Thanks
22:02 blank___ Do you think there is any research combining robotic vision and animal behavior modelling?
22:02 Hyratel I don't doubt it
22:03 Hyratel but you'd need to understand how animals conceptualise objects, as well as object permanence
22:16 blank___ Hyratel, do you think creating a map with objects labelled would be adequate? or is the research much deeper than that?
22:16 Hyratel much
22:16 Hyratel Computer Vision gives you a 3D space with named objects
22:36 Loshki blank___: plenty of google hits for 'robotic vision and animal behavior modelling'
22:51 GuShH MrCurious: so?
22:53 orlock I paid for firewood on the weekend for the first time
22:53 GuShH eek
22:53 orlock $5 for about 15kg of redgum
22:53 GuShH I haven't paid for firewood in years
22:53 orlock lasted the weekend
22:53 GuShH but I do need a nice stove
22:54 blank___ Loshki, thanks man
22:56 orlock GuShH: wood stove?
22:56 orlock we just have a coonara freestanding thing with a fan and stuff
22:56 GuShH yeah just for heating
22:56 GuShH would make one if I had a good set of plans
22:56 orlock man the redgum gets hot
22:57 GuShH I burn whatever falls on my property, or whatever people nearby throw away
22:57 GuShH oak, pine, anything goes.
22:57 GuShH hence, haven't paid for wood but i'm running low this winter.
23:00 robotustra_ finished printer
23:00 blank___ any grad students here?
23:01 robotustra_ tomorrow will try first print
23:01 GuShH MrCurious: SO???
23:01 GuShH robotustra_: try NOW
23:01 robotustra_ too late
23:01 GuShH do it
23:01 robotustra_ fuck off
23:01 GuShH PRINT
23:02 robotustra_ kids are already sleeping
23:02 GuShH it's not gasoline powered is it
23:02 robotustra_ and what?
23:02 GuShH not that noisy
23:02 robotustra_ I go work tomorrow
23:02 GuShH sure
23:02 GuShH just a quick test print
23:02 robotustra_ it's quite noisy
23:02 GuShH bah
23:03 robotustra_ it's one
23:03 robotustra_ and the second - I don't have spool for filament
23:04 robotustra_ have to make it from cardboard
23:06 GuShH toilet paper roll?
23:06 ShH chuc
23:06 GuShH have one of your kids hold it.
23:15 MrCurious sandpaper + drill press is not shrinking th ediameter of a 1/2 " shaft as fast as i had hoo=ped
23:18 GuShH err of course not
23:18 GuShH 80 grit will soon turn to 200 grit and finer with such hardness.
23:18 GuShH you want to turn 12.7 to 12mm?
23:18 GuShH or 10?
23:18 GuShH on a lathe you would need carbide tooling at least. you took on a hard task!
23:19 MrCurious yeah, all my sand paper is really light finishing paper
23:19 GuShH get some good files
23:19 MrCurious need to get better sand paper
23:19 MrCurious even tried flat rasps and drinder wheels
23:19 GuShH but rasps are for ... wood?
23:19 GuShH heh
23:19 GuShH a nice bastard nicholson file will help
23:19 MrCurious i mean files
23:20 GuShH but it's hard stuff.
23:20 GuShH if not harder than a cheap file
23:20 GuShH MrCurious: got no suggestions other than angle grinder while it's spinning
23:21 GuShH but if the rods are long... you can't easily spin them
23:21 GuShH so, did it cut through the rods fine?
23:21 MrCurious yeah, like butter
23:21 GuShH probably not the hardness they claim.
23:22 MrCurious these arent case hardened ones
23:22 MrCurious these are from printers
23:22 GuShH you said they were!
23:22 GuShH those are the ones I want to see you cut :p
23:22 MrCurious i also said i will not test on the expensive parts until i get that far
23:22 GuShH You got this far!
23:25 MrCurious should happen this week
23:25 GuShH bah chicken.
23:25 GuShH hopefully you bought more than you needed which means you can take a little bit off the end
23:25 MrCurious if i dont piss awa my money buying blanks afver blanks, i can have some left for tools
23:25 GuShH if you want a punch I'll give you one
23:26 MrCurious hole punch
23:26 MrCurious pin puller?
23:26 ShH punches MrCurious in da
23:26 GuShH drifts also
23:27 GuShH (that's what you'd use for pins at least, maybe other uses)
23:27 GuShH but the case hardening is mostly on the outside
23:32 MrCurious the last ship series has startedtonight!